What do you have in common with the occupy Wall Street protesters? Like them you have no representation in congress.
Older people are shocked that the young people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are embracing classic Socialism. Are the young being irrational? Not hardly. They are not rejecting the free market system. They have not lived in a free market system. They may not even understand the concept.</span>
So they have two choices. We have a top down socialist system in the United States. For their wants and needs a classic socialist system seems more appealing and that makes sense. Both systems destroy wealth. In our existing system there is more wealth to destroy and it victimizes those at the lowest end of the food chain and moves higher as time passes. In a socialist system, resources are rationed according to political power. In our system the political power is at the top of the income scale.<!–more–>
What the young socialists are trying to do is organize political power at the bottom so as to control the flow of resources from the bottom and get more benefits for themselves by changing the face of our existing socialism. Given that top down socialism already has its grips on the country, that is their best choice. They are criticized for rejecting free market principles but their are no free market principles in play to reject. It is an error for older established Americans not to understand this.
Both top down socialism and the classic kind of socialism amount to economics by force. The young intuitively understand this and are trying to change the style of socialism to one that is more suitable to the young who have no money to buy results in congress.