New Global Crime Syndicate PDF Version
Here are some thoughts.
The Republicans have got all three branches.
This is highly dangerous. This is because all three branches are controlled by lobbyist
Trump won by a big margin. This happened in 1972 when Nixon beat McGovern or when Johnson defeated Goldwater in 1972. Even in those elections, one party did not control both parties Look how that turned out. In politics, a mandate equals a license to steal.
I began exposing the criminal nature of everyday government in 2018. Some are now beginning to notice. I notice that Michael Franzese has been making these kinds of points on his YouTube channel. Should he not know a crime syndicate when he sees one? The Deep State may not have been displaced but only re-arranged, kind of like when a mob boss gets killed. The mob doesn’t quit, there is just new leadership. It can h actually be the same old mob with just a realignment within the power structure.
I began writing along these lines back in 2018.
Fusion of Government Crime and Religion
Organized Crime Owns Your Government
I notice that Michael Franzesse has been focusing on this on his YouTube Channel. If anyone would recognize organized crime, it would be him.
An election has just taken place, Voters have convinced themselves that they are in control now and the new power structure will be carrying out their will. Lets look at what the will of voters is. Given the mindset of the American electorate, we might as well have changed kings. I witnessed no initiatives offered which would empower the common man. Arguments are that the government should not be doing this, it should be doing that instead, no plans to cut spending etc. It is a matter of benefits and which action of the population gets benefits and how many.
I have really become a Jimmy Dore fan. On his show, he exposed one corruption after another. Once done however, it comes down to things like. Rather than spending on foreign wars etc., government should be “investing” in domestic issues.
Never is a thought expressed that government should not be doing any of these things. The fact is that any time the government does anything for you or anyone else, it generates a loss of freedom to society over all.
This kind of thinking establishes a warm and cozy atmosphere for organized crime to bring on new initiatives and operate the ongoing ones with impunity.
Now, that power has become lopsided it will be open season on the U.S. population from now on.
It makes you wonder what the biggest grifts will be in these 100% Republican-dominated next two years. One, if the usually spot-on Whitney Webb is correct, might be the multi-trillion dollar per annum carbon credit trading scam. Any guesses on what some of the others might be, James?
Oh, I see another mega-scam potentially in the offing.Now there is talk of a Federal Bitcoin Reserve whereby all these bitcoin paper millionaires and billionaires will be able to offload their bitcoin on the perennially abused U.S. taxpayer for a huge windfall. I *really* hope this scam doesn’t go through!