Happiness Power Fantasies and Euphemisms

Happiness is not possible if the universe is taken at face value. The struggle to survive is brutal. Fantasies create happiness and fantasies keep people happy. Euphemisms are substitutes for truths because truths can be harsh. Fantasies come and go but in time certain fantasies become symbiotic. Once a symbiotic relationship takes root between two or more fantasies more fantasies are added to the relationship over time.  Belief systems of large aggregations of people arise out of the symbiotic relationships between the various fantasies that are prevalent in the group. The more fantasies on which life is based the happier are the members of the group. Since fantasies are not based on anything real, truth can completely disappear. An entire country can become so filled with happiness created by fantasies that the society in question falls apart.

Power is a stand alone incentive. Power is always sought more by some but some by everyone.  The one thing power and fantasies have in common is that neither is ever relinquished. Both must be taken by force.

Fantasies can be harmless and in small quantities, perhaps beneficial. When whole countries become stable and prosperity increases more and more, fantasies are added to the national mindset. When fantasies become too unrealistic the country collapses.

Prior to and during WWII, the German people had a fantasy that Aryans were superior to all other human beings. That idea made a lot of Germans happy and fueled all kinds of activities and efforts for a number of years. That fantasy was removed by force by the other countries in the world.

Power is grabbed easily when a leader can create a popular fantasy, then validate that one as well as other already present. Both the fantasies and power had to be removed by completely destroying destroying Germany.

When citizens vote they give all kinds of reasons why they vote one way or another. People claim to vote their pocket book, the constitution, their conscience. None of that is true. People vote their fantasies.

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