Shutdown and the Economy

Will the shutdown cause a stock market crash? In the advent of a stock market crash, the shutdown will be given as the reason. The real reason the stock market will crash is the U.S. monetary and fiscal policy has destroyed the world’s capital markets. It is imperative that Americans learn to distinguish the difference between the reason given for a phenomenon and why it really happens.
Will the Shutdown hurt the economy? Americans aggressively buy into the notion that the economy is dependent upon government activity. The economy might suffer while and after the shutdown and the shutdown will be given as the reason. The real reason a recession will occur is four decades of government economic stimulus has allocated the nations resources so inefficiently that growth is no longer possible.
Government does not have a tool in its arsenal that actually increases prosperity for the average person. All government spending increases the percent of income going to richest 5% of the population.
What I just wrote is the truth. There is not a person in the world who
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