Demonizing White Folks

Download PDF Ve>Wouldn’t it be nice if all of the world’s problems could be solved just by getting rid of all the white folks. Adolf Hitler decided that it would be good to exterminate Jews, Gypsies and some others. A lot of Germany supported his efforts. It didn’t turn out very well. Race doesn’t determine behavior. Personality characteristics are better for predicting behavior.

So, what is the motivation to demonize the white race? There are actually two different factions of socialists trying to extract government benefits out of the economy. Since truth is not used in politics, calling folks racists who are not, is absolutely normal and to be expected. Left wing socialists demonize right wing socialists as a means of diminishing them.  Both groups are competing for limited government resources. Diminishing white people by the liberal faction is an attempt to extract a larger share of national resources for themselves.  The reasoning is that resources are limited. Presenting the competition as unworthy is perceived as a way of gaining more resources at the expense of the competition.

Mainstream economists believe that it is human nature to be productive and look for opportunities to work. In the real world it doesn’t work that way. Operating on the basis that it does work that way is one of the reasons mainstream economist are always wrong with respect to economics in the aggregate.  Human beings behave the same way members of any predictor species operates.  What do lions and hyenas do when they go out for a hunt? First they look for prey that has already been killed. Often they run smaller animals off and eat their prey. Animals in groups first try and live off the efforts of others in the group before doing any work on their own. Human beings do the same thing.

What does it mean when a person is unfairly called a racist? It means the other side is working in keeping with the human herding instinct. Tribal positioning is another good term. Conservatives virtue signal. That is instinctive and amounts to tribal positioning also.

Conservatives only use the term “conservative” for effect. Based on how they use their time and energy, they are socialists, just as are the folks who oppose them. A true conservative work tirelessly to repeal laws and close government agencies. If there were any conservatives in the country, they would be working as hard to repeal laws and close government agencies as they are working to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. A truly accurate description of a modern conservative is right wing socialist.

The contest is not about doing right, avoiding wrong or administering justice. It is only a fantasy that government will ever do those things. It never has. Liberals are pushing classic socialism. Conservatives support top down socialism. There are no free market advocates.

Government is and always has been the place people go to get what they want and have others pay for it. White people like all other ethnic groups are competing for benefits. It is reasoned that if whites get more, all others get less.

If you are white and are being unfairly deemed a racist, just know it is for an economic reason.

It is more important though to realize that there aren’t enough conservatives in the country to be counted. So, if you are not a racist and are being called one, chances are still close to 100% that you are a socialist. I suppose it is better to be a socialist than it is to be a racist and the socialist label is normally highly applicable.  There just aren’t any free market advocates.

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