Why GDP is Rising

I don’t know who said this but he is completely right.

Essentially, GDP is measuring the pace at which we’re going Soviet, replacing private wealth with government waste.

I am always impressed when an illusive explanation is reduced to a single sentence. This is why I focus on the forces in nature which make the numbers what they are. Numbers don’t convey this kind of wisdom.

Visits: 32

A New Genuine Search Engine Is Coming

I have written the following articles over the past two years.     Big Tech and Market ……Forces …….More On Big Tech  The Coming Tech Train Wreck

Big tech firms are like  gut-shot confederate soldiers. Their time is limited as industry leaders- icons of excellence and most everything else they are perceived to be.

Here is why. I have mentioned dishonesty before. Dishonesty in business can guarantee profits. It also generates a limited lifespan.

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Visits: 20

The Debt Binge

The following is a headline and a short clip from an article I read on ZeroHedge. It is a good article but, like all others, it doesn’t get to the root cause of the issue. The eventual outcome, of course, is well stated. I will explain the root cause.

“Americans are going into debt as if tomorrow will never come, but of course tomorrow always arrives eventually.”

Americans, like any other entities, are prone to looking out for themselves, especially, when up against the wall and without much hope left. Oddly, they never recognize that their betters reason the same way under parallel circumstances.

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Visits: 36

Trump’s Good Employment Numbers

Trump designs a cut tax and spend program. Trump designs new protectionist trade policies. Voila’, miraculously major corporations start giving bonuses to ordinary workers and doing all kinds of wonderful things for employees. Those are amazing dynamics, custom made to impress the general population.

How did all of the hiring, bonuses and other wonderful things actually come about? It works like this,

“Hey Walmart, this is the Trump administration on behalf of your president, good ole Donald Trump. Is there anything we can do for you over here in Washington? Oh, that. Well. it is sure doable. Can you help us out in return? For example, if you were to implement a pay increase for ordinary workers, that would sure make your president look good. A lot of corporations are helping out by giving out bonuses. Yes, yes yes, that will be just fine. And, what is it you need again? Consider it done welcome to the team………….Hello, Home Depot? this is the Trump administration………….”

One thing protectionism does is richly enrich a handful of corporations. Who is going to be helped? Just look at the companies which are now doing wonderful things for their employees. Outside of a free market system, goodwill does not exist.



Visits: 4

Is It Really Social Media?

There is no venue where regular people can interact, showcase themselves and opinions, and spread ideas that are dear to them. In the beginning, social media constituted a great equalizer. A teenager could put a video on YouTube and it could go viral overnight. An adult was free to post political positions and know they were being read and reacted to. There was no central authority deciding what was or wasn’t fit for human intellect to wittiness. Continue reading

Visits: 148

Permanent Depression

I want to make sure I am on record in forecasting a permanent depression. This is while others are calling for a recession or a simple depression. What if an economy experiences two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth?   That by most is deemed to be a recession. Government statistics are always as positive is they possibly can be. The real situation is always much worse.

Now, some are challenging this time honored definition of what constitutes a recession. Why call it a recession if we don’t have to? Certainly we shouldn’t want Americans to be discouraged.

I don’t follow government statistics. Continue reading

Visits: 153

Psychopaths Presidents and You

Are there psychopaths in politics? Politics, especially in presidential elections, is highly competitive, right? Who is the most powerful person in the world these days? Many would cite the president of the United States. Not a bad observation. Even if he isn’t, he is pretty close.

Presidents have pleasant personalities. They often look wholesome and grandfatherly. How could anyone expect one of these gentle souls to be a psychopath? Lets reason this out. Continue reading

Visits: 216

Another Ridiculous Headline

 “The highest interest rates in almost two decades have so far failed to plunge the US into recession.” 

I copied this subtitle out of the ZeroHedge article linked below..

America’s Luck Running As Rising Rates Start To Bite


 The stubborn unwillingness of Americans to think astounds me.  Has anyone got their eyes open? Anyone willing to open his eyes? Can anyone see his hand in front of his face?   Does anyone want to see his hand in front of his face? Who is not afraid to look Continue reading

Visits: 38

The Impending Recession Joke

Unlike what is practiced in mainstream economics, thinking is allowed in Fantasy Free Economics. Oh my God, is a recession coming? Expect soft landing and such. No recession yet, just look at GDP.  Here are some typical recent headlines.



Now, folks, for sure, don’t look at any evidence showing up in everyday life. Certainly, don’t take any precautions on a personal level. Be prudent, wait until an expert advises you that yes, the economy has entered Continue reading

Visits: 51