In society, psychopathy is largely deemed to be a personality disorder, a mental illness. Is it? That is for mental health professionals to decides. Below is a mighty fine Wikipedia article that explains the conventional wisdom of what psychopathy is,

Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality,[1] is a personality construct[2][3] characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, in combination with traits of boldness, disinhibition, and egocentrism. These traits are often masked by superficial charm and immunity to stress,[4] which create an outward appearance of apparent normalcy.[5][6][7][8][9 Wikipedia

I feel completely comfortable treating psychopathy as a survival tool that perhaps one in one hundred inherit in their DNA. In order for the human species to thrive a certain number of persons must be capable of persons must be capable of sending our youth off to die in wars without flinching.


A high level of empathy and feelings of remorse, prevents an average person from doing such things. Feeling no empathy at all, greatly facilitates dong that. .

We all know psychopaths. some of who are greatly appreciated.. The top ten occupations that draw in psychopaths  are these.

The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths, Forbes

1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media (Television/Radio) 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police. officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil servant


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Some Timely Questions

How is the US economy growing when its national debt is increasing every year?

It works the same way it does when a family takes a cut in income but continues to expand its lifestyle by borrowing more and more money. That ends when they pass their credit card limits and start getting turned down for loans.
The difference is that the government has no such limit on how much it can borrow.

What steps can we take to address income inequality in the United States? Continue reading

School Vouchers

Folks should not be lulled into believing that there is a such thing as a private school that is funded with government money. As soon as federal funding is applied, we have socialism. With vouchers, we will end up with two independent bureaucracies zapping dollars out of taxpayers.

The voucher system, being of the public/private partnership variety, will give rise to multitudes of private school lobbying efforts. Adopt a voucher program if desired. Just be sure and make sure your wallets have plenty of money in them.

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Tower Of Babel Moment

Tower Of Babel Moment PDF Version

Here is an excellent example showing how
easy it is to forecast the future accurately
by finding ancient writings which describes
situations parallel to what we experience in
modern times.
(Bold letters are my comments.)
The Tower of Babel
11 Now the whole world had one language and a
common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.

In today’s world our elite or self appointed Masters of the universe are not trying to reach the heavens. They are making spaceships which carry them to the heavens. Are they trying to make a name for themselves? You bet. As did the Tower of Babel people. they try more and more self aggrandizing projects. Continue reading

Advice for Walmart

It will behoove Walmart to start a search engine.

I have written before about the fact that what we call a search engine is nothing of the kind..

A New Genuine Search Engine Is Coming

Searching For A Search Engine

As the search engine concept is increasingly compromised, some enterprising soul will offer a search engine that actually servers users, and will deliver the content folks are looking. for. A start up with a simple concept will seriously cut into big tech’s profitability.

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How To Fix Everything

How To Fix Everything  PDF Version

How To Fix Everything

The United States exists under the guidance of the United States Constitution, ostensibly. Do you remember the Tea Party movement? Back in the day, I attended a number of Tea Party meetings but never joined. At any meeting you could just about count on at least one well thought out rant about the constitution. You would hear a similar rants about imposing term limits. With that, how close is the country to abiding by the constitution now? What progress has been made in imposing term limits?

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Death Rate USA 2024

Death Rate USA 2024. PDF Version

The death rate in the United States has risen to the point where in 2024 we have more deaths per 1000 people than what was experienced in the 1950s. The increase has all taken place following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

United citizens show little to no concern. Perhaps they would if our rising death rate was covered on the news. Thinking in the light of reality, I look for and focus on root causes for phenomenon such as this.

So, what is the root cause of the rising death rate? It would be simple enough to simply cite the Affordable Care Act. Certainly, it is a catalyst but, it is not the true root cause. How did such a destructive piece of legislation ever get passed to begin with?

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Brian Thompson United HealthCare Murder

Brian Thompson United HealthCare Murder PDF Version

Using the Fantasy Free Advantage, light of reality, the Brian Thompson murder has every appearance of a mob hit.  As far back as 2016, I started writing articles to the effect that organized crime runs the healthcare industry. Organized Crime Runs Healthcare

It takes society a long time to figure these things out. After such , an awakening no longer matters. Mob involvement in the JFK assignation has only recently become  common knowledge.

Naturally, a mob hit was my first suspicion.

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Acceptable Alternatives To The Truth

Acceptable Alternatives To The Truth  PDF Version

In explaining economics and politics, I have a complete advantage over all others who are doing the same thing, simply because I do not believe lies. That is not an unfair advantage. Anyone else can do the same thing. In politics, although the truth is in everyone’s tool box it is never used. Any politician who tells the truth is at an immediate disadvantage.

When talking about politics I start by knowing I am not hearing the truth regardless of its source. All communication in politics is focused on getting results or advancing an agenda. Others who believe they are hearing the truth, even out of their favorite suportees mouths, are generally wrong in their assessments from the outset.

That is in fact the case with mainstream economics. Study mainstream economics if you want to be highly adept at understanding a system that does not apply to or even exist in the real world.

John Kenneth Galbraith was a brilliant 20th century economist. Sure he was a liberal but he was an absolute master at observing what was going on in the world of economics, that was out of the visual field of everyone else. His solutions were misguided but his observations were right on

.In his classic 1950’s book, The Affluent Society, he introduced the term conventional wisdom. Today that term is used constantly but the gravity of its meaning has become lost. Conventional wisdom works out to be an alternative to the truth the vast majority of the time. Conventional wisdom is not what is true. It is a belief system the majority are comfortable with.

Policy is always based on conventional wisdom rather than what is factual or even logical. Often it is a means of adopting a lie,hoping it works or for the best, because the truth is too troubling to look at.

What is today’s conventional wisdom? Probably the biggest is the insistence by virtually everyone is  that the stock market is in a bubble created by investors bidding stocks up. It is quite unsettling to entertain the idea that we don’t have a bubble but a political agenda that provides affirmative action for stock prices. Bubbles burst. Political agendas fail but they don’t bust. What are political agendas? Political agendas are what politically powerful people convince congress that government should do.

I doubt that I am alone among economists as seeing QE and fiscal stimulus as not only unnecessary but completely destructive. The fact is that you cannot get paid as an economist unless you advance the conventional wisdom the modern discipline is based on. For that reason, the conventional wisdom that stimulus is needed and even that the Federal Reserve is an important necessary institution are standards that are


What conventional wisdom comes down to is a reasoning of choice that displaces the truth. The popular ideas that circulate in the echo chambers, both liberal and conservative, are bits and pieces of conventional wisdom that morph into sound bites. So, when does anything other than conventional wisdom enter the national dialog. That happens when suffering caused by policies based on yesterdays conventional wisdom begin failing.


Patriotism Completely Explained

Patriotism Completely Explained  PDF Version

Here is the first definition of patriotism that turns up on a DuckDuckGo search. With this definition in mind, countless U.S. citizens plus even more from other lands, enemies and foes have died in wars,….had bombs dropped on them…. and many are buried in graveyards where only patriots are allowed to be buried. Internments in a special graveyard is a patriot’s reward. Being honored as a veteran is another reward. Proclaiming oneself as Patriot Joe or Patriot Bill gains the eyes and ears of other citizens and exalts the professed patriot in the eyes of others.

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