In society, psychopathy is largely deemed to be a personality disorder, a mental illness. Is it? That is for mental health professionals to decides. Below is a mighty fine Wikipedia article that explains the conventional wisdom of what psychopathy is,

Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality,[1] is a personality construct[2][3] characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, in combination with traits of boldness, disinhibition, and egocentrism. These traits are often masked by superficial charm and immunity to stress,[4] which create an outward appearance of apparent normalcy.[5][6][7][8][9 Wikipedia

I feel completely comfortable treating psychopathy as a survival tool that perhaps one in one hundred inherit in their DNA. In order for the human species to thrive a certain number of persons must be capable of persons must be capable of sending our youth off to die in wars without flinching.


A high level of empathy and feelings of remorse, prevents an average person from doing such things. Feeling no empathy at all, greatly facilitates dong that. .

We all know psychopaths. some of who are greatly appreciated.. The top ten occupations that draw in psychopaths  are these.

The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths, Forbes

1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media (Television/Radio) 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police. officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil servant


Successful politicians and all world leaders are never included not included in these types of  studies. Were they includes, they would be at the top of the list.,. Psychopaths Presidents and You.

Psychopaths thrive in competitive activities. Lobbyists are some of the highest paid .salespersons on the globe. Lobbyists write the bills which congress passes and the president sign. Their function is to extract benefits for the welfare of their clients, at the costs of the general public. Lobbyists must be ruthless. Only psychopaths can succeed in such an occupation. The position of CEO is competitive beyond description, Supreme  court justices are all lawyers. Most have been elected as judges. All have positioned themselves politically in order to be chosen by presidents as justices.

Nature provides many different personality types. Our species needs many types of individuals who have a variety of survival skills. All of us have some degree of feeling entitled. All humans have an element of feeling entitled. No one is completely free from the necessity of drawing their essence from others.

Your kitty cat feels entitled to any mouse it catches.  It has no empathy for the mouse. In fact the cat enjoys torturing the captured little rodent before finishing it off and eating it. That is survival. The cat enjoys its predictor activities  Notice the entertainment humans enjoy. Virtually every diversion, game, movie etc. mimics war and emphasize one or more survival type of survival activities, like football.

Like cats, human psychopaths are predictors. They don’t necessarily kill people even though some do when murder facilitates their activities. A psychopath sounds the same when telling the truth as win telling a lie. Without that skill, it is impossible to get elected to a state house, much less win the presidency.

United States citizens are governed by psychopaths. That is normal, unavoidable and expected, It could be said, that there is a counter balance because the public whom are not psychopaths and watching them, The problem is that the public trusts its leaders. Incumbents seldom loose elections. There is a natural propensity in man to exalt his leaders and view them with honor. Voters are sitting ducks for psychopathic predators seeking to exploit their naïve nature. But, that’s not all

.Create power and you create a corresponding amount of corruption along with it. Concentrate power at the top of society and you generate evil. With evil in charge, folks are ushered into countless wars for profit. With legislation, scams are imposed upon the citizens. all under the pretense of making them ,

Take a look at world history. See if you can find a period when there were good honest , well meaning people functioning as world leaders. If you find one, let me know. I need to know because learning is my business.

The formula for world leadership comes down to:


Ordinary people can either confront and control their leader or they can live with the outcomes evil generates. Even a casual glance at the world stage demonstrates that citizens of the world choose not to.







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