That is very simple to answer. Any healthcare law that is based on a 1000+ page bill is filled with elaborate skimming operation placed there by the parties who lobby to get the bill passed. The Affordable Care Act is a huge collection of skimming operations that do nothing but impoverish American citizens.
When a bill like this hits congress, it is important to understand why the bill is there and who lobbied to get it passed. It wasn’t ordinary citizens. Finding out who actually wrote the bill is almost impossible. What it is is a feeding frenzy on federal money and all the benefits go to the top. Lifespans of Americans started declining as soon as the law was fully in effect. That is no surprise.
Where did Americans get the idea that owning health insurance constitutes having healthcare? Is it reasonable that government provide health care? It is reasonable if the majority of citizens deem it to be a good thing. It is a good thing to have a safety net for sure. Doing that does not mean the end of the free market system any more than having a fire department does.
Who complains about ever rising costs of fire departments? Surely someone does, but I haven’t found one. The difference is that government just pays for a fire department without requiring everyone to buy fire prevention insurance.
Government can pay for healthcare the same way. But, who is interested in that? Opinion is that we must allow the insurance industry and everyone else with massive political power to participate in the enormous economic feeding frenzy that ensues.
Our healthcare system is bad because citizens are willing to have it the way it is. I have personally cited an unbelievably efficient system that eliminates that eliminates the mush and corporate feeding frenzy. However, it is not lobbyist friendly. There is no such thing as free healthcare. There are good ways to provide healthcare on a collective basis. None of those are even up for consideration. Nothing will get better as long as lobbyists write bills. Your representatives can actually write bills. They just don’t. Citizens can also write bills and have there representatives take them to the floor. The fact is that, they don’t and do not seem interested.
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