War is natural. At one time war was all there was. War came first. Peace came second. The practice of trade evolved as a substitute for belligerence. Between nations, a trade is still war but without bloodshed in the immediate time frame. Force is introduced or increased when the country which perceives itself as strongest fails to get what it wants by peaceful means. The force used is that of tariffs. Normally a bloody war breaks out as the war is escalated.
President Trump is placing tariffs on foreign goods and services, largely Chinese. The Chinese are responding in kind. The Chinese have other options but war always makes the most sense to world leaders. Suppose the Chinese responded by unilaterally removing any trade restrictions already in place. As a completely free trade nation, China would rapidly surpass the United States as an economic power. That won’t happen!
Chances are outright bloody war will follow. Ordinary people around the globe need to prepare.
What do we know about World War III in the United States? Gladly the shooting has not started already so their is still time for ordinary citizens to rein in their governments. In all of history that has never happened but it is still a possibility worth mentioning.
We know there are contingency plans by other countries for a preemptive strike against the United States. Our own intelligence agencies are corrupt. There is a question as to how much good information we actually have as to what other countries are doing militarily. As a country, we have participated in two world wars. The first was unnecessary and discretionary. In the second we were not totally innocent but we were more right than wrong. When and if World War III breaks out, we cannot this time claim our motives are on the high ground. When a nation is not guided by righteousness and is feared by friends as well as foes, there is not much way to decide who will be allies on which side. Make no mistake. Trade war is real war.