What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis PDF Version
Evil does not recognize itself because, to it, lies are the truth.
We have to remember that ,what is evil, is becoming exposed, each and every day..
People can either believe the lie or be fooled into complacency. .
By election day, fewer will believe the lie, and as hardships accumulate, complacency will wane. Unpleasant things will happen but they won’t be in line with popular predictions. The fact is that we don’t know what those unpleasant things will be, but, chaos and confusion for sure.
Leadership will change and the population will cleave to new lies. Concentrated leadership is always evil, simply because power corrupts.
Thinking in the light of reality, which is what constitutes the fantasy free advantage,, we understand that uncertainty is normal and unavoidable, We also know that, in our part of the universe, life and survival are mercenary in nature. While sometimes this is hard to notice in our personal lives, it is brutal and ruthless in the top echelons of any power structure, and highly visible to the few who have the stomach to look.
At present, as always, there is an unrelenting contest to acquire and retain power. Given this process, power grows more and more concentrated. At the same time, it is human nature to trust and exalt powerful leaders. This is an eternal disconnect, that keeps common folk in a subservient compromised role, which they fail to recognize within themselves.
Again, evil does not recognize itself, because to it, lies are the truth.
We have to remember that ,what is evil, is becoming exposed.
People can either believe the lie or be fooled into complacency.
By election day, fewer will believe the lie, and as hardships accumulate, complacency wanes.
Unpleasant things will happen but they won’t be in line with common predictions.
The fact is that we don’t know what will take place be, but, chaos and confusion for will be present.
Leadership will change and the population will cleave to new lies. Concentrated leadership is always evil, simply because power corrupts.
Unless leadership, becomes less concentrated, humanity will trade an old lie for a new one. There will be a period of transition which will destroy many but will benefit some others. Those it benefits will experience somewhat of a reprise from misery, before the new order becomes as powerful and concentrated as the one that has been replaced.
Unless leadership, becomes less concentrated, humanity will trade an old lie for a new one, There will be a period of transition which will destroy many but will benefit others. Those it benefits will experience somewhat of a reprise from misery, before the new order becomes as powerful and concentrated as the one that has been replaced.
Because of this genuine eternal reality gap, society jumps out of one frying pan and into another. This scenario has played out countless times in the history of humanity. Odds are that, our current circumstances will be resolved differently.