Folks should not be lulled into believing that there is a such thing as a private school that is funded with government money. As soon as federal funding is applied, we have socialism. With vouchers, we will end up with two independent bureaucracies zapping dollars out of taxpayers.
The voucher system, being of the public/private partnership variety, will give rise to multitudes of private school lobbying efforts. Adopt a voucher program if desired. Just be sure and make sure your wallets have plenty of money in them.
It is the source of funds that determines what an institution is, not what it is named.
I guess along with the possible carbon trading credits and the federal Bitcoin Reserve scams we now have a potential 3rd “conservative” grift a-coming in the next two years of one party rule – the private school voucher grift! My the corporations and the billionaires who control them must licking their chops!
Suppose Social Security was to become privatized. They want to do that also. From then on, stock prices would be perpetually goosed, not that they aren’t already. That would make it more mainstream.
Hey James, what do you think the odds are that Trump/D.O.G.E/Elon Musk will use an austerity ploy to crash the markets in early ’25 so them and the cronies can buy up assets cheap a la March 2020 with the COVID mega wealth transfer? It sounds plausible that they might and it might get Musk over the top to his stated goal of being the world’s first trillionaire.
If I thought that either of them were acting out of anything other than self interest, I would say perhaps. The stock market is the economy, Crash it and the elite lose their power base. That would hurt Musk. Trump doesn’t have to worry about re-election. However, a real crash, could cause him to lose the house, senate or both in two years.
The market doesn’t need anyone to crash it. Without organized support, it would have already crashed. With organized support, a crash can be prevented for a good while but not forever. Chances are it could be crashed purposefully to make it look like it is Trumps fault. This is off the cuff so, I am no married to my opinion.
I see your point but I was thinking in terms of an enginered, temporary crash. Which is tobsay a V shaped crash and quick recovery .If an insider knew the COVID scam was coming – and I am very sure that some insiders did – they could have sold their stocks in December 2019 or January 2020 and then rebought after the waterfall panic of March 2020 at a 50%+ discount, depending on the stock. Easy money and it only took about 90 days, give or their power base was actually expanded, not threatened. In late 2019, just before the COVID scam popped off a record number of CEOs resigned, almost as if they knew something was coming. I have read unconfirmed reports, that I will have to study a little deeper, that a very high number of CEOs are suddenly resigning again. It certainly makes me wonder…