How Stimulus Destroys An Economy

How Stimulus Destroys An Economy PDF Version 

The concept of stimulus as it is practiced today began with John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Keynes is frequently described as a great economist and by some even the greatest economist who ever lived.

He was in fact of great mathematician but in no way was he an economist. He had no clear understanding of markets and held the same naive beliefs about markets as do countless uneducated and wishful thinking members of the general public.

The most common naive belief about free markets is that when a business or industry becomes unprofitable absolutely nothing will emerge to take its place. Free markets provide an optimum in income and production for members of all income classes. Even though there is a 100% chance better and stronger businesses and industries will emerge, allowing that to happen requires a leap of faith, because there is absolutely no sign that new enterprises will spring up and generate new and greater economic opportunities. So, initiatives to have government save what is failing abound. Businesses which fail do so for good reasons.

The one thing Keynes got right in his work was the necessity of complete objectivity in implementing stimulus plans. This was Keynes’s straw man concept. This was his name for a totally objective, non-political person to be in charge. Does nature provide this type of individual. If you find just on example in all of history, please advise me who that person was or is.

If total objectivity is necessary with fiscal stimulus, it is also necessary in monetary stimulus. Both styles of stimulus are hashed out politically. Both monetary and fiscal stimulus serve as political tools. What are politicians going to do when they believe increasing government spending is good for the economy? Beginning with the Reagan administration stimulus is now applied no matter what.

Any stimulus program requires an economic forecast. Please provide a list of forecasts by credentialed economists that turned out to be more accurate than those of the same numbers of astrologers. When you find a few, which you won’t, I will rethink my view of forecasts by economists. If any stimulus plan is to be implemented, is a good forecast unnecessary? If a good forecast is not possible, is there any reason an economy needs to be stimulated even in a case where a macroeconomic theory calls for one. Should stimulus be applied even though no one has any idea as to what will happen next? You decide. I have already decided. Show me where I am misguided. Should congress apply stimulus, just in case the economy gets weak when no one is looking?

Monetary theory had already been debunked as an economic remedy prior to the 70s. I still remember a professor from that era explaining to the class that monetary policy had great promise but in actual practice, it produced no worthwhile results. Monetary theory was rediscovered and has reemerged as a political tool after the turn of the century.

Today both fiscal and monetary stimulus are political tools. Both are used to reward powerful interests which support the essence of politicians who administer favors as a means of gaining and retaining power. Both are very effective in that regard and are used for that purpose.

The effect of both is to create a huge income gap between the working poor and the wealthy. Who benefits from stimulus? The beneficiaries of stimulus are the parties with enough political power convince congress to spend in support of what they have to offer.

After forty plus consecutive years of stimulus, resources in the United States are allocated grossly inefficiently. The economic viability of the poor and lower middle class have been destroyed. So, the economy is collapsing. Since the free market system has been replaced by stimulus inspired socialism where benefits go to the top, there is no way the economy will recover from the severe depression we are entering.

Drinkin’ Beer & Suffering MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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I Have Broken The Code

The concept of stimulus as it is practiced today began with John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Keynes is frequently described as a great economist and by some even the greatest economist who ever lived.

He was in fact of great mathematician but in no way was he an economist. He had no clear understanding of markets and held the same naive beliefs about markets as do countless uneducated and wishful thinking members of the general public.

The most common naive belief about free markets is that when a business or industry becomes unprofitable absolutely nothing will emerge to take its place. Free markets provide an optimum in income and production for members of all income classes. Even though there is a 100% chance better and stronger businesses and industries will emerge, allowing that to happen requires a leap of faith because there is absolutely no sign that new enterprises will spring up and generate new and greater economic opportunities. So, initiatives to have government save what is failing abound. Businesses which fail do so for good reasons.

The one thing Keynes got right in his work was the necessity of complete objectivity in implementing stimulus plans. This was Keynes’s straw man concept. This was his name for a totally objective, non-political person to be in charge. Does nature provide this type of individual. If you find just on example in all of history, please advise me who that person was or is.

If total objectivity is necessary with fiscal stimulus, it is also necessary in monetary stimulus. Both styles of stimulus are hashed out politically. Both monetary and fiscal stimulus serve as political tool. What are politicians going to do when they believe increasing government spending is good for the economy? Beginning with the Reagan administration stimulus is applied no matter what.

Any stimulus program requires an economic forecast. Please provide a list of forecasts by credentialed economists that turned out to be more accurate than those of the same numbers of astrologers. When you find a few, which you won’t, I will rethink my view of forecasts by economists. If any stimulus plan is to be implemented, is a good forecast unnecessary? If a good forecast is not possible, is there any reason an economy needs to be stimulated even in a case where a macroeconomic theory calls for one. Should stimulus be applied even though no one has any idea as to what will happen next? You decide. I have already decided. Show me where I am misguided? Should congress apply stimulus, just in case the economy gets weak when no one is looking.

Monetary theory had already been debunked as an economic remedy prior to the 70s. I still remember a professor from that era explaining to the class that monetary policy had great promise but in actual practice, it produced no worthwhile results. Monetary theory was rediscovered and has reemerged as a political tool.

Today both fiscal and monetary stimulus are political tools. Both are used to reward powerful interests which support the essence of politicians who administer favors as a means of gaining and retaining power. Both are very effective in that regard and are used for that purpose.

The effect of both is to create a huge income gap between the working poor and the wealthy. Who benefits from stimulus? The beneficiaries of stimulus are the parties with enough political power convince congress to spend in support of what they have to offer.

After forty plus consecutive years of stimulus, resources in the United States are allocated grossly inefficiently. The economic viability of the poor and lower middle class have been destroyed. So, the economy is collapsing. Since the free market system has been replaced by stimulus inspired socialism where benefits go to the top, there is no way the economy will recover from the severe depression we are entering.

Drinkin’ Beer & Suffering MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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Big Leveling Tools

It takes big tools to make quick work of leveling Americans into one class.


Americans have just now completed the first wave of leveling – flattening the hills, raising the valleys, evening everything out.  Cast down the industrious, elevate the sluggish. Everyone will be equal but the equalizers (and the prison guards).  Who are these equalizers?  These are the ones who generate phrases to assimilate into the general consciousness, like “essential services” and “frontline worker.”  You will never know who these people are.  You are forbidden to ask, to assume they even exist.  The question is removed as it is being asked, cut off, censored.  You can wonder aloud woth your verbal search for clarity, sounding the ideas off others to gauge their reactions and see what they think, but your genuine request for debate is cut off.  There is no debate, for there is no question.

Oh, but you would dare ask the question?  You are brave enough? Brave? Some would say stupid. Now you’ve done it.  You are being watched. You are now on the list. List? What list? Forget it. You are imaging things. That doesn’t exist either.  Hamlet was crazy and so must you be. If there was something to know, you’d never be in on it.  You are not allowed to know.  

And the next wave of leveling is upon us.  It is here. What is your response? Never in the history of humanity has there been a better opportunity. Inundated by comforts, spoiled as never before, we say take our minds, take our lives, use us as you will, but please, please please, let me have just one more morsel of escape. Help me escape my pain, as it is greater than I want to bear and your comfort is just so… comforting.  Please tell me you love me, that you like me.  If you smile at me or even wink, that will be enough.  I’ll devote my everything to you if you just feed my false image of myself.  Please!  I’ll do anything if I just don’t have to go THERE.  Take yourself away and force my hand to go there myself, to the place that burns away the parasite living within me, that just doesn’t want to die.

But that false image of yourself isn’t you.  It’s false. It’s the parasite planted in you by the notorious Hannibal Lecter himself.  He seduces you, poisons you and dines on you all the while making you believe that you actually are the one who chose your fate, to be eaten alive.  They generate documents to demonstrate your decision.  It has your signature. You clicked the “approve” button.  You asked for it.  You are responsible. Here! Take a bite of yourself if you like.  It tastes like chicken.  Consume yourself as you yourself are consumed.  You thank your corrupting influence as you sacrifice yourself to the parasite! 

During  the first wave of leveling, one of the phrases we heard, acclimated to was “essential.”  It was used to delineate one type of person from another.  There were “essential workers” and “essential services.”  Frontline heroes are a group of people who were, if one can even consider it a concept, “safe” from the leveling.  It seems those most at risk were those who are small business owners and the entrepreneur type.  Restaurant owners, gym owners, martial arts schools, theater companies, churches, any business or organization allowing or encouraging groups to gather – all shut down, inessential.  

There are the essential and the non-essential.  You don’t get to determine.  No say at all.  Am I essential?  It doesn’t matter what I think.  Apparently not qualified to make that determination,I certainly think I’m essential.  My family agrees.  But we also live in an age where thinking is done on our behalf. Who am I to think for myself? It doesn’t matter if a person considers him or herself essential.  He isn’t smart enough to decide.  It doesn’t matter if his family depends on him, or loses his business or her job.  What matters, apparently, is being essential or non-essential to society as a whole, society en masse.  We do not get to decide who that is.  You are self starting and a go getter? Apparently that’s not essential. Let the leveling begin.  

What is the next group of our society to be leveled?  In the Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitzen describes a group of people known as the wreckers.  These wreckers were people whose (alleged) sole purpose was the foiling of big plans.  Snidely Whiplash tying Nell in the train’s pathway or otherwise trying to run the train off the tracks.  They were the saboteurs, sabotaging the goals of the people in positions of power making decisions that no wrecker was qualified to make.  

Many of these wreckers were intellectuals , engineers and scientists who were apparently too smart for their own good. 

Engineers and scientists being reformed to think differently through hard labor.

Engineers and scientists being reformed to think differently through hard labor.

They were sent to prison and labor camps to be reformed into agreement.  Who is the next group of people to be leveled?  Will it not be those who scrutinize the decisions of people who think up terms like “essential worker” and essential services” and “frontline worker?” 

Perhaps some fool will challenge the decision makers by making what would be to most, an obviously more rational and intelligent decision than the actual decision makers.  This is the person who will be sought out and vilified.  Vilified until the public demands arrests, jail sentences, reformation or outright elimination. Right now broad strokes are being painted and base colors put into place.  The details of this dastardly masterpiece are yet to come.  

Who is it that generates a phrase like “essential services?”  Perhaps the phrase appears naturally out of thin air?  But we weren’t supposed to consider any other option!  To consider any other option insinuates that the official phrase generator doesn’t know what he’s doing.  But don’t dare say he, because it might be a she and you’d offend someone.  Before long the (lets call it what it really is) phrase induced hypnosis generator, will be run by artificial intelligence, and what will you call it then?  Neither he nor she, nor anything in between.  

But for now we aren’t to question phrases like “essential services” asking how they came to be, for assuming that such a phrase was generated by a person and that it didn’t magically appear out of thin air is to be a conspiracy theorist!  Oh the canvas being prepared!  A conspiracy theorist! That’s someone who believes in a person somewhere controlling the generation of what have become universal phrases like “essential services” or “frontline worker.”  

Essential workers decided upon by those who cannot be reached for questioning.

Who decides who is essential and who isn’t? Definitely not you. Whoever decides can’t be reached for questioning.

We need survival techniques if we are to survive.  You could use the compliance technique. You know who the compliant ones are.  They are the ones who put signs in their front yards that say, “We love the frontline workers. Say a prayer for them.”  Signs like these definitely postpone your own leveling. It will be necessary to demonstrate the belief that others are smarter than we are, that we actually have no brains at all. A yard sign becomes a life preserver, showing your allegiance to the all knowing “essential phrase generator.”  It is necessary to publicly agree with people making tough decisions on our behalf.  To not agree is to be seen as a wrecker, a foiler, saboteur, one who gathers and incites people to question official phrase generators, the machine being built.  

Oh, but there’s obviously no machine being built.  To think so is to be a wrecker.  So obviously there is no machine and no phrase generating person who is a cog in the machine’s gears. Obviously there is no idea factory above the official phrase generator who asks, “what phrase will best pacify the people and lead them toward the compliance we need?  No.  Nobody asks that question, obviously, because to think so demonstrates an inner disease of individuality that is not conducive to the conformity being sought out.  Oh, but there is no conformity being sought out!  I have to remember that! Don’t talk about that!  It pisses off the people who are conforming!  It’s ok. You might not be leveled today, but you will be leveled tomorrow. 

It is so important therefore to find sanity in these crazy times.  I guess one must choose which sanity would be most fitting.  Should the choice be the sanity of conformity and compliance? Of the sign makers? Or of individuality? Of free thinking?  It’s a hard decision because obviously the two don’t get along and each consider the other a heretic. Every fool is right in his own mind. The entire asylum has conspired to call themselves sane!  

Which version of sanity should win in the end?  The ones who’s sanity no one can question?  Some Saducees asked Jesus once “We are not blind too are we?”  Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But since you claim to see, your sin remains.” Let the one without sin cast the first stone. 

Perhaps the ones who’s sanity should win out are the ones who are willing to question not only everyone else’s sanity, but their own as well. But these people habitually do not speak out. They are usually too busy getting on with getting through the struggles of life to try converting someone to their way of thinking. They don’t realize the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Those who deem themselves unquestionably sane – that their sanity is not to be questioned, love to shout from the rooftops their mission to change the world. These are the ones at the protests throwing bricks through windows. Point out that their sanity is actually insanity and you might get your own windows broken out with intimidation bricks of protest. 

What happens when the ones who can’t help but raise the question, “Where did the essential worker phrase come from?” and “What makes this group of workers essential and not the others?” What happens when they will not stop questioning?  Are they to be reformed? Corrected?  Surely they can’t be allowed to keep questioning.  Surely they can’t be allowed to gather with like minded questioners!  What method will be employed that will adequately bring all into agreement? 

Is there some form of indoctrination class to send them to?  Is there a reform school?  How are they to be reeducated?  Let us perhaps refer to the building of Belomor Canal in Russia, where all the engineers were rounded up as political prisoners, as wreckers, and were reformed through hard labor? Are questioners to be worked thus? Are such questions to be driven out with pick, sledgehammer, shovel and wheelbarrow? 

If there is to be a reformation of human minds, a mass reschooling, a reeducation, a great unlearning, how is it to happen?  And who will be in charge of such reorienting maneuvers? Will it be the loudmouthed intimidating  brick throwers? Will it be someone you know?  A member of your own family? If you are one who questions, are you to keep silent?  It’s a hard question to answer.  Surely those who question must be brave.  It could cost them everything. 

But at some point, hopefully soon, the questioners will awaken from their dutiful daily routines and responsibilities to put their activities on hold for a minute.  Perhaps they will awaken and sound the alarm that our territories are being infiltrated, that we must seek out the serpents in our midsts and stop them from injecting us with their venom.  

Our kids have already been bitten.  Hopefully it isn’t too late to save them.  Maybe, if one right now stands up and sounds an alarm, another will sound an alarm, others will awaken and prepare themselves for the great resistance that is to come.  Surely it is to come because, left asleep, there will be no escape when we are descended upon unaware.  It is time to wake up and declare – “I am an essential worker, and without me, this onslaught will not stop.” 

Arise essential worker, arise.  The ones who have deemed people other than you an essential worker are not right.  You are the one who is essential. You who must be the first responder.  If we leave it to the great unseen and mysterious voice to determine who is essential and who is not, we are all doomed, for not only the leveling has begun, the first wave has already passed. 

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A High IQ Does Not Mean Not Stupid

                                                                                                                 July 15, 2016


A High IQ Does Not Mean Not Stupid PDF Version

justice-ruth-bader-ginsburgHere are some of Ginsburg’s remarks that caused the controversy. Notice that in all of her comments there is not one fact. I take that back, she did say that there is nothing in the constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year. O.k. that is a fact but it does nothing in terms of supporting an argument. The rest of this is about what I would get out of a high school student. This is a lady who is so impressed with herself that she expects to be deemed right, just by virtue of opening her mouth.

If we treat people like little Gods, they are likely to take us seriously.  Smart people are the easiest for me to debate because they are likely to be intellectually lazy.

“I can’t imagine what this place (the Supreme Court) would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Ruth Ginsburg

“Trump is a faker,” she vented in chambers on Monday, “He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head. … He really has an ego. … How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.” Ruth Ginsburg

“That’s their job. There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year.” Ruth Ginsburg

“Think what would have happened had Justice Scalia remained with us,”  Ruth Ginsburg

“I’d love to see Citizens United overruled,”  Ruth Ginsburg

Every now and then a person’s true nature comes out. Each Supreme Court Justice is only an ambitious individual who wants more than anything else to shape the world according to his wishes. Ginsburg is not different than the others. She just lost control and let everyone know who she really is.

Drinkin’ Beer & Suffering MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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Marxist Ideology Undermined

By Steve Quillian

We spend enormous amounts of time and energy consuming information.  It’s like taking a continual inward breath.  But we need to exhale also.  We need to pour out that which is within us, to a degree at least equal to, if not greater than the information we breathe in.  

We also need to be intentional about the information we take in.  Take books for example.  We intentionally choose a book, read and absorb.  This is totally different than how we take in information through social media.  Television was bad enough.  Ah yes.  We look at it with our eyes and read as we would a book.  We watch a video the same as we’d watch a television show we selected.  We, with our eyes, look at the natural world around us and learn.   Continue reading

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Part 2 Affirmative Stock Market Engineering War Room

It is really hard to convince folks that there is something going on in a system given when  they already see and know  everything  and are convinced they have noticed all that matters. The truth is none of us have critical information at important moments.

Conventional wisdom is that the Federal Reserve creates massive unearned money and that money ends up in the stock market. Corporations use that money to buy back their own stock. Therefore the stock market always goes up. The stock market will go up until this particular episode comes to the end. 

That line of reason happens to be true but there is more to it. There are other mechanisms in operations that are in place which are of even greater influence.


There is the legislation. During the 1970 the IRA was born. What a great thing for taxpayers the government has given us was the the response of citizens. All with money loved IRAs

. All were impressed that a bunch of politicians would develop a concept that would actually benefit their constituents. Does anyone know who actually thought of and worded the legislation? Does anyone care? Is there a way to find out? I am not sure it is actually possible to find answers any of those questions? This was five decades ago but the nature of legislation is the same now as it was then. All legislation is for profit. So, who profits from the legislation related to IRAs? That would be the financial sector.

Even though equities may not have been allowed in the original legislation, the are allowed now and have been for a long time. What do IRAs contribute to stock market manipulation? Money routinely flows into IRAs on a long term basis. Equities in IRAs are not going to be sold on a whim. Politicians are motivated to support all initiatives which support stock prices. Doing otherwise would subject them to the ire of their constituents when their retirement accounts declined in value. If private accounts in social security are ever allowed, driving up asset prices will be even more of political endeavor than it is now.

In 1978 the Full Employment Act of 1978 was passed. This bill mandates that the legislature, president and Federal Reserve engage in central economic planning. Ronald Reagan embraced the provisions of this bill and the era of perpetual stimulus began. Reagan also initiated the practice of government tampering with the financial markets. Our system of modern top down socialism was born.

New Normals and Paths of Least Resistance

As interest rates have been reduced alternatives to yields other than those of equities have disappeared. Higher interest on Granny’s CDs has been stolen and given to Goldman Sachs.  Grannie has been encouraged to chase higher yields in equities. Laws that previously protected Granny from being enticed into risky inappropriate investments are not being enforced or have been repealed. This process started years ago and has been adopted as a new normal by Grannie. Even though she has been positioned to fall on a sword for her country, she is unaware of it. A whole generation knows only high stock prices and has never been in any other  kind of market. Increasingly, investors have become comfortable with stock prices which are elevated far above what would occur in a free market.

Nongap Earnings

Accounting can now be done routinely on a non-gap basis. This allows corporations to report just about any figures that suit them for any given quarter.

Networking At High Levels

It is interesting that the same folks who socialize and network constantly in their own lives view those in high places as being sequestered, never coming out of their own office. Seriously, is there any reason to believe that absolutely no one in the world has access to the thoughts and actions of the Federal Reserve early and independently of the public?  We hear about constant leaks from inside the FBI, CIA and Whitehouse.  So are we to believe no one gets leaks from the Federal Reserve.  Have corporate buybacks just sprung up organically or, are buybacks coordinated purposefully with with Federal Reserve policy. The result regardless is an ever rising stock market, at least until the whole economy is destroyed.

Media  The media is independent of a lot but it is not independent of who owns it. Those who own it have agendas and the media supports those agendas. The media reports only superficial mews and reports news that is positive for the stock market. News announcers do not know much of anything themselves even though each presenter appears to know exactly what he is talking about. Everything that is positive with respect to stocks is reported with excitement. From time to time the media has no choice but to report what it would rather not. In those cases the news is reported just as a fact with few if any details.  The media never reports any controversy as to what the Federal Reserve is doing. The media clearly supports the goals and aspirations of the cartel type team that keeps asset prices moving higher.

Trading the News

The stock market has lost its news discounting characteristic. Anything that can be deemed even slightly positive, for the last two decades works opposite of how it has always worked in the past. It works this way today because the stock market is not a free market. It takes a controlled market to destroy the stock market’s news discounting function.

An atmosphere of buying on the news and making a profit has been cultivated. One famous analyst used to say “News is for losers.” Some sayings work out to be only platitudes.  If one was going to sell, it generally worked out better to sell on the news. It doesn’t work that way anymore. These days uptrends often begin when positive news is announced. The ALGOs make certain news is interpreted in a positive way.

Low Volume Not too many years ago there was a wall street adage. “It takes volume for the market to move higher. Without volume, the market will fall on its own weight.”,   Low volume and low volitality are cultivated and are critical tools for managing prices.

The ALGOs can move the market higher only if volume is low and most trading is intraday. Is it any surprse that low volume now drives bull markets.

Stimulus Stimulus cab be either monetary of fiscal. How is stimulus money used. Those to whom stimulus is made available to directly use it by whatever path enables them to make the most money in the shortest period of time. So, stimulus money is used to buy back stock and to pay dividends which normally would not be paid.

My observation from a fantasy free vantage point indicates that an cartel like organization purposefully moves asset prices higher. Certainly there is no formal organization. There may not even be verbal agreements. Modern  stock market manipulation began with the Reagan administration’s introduction of The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. It has taken 40+ years of constant stimulus for the necessary tools for elevating the market to develop into what they are today.

Symbiotic relationships form naturally among those who benefit from the same outcomes. Nothing need be written down. It doesn’t matter whether or not we are talking about a formal organization.

At the time, it appears ALGOs are losing their abilities to create and maintain uptrends because volume is to great due to non intraday supply hitting the market in increasing quantities. Once Rommel explained to Hitler that as powerful as Germany was, they couldn’t win a war against the whole world. Rommel was right. The stock market will not hold its value when everyone in the world wants to sell.

Notice that I am not giving advice on how to trade this corrupt market.  I am still in cash. The future of our political system as well as that of the economy is completely up in the air. The mindset of Americans is nothing that supports either democratic principles or free markets. The lack of those make it impossible to have a genuine recovery to occur. There is no telling what heroic measures will be taken to save the stock market.

Drinkin’ Beer & Suffering MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

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Woodpiler Report Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts Straight Line Logic


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Tower Of Babel Moment

Here is an excellent example showing how
easy it is to forecast the future accurately
by finding ancient writings which describes
situations parallel to what we experience in
modern times.
(Bold letters are my comments.)
The Tower of Babel
11 Now the whole world had one language and a
common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.

In today’s world our elite or self appointed Masters of the universe are not trying to reach the heavens. They are making spaceships which carry them to the heavens. Are they trying to make a name for themselves? You bet. As did the Tower of Babel people. they try more and more self aggrandizing projects.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered them over of an face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.
Here reality imposes itself on the ancient elite.

What they are trying to do at this point isnot possible given the laws of nature. In those times the lord represents the laws of nature.

6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

What occurs following the collapse of the tower is chaos in the world and collapse of society’s structure and all of its institution.

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.

9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth
Attempt to a take over the world have been ongoing for eons. Up until currently these attempts have been with military. The elite in our modern world actually have taken over the world but their weapon has been financial engineering and political power.

Taking over the world and maintaining power are two different things. I have stated many times that if a situation parallel to any biblical story is a model of natural law, the outcome will be the same as the one in the story.

I have complete confidence that given today’s situation, our political system along with the
economy are going to collapse. So, who doesn’t believe this works? Most everyone to start. Keep watching and you will see that. I have made a forecast based on my interpretation of natural. Keep watching and take not of the outcome.


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Stock Market September Thru October Fall Seasonal Pattern

The pattern of fall weakness is the most reliable of all seasonal patterns with respect to the stock market. A disproportional number of crashes occur during this time frame.

There is a twist to this. There actually is a consortium which causes stock prices to increase. The market is manicured and supported second by second. You can no longer automatically use  this pattern with any degree of reliability.  I have never seen so many previously bearish indicators . Under other circumstances, I would expect a bear market to begin like right now.

The problem with that is, there is no way to know what heroic measures will be taken in order to leapfrog the market over this naturally weak period. We know that something will be tried. Then there is the factor that they are destroying the overall economy while enriching themselves.  Reality will impose itself on the elite at some point,

Will the market crash? It will if no effort to save the market is effective. All efforts fail, yes the market will crash. If this happens, expect volume to run at perhaps three times its normal 200 day moving average. Right now volume is kept low purposefully. Most volume is consists of split second trading. To take it down, longer term holdings must hit the market.

The other scenario is that for the first time in history windfall profits will fall into the hands of retail customers who have jumped into the market just reciently.

Of these two possibilities, which seems most likely to you?

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What Is Most Relevant In These Trying Times

Are Americans crazy? I say no. What we can see is mal-adaptive behavior. As
previously mentioned the evolution of free markets and democratic systems, in terms of economics is of greater influence than the invention of the wheel. What we are seeing worldwide are populations consumed and absorbed in instinctive behavior. The emergence of free markets and democratic principles changes the way mankind reasons intellectually. It does not change the adherence to instinctive behavior.

So, what human thoughts and behaviors with respect politics and economics are caused by instinctive behavior and are not sourced in reasoning? Virtually all of them.

1.) It is deemed patriotic to enthusiastically, support whatever national initiative leaders comes up with. It is deemed unpatriotic to do otherwise. This is exactly what a totalitarian system calls for. Following the leader like children amounts to volunteering for slavery. In mankind’s DNA, this is the path to follow. Thoughts change faster than the ability of DNA to adapt.

2.) A central authority is what determines what is truth and all who disagree are rejecting what is good. What modern censorship does is squelch independent thought with dialog deemed to be the only truth as it is spoken by those deemed to know, even though they don’t.

3.) All of citizens basic and most important decisions are made by whatever central authority they have at their disposal. Is that really mankind’s preference? It is not intellectually, but it is not the thinking brain which makes political decisions. It is the animal brain. Folks vote for this system over and over again.

These are only three of the mal-adaptive behaviors that are destroying the country. Any complete list would be longer than my arm. So what we have is a huge gap between what the thinking brain can figure out and what the instinctive animal brain directs us all to do. Must we be herd animals? No we don’t have to be.

The thinking brain can override the animal brain. If there is no thinking or thought is discouraged, the animal brain gets its way all of the time. Americans are not thinking and those within the power structure are happy to have it that way. I will say that suffering activates the thinking brain. The American mind set is such that what is right is deemed wrong and what is wrong is deemed right. The system is going to collapse because the American mindset is such that forward progress is not now possible.

Is there anything an individual can do? Personally, I can’t think of a thing. But we all must realize that we are in an every man for himself situation. It does make sense to assume this posture as early as possible.

Folks are wondering about why the stock market is still doing so well. The stock market is strong because it is not allowed to do otherwise. This will change. When it does, understand that there will be monumental heroic efforts to save it. This may include something like nationalizing parts of the tech industry so that all of the insiders lose little or no value.

Basically, our government actually actually is the group that governs our government and through our government governs us all. So are we dealing with a worldwide crime syndicate?

Well, the New York mob never placed formal notifications that they were in existence and that crime was their business model. Just a few of the world’s richest citizens have more power and influence than all of the world’s governments put together. So, do we need to wait until the elite
make a formal announcement, that they are they are functioning as a crime syndicate and plan on continuing? Or, do we go with what we see that is completely obvious to anyone with the courage to look?

So, that is it in a nutshell. Expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed.

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Presidunce Of The United States

Presidunce Of The United States PDF Version

Suppose Joe Biden winds up being elected president.  Are there any upsides to having a president with dementia? Perhaps there is, maybe.

His title could become Presidunce of the United States instead of President of the United states. Think of the entertainment that would provide Americans of all ages. Comedians would have a field day,

A cardboard cutout could be put in the president’s chair in the oval office. The country might discover that a cardboard cutout of a president is just as effective as an actual human being. Continue reading

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