How to Help Trump in 2024

How to Help Trump in 2024 PDF Version

 Let me make a few disclaimers before I get started. These are not biases or opinions. They are observations and that makes a huge difference. An observation is what you get by just looking. My observations come from my seeing  a situation or circumstance while thinking in the light of reality.. Here is a simple example. Suppose there is a picnic taking place on a sunny day. Then the wind starts blowing and seriously dark clouds form. What would be my forecast as to what the crowd at the picnic are going to do next? They are going to shut the picnic down and head for cover, maybe while swallowing one last bite of a hotdog. I can make a forecast because I know what people are prone to do when dark clouds roll in, nothing complicated in that.

That is the same method I use when explaining things in the blog. I live and think in reality, Others think they do but they don’t They have a huge vested interest in desirable  perceived outcomes,  that would disappear if they gave up their fantasy,

First understand that both candidates are psychopaths. Read this and afterward  (Psychopaths Presidents and You) and see if you still disagree.

Never choose between two evils because both because both are 100% dishonest and you have no way to evaluate either. It is possible to pick the candidate, based on historical precedent who will do the least amount of damage.  In this presidential race, that is Donald Trump, even though he did massive damage when he was in office.

Expect both campaigns to follow conventional wisdom in trying to win. Conventional wisdom is always a few steps beyond reality. Conventional wisdom is that Social Media will determine the outcome of the election like it has in the past. This is the conventional wisdom. The reality is that because it is assumed that folks are still living their lines online. Even if they spend the same amount of time online, their online behavior has changed. Plus, big tech firms are running their users off faster than they can find new ones. New and improved sign in gymnastics, said to be necessary for user safety, are increasingly getting a “to hell with it, this isn’t worth it response. AI customer service has taken hold. With that consumers are assumed to have unlimited time, which they honestly don’t  Vendors will pay dearly for these thing. There actually is no social media.  There are venues where certain anointed creators can say and write most but not all of what is on their minds. Human beings want to speak out and connect much more, than they want to listen to various pundits all saying the same thing, some more  colorful than others.

So, how does Trump make sure he wins in November? If his supporters walked neighborhoods massively, he will win easily. Candidates don’t do that anymore but it works better than anything else.

Trump himself will never organize this kind of effort. He is an elite, just different than the ones who tried to kill him.  They never think in grass root terms. His supporters could. If they did, and Trump won, he would owe them something.

It is always assumed that voters make independent decisions. They don’t. They won’t even put a sign on their yard until someone else does it. Walking neighborhoods gives people permission to get involved. Getting demonstrative effort out o Americans is very difficult. The text below is clipped from a post I made on Quora months ago.

Americans were forced to wear masks. Ho Hum

The homeless population is growing. Ho Hum

Folks are eating pot of dumpsters. Ho Hum

Space aliens have visited the earth. Ho Hum.

There is a war in Ukraine, Ho Hum.

There is a stock market bubble, Ho Hum

Nuclear war may be eminent. How Hum

Now, everybody together Ho Hum.

Child sex traffic is a prolific ongoing global enterprise, as is human trafficking overall. Ho Hum




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