Fantasy Free Economic Theory

All that happens in our world makes perfect sense – provided that it is not viewed through the prism of fantasy. This is not true just with respect to economics. The fantasy – free approach is of equal value in studying each and all of the social sciences.

The race to escape reality begins at birth. Every child is born into an eternal power struggle.  Reality is replaced with fantasy because it is too harsh to cope with.  Our world is governed by laws of dominance and subservience. Most people live in an oasis of peace separated from all of the belligerence and brutality , that is actually an ongoing process.

A child’s family is consumed with fantasy. As thinking beings, humans face some unanswerable questions. We are alive but we don’t know what life is. Doctors and scientists understand very well how life functions. They just don’t know what life is. Then there is the will to live. The will to live is more confounding than life itself. Whatever is alive seeks to stay alive. Even a blade for grass with no brain has the will to live. Who knows the source of the will to live? Does life have a purpose? Any purpose is not apparent. All animals, including humans, in order to survive must consume animals and other living things in order to survive. Focusing on these attributes of existence is daunting. The mind doesn’t want to go their so it doesn’t.

(In the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes focuses on these issues and draws no concrete conclusions. The meanings of a number of Old Testament focus on how to live life in the face of life’s daunting unanswered questions and mysteries.

The race to escape reality begins at birth. This continues throughout life. Reality always wins in the end.

During a lifetime, reality catches up with everyone a number of times. That does not mean a person becomes enlightened and discovers what reality is. Having to deal with reality is not the same as grasping and internalizing the concept. As soon as a crisis passes and usually while the crisis is ongoing, life becomes centered around new fantasies. Sometimes old fantasies are refurbished, adjusted, and re-applied to one’s life.

Regardless…. reality is what it is. To all consumed in fantasy, their fantasies are their reality. Attack these fantasies of life and their beholders defend them vehemently. The lies of life replace nature’s reality with fantasies. The truth is then seen as threatening. I guess that it is. The truth about reality is what it is – no matter what. In other words, the way things are is the way things are. )

The fantasy – free approach to life is not for everyone. A number of approaches to survival and reproduction have evolved over the eons. One of those is the “go along to get along” method. It doesn’t get any respect , but it is the most common way of negotiating one’s way through life. An issue however, with “go along to get along”…. is that about every forty years , reality imposes itself on society. Suddenly , folks’ worlds – based on fantasy, crumble. All are clueless. In the twentieth century , we had the great depression and two world wars. So far in the twenty – first century , we have had Nine – Eleven and in 2022 are staring in the face of an emerging life – changing depression.

Being fantasy – free before and during a crisis puts a person in a one – up situation , relative to everyone else.

Thinking In Moving Pictures

(The human mind likes to package and file what it encounters into what is like a still picture. This is true of ongoing systems as well as events like birthdays and weddings. Fantasy Free theory calls for treating all observations as moving pictures. Anything that is said or any occurrence is part of a moving process. The fantasy – free approach requires  thinking in moving pictures.)

(What is the point in being fantasy – free? While the efficacy of Fantasy – Free Economics is far superior to mainstream economic approaches, doing it this way benefits you and no one else. People engage in fantasies for a reason. Fantasy becomes their reality. To suggest to anyone that they are not in touch with reality is asking them to give up their most cherished notions. Fantasy – Free Economics will never serve as a vehicle for launching public or government policy. It requires looking at society in terms of how it functions – and not according to how we wish it did.)


Nature’s Gift To Creatures

All of nature’s creatures possess the will to live. Like life itself, we don’t know what the source of the will to live is. Scientists know all about life. They know life when they see it. They know how life functions. Most everyone knows the basics of life and what it takes for an entity to be alive and sustain itself. However, no one knows what life is – or its source.

We also recognize the will to live. Even plants, without brains, have the will to live and flourish. Less is known about the will to live than life itself.

Nature’s plan is that all which is alive seeks to remain alive and pass its genes forward into future generations. In order for this to occur , each living entity possesses a special tool of immediate discernment that immediately recognizes opportunities and threats. An animal in the wild responds to immediate threats and opportunities naturally.

Human beings also have this immediate discernment tool.With humans there is an issue, however. Humans can and do engage in fantasy as a means of coping with the harsh realities of survival. The natural sensibilities nature provides humans are replaced by artificial sensibilities….. which emerge as a proxy reality.

It is hard to be right about anything, when the way life is, gets replaced by the way we would like life to be. Remove fantasy and nature’s sensibilities come back in play. Suddenly, the first impression becomes the right impression. Further, an individual discovers that answers to life’s issues, both in the aggregate and individually , are largely given at a first glance. It is like knowledge is in the air. That knowledge is only available with the absence of fantasy.

A simple person who is fantasy – free easily trumps those who are highly educated  and possess massive knowledge – yet given to fantasy.

As much as I might like to have a genius – level IQ, anyone with a third grade education can understand and make good use their mind. There are two questions: What does a person know? How well does a person use what he does know?

Those who understand Fantasy – Free Theory fall in the second camp. .A simple fantasy – free person easily has an advantage over an esteemed economist with a PHD and a national reputation – yet are given to fantasy.

(Understanding Freedom)

Freedom does not work the way it is assumed to work. Is every human a freedom seeking creature? Humans are assumed to be. That is not the case. Freedom works out to be like collateral that is bargained away for comfort and security. 

There is an ongoing power struggle – but most drop out of the competition as they discover they lack the skill and aptitude to dominate others. Their best option is to submit to others. and get paid to assist someone who is more powerful than they.

When I lived in a small West Texas town I walked to the post office and back each day. One day a puppy followed me home. That puppy wanted to be my dog. She was free , but instinctively knew she needed to submit to a human…. which I was. It was a smart thing for the puppy to do. She became my dog and I became her master. She lived to be fifteen years old. She ended up being the best dog I ever had.

Human beings deal with freedom the same way my dog did. Each day a person goes to work, a piece of their freedom is surrendered for usually eight hours per day. During that period, the person who submits sets his/her own interests aside and helps their boss achieve their goals and aspirations. That is the way freedom really works.

 The harsh nature of the physical world is accepted without debate. We cannot go out side in the winter or summer without making adaptations. People work outside in the harshest cold weather. This cannot be done without wearing winter clothes. Even so, those outside during extreme cold weather look forward to the warmth of a fireplace and can not wait to get there. It is cold outside but we alter our environment so that we are comfortable. 

Life on earth cannot survive in outer space or on any other planet we know of. Human beings also have an inner world where cold, heat and other environmental issues are not relevant. Our inner worlds are daunting also. I frequently mention that every child born immediately enters into an eternal power struggle, while not aware of this being the case. Life is regulated by harsh laws of dominance and subservience.

Every country, regardless of how peaceful it proclaims to be, gained its land by taking it forcefully from another population. Belligerence is still the dominant method for determining outcomes of agendas, especially those which involve entire nations. Within the world, there are oases of peace and tranquility that we live in. On a larger scale, issues of life are settled by way of belligerence. Even those who live in peace are highly influenced in negative ways by the belligerent activities going on around the planet.

This is reality. We all have to find ways to cope with these things within our inner worlds. Yes, the world is filled with belligerence but we are much happier not thinking about it. We handle the harshness of the physical world by making adaptations and making our environment more palatable. There seems to be no downside to finding ways to flourish in the physical world despite its harsh nature. To cope with cold weather, we find comfort sitting by the fireplace while harsh weather outside is ongoing. To cope with the stress of our inner worlds, we seek out and find the comfort of fantasy. This comes down to avoiding reality.
Unlike dealing with elements in the physical world, there are many downsides to engaging in fantasy to escape thinking about the daunting aspects of our survival. Belligerence is not limited to physical violence. Belligerence is also the means by which laws that extract the essence out of the overall population and transfer it to those with the necessary power to get such laws passed come into being. At some point in every generation , belligerence raises its ugly head.

Those who have lived their whole lives within the comfort of fantasy are suddenly exposed to the harsh realities of what it really takes to flourish and stay alive in the world.

In the last hundred or so years, Americans have suddenly found themselves faced with world wars and economic depressions. When life is grand  and all in the country are indulging in fantasies that government is taking care of things…. experts are looking after us…. our leaders are good people just like regular folk – all will be subjected to a sudden awakening, just as they have been in other similar periods in history. We are on the eve of one of those occasions.


Reality as it applies to Fantasy – Free Economic Theory, is not what would be deemed any ultimate reality. Folks like quantum and astro physicists explore the cause and nature of the entire universe.  The reality discussed here is only focused on what it takes to survive and flourish. There is no math because there is no meaningful way to use it. Any charts simply illustrate principles.

The harsh nature of the physical world is obvious without debate. We cannot go out side in the winter or summer without making adaptations.People work outside in the harshest cold weather. This cannot be done without wearing winter clothes. Even so, those outside during extreme cold weather, look forward to the warmth of a fireplace and can not wait to get there. It is cold outside but we alter our environment so that we are comfortable.

Life on earth cannot survive in outer space or on any planet we know of.Human beings also have an inner world where cold, heat and other environmental issues are not relevant. Our inner worlds are daunting also. I frequently mention that every child born immediately enters into an eternal power struggle, while not aware of this being the case. Life is regulated by harsh laws of dominance and subservience.

Every country, regardless of how peaceful it proclaims to be, gained its land by taking it by force from another population. Belligerence is still the dominant method for determining outcomes of agendas, especially those that involve entire nations. Within the world there are oasis’s of peace and tranquility that we live in. On a larger scale, issues of life are settled by way of belligerence. Even those who live in peace are highly influenced in negative ways by the belligerent activities going on around the planet.

This is reality. We all have to find ways to cope with these things within our inner worlds. Yes, the world is filled with belligerence but we are much happier not thinking about it. We handle the harshness of the physical world by making adaptations and making our environment more palatable. There seems to be no downside to finding ways to flourish in the physical world despite its harsh nature. To cope with cold weather, we find comfort sitting by the fireplace while harsh weather outside is ongoing.To cope with the stress of our inner worlds, we seek out and find the warmth of fantasy. This comes down to avoiding reality.Unlike dealing with elements in the physical world, there are many downsides to engaging in fantasy to escape thinking about the daunting aspects of our survival. Belligerence is not limited to physical violence. Belligerence is also the means by which laws that extract the essence out of the overall population and transfer it to those with the necessary power to get such laws passed come into being. At some point in every generation belligerence raises its ugly head.

Those who have lived their whole lives within the comfort of fantasy are suddenly exposed to the harsh realities of what it really takes to flourish and stay alive in the world.
In the last hundred or so years, Americans have suddenly found themselves faced with world wars and economic depressions. When life is good and all in the country are indulging in fantasies that government is taking care of things, experts are looking after us, and that our leaders are good people just like regular folk, all are subjected to a sudden awakening, just as they have been in other similar periods in history. We are on the eve of one of those occasions


Brutality of Life in the Aggregate

Every country, regardless of how peaceful it proclaims to be, gained its land by taking it by force from another population. Belligerence is still the dominant method for determining outcomes of agendas, especially those that involve entire nations. Within the world there are oases of peace and tranquility that we live in. On a larger scale, issues of life are settled by way of belligerence. Even those who live in peace are highly influenced in negative ways by the belligerent activities going on around the planet.

This is reality. We all have to find ways to cope with these things within our inner worlds. Yes, the world is filled with belligerence but we are much happier , not thinking about it. We handle the harshness of the physical world by making adaptations and making our environment more palatable. There seems to be no downside to finding ways to flourish in the physical world despite its harsh nature. To cope with cold weather, we find comfort sitting by the fireplace while harsh weather outside is ongoing.To cope with the stress of our inner worlds, we seek out and find the warmth of fantasy. This comes down to avoiding reality.Unlike dealing with elements in the physical world, there are many downsides to engaging in fantasy to escape thinking about the daunting aspects of our survival. Belligerence is not limited to physical violence. Belligerence is also the means by which laws that extract the essence out of the overall population and transfer it to those with the necessary power to get such laws passed, come into being. At some point in every generation  , belligerence raises its ugly head.

 The harsh nature of the physical world is accepted without debate. We cannot go out side in the winter or summer without making adaptations. People work outside in the harshest cold weather. This cannot be done without wearing winter clothes. Even so, those outside during extreme cold weather, look forward to the warmth of a fireplace and can not wait to get there. It is cold outside but we alter our environment so that we are comfortable.

Life on earth cannot survive in outer space or on any planet we know of.Human beings also have an inner world where cold, heat and other environmental issues are not relevant. Our inner worlds are daunting also. I frequently mention that every child born immediately enters into an eternal power struggle, while not aware of this being the case. Life is regulated by harsh laws of dominance and subservience.

Every country, regardless of how peaceful it proclaims to be, gained its land by taking it by force from another population. Belligerence is still the dominant method for determining outcomes of agendas, especially those that involve entire nations. Within the world there are oasis’s of peace and tranquility that we live in. On a larger scale, issues of life are settled by way of belligerence. Even those who live in peace are highly influenced in negative ways by the belligerent activities going on around the planet.

Those who have lived their whole lives within the comfort of fantasy are suddenly exposed to the harsh realities of what it really takes to flourish and stay alive in the world. In the last hundred or so years, Americans have suddenly found themselves faced with world wars and economic depressions. When life is good and all in the country are indulging in fantasies that government is taking care of things, experts are looking after us, and that our leaders are good people just like regular folk, all are subjected to a sudden awakening, just as they have been in other similar periods in history. We are on the eve of one of those occasions

In the last hundred or so years, Americans have suddenly found themselves faced with world wars and economic depressions. When life is good and all in the country are indulging in fantasy that government is taking care of things ….experts are looking after us, and that our leaders are good people just like regular folk – all are subjected to a sudden awakening, just as they have been in other similar periods in history. We are on the eve of one of those occasions.

Common Thinking Errors

In order to get in touch with reality, it is helpful to examine some false beliefs or thinking errors which pervade all lives – common thinking errors that are highly relevant to economics and political science. These are a few to start with.

Self – Importance: The posture of self – importance is instinctive. The species would go extinct if its members did not routinely put themselves first. People are important to themselves, family and a few friends. As harmless as this may seem ,  it is the root of many false notions. An individual reasons: “As important as I am, certainly I am worthy of being served by those I help elect to public office.” Of a course, a person is of no importance at all to a politician. To a politician, a voter is a resource. A permanent disconnect is formed where the constituent expects to get representation from a representative who holds office first and foremost out of self interest. Human instinct is … exalt oneself.

My country, school, or any group I belong to is special:  This again is instinctive. Survival is facilitated by being a member of a group with common interests. Instinct calls for exaltation and loyalty to all groups a person belongs to, Survival is facilitated by drawing support and benefits from any group for which an individual is a member. Most loyalties to groups are arbitrary……as in: “go team go” & “my school is better than yours”. Fans support their home team. I ask, is there any long term advantage to an individual who is loyal to a home team or a school?

The incentive to serve: Popular belief is that there are humans who go into public service on an ideological basis , with every intention of serving mankind. This incentive to serve is completely imaginary. People who do such things as run for office do so out of self interest. Folks wonder why office holders never get around to promoting the causes that got them elected. This is the reason. People in government are motivated to exploit problems for personal gain while appearing to work in the public interest.

People think independently: Most people go long periods of time without an original thought. The mind records words and images and a person believes those are his thoughts. This is easily seen in political discourse. All conversations morph down to non – sentient argument. All public political dialog morphs down to standardized, concise words and sentences put forth am a means of rapid persuasion.

The divinity of government: Much is expected out of government. It is reasoned , that if the private sector is falling short in an activity, government can make it work right. Government is assumed to have complete prowess in terms of fixing life’s issues. Government is deemed fair while the private sector is seen as corrupt and filled with selfishness. Human nature does not change. Government consists of multitudes of self serving individuals just as does the private sector. Voters have a parent – child relationship with their government. If a problem gets big, voters see government as the ultimate source of wisdom and solutions.  This kind of relationship is inborn. When a person leaves the private sector and joins government, that person does not change his basic orientation.  Government does not have the means to solve problems.

What I see is all there is: Most of what is relevant is not part of what is apparent from a casual glance.

Government is benevolent: Government is a free – for – all , for folks who are all trying to gain advantage or make a profit.

Patriotism is good: Patriotism is actually the all time worldwide leading cause of unnecessary deaths. Patriotism may be necessary but that depends upon the activity a government is involved in. During World War Two, Nazi solders were as patriotic as it is possible for humans to be.

 Soldiers fight for freedom: A soldier is a citizen with a job. A soldier does not pick the fights he participates in. Freedom rarely has anything to do with  U.S. military operations and interventions. Colin Powell once said he joined the military because he needed a job. Ordinary soldiers did so for the same reason.
Public officials are just like the rest of us: Public officials have
political personalities. Political personality is similar to a that of a sociopath personality. The two terms could be used as synonyms.

A public servant sets aside self – interest: Self – interest is a constant in human behavior. Self – interest does not disappear if a person takes a certain job. In the private sector , self – interest is a cause of efficiency. Self – interest in the public sector causes inefficiency

Credentials imply competence: Credentials actually contribute to incompetence. Credentials allow individuals to profit from the pretense of knowledge. Those with credentials – who are charged with solving problems ….charge the highest amount possible for their services. Simple solutions are dispensed with and replaced with solutions that command a price. When listening to others it is best to deal in pure arguments, independently of credentials ….in order to achieve an optimum outcome.

Work is a first choice: Work is actually only engaged in ….if there is absolutely no way to live off the efforts of others. Mainstream economics treats all humans as 100% industrious. This is not true at all and it is a main reason why they never get anything right.

Every person needs a college education: When the supply of educated people exceeds the demand, a college education can be of no value at all.

Communication only occurs with words: Communication withoutwords is actually more precise and meaningful.

These are just a few thinking errors that are routinely made. False beliefs are comforting. They are just not true. There are many more but these are pretty basic.

The Importance of Lies

Telling lies has a bad reputation but the propensity tell them is part of every person’s survival toolbox.Years back, I coined a saying. “When a lie is told,  there are generally two guilty parties. There is the liar of course. Then there is the one for whom the truth is not good enough.”

Some lies that are universally believed are so deeply and securely embedded in the human psyche that they are clearly instinctive in nature. We are told by evolutionary psychologists that the brain has us do the things that optimize the chances that our genes will be passed to the next generation. When the larger thinking brains of a few humanoids come up with more efficient ways of looking at things, the animal brain which is
governed by instinct, has us do the things that have promoted our survival for millions of years. Those things can be outdated.

A person has instinctive beliefs as well as intellectual beliefs. When aggregations of people interact, the animal brain takes over and pushes any brilliance aside. The animal brain is the better of the two brains at getting its way. The the thinking of the larger intellectual brain is corrupted to the degree its owner views the world through a prism of fantasy.

Clearly, in the eons that have passed before the modern era, focusing on the goodness and prowess of the herd leadership promoted survival. Leadership of the herd or tribe was the place to go to solve a problem an individual person could not. Leadership had to be highly adept in order to gain that special position of group leader. Looking to herd or tribe leadership made good sense. It may still within small enough groups.

From the natural awe and respect shown to herd leadership, the notion that government is benevolent is derived. There actually is no such thing as a benevolent government. The human race is instinctively still tethered to an animal brained instinctive belief system that was useful when perhaps one thousand members operated as a group. Since the larger thinking brain is subject to believing fantasy as a means of escaping harsh reality, government today is almost universally treated as a kind and benevolent institution. Of course it is anything but.

This basic misunderstanding makes it very difficult to continue improving living standards and the quality of life in general. Those elected to various offices are not actually working tirelessly to improve the lot of the constituents who put them in office. People keep expecting goodness out of government but they keep getting fleeced instead. A big part of the reason is the permanent lie that government is benevolent. That notion is rooted in instinct. The lie is further strengthened because believing government is benevolent as a fantasy is highly comforting.

The Human Herding Instinct

When folks explain human behavior, sometimes it is noted that humans are acting out of character and behaving like herd animals. No one is acting out of character. Human beings are indeed herd animals and they function as herd animals 24 hours per day 7 days per week. The brain is an amazing organ but it is not all that honest. Its primary function is driving survival and reproduction. Despite any thoughts the brain comes up with that lead us to believe otherwise, the brain tricks us into engaging in behaviors that optimize the chance of surviving and reproducing. Herd behavior is one of those behaviors.

Humans are not only herd animals, they have specialized roles to play within the herd. People have
different personality characteristics. These characteristics are different in each human. Different
personality characteristics go along with different roles people end up carrying out within a herd
setting. Leaders have political personalities. A political personality is about the same as that of a
sociopath. Someone must be at the head of a herd. That person will have elevated manipulative skills, a
sense of entitlement, and no conscience to speak of. There is an appearance of a consciousness but that
is only an exaggerated concern of how the sociopath appears to others.

As part of various herds, people engage in group communication, although they are unaware that it is
happening. Speech, reading and writing are generally accepted as the only kinds of communications
that exist. There is much more. There are no words but people communicate through the air and are
unaware that it is happening. Much of what psychologists describe as anxiety and depression are
actually signals picked up from outside the head. It is very subtle but everyone broadcasts their state of
mind and makes judgments about others based on what is broadcast. Most communication is outside of
our awareness. Why do doctors have so much trouble treating anxiety and depression? They believe it
originates within the skull but it really comes from the outside.

Many years ago, humans found it to their advantage to dominate, keep and herd animals which were of
use to them. Mankind, in the beginning made no distinction between capturing animals and capturing members of their own species. That is how slavery got its origin. As slavery became increasingly unprofitable herding continued to be practiced. There have always been rich and poor. Throughout
history, the rich have found ways to live off the efforts of others, frequently by paying them but really
by any means possible.

When the Internet began it was not fathomed that it would morph into a gigantic herding tool where
people’s thoughts, time and energy could be easily managed. Prior to the advent of corporate giants,
recognizing its potential as a herding tool, the Internet was like the open range was prior to fences in
the old west. When Google and all of the others entered the arena all of that would change. The activity
that actually generates revenue in these giant companies is human herding. They manage people’s time,
energy opinions and everything else and do so profitably.

Of course, individuals deny engaging in herd behavior but they do. One of the most pronounced herd
behaviors is worshiping leaders. Notice that the mentality these days is to find a messiah for a leader
who will do all of the things a conservative or a liberal wants done. Interest in the actual self governing
approach is completely missing.

Mainstream economists have no chance of being right except by accident. In mainstream economics
the individual is treated as autonomous and independent thinking. The actual individual is nothing of
the kind.

Animals are controlled animals either by offering a treat or by scaring them. In South Texas, ranchers blow their horn when they arrive with a truckload of hay. The cows associate the horn with being fed.

Humans are controlled by offering them a treat like a government handout. Social media controls humans by offering the free stuff like a Facebook page or a no cost email address.
If ranchers on horseback want to change the herd’s direction they might crack a bull whip on one side of the herd to get them to go the other way.

Government hypes up a crisis. The population is scared so they accept direct orders from
authorities. Humans are moved in the direction the authority desires.

Ranchers get their reward by selling their cattle to slaughter houses. Corporations get their reward by using government as a means to force the human herd to buy their products and services. Ranchers like having a homogenized herd and keep the animals in the dark as to what their eventual destiny will be.

Government and affiliated corporations employ censorship as a means of insuring their humans are basically of one mind. Information is also horded and kept from the populations eyes so that the human animals remain docile and content. While citizens are not sent to the slaughter house, their buying habits are managed.

With respect to sheep, a few stray from the herd and live on their own. Most sheep are kept for their wool. The strays are routinely shot and eaten by the family that owns the ranch.

Outliers of the human herd are routinely destroyed politically or in the media.
Human herding is part of our lives. People as a whole feel more comfortable in a herding
situation. Humans are also a multi herd species. Most groups people belong to take on herding characteristics.

It will be important to recognize human herding activities in coming days. Independent thinking is quite rare. As the political season gets underway, focusing on herd behavior will add a lot of clarity. Where efforts to persuade are made, you will notice the absence of sentient arguments.


Three Approaches to Reality

The escape from reality begins at birth. In the beginning, fantasy leaves reality in the dust.Early on the reality gap gets wider and wider. Normally, reality catches up with a person several times during a lifetime. That occurs for a number of reasons. It can be a natural disaster, an act of war, divorce or any number of emotional upheavals. The propensity to fantasize is strong and relentless.

In the end, reality catches us all. Since reality is the way it is, and fantasy is a false but  appealing alternative, the motivation to escape is always in us. In the end ,reality catches up and we all face what nature has in store.

Various religions, through faith can provide hope and comfort for their believers. We are concerned here with the secular world system. Outside of faith, there is no way to protect oneself against the awful rigors of the secular world.

When dealing with reality, a person has three paths which are possible to follow. None of these choices are made consciously, at least not in the beginning. The institutional approach is the path of least resistance. It is the path that is most often followed. Public schools play a huge role in spreading fantasy through the population. In school , children learn that cooperation is the way of the world. That is fantasy. Children are taught that problems are solved through group cooperation and group effort. That is fantasy. Children are taught that patriotism is always good. That is fantasy. Children are praised for adopting arbitrary loyalties, like my school, your school, my team and your team. Students learn to perform for approval.

Self esteem matters out of proportion to everything else. Government is constantly alluded to as a benevolent institution filled with selfless servants to society. That notion is completely false. Public schools serve as a good example but all institutions contribute to creating fantasy. When children go home, they  learn more fantasy from their parents. This is the institutional approach to reality. Fantasy is learned through institutions and other people, mostly older people. Institutional fantasies are dangerous. When life is based on what is not true, life gets real comfortable. The natural forces of nature continue. Life’s institutions, especially government, become more fragile and everything starts failing.

In Germany during the thirties, institutions’ fantasy was that the Arian race was superior to all others. The end result was the loss of millions of lives and the complete destruction of Germany. Over time ,economic and political systems become unstable. When reality imposes itself, the consequences are sudden and brutal. This is what happened with the Great Depression and Wold War II. We are on the verge of a serious reckoning at this time.

The second approach is for the individual to create a personal reality. Perhaps you have heard someone say, I choose to believe this that or the other. That is a personal way of avoiding the truth by replacing it with a comforting notion. Here are some examples. I choose to believe in the goodness of mankind. I choose to believe that he or she is telling the truth. I choose to believe in the integrity of the Supreme Court. There are countless ways a person can choose fantasy over reality. Whether spoken aloud or adopted as a belief – it is a fantasy.

The last method that can be adopted is the version of reality that nature provides. So, what does nature provide? To take this option we must accept what we see just by looking. All forms of life including humans are subject to laws of dominance and subservience. Nature provides only one universal incentive, self – interest. Those are the two big ones. Dominance and subservience, then self – interest. All human beings posses the false belief of being special. Feeling special causes us to believe others see us as special also. Perhaps we are special to a few who know us personally.

The feeling of being special leaves us vulnerable to others also believe they are special also. Reality is that others see us as a resource.This is especially true with respect to elected representatives. Anyone can know what reality is and make the choice to give up fantasy.  When that choice is made. one is no longer looking at the world through the  prism of fantasy. It is a great way to lose friends. You will be right and your friends will be wrong. They will resent you and defend their fantasies with a vengeance.  Being fantasy – free doesn’t make you smarter.

A complete moron who has accepted reality will perform at a higher level than a genius who chooses to believe lies. How do decide? Believe lies or go fantasy free. There are trade-offs. If understanding the world you live in is important to you, then reality is the way to go. If maximizing pleasure and avoiding conflict is all that matters, reality will only make you unhappy. It is a personal choice.

Law of Power and Absolute Power

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Is the law of power and absolute power true? So far, in my life time I have never met a soul who disagrees. That means there is a continuum between no power at all ….and absolute absolute power.

You may be aware, I don’t use quantitative analysis or economic models in studying economics. I do use charts and graphs  to illustrate points and generate understanding. The chart to the left illustrates how corruption increases with levels of power.

Based on the law of power and absolute power, anyone we elect to public office is more corrupt than the voters who elected him. World leaders do not have absolute power but come mighty close.North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, within his own country, is about as close to completely corrupt ….of any world leaders today.

Based on the power and absolute power principle – how corrupt on a scale from one to ten would the president of the United States be? The president is deemed to be the most powerful human on the planet. That implies that any president is pretty high on the corruption scale.

One night, I was having a conversation with a couple of Trump supporters. I asked them this. “On the day after the election in 2016, was Trump more corrupt than he was the day before…. when he was a candidate?” The response I got was, “No, not Donald Trump – he is a good guy”…. and on and on……………

Are elected leaders more corrupt than the voters who elect them?

Do you believe that law of power and absolute power is true?

If it is true, then any president is more corrupt upon being elected than he was prior to being elected. His level of power has gone parabolic. Every time we empower leaders, we increase the level of corruption correspondingly.

Fantasy Free Analysis And Investigation

Suppose there is a political situation or worldly phenomenon that you would like to explain.  You have no reliable facts. You have no information other than what is revealed in the media. A fantasy free investigation will yield a more accurate of the situation than all of the credentialed experts in the country combined.

How It Works

Start by accepting and understanding reality. Then remove all biases and prejudices form your mind. In real life there are good people and bad people. There are good countries and bad countries. These evaluations must be removed. That does not mean you approve of the wickedness some are prone to do.  This is for observational purposes only. All opinions, judgements and discernments can be added back in at any time.

For purposes of analysis people and institutions  are studied according to how they function., not how they are defined. For example, the Supreme Court is defined as an unbiased court. Fantasy Free Economic theory treats the Supreme Court as a political institution. All government agencies are political institutions. Studying them as they are defined is meaningless and generates a false understanding.

For purposes of Analysis, it is simply, this person does this and another person does not. Why are all people doing these evil things? Operate on the basis of that is just they way it is. The mob is neither bad nor good nor or its members. Mobsters have an incentive to do what they do. The president and congress have incentives to do what they are doing. Treat the Supreme Court the same way. This is the way to investigate and analyze.

To begin with, start with the  basic ingredients of the issue. You will find that if an idea, system or anything else is not flawed in the beginning, there may not be an issue. Many have debunked the efficacy Keynesian theory in thousands of words. I simply point out that the theory is flawed with respect to one or more of its basic ingredients..

Many economist have used thousands of words challenging Keynesian Economic theory. I do it in one sentence. I frequently add a little more but one sentence is enough. Her it is.

Keynes insisted that complete objectivity must be used in implementing stimulus. Any stimulus program requires an economic decision. Government is not capable of making economic decisions. Governments can only make political decisions. It is government which applies stimulus.

Why People Do Things

Among family and friends, there can be love and compassion. Love and compassion can flourish alongside self interest. One the local level, folks make sacrifices for one another. Self interest is tempered.

Local life is what all are accustomed to. It can be mighty comforting to project the norms of local and family life to life in groups. That is routinely done. It is almost universally done. The fact is though, as groups get larger and larger, self interest becomes the only relevant incentive. Politicians run for office out of self interest. This is despite the public thinking otherwise.

A focus on incentives is imperative when studying group behavior. Incentives are all that matter. When a word is spoken in the media, what is said, is said because of an incentive. When an action is taken in public by a leader, it is because of an incentive. At an aggregate level, anyone’s actions are rooted in self interest. .

Understanding the role of incentives creates opportunities for understanding. When a person or institution changes dialog that is not in keeping with their historical posture, there is an incentive for doing so. When a number of entities suddenly change behaviors, there is a good chance their efforts are coordinated.

Serious censorship began emerging as 2019 was coming to a close. Was there a reason for that? There had to be a reason even if none. were apparent. The general media has no natural incentive to protect the public from being exposed to wrong information. This is with the exception of being certain their own content is accurate. They also, these days, have an incentive to produce content that is agenda driven. But why would the media be agenda driven?

During the early days of the U.S. Covid response, Facebook began censoring content that even raised simple questions about the efficacy of anointed cures being  implemented. Facebook even deleted posts that even suggested that vitamin c might be of value. Reputable highly credentialed doctors were silenced, ostracized for speaking up. Any doctor with a doubt about official policy risked being fired. The pharmaceutical industry started pumping out vaccines. These were as much as forced on the public. All speaking against have been and still are being squelched.

There is no way anyone is allowed to speak in a way that is critical of any cure coming out of the pharmaceutical industry.

Do you see a pattern here? Can you connect any dots? What natural interest do these corporations have in silencing criticism? Somehow censorship makes sense to their business models. What would be the advantage to the largest corporation managing and manicuring information the public sees. Why standardize and homogenize all of a population?

Would giant corporations not be able to plan and manage more efficiently, if all of their customers were completely trusting and of the same mindset? Why did Henry Ford standardize parts for cars and production lines? Why only mechanize output? Why not mechanize customers as well?

Is there a chance here that social media, the pharmaceutical industry and others, profit enormously by creating a market full of docile, trusting and homogenized consumers? Would it not benefit such corporations to limit the options of their customers, so that their products and services are all that is available? Would it not be helpful also to inspire government to force folks to buy what they are selling. Censorship can create a wonderful world for those who know how to use it.

Of course, all related is deemed to be for the safety of the public.

The corporate structure has been around for centuries. Not once in history have corporations been obsessed with creating extreme safety for all Americans.. Corporations do have the same incentives they have always had. That is to make profits for their shareholders by any legal means possible.

This is how it breaks down. The parties doing so have no natural incentive to censor Americans. Neither do they have a natural incentive to keep them safe from things they neither produce or sell?

It is not hard to reason that modern censorship is a profit initiative. Generating profits is the only incentive corporations have.

This is how to reason using the fantasy free approach. When an entity is doing things it has no natural incentive to do, it is not hard to piece together a logical scenario as to why they are really doing it. All of this can be done with no actual facts or information. These things are not done out of agape love for humanity.

Just know what incentives are really in play. Apply them where they belong and the work is done. Recognize when a party is doing something any real incentive would not lead them to do.

The propensity to worship

We define the United States as a Republic based on democratic principles. In a democratic system, the role of voters is to guide their representatives. A republic is more authoritarian than a democracy.That does not mean voters, never under any circumstances assume authority over their representatives. Once a law maker is elected, it is hard to unseat an incumbent. Once a law is on the books, odds are it will never be repealed.

In any activity that involves more than one person acting, participants submit to one another. Some assume authority and others follow. This is a wordless transaction. It happens automatically. With respect to representation, it is expected that representatives would submit to voters. In actual practice voters submit to their representatives. Once a campaign is ongoing, candidates appeal to the sensibilities of voters. This is also called telling them what they want to hear.


What People Genuinely Want From Government

It is easy to notice that, not just with government, but in all aspects of their lives, people tend to end up having what is most important to them. Sometimes they end up having just that one thing and nothing else.

If wealth is genuinely what a person wants, especially if that want is out of proportion to
anything else, they are likely to have it, or at least end up with a higher than average income.

There is nothing magical about becoming wealthy. It takes a lot of sacrifice. To become wealthy requires, giving up many other things in life that are meaningful. . Be it love, free time, entertainment those things often must be left on the table.

Most people do not want to give these things up to the degree necessary to achieve great amounts of wealth. There is no problem with that. Wealth does not guarantee happiness. What about entertainment. If that is what people want, they end up being highly entertained. If alcohol is the most important thing, folks may end up with one last fine fifth of fine Tennessee whisky and nothing else besides liver failure. To some, free time is what matters, and in the end they are prone to have that.

Look at what a person has today and that is what is most important to him.
So lets look at what voters or “we the people” have with respect to government. They have
elected a government that serves their guardian. What does a guardian do? A guardian makes decisions for those who are incompetent at making decisions for themselves and manages every aspect of their lives.

So, over time government has taken on the role of a guardian. When voters make a choice, they pick the candidate they feel will most likely serve as a guardian. Since having a guardian is important out of proportion to everything else voters could get from government. A guardian is what they end up with.

Guardian seeking is a hard act to break up. Those who prefer to make their own decisions are a very small minority in the United States. Having a guardian is so important to Americans, they are willing to give up their rights guaranteed to them in the constitution in order to have one. Censorship? Censorship is no problem to Americans when the speech that is censored might end up denying them the guardian they so cherish.

There are those who prefer to live independent lives – though the number is shrinking. Unless independent minded people find ways to make their viewpoints known, it is only a matter of time before there are so few of them that they can’t have any impact at all.

Unless independent people make the effort to find sources of genuine information and
viewpoints, they may as well throw in the towel now.

Fantasy Free Economics is a threat to the guardian – seeking mentality that pervades the nation. So Fantasy Free Economics is highly censored as are other blogs and sources of dissenting viewpoints and information. Guardian seekers themselves are not the ones doing the censoring. The censoring is coming from the guardians themselves.Serving as a guardian for huge masses of people is astronomically profitable. More and more guardian arrangements are sought. Fears are even created just so guardians can provide safety and security to to the people they might serve.

Seeking Safety

Mankind is pre-conditioned to  expect benefits from any Authority he submits to. It makes sense. Leadership throughout thousands of years has been the most powerful animal in the group. This animal has had the ability to protect any group member from any other animal. A close look at human society reveals that people have a parent child relation with government. Instead of operating as free agents, people are prone to being obedient in front of their government. This is all instinct. Because behaviors like this are innate, getting folks to function otherwise is close to impossible. Behaviors that are innate seem normal and to behave otherwise seems impossible

What is interesting about safety and and security is that human beings will pay almost
any amount to avoid living in fear and feeling vulnerable. They will pay as high a price for the perception of safety and security as the real thing. The difference is not easily discernible.

Does government provide safety and security? It can and does sometimes but it is more likely to provide the perception only. Who knows the difference? It is the feeling that counts. Where do they look to get it? They look in the same place all animals look. That is the herd’s leadership. It may be the head male in a pride of lines, or the most powerful male water buffalo. With human beings it is their government. In any case, to the ordinary herd members, the cost is staggering.

Here is the way it works with humans. Humans pay money but with every increment of more safety and security they have to give up part of their freedom. For armed forces they give up some but it is worth it? Every time more safety and security are opted for, more freedom is given up. A guaranteed income takes away even more freedom. All of this comes at a high monetary cost. Eventually folks want the guarantee that others won’t call them names. That is the case today.

The price of safety and security is so high, it is very profitable to provide these things or just their perception. Government agencies grow in size. As the agencies get large, those which sell goods and services to them lobby government for more, more and more. This is so profitable that techniques of scaring people into believing they are vulnerable emerge. Folks get out their checkbooks.

Then the private sector gets involved. New services evolve to protect people from everything from identity theft to home security. All kinds of adds that scare you start appearing.

Feeling warm and cozy whether you are actually safe or not comes at a very high price. One thing people are happy to give up is freedom. After all, what is freedom good for other than achieving safety and security? That is how the animal mind functions. So you feel warm and cozy. Who needs freedom?
After all, isn’t feeling warm and cozy the goal anyway? Who needs freedom any more
after r3eceiving a big dose of feeling safe and secure.

Human Broadcasting

A second aspect of Fantasy Free Economics is acknowledging how little we or anyone else actually
knows. Mostly experts are paid for the pretense of knowledge. Generally we are better off not taking
speculations as the truth and just observing what we don’t understand in the light of reality. We may not
understand it but we can know how to deal with it. With that, I will introduce the theory of human
broadcasting and receiving.

Spoken and written language are mostly treated as the only means of communication the human
species has. That is not possible. Speech evolved over a long period of time, Before that human beings
communicated in other ways. Language is not really that efficient in terms of transmitting accurate
information. Say the word chair in a group of people. Each person will have a different mental picture
of a chair. There are deeper understandings and those understandings lie deeper within you than
anywhere language can reach.

Every human being broadcasts a mental picture of his inner essence. I have no insight with respect of
the physics involved in the process. All humans have some capacity to mentally receive mental
broadcasts. The process is very subtle, and neither broadcaster or receiver is aware that anything is
happening. It is well established that what a person experiences at the conscious level is only a tiny
fraction of the communication that goes on withing a person’s body. There are strong arguments to the
effect that communication is ongoing at the spiritual level also.

It is more naive than not naive to believe communication takes place only when words are used. The
possibilities to the contrary are unlimited. You have heard is said that one person or another has
charisma. That charisma comes from what the individual broadcasts. Someone who is down and
depressed broadcasts that. This is why a person who needs friends can’t find friends. This happens
completely beneath the awareness of all who are involved.

What happens on an individual basis also occurs on a collective basis. Within a huge country like the
United States, the the mental essence of like minded people to sort of like minded people combines into
aggregate waves that actually effect behavior. On occasions like 911, people noticed they were
responding in ways they never would have expected. I personally remember feeling this notion that I
needed to completely trust my country’s leadership. Believe me, that is not a posture I would naturally
be inclined to assume. Clearly there was something in the air. There is always something in the air. It is
just not easy to notice.

Why is this theory of human broadcasting and receiving important right now? Some notice and some
don’t but the integrity of all of the world’s political and economic systems is extremely shaky these
days. When will the prevailing social order break down. Lets hope for a miracle and that it doesn’t. At
times like this, the likelihood of a sudden massive shift in what is broadcast mentally by various
factions is highly elevated. The reality gap in the United States may be higher than it was in Rome
close to the fall of the empire. When a reality gap closes it doesn’t do so gently. The reality gap slams
shut. When the collective mindset of the public changes in this kind of situation, it is likely to happen
suddenly and will likely result in chaos.

Natural Law Applied To Politics And Economics

Anytime I allude to natural it seems to invoke images of 60s hippies sitting under a shade tree dropping acid
or smoking weed. Then I have to show where most natural law is found or modeled. That happens to be in
ancient religious writings. Examples abound in all of them. These ideas did not spring up over night. The
models of natural law apply completely to human behavior independently of any religious interpretation.

Find any story in the Old Testament or New Testament. Find any number of parallel circumstance throughout
history and the issues will have outcomes which also parallel the outcomes in the ancient stories. Read
these stories very carefully and it will also become clear that scribes often wrote in ways that would
expose corruption among leaders in the safest way they could. Many stories are written from the
viewpoint of, “What is wrong with this picture?” This is especially true in the Old Testament Books of
Samuel and Kings. Read the stories carefully and it is apparent that the scribes were being subversively
critical of kings. The same flaws cited in the early kings of Israel are possessed by today’s world
leaders. What is explained is the nature of leadership and it is all true today.

Have you noticed how today’s masses are as much as volunteering for slavery. There is a near madness
of seeking comfort and security from authority and replacing freedom with obedience to central
authority figures. This is an ancient phenomenon which is repeated over and over throughout history.
Today’s situation is clearly explained in Samuel 1 Chapter 8 of the Old Testament. Jews can read that
without fearing some Christian guy is going to grab them and tell them about Jesus. The same
principles can be found in other ancient writings.

Mainstream economists make a fatal error by making false assumptions about how people are likely to
behave. People are assumed to be autonomous in thought and action. Close observations show that this
is untrue. There is no way to make false assumptions in the beginning and be right in the end.

People are in fact born free but that doesn’t last long enough to have a huge impact over lives. In the
system of dominance and subservience we all live in, every living thing including human beings joins
the ongoing activity of dominating some and submitting to others. So the person mainstream
economics treats as free and autonomous is only in that precise condition at a few sort periods during a
life time. It should not be assumed that dominating others is always the first and best choice. When a
person goes looking for a job, what is he or she doing? That person is looking to find the optimum and
most advantageous way to submit so as to optimize one’s level of comfort and security.

Look very closely at the political arena and you will notice something striking. Notice the complete absence of sentient or abstract arguments. Everything that is written or said, in or out of echo chambers is meant to change someone’s positions without taking a big chance by asking them to think about it.Government is defined in many lofty ways but in the end, it turns out to be a formal platform where countless pleaders go to get what they want. Truth is not used. What you are noticing is that politics is an animal world activity. The human animal nature takes over. Thinking is not engaged in. It is a survival activity.

Really, the only people who actually think during the political process are the few who wind up being elected officials or those who work directly for them. Certain unlikely personality characteristics give them the ability to herd, coral and exploit others while making most feel like they are working in their behalf. The voting public is managed and trained the same way dogs are managed and trained.

Members of the public are offered treats and kind words in order to encourage them to submit. Human
beings submit to their elected representatives in the same way their dogs submit to them. Once a human
being has submitted to an authority, don’t expect that person to object to anything at all unless his or
her comfort and security levels are threatened. If it surprises you that there is so much turmoil in the world and no one seems to care except a few in the echo chambers, I have just given you the explanation. The level of submission in the United Statestoday is unprecedented. Until and if that changes, don’t look for a lot of progress in reining in government. I admit, that I can’t offer any suggesting a way to change this.

Natural Law In Scriptures

Ancient writings contain wisdom  that modern man is not aware of. . For example, each story in the Old Testament is a model of natural law independently of its religious interpretation. The best example can be seen in Chapter 8:1 in the Old Testament. What is described is an eternal process whereby the common man surrenders his freedom to an authoritarian entity in order to feel safe and taken care of. The same process is occurring today and has throughout all of history.


Israel Demands a King

1Now it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel. 2The name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.

4Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, 5and said to him, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”

6But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” So Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7And the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. 8According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt, even to this day—with which they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. 9Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.”

10So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who asked him for a king. 11And he said, “This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots. 12He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. 14And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants. 15He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to his officers and servants. 16And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest [a]young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. 17He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants. 18And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

19Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we will have a king over us, 20that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.”

21And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he repeated them in the hearing of the Lord. 22So the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed their voice, and make them a king.”

And Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Every man go to his city.”

How We Create Our Own Corruption

Why do Americans complain about corruption? Americans create their own corruption. Power does not
magically appear. It must be created. A person who wants power must create it himself or have others give
it to him. Anytime a government agency is established, power is created. Anytime a law is passed, power is
created. Does power corrupt? Are there any exceptions? I don’t know of any exceptions. Do you? Perhaps an exception can be found, but just one case would not be enough to qualify as a counter example.

So, what do we do collectively when we need to solve one of society’s problems? We empower people and
organizations in an effort to solve the problem. We create power and the power we create becomes
corrupt. The more power we create. The more corruption we create.

How much corruption we have in government really depends upon how much we wish to have. There
is a huge difference between being anti government and anti corruption. It turns out that the only way
to reduce corruption is to reduce power. The obvious way to do that is to have less of what creates
corruption naturally. This is not easy to do. Another point of natural law is that power is never
relinquished voluntarily. Once power is established it can only be removed by force, even if it is
through a gentle force like voting. The powerful will never leave on their own.

Of course, mainstream economics disregards natural law. Mainstream economics would assume, that a person such as a member of the Open Market Committee, or the Chairman of the Federal Reserve as no more corrupt after taking the position than they were before taking the job.

The fact is that the more power a position has, the more corrupt the position holder will be. The longer
an institution exists, the more corrupt it will become. The less concern the voting public shows in
reining in authority the more corrupt the authority will be.

So, by deciding how much power we wish to create and let grow, we are deciding how much corruption
we are going to have. The problem here is there is a complete lack of awareness that we are making a
choice. Perhaps it would be helpful to create more awareness

Fantasy Free Economics is based on recognizing the very few absolutely true observations we can about the world we live in. Then we approach life. We never let others convince us that these basic
things are untrue. Remember, the most profound observation we make is that life is governed and regulated by a system of dominance and subservience. On top of that we make more simple observations, give up fantasies and euphemisms, then look out our windows and see what is going on. Without the handicap of trying to discern reality while looking through the self made prism of fantasy, first impressions have a very high probability of being accurate in terms of what is good, bad, useful, truthful, dangerous, opportunities and so on. Only without fantasy can we accurately access the honesty of public figures and tell their personal or secretive motives. Fantasy serves you in that it is often the source of happiness. Fantasy also enslaves you because anyone who supports and validates your fantasies is likely to become your master, Good salesmen motivate you by working your fantasies.

What is accomplished by using the principles of Fantasy Free Economics? I
immediately debunked every aggregate economic theory that is used in making economic policy. Every
theory is based on flawed and erroneous assumptions about human behavior. All aggregate economic
theories assume, a Keynes invented character, the straw man. Straw man means completely objective
and totally unbiased. Such an entity does not exist in nature. In all of economics, it is assumed that
human nature changes when a person leaves the private sector and becomes employed in the public
sector. Nothing about a person’s personality changes when a government job is taken.

So, when aggregate economic policy is implemented it is done in a way that is in the self interest of of
the highly anointed, appointed “straw man.” Also influential  is anyone and everybody with lots of
political power. Decisions are made in keeping with the self interest of those who implement the
policies as well as the politically powerful who lobby for collective action. Benefit to the economy is
the ostensible reason for public policies but there is no way the whole country benefits. Being fantasy
free, we know that aggregate economic policy is going to benefit those at the top of the political
structure. There is no chance Federal Reserve Policy will ever do anything other than transfer wealth
from the bottom of the food chain to the top. A simple observation debunks all of the central planning
theories which determine Federal Reserve policy and fiscal policy. The theories are based on erroneous
assumptions. They have no way to work.


Mention the words natural law and what image does the mind conjure up? Say natural law and the brain
might create for you and image of airheads living in communes preaching agape love. As a teacher of
natural law, I treat the subject quite differently. Make an observation of a principle that works over and over
again over all of history’s long timeline. Then, even with all of the effort in the world, folks can’t come up
with a universally accepted, or even a good guess as to why it works. The cause is often un-explainable or
elusive and not concrete at best.

Much of natural law is well known. When that is the case it is largely treated as a platitude. Reliable
principles of natural law are modeled all over the scriptures of every religion. Even with all of the
exposure, natural law is treated as mush within intellectual communities. Anyone who alludes to
natural law is tuned out. That is a mistake. Natural law dominates man made theories. Man made
theories often work perfectly until they conflict with a natural law.

A time honored principle of natural law is that an action that begins with an immoral act will be one
where the costs outweigh the benefits. There will be an eventual negative outcome. Is that true? It can’t
be proven but we can see that historically it hasn’t failed.

When looking at modern monetary policy. The reasoning is that if we steal on behalf of the rest of the
country, the interest Grannie should rightly earn on her savings, and give it to the world’s financial
sector, the country as a whole will prosper.

To do what is ostensibly right for the rest of the country, we must rob Grannie. Because that is an
immoral approach to public policy, even though the logic sounds great, the whole country will be
compromised. The sum of the results of the practice will be very harmful.

Communism begins with the notion that the end justifies the means. Natural law understands that it is
the means and nothing else that determines the end. A communist might say “you have to break eggs to
make an Omelet. In every case, the suggestion is that an immoral act is going to end up doing good for
society. Any type of economics by force is going to fare worse than those where free markets are the

Another well known point of natural law is that power corrupts. So far, I haven’t found a soul who
disagrees with that principle. So, we elect a president, and his supporters act if they have a messiahworking for them. What they have done is increase the level of power of another human being bymaking him president. More corruption always comes with more power. The United States must havea president but citizens must realize that it is their job to reign in the leaders they elect. In all cases, themasses are more moral than their leaders even though the population may not see it that way. Eventhough democracy is far from perfect, it does provide ways for the more moral portion of humanity tocontrol the less moral few who are elevated to powerful positions

The Fantasy Free theory of the origin of Language

The Fantasy Free theory of the origin of language is that oral communication evolved out of the need for deception. The lie turns out to be an important tool for survival.

While the debate of whether or not human beings can communicate through clairvoyance is ongoing, it has become clear that lower animals routinely communicate in this manner. Do not expect the scientific community to jump on this theory and run with it. Theevidence is overwhelming. Mostly, they just choose not to look.

Rupert Sheldrake , has published much in the way of convincing evidence concerning how animals
communicate across space.

Language evolved as a means of disguising one’s intentions. If primitive man A was about to attack
primitive man B and clairvoyance was the common form of communication between them, primitive
man B would preempt the strike. Clearly primitive man B would be better off if spoken language
replaced mind to mind communication. It would be a better strategy to lie with speech and feign

In the evolutionary process, speech became more and clairvoyance became less. Today, folks have very
limited means of transmitting and receiving information. The communication is ongoing but it is
generally perceived as an irritation or a mental illness. Mental illnesses like depression may turn out to
be incomplete clairvoyance occurrences as in information received but with no interpretation.
What is the significance of a theory. A theory is based on ideas and observations that seem plausible. It
is commonplace to act on theories. Every decision the Federal Reserve makes is based on a theory that
is less provable than the Fantasy Free theory of the origin of language.

The nice thing about basing a theory on a fantasy free observation is that there is a very high
probability of being right. Nature provides all of its animals with a special gift. That gift is the ability to
correctly grasp the gravity of situations and see the precise truth about what is going on around you.
There is one caveat. The gift is only present when the mind is free of fantasy.


In my Fantasy Free Economics theories, unlike mainstream economics I recognize self interest as the
only relevant incentive with respect to aggregate economics. Mainstream economists assume the
imaginary incentive to serve, which is a completely erroneous assumption. The incentive to serve is born of
the need to be taken care of, by a benevolent, more powerful entity. Self interest does not disappear when a
person leaves the private sector for the public sector.

This seemingly innocent fantasy has the potential of being lethal to our way of life.
Mainstream economics assumes some sort of desire in humans to work and be productive. Being
fantasy free, I observe deeper motivations and do not ignore them. Human beings are more than willing
to be productive and work for pay but only after exhausting all possibilities of living off the efforts of
others in the groups they belong to.

There is a misguided believe within the population that government benefits are provided as acts of
kindness. The opposite is actually true. Only the politically powerful get net positive benefits. It is easy
enough to point to some of the powerless, poor and down trodden as benefiting from government
programs, but on a net basis, all without political power pay tribute to the top, one way or another.
Fantasy creates happiness and comfort. Fantasy also kills. Sometimes a whole lifetime can pass with
fantasy creating only happiness. When fantasy kills, it kills suddenly and creates chaos and confusion.
When an entire society is consumed with fantasy and reality is treated as a lie, a collapse is right around
the corner. Fantasy is wonderful until without warning reality imposes itself on an entire society.

Although fantasies in the United States are not parallel to the fantasies of the Germans during the 30s
and 40s they are potentially very serious. The Germans had this fantasy the the Aryan was superior to
all others. Being alive did not mean a person was worthy of life. So, other races of people were killed
off as needed and it was the God given right of Aryans to operate that way. In the end a good deal of
the world was destroyed, including all of Germany.

The relevant fantasies in the United States are not at all unusual. It is the fact that they are so
universally accepted that make the situation scary. The belief that government is benevolent is just
about universal. That the United States military is fighting for freedom and that all veterans are heroes
is another one. Experts are assumed into existence. The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee
members are an example. Federal Reserve economists are really only the best politicians among
economists. Citizens are comfortable looking at presidential candidates as messiahs. Does every child need a college education? It is still assumed that they do, while college provides nothing close to an education.           

The truth is censored and fantasies are accepted as real. Anyone exposing a fantasy is jumped on and
silenced. To persons living the fantasies, the truth constitutes betrayal. To challenge the existing order is
to be deemed anti American or unpatriotic. In fact people are highly prone to fighting to the death to
defend a fantasy.

In the United States today, it is not that one particular fantasy is that dangerous. The problem is that the
prevailing fantasies have been part of life and have been growing unchallenged for many decades. The
fact is that, today in the United States, the population is almost universally out of touch with the
genuine forces that actually do determine the outcomes in their lives.

We are on the cusp of the greatest economic reckoning in the history of the world. People are
completely without the intellectual means to deal with it.

  The Human Herding Instinct

When folks explain human behavior, sometimes it is noted that humans are acting out of character and behaving like herd animals. No one is acting out of character. Human beings are indeed herd animals and they function as herd animals 24 hours per day 7 days per week. The brain is an amazing organ but it is not all that honest. Its primary function is driving survival and reproduction. Despite any thoughts the brain comes up with that lead us to believe otherwise, the brain tricks us into engaging in behaviors that optimize the chance of surviving and reproducing. Herd behavior is one of those behaviors.

Humans are not only herd animals, they have specialized roles to play within the herd. People have
different personality characteristics. These characteristics are different in each human. Different
personality characteristics go along with different roles people end up carrying out within a herd
setting. Leaders have political personalities. A political personality is about the same as that of a
sociopath. Someone must be at the head of a herd. That person will have elevated manipulative skills, a
sense of entitlement, and no conscience to speak of. There is an appearance of a consciousness but that
is only an exaggerated concern of how the sociopath appears to others.

As part of various herds, people engage in group communication, although they are unaware that it is
happening. Speech, reading and writing are generally accepted as the only kinds of communications
that exist. There is much more. There are no words but people communicate through the air and are
unaware that it is happening. Much of what psychologists describe as anxiety and depression are
actually signals picked up from outside the head. It is very subtle but everyone broadcasts their state of
mind and makes judgments about others based on what is broadcast. Most communication is outside of
our awareness. Why do doctors have so much trouble treating anxiety and depression? They believe it
originates within the skull but it really comes from the outside.

Many years ago, humans found it to their advantage to dominate, keep and herd animals which were of
use to them. Mankind, in the beginning made no distinction between capturing animals and capturing members of their own species. That is how slavery got its origin. As slavery became increasingly unprofitable herding continued to be practiced. There have always been rich and poor. Throughout
history, the rich have found ways to live off the efforts of others, frequently by paying them but really
by any means possible.

When the Internet began it was not fathomed that it would morph into a gigantic herding tool where
people’s thoughts, time and energy could be easily managed. Prior to the advent of corporate giants,
recognizing its potential as a herding tool, the Internet was like the open range was prior to fences in
the old west. When Google and all of the others entered the arena all of that would change. The activity
that actually generates revenue in these giant companies is human herding. They manage people’s time,
energy opinions and everything else and do so profitably.

Of course, individuals deny engaging in herd behavior but they do. One of the most pronounced herd
behaviors is worshiping leaders. Notice that the mentality these days is to find a messiah for a leader
who will do all of the things a conservative or a liberal wants done. Interest in the actual self governing
approach is completely missing.

Mainstream economists have no chance of being right except by accident. In mainstream economics
the individual is treated as autonomous and independent thinking. The actual individual is nothing of
the kind.

Animals are controlled animals either by offering a treat or by scaring them. In South Texas, ranchers blow their horn when they arrive with a truckload of hay. The cows associate the horn with being fed.

Humans are controlled by offering them a treat like a government handout. Social media controls humans by offering the free stuff like a Facebook page or a no cost email address.
If ranchers on horseback want to change the herd’s direction they might crack a bull whip on one side of the herd to get them to go the other way.

Government hypes up a crisis. The population is scared so they accept direct orders from
authorities. Humans are moved in the direction the authority desires.

Ranchers get their reward by selling their cattle to slaughter houses. Corporations get their reward by using government as a means to force the human herd to buy their products and services. Ranchers like having a homogenized herd and keep the animals in the dark as to what their eventual destiny will be.

Government and affiliated corporations employ censorship as a means of insuring their humans are basically of one mind. Information is also horded and kept from the populations eyes so that the human animals remain docile and content. While citizens are not sent to the slaughter house, their buying habits are managed.

With respect to sheep, a few stray from the herd and live on their own. Most sheep are kept for their wool. The strays are routinely shot and eaten by the family that owns the ranch.

Outliers of the human herd are routinely destroyed politically or in the media.
Human herding is part of our lives. People as a whole feel more comfortable in a herding
situation. Humans are also a multi herd species. Most groups people belong to take on herding characteristics.

It will be important to recognize human herding activities in coming days. Independent thinking is quite rare. As the political season gets underway, focusing on herd behavior will add a lot of clarity. Where efforts to persuade are made, you will notice the absence of sentient arguments.

The Sensation Of Understanding

I make no secret of the fact that I teach natural law as well as economics. The discipline of economics is rooted in natural law and the basis of economics is drawn from natural law, but only a few principles are used. The rest is discarded. Examples of natural law as part of economics are the laws of supply and demand. It is a natural law that people will buy more at a lower price than at a higher price. It is also a natural law that sellers will sell more at a higher price than at a lower price. What makes these natural laws, with or without proof, is the fact that it is normal human behavior. There are many more natural laws that determine behaviors in the economic arena, especially at the aggregate level.

In dealing with natural law there is a unique sensation I call the sensation of understanding. Who
has not experienced a tingling in the spine and a sense of well being following internalizing
something profound? This is what I call the sensation of understanding. When understanding
occurs there is nothing that can necessarily be put into words. But, something has been learned
and the learning has taken place at a deeper level than at the level were words explain what we

Some people seek to change for the better. Some people are unhappy and want to change.
Positive change begins with understanding. Out of understanding a person changes and the
change is always positive.

The Most Important Thing
 The stock market is the overwhelmingly most important thing in the world for the 10% who own 85% of all stock outstanding. The 100 or so richest people in the world actually are your real government. Americans are busy believing otherwise and promoting their own poverty.

Folks in the U.S. are trained from birth to think like they do. I frequently state that those 100 or so richest
people in the world are controlling, acquiring and consolidating ownership of the world’s factors of production. By controlling the media, they also determine what your entertainment but more importantly what you think and believe.

Accomplishing these things allows them to literally write their enormous paychecks and
guarantees them ever increasing enormous paychecks for as long as the future can be foreseen.
How do I know these things without having any facts at my fingertip? It is my understanding of
natural law and the practice of using it to make forecasts. Here is a relevant point of natural law
applicable in today’s economic and political arenas.

Any human being who has an incentive will act on that incentive in the absence of a
stronger counter incentive. Anyone who has an incentive to steel will rob a bank if there is
absolutely no way he will be caught.

Why would any group of people coral and manage the thoughts of the overall population for
profit and use government as a means of increasing the value of everything they own? A better
question is, why wouldn’t they? Who is going to stop them? Certainly the public won’t. The
upper elite control our law makers. So, of course they will. All that is needed is the will, power
and money to do these things. Is this some kind of conspiracy? Am I a conspiracy theorist? It doesn’t have to be a formal conspiracy. It can be the manifestation of the interplay of symbiotic relationships over time.

Regardless, it has the characteristics of a cartel. The exact nature of their relationships to one
another would be nice to know but the outcome is the same regardless. All collective action is
conspiracy based. In that respect, I am definitely a conspiracy theorist.

One problem the elite have is that of actual damage to their business interest. They also need a
perpetual massive supply of unearned money which is funneled to the by way of our Federal
Reserve. I have previously forecast that the stock market will drop when the economy tanks and
there is nothing that can be done to stop it. I need to change that a little. If business losses are
guaranteed because of something external smashing its way into the economy, that will have the
same effect as a business decline that occurs because the buying power af the bottom rungs of
the economy disappears.

The Coronavirus of 2020 actually could serve as an exogenous event that stresses the economy to the
point of collapse. We didn’t  know how serious the situation was or was not. The reaction of the Chinese
government indicated that it could be quite serious. 

Americans need to be assured stock prices will continue to rise no matter what. The elite will actually see to it that the public get no information that will scare them into selling their holdings. The lives and means of ordinary people mean nothing to these folks. Americans die because they have no information and have
now way to anticipate a coming pandemic? To the elite, you go down as collateral damage.

Until something happens, the same trading patterns in the market will continue as usual.
Sometimes the market will fall at the opening of trading. What happens? The market falls and
lands in a basket. From there prices are manipulated higher any shorts are squeezed out of their
positions. The last hour is devoted to closing the market up for the day or at worst at the high for
the day.

On most days, the market is gapped up and then stabilized. A snake like pattern ensues and
continues until the last hour. From that point until the close, all efforts are to close it well above
the open but up for the day no matter what. In the media, this process is explained as mom and
pop being excited about stocks and buying aggressively. It is nothing of the kind.
In politics, the democratic process is being discarded. Our free market system has been
destroyed. The situation is ripe for an all out depression. It will happen but the stock market will
be manipulated until none who manipulate the market are left standing. Does anyone want to

Acceptable Alternatives To The Truth

In explaining economics and politics, I have a complete advantage over all others who are doing the same thing, simply because I do not believe lies. That is not an unfair advantage. Anyone else can do the same thing. In politics, although the truth is in every one’s tool box it is never used. Any politician who tells the truth is at an immediate disadvantage.
When talking about politics I start by knowing I am not hearing the truth regardless of its source. All communication in politics is focused on getting results or advancing an agenda. Others who believe they are hearing the truth, even out of their favorite suportees, are generally wrong in their assessments from the outset.
That is in fact the case with mainstream economics. Study mainstream economics if you want to be highly adept at understanding a system that does not apply to or even exist in the real world.
John Kenneth Galbraith was a brilliant economist 20th century economist. Sure he was a liberal but he was an absolute master at observing what was going on in the world of economics that was out of the visual field of everyone else. His solutions were misguided but his observations were right on
.In his classic 1950’s book, The Affluent Society, he introduced the term conventional wisdom. Today that term is used constantly but the gravity of its meaning has become lost. Conventional wisdom works out to be an alternative to the truth the vast majority of the time. Conventional wisdom is not what is true. It is a belief system the majority are comfortable with.
Policy is always based on conventional wisdom rather than what is factual or even logical. Often it is a means of adopting a lie,hoping it works or for the best, because the truth is too troubling to look at.
What is today’s conventional wisdom? Probably the biggest is the insistence by virtually everyone is  that the stock market is in a bubble created by investors bidding stocks up. It is quite unsettling to entertain the idea that we don’t have a bubble but a political agenda that provides affirmative action for stock prices. Bubbles burst. Political agendas fail but they don’t bust. What are political agendas? Political agendas are what politically powerful people convince congress that government should do.Somehow,
I doubt that I am alone among economists as seeing QE and fiscal stimulus as not only unnecessary but completely destructive. The fact is that you cannot get paid as an economist unless you advance the conventional wisdom the modern discipline is based on. For that reason, the conventional wisdom that stimulus is needed and even that the Federal Reserve is an important necessary institution are standards that are
What conventional wisdom comes down to is a reasoning of choice that displaces the truth. The popular ideas that circulate in the echo chambers, both liberal and conservative, are bits and pieces of conventional wisdom that morph into sound bites. So, when does anything other than conventional wisdom enter the national dialog. That happens when suffering caused by policies based on yesterdays conventional wisdom begin failing.

Applying Natural Law To Economics

(Fantasy Free Economics theory is rooted in natural law. Natural law has predominance over all man made theories and assumptions. Find instance where standard economic theories and natural law conflict, natural law will yield the best insight. The concept of self evident is an intricate part of Fantasy Free Economics. Someone might ask, if anything is actually self evident. 

Our very nation is rooted in a principle of self evidence as can be noticed in the Preamble of the United States Declaration of independence.  The  very existence, at its very beginning, is based on it being self evident that rights are given to us by our creator. or nature if you prefer. Who disagrees?

Economists constantly allude to Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nation as the foundation of economic thought. All of what Smith wrote is based on principles of natural law which turn out to be self evident.,

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity, but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages. Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow-citizens.” – Adam Smith)


The study of  of economics in the aggregate is fatally flawed because of a complete ignorance
natural law. As intricate as economic theory is, it never has a chance of working as intended
because it is flawed from the beginning. The most elaborate theories can be debunked in a
sentence or two by pointing out that influences at the most basic level are not even known
about much less considered. If a cook uses salt in place of sugar in making an angel food cake, it
is going to taste less and less like a cake as more and more salt is added. No cook is going to do
this unless it is by accident. The world’s most esteemed economists do this and nothing else by
using erroneous assumptions.

They do not recognize what the most basic influences are. Neither do the people who listen to
them and hang on every word that comes out of their mouths. A quick look at the image at the
left presents a clear picture of where aggregate economics is focused. The trunk of the tree
illustrates where Fantasy Free Economics is focused.

I discard economic dogma because it guarantees bad outcomes. It is all based on math and the theories are all based on math. The basics of economics can’t be explained with numbers because the influences that cause numbers are not even acknowledge. That is because no number can explain a basic influence. Natural law accomplishes that. I believe in math. I have even taught algebra II and pre-calculus. I am not a mathematician but math may be the most useful skill a student often learns. However, it is as dangerous to used math where it doesn’t apply as it is to use dynamite to try and solve all of the world’s problems.

Dynamite is wonderful also, provided it is used it the right way and for the right things.

I am going to use probably the most acknowledged natural law known as an example. Power
corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Who disagrees? Someone might disagree but
as of yet I have not encountered such a person. So what does mainstream economics do with that
tidbit of truth? It deems it a platitude and ignores it. Doing this alone guarantees failure. All
natural law, other than a few like the laws of supply and demand, are ignored. More importantly
natural law is not used. Even the laws of supply and demand are not mentioned or acknowledged
as being natural law. The power corrupt law will be expanded on an further explained in a coming chapter.

Buy accepting the power corrupts law, it is easy to show that those in powerful positions are
always more corrupt than the masses who give them power. When a person is given a position of
power that person becomes more corrupt than he was the day before acquiring the position.
Society treats such people as peers, but they are no such thing. The indisputable truth is that the
automatic corruption makes that impossible. Mainstream economics pretends that empowered
folks are no different than any other of their brethren. All are assumed to be working tirelessly
seeking to improve the lives of ordinary people. Yet, because they are more powerful than the
rest of us, it is natural that they are more corrupt than the rest of us.

There are two choices when looking at institutions. Each can be studied according to how it is defined. or how it functions. Mainstream economics treats both people and institutions according to how they are defined. For example, the Federal Reserve is defined as being unbiased. Economists and all of society treat it as if it was actually  unbiased. Fantasy Free Economics treats it as the political body which it is.

Few would dispute that the United States is entering a troubled period in its history. If the process of cause and effect is entertained. A freedom loving, freedom seeking population would not allow that to happen. Clearly there is something wrong with this picture.Human beings then, The presumed input would not generate the output we see. Clearly, people are guided by a deeper motivation with respect to how they deal with freedom.

As an economist, rather than relying on quantitative analysis, I focus on the natural forces which are the true cause of what economic numbers turn out to be. The fantasy – free approach is based on interpreting natural law…. and understanding that natural law has predominance over any other laws that are used in explaining economics. Since natural law generates no numbers, ordinary reasoning is used.  Believe me, I am not anti-number or anti-math. The difference is that I know what math is good for and what it is not.

What is called economics today, is actually sophisticated accounting – which is presumed  to have predictive value that it doesn’t have. With natural law, I routinely debunk sophisticated economic theories in one sentence….and never more than three.

How To Use Fantasy Free Economics Theory

There is a difference between knowing and understanding. Knowing what a theory is and understanding it are not the same. At the level of understanding along with an interpretation that it is true a theory becomes integral to the thinking process.

My s8uggestion is to grasp the theory and keep it in mind as the future unfolds. Becoming fantasy free with respect to economics and politics conflicts with a persons sensibilities based on fantasy which have replaced those provided by nature.

Get used to the way fantasy free theory works slowly. That it works will become obvious.

Fantasy Free theory is a great equalizer. It will not ever be used as a means of making or changing government economic policy. It would dis-empower the actors in charge. Why are certain actors in charge?

People run for public office as a means of acquiring power or for personal gain of another kind. Power is hard to get and it is never relinquished voluntary. Once power is obtained, corruption comes with it. If Fantasy Free theory was accepted by academics and government,  It would dis-empower those in charge. Opportunities for profit would disappear. Government is for taking, not for giving.

Fantasy Free Economics empowers the common man. It is a great equalizer. Any soul on the street can come up with answers that are illusive to highly intelligent people with impressive credentials. The common man lacks information. To use the Fantasy Free approach, few ordinary facts are needed. Knowing incentives actually constitutes knowledge. It is just as important not to ascribe incentives that are truly imaginary, like the imaginary incentive to serve.

To use fantasy free theory it is helpful to recognize instinctive propensities and imperatives. There are many.

Contrast With Traditional Economic Theory

Modern Money Explained

Money has always been around. At the time barter was used, whatever was produced in excess of what the producer used, served as money. It was traded directly for something else another person produced, that was deemed worth a trade.

All kinds of commodities have been used for money. Six characteristics of money are: durability, portability, acceptability, scarcity, divisibility and uniformity. Gold served as money for eons because it posses all of these six characteristics. Interfere with any of these six attributes and whatever serves as money functions less efficiently as money.

I use the term natural money supply to describe the optimum amount of money in an economy. The natural money supply consists of money earned by means of work or production plus what can be borrowed based on the credit of borrowers and reserve requirements. But, is that enough money in circulation? It is in a free market economy and constitutes an optimum.

One way to dismantle a free market economy is to increase the money supply by means of political money. Quantitative easing and other such practices amount to political money. Add that money that the good money attribute of scarcity is diminished. Drop the reserve requirement close to zero and the scarcity of money is eliminated.

All who work possess natural money. That is based on work done and whatever can borrowed and logically be expected to be repaid. Few who work have access to political money.

Access to political money is obtained by way of political power. How do we end up with political money? Suppose there is a basically a free market economy and things are going along as well as possible. “The economy is growing but deemed not to be growing fast enough. Never mind that given technology, productivity of labor and resources, everything is being put to its highest and best use. Gee, but given the prowess of our intellectuals, government can stimulate the economy and we can out do the tired old free market system.”

By increasing the money supply, it is assumed that we can have more of everything faster on awin win basis. So, the Federal Reserve is commissioned to create political money in order accomplish this. Wow, it works, lets do even more of it.

When I was driving a taxi, I picked up an air force pilot at the San Antonio International Airport. I took him to Randolph Air Force Base. We had a pleasant half hour long conversation. He was here to fly a jet back to Colorado Springs. He wasn’t looking forward to it. It would be a boring four hour flight. I naively asked him why it would take him so long since the jet he was picking up could easily make the trip in 45 minutes. He said that his mission required him to optimize fuel usage and if he went at maximum speed, there might not even be enough fuel to finish the

Stimulating the economy works in a similar fashion. Initial results may be stellar but that is not going to last. First, the stimulus goes to those with enough political power to demand and receive it. Second, the money is used by the receivers to make the most money in the shortest period of time. Expectations are that the money will be unselfishly used to promote a national interest. Instead, resources become inefficiently allocated because the out with the old and in with the new aspect of free markets eliminated. Wealth is transferred from the bottom of the economy to the top. A severe recession or depression ensues to correct the imbalances created by the stimulus. GDP numbers can look good for years, but like the jet plane, the economy runs out of fuel. In the end the economy would have been better off at the end of economic hard times, had stimulus never been used.

Mindless stimulus, both monetary and fiscal stimulus. have been used constantly since the
Reagan Administration. Keynes, the father of economic stimulus, was clear in insisting that his theory should seldom be used and that complete objectivity must be used when it is. Since government, can only make political decisions and Keynes methods require governmental decisions, his theories are guaranteed not to work as intended anyway.

There is no objectivity in government decisions. Constant stimulus has destroyed our free market system. Political power has replaced price in its rationing role. Our economy has been destroyed. So, the economy will crash, just like the pilot’s jet would have crashed had he flown full speed on his flight from San Antonio to Denver.



Flaws in Demand

Demand is like the wind blowing into a sale. When the wind stops the boat stops. When demand stops,
the economy stops. When wind speed increases the boat goes faster. When demand increases, the economy grows faster. The wind going into a sale cannot be increased. Can the level of demand be increased, independently of work and production? Belief that it can be is the conventional wisdom of modern economic thought. That is, if we don’t count what is stolen as part of demand.

The following is a list of the five most important demand determinates found in economic text books. The presence of political money distorts each of these factors and causes imbalances to grow in the economy

Price Yes, price determines how much in terms of goods and services consumers will buy. But,how are prices determined. Price is the rationing element in a free market. If laws are passed forcing consumers to pay for certain goods and services, goods and services are then rationed with political power. We are forced to pay for ethanol in our gasoline. Who remembers countless Americans, willing to pay, waving signs on the street insisting that gasoline contain ethanol be required in gasoline. I can’t remember any. Can you?

Demand for ethanol was created with political power. Wind up with two classes of demand. We have what consumers want to buy. We also have demand derived from political power. The two types of demand function completely differently. Still, economists insist that demand is demand. It has to me that way to build economic models. Seeing it that way guarantees the ineptness of these models in terms of utility.

Related Goods A change in price or demand for one product or service, different than the one in question, can either increase or decrease when it can accomplish the same are similar things.

Income We have income based on work. Add political money to that and we have two classes of money. Stimulus adds income for the most wealth members of society. Money rooted in work is what ordinary people have. Economists treat all money as the same. But, then again, thinking is not allowed in economics.

Tastes and Preferences Tastes and preferences are changed through advertising. We have to live with that. Censorship prevents consumers from leaning about products and services that compete with what is already offered and what all are forced to by by legislation. Huge corporations own the media and supports the interests of their owners.


Expectations are controlled by the media and government. These determinates are part of a larger number that is used to calculate aggregate demand.

When an economic model is produced, generally basic demand determinates go into the categories of government spending and consumer spending. No thought is given to where the numbers come from and why they are what they are. I look at models like I would look at a painting or a flowerdisplay. Those things can be mighty pretty.

Why do I pay no attention to economic models? They have no utility to society but serve only as political tools to be used to pass corrupt self serving laws for those with enough political power to lobby and get bills passed. Citizens never have approached government and asked that government manage their healthcare, life’s decisions, clean energy,support for the stock market or anything else.

The logic of mainstream economics is that citizens actually do want these things because they have representation. Never mind the fact that, although citizens do elect representatives, they get outbid as soon as their candidates take office. If citizens actually had representation, how could the country get in to the sorry shape it is in today?

Can economists make decent meaningful forecasts? If you think they can, send me a list of the successful one. I can’t think of any myself. It seems as if there was a good mainstream method of making economic forecasts, certainly someone would be bragging about it.



Adam Smith Conspiracy Theorist

Was Adam Smith a conspiracy theorist? It seems he was. So, I suppose that makes him crazy – right?
Adam Smith is routinely deemed to be the first economist and the father of free market thought.
Should we now disregard everything the man wrote or said? After all, is it not true that all allusions to conspiracy are products of the imagination and must be treated as such? Was Adam Smith just another trouble maker like all conspiracy theorists? Or, was he merely pointing out what is normal human behavior? You decide.
What if Adam Smith was alive today and wrote such a thing? What would today’s big tech fact checkers do with respect to Smith’s observations? Your guess is as good as mine…..but, who is
guessing and who is not?

Is it really impossible than the biggest tech corporations would conspire together to mold society in a way that benefits them? According to Adam Smith’s thoughts, it would be close to impossible that they are not. routinely doing so.

Notice that stories about cheap medicine and inexpensive cures are also fact checked and
discarded. Could that be a sign that that big tech, big pharma and big insurance are also part of big tech’s censorship initiative? Big banks are not complaining. Who else is willing to help?

To what degree do these corporations control the essence of countless other entities and people in today’s economic arena? Who and what within the lower echelons of the economy are in a position to oppose them? Is the general public willing to give up the “free” stuff they get from

Google or Facebook? Don’t count on it. When anyone in society today questions the integrity of the order of things in our world today, Is he trouble maker and a kook? Again, you decide.



Legislation For Profit

I have been explaining that all enterprise is for profit. The difference is in who gets the profit. Single payer medicine is for profit. Obamacare is for profit. Free market medicine would be for profit. This is all because when government runs an enterprise the imaginary incentive to serve is assumed to be present. Every enterprise, government or free market is for profit because self interest is the only incentive in play. With respect to private charities they range from mostly non profit to almost entirely for profit. The label put on an enterprise doesn’t mean much.

I need to mention that all legislation is for profit. It is so much for profit that unfathomable amounts of money are spent making sure specific legislation passes. When a bill like the Affordable Care Act is passed, the purpose is to enrich the parties who write the bill. What is good for the citizens of the country is never taken into consideration. If citizens were to insist to be taken into consideration, that actually might be. They  never do.

Surely there are some but I cannot think of an occasion where a representative has sat down with constituents and has written and introduced a bill on behalf of them. It simply doesn’t happen.This may sound like an unpleasant reality and I suppose it is. That doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
Legislation is for profit. Government is for profit. For profit is the way of the world. Pretending it is not puts ordinary people at a disadvantage. For profit is not evil. It is not good either. It is just the way of the world.


What Stimulus Actually Accomplishes

The concept of stimulus as it is practiced today began with John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Keynes is frequently described as a great economist and by some even the greatest economist who ever lived.

He was in fact of great mathematician but in no way was he an economist. He had no clear understanding of markets and held the same naive beliefs about markets as do countless uneducated and wishful thinking members of the general public.

The most common naive belief about free markets is that when a business or industry becomes unprofitable absolutely nothing will emerge to take its place. Free markets provide an optimum in income and production for members of all income classes. Even though there is a 100% chance better and stronger businesses and industries will emerge, allowing that to happen requires a leap of faith, because there is absolutely no sign that new enterprises will spring up and generate new and greater economic opportunities. So, initiatives to have government save what is failing abound. Businesses which fail do so for good reasons.

The one thing Keynes got right in his work was the necessity of complete objectivity in
implementing stimulus plans. This was Keynes’s straw man concept. This was his name for a
totally objective, non-political person to be in charge. Does nature provide this type of
individual. If you find just on example in all of history, please advise me who that person was or

If total objectivity is necessary with fiscal stimulus, it is also necessary in monetary stimulus.
Both styles of stimulus are hashed out politically. Both monetary and fiscal stimulus serve as
political tools. What are politicians going to do when they believe increasing government
spending is good for the economy? Beginning with the Reagan administration stimulus is now
applied no matter what.

Any stimulus program requires an economic forecast. Please provide a list of forecasts by
credentialed economists that turned out to be more accurate than those of the same numbers of
astrologers. When you find a few, which you won’t, I will rethink my view of forecasts by
economists. If any stimulus plan is to be implemented, is a good forecast unnecessary? If a good
forecast is not possible, is there any reason an economy needs to be stimulated even in a case
where a macroeconomic theory calls for one. Should stimulus be applied even though no one has any idea as to what will happen next? You decide. I have already decided. Show me where I am
misguided. Should congress apply stimulus, just in case the economy gets weak when no one is

Monetary theory had already been debunked as an economic remedy prior to the 70s. I still
remember a professor from that era explaining to the class that monetary policy had great
promise but in actual practice, it produced no worthwhile results. Monetary theory was
rediscovered and has reemerged as a political tool after the turn of the century.

Today both fiscal and monetary stimulus are political tools. Both are used to reward powerful
interests which support the essence of politicians who administer favors as a means of gaining
and retaining power. Both are very effective in that regard and are used for that purpose.

The effect of both is to create a huge income gap between the working poor and the wealthy.

Who benefits from stimulus? The beneficiaries of stimulus are the parties with enough political
power convince congress to spend in support of what they have to offer.

After forty plus consecutive years of stimulus, resources in the United States are allocated
grossly inefficiently. The economic viability of the poor and lower middle class have been
destroyed. So, the economy is collapsing. Since the free market system has been replaced by
stimulus inspired socialism where benefits go to the top, there is no way the economy will
recover from the severe depression we are entering.

Changing Faces of Welfare
The welfare we provide the rich through the Federal Reserve system in just one year is many time greater
than all of welfare we have provided the poor in all of our history. To that we have to add the benefits the very rich receive by using congress to guarantee their incomes and rig the markets they operate in.

The notion that the poor are the primary engine for never ending dependence on government has whiskers
on it to say the least. Once an idea gains acceptance and catches on it develops a life of its own. When the time comes that it is no longer true, it is treated as fact regardless. Hardly a soul even wonders otherwise.

The poor do get some benefits, but the days when “helping the poor” seriously drove up the cost of government are long behind us. The true angst behind the current change in government is the fear by the rich of being cut off from their government benefits. That fear is probably not well founded. Trump’s tax and spending plans are tailored towards rewarding the politically powerful, just like those of the last two presidents.

Welfare for the rich is far more hazardous than welfare for the poor. The rich have the political power
to see to it that their benefits continue growing. Can you visualize a thousand sided figure? No you
can’t. It is just as hard to fathom the amount of money the rich have extracted out of the general
population over the last forty six years by using the government as a tool. The process is ongoing.

How a Republican President Spends
After convincing the country that he was a conservative icon, Ronald Reagan embraced central economic
planing and set all records for government spending. That seemed o.k. since he was widely perceived as
the most conservative president in history. Republicans do not mind astronomical government spending as
long as it is part of a central planning initiative and the idea is presented by
a Republican.

Donald Trump is signaled that he is going to do exactly what Reagan did. Economists call it supply
side economics. Detractors call it trickle down economics. Smart people call it transferring income
from the masses to the super rich. That is the result of all central planning.

So, how does this conservative spending take place? What is really accomplished by lowering taxes? A
tax decrease while spending is increased causes the public to lose any awareness of what government
costs. More spending is always deemed as just fine since out of pocket costs go down. The official
justification is that the Keynesian spending plan will increase tax receipts more than paying for the
increase in spending. Democrats have learned to copy this Republican technique because the public
becomes duped almost automatically. After several years, the public forgets spending was ever

There is no chance at all that a tax decrease will be good for the country. Like all Keynesian
techniques, the supply side theory is flawed. Keynes invented the concept of a straw man. In Keynes’s
mind a straw man was needed so as to be completely objective in implementing the plan. As it turns out
the straw man doesn’t exist in nature. No such being exists and it is not possible for a straw man to
exist. If there was a straw man, he would not be given the job. Government makes political decisions,
not economic decisions. Self interest, is all that drives political decisions so the spending occurs in
ways that enrich the politically powerful. The new spending increasingly misallocates resources
because it occurs outside of the free market. Over time more harm than good occurs.

When Keynes died, he was already backing away from his theory. Economists usually believe that one
number causes another and have no understanding of incentives. Keynes made that mistake. Numbers
don’t cause anything independently of the changing incentives that cause the numbers.
Unless Trump is reined in aggressively, he will become history’s biggest spending president. A supply
side central planning program will perpetuate the rigged system he has promised to eliminate. What is
central planning other than a technique of rigging the system?


The Total Dishonesty Of Macroeconomic Theory
Today, right before your eyes, I am going to completely debunk the entire discipline of macro
economics as it is practiced in the world today. From its beginnings with Keynes general theory all way to
the theft by stimulus programs ongoing today, the whole practice is so corrupt, dishonest and destructive
all involved belong in handcuffs.

Macro economic intervention as the discipline calls for is built on logic far more flawed than is that of a chain letter. On paper, a chain letter appears to be a perfect business model. It is low overhead and high projected profits. With a chain letter participants are expected to behave one way but the actually behave another.

Macro economics theories make many erroneous assumptions all of which the theories depend on.
There is no way to make pleasant angle food cake when salt is used instead of sugar. Erroneous
assumptions are part of modern macroeconomic theory. Erroneous may not be the best word, because
with macroeconomics the actual factors are worse than erroneous. Human behavior is exactly opposite
of what it is assumed to be, just like with a chain letter.

I am only going to mention the most destructive and dishonest assumptions that go into macro
economic theories.

1.) Total objectivity on the part of those implementing the plan is assumed. This is born of Keynes’s
straw man concept. There is no such entity in nature. Totally objective bureaucrats don’t exist. Self
interest is the only known universal incentive. What human nature guarantees is a total lack of

2.) Government is assumed to be making economic decisions. Governments cannot make economic
decisions. Governments only make political decisions.

3.) Government is assumed to be a place where problems are solved and where there are constant
ongoing efforts to make life better for everyone. But, in real life government serves as a medium where
people go to get what they want. Self interest is assumed to disappear when some one leaves the private
sector and moves to the public sector but it doesn’t.

Yes, macro economic theory would have utility to society if human beings were statues and every one
of them were completely devoid of self interest and worked tirelessly for the benefit of the country.

There are many economic theories which work perfectly on paper. Communism works perfectly but it
doesn’t accommodate human nature. Macro economic theories, like communism does not
accommodate human nature. What does it mean, if a theory insists that people are going to act one way
but in real life they are guaranteed to act another? It means the theory is useless and destructive.
I say useless but that only applies to society as a whole.

Politically powerful people make huge profits by persuading government to initiate stimulus programs. Keynes’s work and that of all of the others is used to justify theft by stimulus legislation. The country as a whole winds up having its income constantly routed from the bottom of the food chain where there is little political power to the top where there is political power in abundance.

So, do the nation’s economist really believe in what they are doing? I say they have to say they do in
order to get paid. Do not think for a minute that economists who support stimulus plans on behalf of
government are honest? What I explained can be understood by someone with a third grade education,
and probably most who are completely illiterate. No one with all the PHDs and other credentials in the
world can possible rebuke the simple logic I used to expose these flawed theories.
The public will suffer for these things as long as they are willing to believe these things.


How Stimulus Destroys An Economy

The most common naive belief about free markets is that when a business or industry becomes
unprofitable absolutely nothing will emerge to take its place. Free markets provide an optimum
in income and production for members of all income classes. Even though there is a 100%
chance better and stronger businesses and industries will emerge, allowing that to happen
requires a leap of faith, because there is absolutely no sign that new enterprises will spring up
and generate new and greater economic opportunities. So, initiatives to have government save
what is failing abound. Businesses which fail do so for good reasons.

The one thing Keynes got right in his work was the necessity of complete objectivity in
implementing stimulus plans. This was Keynes’s straw man concept. This was his name for a
totally objective, non-political person to be in charge. Does nature provide this type of
individual. If you find just on example in all of history, please advise me who that person was or

If total objectivity is necessary with fiscal stimulus, it is also necessary in monetary stimulus.
Both styles of stimulus are hashed out politically. Both monetary and fiscal stimulus serve as
political tools. What are politicians going to do when they believe increasing government
spending is good for the economy? Beginning with the Reagan administration stimulus is now
applied no matter what.

Any stimulus program requires an economic forecast. Please provide a list of forecasts by
credentialed economists that turned out to be more accurate than those of the same numbers of
astrologers. When you find a few, which you won’t, I will rethink my view of forecasts by
economists. If any stimulus plan is to be implemented, is a good forecast unnecessary? If a good
forecast is not possible, is there any reason an economy needs to be stimulated even in a case
where a macroeconomic theory calls for one. Should stimulus be applied even though no one has
any idea as to what will happen next? You decide. I have already decided. Show me where I am
misguided. Should congress apply stimulus, just in case the economy gets weak when no one is

Monetary theory had already been debunked as an economic remedy prior to the 70s. I still
remember a professor from that era explaining to the class that monetary policy had great
promise but in actual practice, it produced no worthwhile results. Monetary theory was
rediscovered and has reemerged as a political tool after the turn of the century.

Today both fiscal and monetary stimulus are political tools. Both are used to reward powerful
interests which support the essence of politicians who administer favors as a means of gaining
and retaining power. Both are very effective in that regard and are used for that purpose.
The effect of both is to create a huge income gap between the working poor and the wealthy.
Who benefits from stimulus? The beneficiaries of stimulus are the parties with enough political
power convince congress to spend in support of what they have to offer.

After forty plus consecutive years of stimulus, resources in the United States are allocated
grossly inefficiently. The economic viability of the poor and lower middle class have been
destroyed. So, the economy is collapsing. Since the free market system has been replaced by
stimulus inspired socialism where benefits go to the top, there is no way the economy will
recover from the severe depression we are entering.


Fusion of Government Crime and Religion
Danger is in plain view but the mind is trained not to
notice. Danger itself doesn’t exactly hide.

Looking at the world through the prism of fantasy yields danger unrecognizable. Seen through the prism of fantasy, danger appears to be a friend. The notion that government is your friend or even benevolent is comforting but it is only a fantasy. Entertaining that fantasy is comforting but it
may also cost you everything you own or even your life.

Natural law, of course  tells us that power corrupts. Fantasy tells us that powerful people are our friends. Power comes about as groups form. Some groups are so small there is no leadership. Leadership evolves as groups become large. It is natural law that because leaders have power they are more corrupt than the average person who belongs to the group. A little power corrupts a little. Much power corrupts a lot. History shows this is true.

Today, most people in power seem o.k. Evidence shows that 40 or fifty years ago leadership was terribly corrupt during that time period. With the passage of time, upon looking back after they are all dead, it will be clear that leadership today is corrupt beyond what most can fathom.

Where power is concerned whether it be government, organized crime or religion there are consistent parallels. Leadership is made up of individuals with very unlikely distributions of personality characteristics.

In politics and religion leaders have personality characteristics common among sociopaths. They have similar personalities in organized crime but those may be more pronounced in the willingness to use violence.

Government, organized crime and religion have reeked havoc on populations over the ages. Until modern times, religion and government were seldom separated. Some of the worst cases of war and destruction
over the years have been in the name of religion. During times of unusualstress, government, crime and religion work together. During WWII the mobs in New York joined forces with the U.S. government monitoring the docks for NAZI infiltration. They did a great job. Numerous religious leaders in NAZI Germany were instrumental in working with that rogue government. The goals of these organizations are similar.

In all cases, leaders have made it to the top in the game of dominance and subservience and are living out that reward. Where does this leave the average citizen? In a democratic system, on a collective bases, citizens have the power to control what their leaders do but they submit to them instead.

Today, Americans are under the false belief that there are conservative leaders who are trying to reduce the size of government. There are no such people. That is only a fantasy. Liberals believe, that their favorite leaders are tirelessly trying do do things like redistribute income fairly and help people live peacefully together. That is fantasy also.

The truth is that, to the leaders, ordinary citizens are seen as a resource, there to be herded and fleeced. It turns out that that is exactly what they are. It doesn’t have to be that way but the propensity to engage in
comforting thoughts as a way of avoiding the reality of living in a system of dominance and subservience is too tempting.

The situation is so severe that governments, crime organizations and corrupt religious entities are just having a field day. The United State government is used by folks who control it like it was a business
enterprise. All legislation is for profit. American citizens are letting parasites draw the lifeblood out of the economy. Like any parasites, theones feeding off the American public will eventually kill the host.
The truth is a hard sell.

Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking
out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public


Honesty In Government Is Not Possible
I am going to give a concise explanation why it is misguided to expect honesty in government.
Human Beings have a deep seeded need and propensity of to look up to and respect the leadership
of their country. Early on in human evolution this characteristic surely facilitated survival of the species.

In modern times this works to their disadvantage, On an evolutionary scale freedom of the individual is a
super new development. The move toward freedom and individual decision making began with the end
of the dark ages. That amount of time is a small percentage of time on history’s long timeline. Modern
man is clearly drawn like a magnet towards submitting within a group and drawing benefits out of the
aggregate. It work the same way with a pack of wild dogs. The difference is between style and the
numbers involved.

When folks vote, mentally they are choosing a fair godmother to take care of them. In reality they are
embracing a world class predator. People are still prone to looking at their leaders as benevolent
friends. Each leader has a unique ability to give that appearance but they are nothing of the kind.
Becoming one of mankind’s leaders is accomplished the same way leadership in a pack of wolves is
determined. Politics is a game of dominance and winning is all that matters. The idea of people electing
a friend to take care of them is complete nonsense. They are electing one who seeks all of the
advantages of leadership and one of those advantages is getting to use the support and efforts of the
public to gain personal agendas.

Honesty in politics would be used only if it contributed to a someone’s chances of accomplishing an
agenda. Honesty in a campaign gets morphed out of the discussion early on. What is said is what
contributes to winning. If candidate A tells the truth, candidate B will change it up a little to make it
sound better. Candidate A would then have to up the anti by deviating even further from the truth. The
public only responds to what sounds good and almost anything sounds better than the truth in a
political campaign.

Lets talks about who gets elected to a public position. Politics is by far the worlds most competitive
activity. Does it not make sense that folks who win in politics have special attributes and characteristic
which allow them to win over all others? While ordinary folks may still insist their favorite candidate is
a good friend to humanity, a person like that could never prevail in the the steep competition. It turns
out that winners in politics have what is called apolitical personalies. That is a euphemism for
sociopath. It takes a very unlikely set of ruthless personality characteristics to prevail over all others.

In order for self government to work well, citizens must understand that tension and mistrust between
government and citizens is completely necessary. Working together translates into submitting to a
ruthless authority and getting nothing in return in the end. Government may be defined as a wonderful
institution where justice is administered and people’s lives are made better, but it is first and always a
place where powerful people go to get what they want.

The answer is not anarchy. Self government, despite its shortcomings really is the best system. We may
all be in the process of becoming slaves but in a totalitarian system, people are slaves the moment they
are born. Still self government only works as intended if citizens see government for what it really is.


How Democracy Facilitates Crime 
By democracy, I am referring to all forms of government, republics and others which are based on
democratic principles. Democracy is a wonderful thing. Like most wonderful things, it does more good
than harm but it does bring with it a few negative issues

Democracy makes leadership open to everyone. Criminals can run for office. Un-indicted criminals
can run for office without any restrictions at all. From birth forward citizens are inundated with
messages that government is benevolent and that truly good people go into public service. Notions like
this perhaps make everyday life less stressful but there is no truth to them whatsoever.
The system of dominance and subservience that regulates life on earth is scary and unnerving. It gets
replaced with more pleasant interpretations of existence. That doesn’t mean the laws of dominance and
subservience have been suspended in favor of something more gentle. It just means the preponderance
of humanity is not aware of the danger they are in.

Government is not benevolent at all. Government is a giant organization where people go to get what
they want. The process is completely ruthless. Those who get the most out of government are the folks
who place the fewest restrictions on themselves as they go about accomplishing their goals. Criminals
prey on others but must be careful not to get charged and punished. Criminals who use government as a
means of accomplishing goals do not have to worry about getting charged and punished hardly at all.
Laws can be passed forcing citizens to buy specific goods and services. If criminals are restricted by a
law, they can gain political power and change the law. Laws can be passed for the purpose of
redistributing income.

When several hundred years pass with ordinary people remaining unaware as to how government
functions, an entire country can become much like an organized crime family in terms of how it
operates. Criminals who control government have a huge advantage over criminals who operate only in
the private sector. With respect to people who are above a certain high income level, it is rare that their
crimes are even noticed much less prosecuted.
Some Americans wring their hands and wonder why life in the country has deteriorated. I just
explained why things may not be going that well.

In the Eyes of Your Betters
Observe the world without the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy and euphemisms and genuine insight becomes commonplace. Who are your betters and why are they called betters? Your betters are the sociopaths who make decisions for you. Why are they better? They are your betters because you worship them. Rid your mind of fantasy and euphemisms and you see them not as they are
defined but as they function.

But all people are the same you declare? With a casual glance it would appear that way but an in depth
look produces a clearer picture.

A small percentage of the population is born with an elevated ability to herd their peers. You can spot
them in kindergarten. They are the ones all of the other children follow around. They tell others what to
do and they do it. To the teachers, they are cute as a button. These little children maintain these
behaviors for the rest of their lives. They grow up to be presidents, mayors, senators, congressmen and
billionaires. They are sociopaths. But the people you mention have consciences you say. They actually
have something else that is hard to distinguish from a conscience. They have an accelerated need to
keep their self esteem elevated. They do not like to be in a position where others might think less of

These are your betters. It is part of nature. In their minds, they are automatically entitled to part of what
you have. For them, controlling others is not a choice. They are hard wired to herd and control. If one
of your betters is not controlling the lives of others, his own life seems incomplete.
Who are you in the eyes of your betters? You are a human being and you are always a resource to start.
As your betters gain more and more power, to them you become more and more like a statue or a chess
piece. As power becomes more and more centralized, leaders come to see your behavior and incentives
as entirely manageable and predictable. At some point, their expectations of others become unrealistic.
What they feel they are entitled to starts going way past society’s boundaries.

As docile as people are in front of their betters, if treated too badly, they will turn on those they have
previously worshiped. In the United States today, this is what the situation is. It is the same in Europe
and Asia.

Again, why are these people your betters? They are betters with respect to you because you treat them
as they if they are.


Personality Characteristics Economics and
One of the forgotten goals of economics or political science is to predict ahead of time what leaders and
others are likely to do given certain situations. An important question always, is what type of person is
likely to become a president or congressman? Debate continues as to how much of a personality characteristic is inborn and how much of it is learned. My personal view is that people are born with strong propensities to behave one way or another. What is most important is that however a person acquires various personality characteristics, he is not likely to change.

Personality characteristics, each one of them, is distributed in a bell curve type manner. Odds are, any
person you meet on the street, is likely to be about average in terms of honesty, sense of entitlement,
empathy and all other social qualities. A person with as super strong sense of entitlement as in what you
own is just as much his as it is yours, would actually possess a very unlikely personality characteristic.
A small percentage of people have a whole set of unlikely personality characteristics. Certain lifestyles
and avocations are open only to the few who have the types of personalities that would make them
successful in their chosen areas.

Assuming the right physical attributes, a super competitive person has a chance to compete in the NFL.
That same person may have too much compassion for others to become a career criminal. Saint Mother
Teresa, probably wasn’t all that competitive. She had other personality characteristics that guided her
towards helping people and doing saintly things.

So, what personality characteristics does it take to become president of the United States? What kind of
personality does it take to become a senator of congressman? These types of avocations require a
complete collection of completely unlikely personality characteristics. How, competitive must a
successful candidate be? In terms of competitiveness Donald Trump is way off the charts. These kinds
of political races are the world’s most competitive events. The winners must all have political
personalities. Political personality is a euphemism for sociopath.

So, when others talk about their favorite candidates like they are their fairy god mothers, just know
they are completely delusional. It is as close to impossible as it is possible to be close to impossible
without actually being impossible for a non sociopath to get elected to a high political office.
It is hard to say which fantasies are most destructive. The notion that elected leaders are just like the
rest of us only better because they are working tirelessly in our best interest is somewhere close to the


President as CEO of the Nation
What are the longer term consequences of a president acting as chief executive officer and chairman of the
board of the United States of America? What presidents do introduces new roles for government,
then normalizes various approaches to governing.

During the 1980s, the Reagan Administration was the first to tamper with the stock market with the creation
of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. The Plunge Protection Team began finding
new and improved ways to push the stock market up when natural forces otherwise would have caused
it to go down. The stock market crash of 1987 called for government intervention. Later in the Reagan
Administration massive intervention by way of supply side Keynesian stimulus was applied to the
economy. All of this was done after the image of Reagan as a conservative was cemented in the minds
of Americans. Of course he was nothing of the kind. The masses got their sensibilities validated and the
politically powerful got their government for profit initiative carried out.

Ronald Reagan came and went. However, government intervention in the financial markets has grown
and grown to where its now more of an influence than organic market forces. Keynesian economic
stimulus was so profitable to all who benefited directly from the government spending that lobbying for
more profit generating stimulus became the huge lobbying activity it is today.
Since the 1980s there has not been one year where no lobbyist inspired stimulus has not been used.

Every president since Ronald Reagan has acted as stimulator and chief.
What is the purpose of stimulus? Stimulus is a an ostensible wealth creating system that has the by
product of concentrating the nations wealth and income among the few who are politically powerful
enough to dictate policy to the president and congress. The end result of forever stimulus is similar to
what steroids do to athletes. A track star on steroids wins races. A baseball player on steroids hits more
home runs. A linebacker makes harder hits. The price is damage to the body that remains long after the
athletic career is over. Over time stimulus destroys an economy. Since politics is about getting and
getting more right now, future damage to the economy is never a consideration.

So what are the consequences of having a president act as CEO of the United States of America? So far
so good you say? Have you ever heard of the free market concept? Where in the free market system is
there a place for a president to act as salesman and negotiator of the country’s business interests? In a
fascist style economy that is a proper role for a president to assume. Should we return to a mercantile
system, president acting as CEO of the nation is more than called for.

Suppose, Donald Trump acting as CEO of the country has positive results for six months, a year or
even for his entire tenure as president? The practice will have been initialized and normalized. How
good of a CEO will the next president be?
If you occupy any position on the national food chain ladder below the top 20%, the odds of you
benefiting from a president’s deal making skills are close to zero. You get your sensibilities validated
while the very few at the top of the national food chain get solid financial gains from the business deals
a president makes.

In 2021 and 2022 you were  being manipulated into “the inflation is good and necessary” mentality so that the burden of the federal debt created by 40+ years of central economic planning is placed directly on your
back by way of the newly inspired tariffs.


Role of Government

One of the basics of Fantasy Free Economics is that institutions and individuals are treated according to
how they function and not how they are defined. So, it is natural that I explain the role of government in a
different light than is generally popular.

What is the role of government in our lives? Government is always given a lofty definition and
noble purpose. The one below is typical. “The role of government is to balance communal and
individual good. This is only possible when society is governed by the principles of morality and justice, law and order, under one G-d — The Rebbe. Over the centuries, the human race has experimented with many forms of government. The Meaningful Life Center”

Something like the above may be the legitimate role of government but how many lifetimes need a
person live before any government in the world is witnessed performing that role? How many
governments in the history of the world devoted time and energy to balancing communal and
individual good? I can’t think of any. Perhaps you can. There may be an outlier in the universe that I
have missed. Is the government of the United States balancing communal and individual good? Has it

The disciplines of economics and political science are constructed around lofty definitions of
government and it is treated as normal that governments do these things. Actually, it would be
abnormal for any government to do such things. What is studied are systems that don’t exist in the real

So, what is the role of government in society? The role of government is what it does, who is serves
and what it accomplishes. Right now, the United States government is used to organize the population,
homogenize opinions, and pass laws that transfer wealth and income from citizens without political
power to more influential citizens with massive political power.

We are currently on the eve of an enormous economic crisis. It is important that ordinary people
understand that the ostensible purpose of government is completely different than the purposes it is
used for. Do not expect the country’s leaders to respond in ways that will improve life for ordinary
people. Representation in government is transferable. Voters elect representatives but with respect to
actual representation, they get outbid almost immediately after an election is over.


Simple Answers 
Simple answers? Where human behavior is concerned all answers are simple. Complex answers evolve out of mankind’s propensity to avoid entertaining the truth. How is the truth avoided? It starts by ascribing the most flattering definition to each human being, each public institution and all legal human activities. The brutal system of dominance and subservience in which we all must participate, is explained away, with human beings occupying some sort of imaginary special high ground within the universe. Dispense with those reassuring but false notions and explanations do become quite simple.

Without the handicap of looking at the world through the prism of fantasy the dynamics of what is
going on in the world can be explained in less than a paragraph, usually in no more than three

Here is today’s situation.

From 2009 forward the  economy economy was chasing the stock market. The economy followed the stock market anywhere it went..

Stock prices have been  high because of several decades of getting support from government policy.
At birth every person enters a race against reality, as noted earlier. The resulting reality gap can become quite large. It does grow with constant nourishment. Reality falls way behind during a lifespan but it catches us all in the end. Reality gaps work the same way in the aggregate as they do on a personal level.
The political discontent we see comes from folks whose fantasies are threatened by potential changes
in government policy. Folks with little or no political power get nothing from government anyway.
They and their fantasies are validated by certain candidates and threatened by others. But, they get
nothing regardless.

All enterprise is for profit. All legislation is for profit. Any activity that is done in the aggregate is for
personal gain. Human nature assumes that motivations in government are more lofty than those in the
private sector. Motivation is always for personal gain.

Experts are deemed to have far more prowess than they actually do. This keeps the overall population
intimidated and respectful where no respect is warranted, Experts are generally paid for the pretense of

Complex explanations of social problems are never accurate but are just a way of avoiding cold

Why has the income distribution in the United States become so skewed to the top? This happens when
free market principles are replaced with something else. When that happens, people with abundant
political power end up with most of the money.


Slavery Today
First man learned how to capture and make use of animals. Animals were herded, eaten and used as
labor. From there humans from other tribes and societies were captured and made into slaves. At one
time slavery was very popular. The first real economic systems were feudalism and then mercantilism.

Under these systems genuine freedom was rare. Everyone except the king was a servant of someone
else in some capacity. When wars were fought, the entire country which lost would be force to serve the people of the country which won. Prisoners of war became chattel and served as slaves.
In early times the institution of slavery was highly profitable. While private parties could own slaves,
people were normally enslaved by governments and ended up as property of upper class citizens who
had political power. Then the world changed. The free market concept evolved and paying wages
became more economical than owning people and bearing the enormous expense of keeping them. Paid
labor turned out to be much more efficient and productive.

Paid labor became the standard. The problem of slavery began disappearing not rapidly but
disappearing just the same. When the War Between the States broke out, interest in owning slaves in
the North was gone because paid labor proved to be less costly for manufacturing. Had slavery been
profitable in the North, there would have been no Civil War and slavery would have still been legal in
those states. Slavery was becoming less profitable in the South, just not fast enough.

Chattel slavery is no longer legal in the United States. Servitude is completely normal and more than
commonplace. In modern societies servitude is still managed within the world’s system of dominance
and subservience. Even though Americans are not forced into lives of slavery they are more than
pleased to offer their freedom to others in return for comfort and security. Society is organized in ways
that make servitude the path of least resistance.

Chattel slavery in the United States is an extinct form of labor management. Still, servitude as an
institution continues to flourish. Is servitude a choice? In the South during the Civil War, it was
common for slaves to openly choose to stay with a master. Servitude can be a choice and is when there
are more benefits that way than being free. The human brain is concerned with survival and
reproduction and attends to those goals first.

When congress hordes information so citizens cannot govern themselves it is really facilitating the
institution of servitude. Since representation is transferable, lawmakers serve citizens who offer them
the most benefits in return. It is constantly noted that the income distribution in the United States is
becoming very skewed in favor of the upper class. Over time Americans have opted for lives of
servitude and the rich and powerful are aggressively taking them up on the offer.



Stewards Of Your Lives
No activity on earth is as lucrative as serving as the steward of lives of others. At this historical
juncture corporations such as big tech, big pharma, big health insurance and big banks are
positioning themselves to function as stewards of the American people.

Why is information about hydrocortiquine , vitamin c, zinc and other anti viral substances
being censored by organizations with no previous history of censoring anything? Why at
this unique period of time in history? What is the emergency in keeping these perfectly legal
drugs and supplements out of the bodies of American citizens?

There is no other reason than that the success of inexpensive remedies would deem a mandatory
vaccine for all Americans unnecessary. As stewards of your lives, big pharma and big health
insurance would be guaranteed massive automatic windfalls as far into the future as can be
fathomed. Big tech and big banks are also poised to serve as your stewards in other areas. All of
the involved corporations maintain symbiotic relationships with one another, government and
media. So, there is an ongoing cooperative effort to keep any information out of the public’s
awareness that might prevent people from accepting the the worlds largest corporations as their

The question is, how successful will these organizations be in their endeavors? Odds are in their
favor. Behavior in the political arena is universally misunderstood. When votes are cast voters
are actually choosing others to make decisions for them and guarantee their security. The number
of those who prefer that representatives serve as delegates can be rounded off to zero. That
which makes folks feel safe, secure and un-threatened reduces our overall standard of living

Modern man does not understand natural law. Ancient scholars did and most of what they
discovered has been lost. Contrary to popular opinion, ancient scriptures were not totally focused
on God and religion. Each story serves as a model of natural law. What do ordinary people do
when they find themselves in the circumstance of being free? They seek out stewards of their
lives. They bargain away what freedom they have in return for comfort and security. Samuel 8:1
explains how this works as well what it costs in just a few words. The situation explained has
reoccurred countless times throughout history. The outcome is always the same.
Still there are those who value life as a free person so much that they are prefer to make their
own decisions and take their own risks. Does freedom stand a chance?
If mankind as a whole is going to be free, those who want it that way will have to impose
freedom on all others. This requires forcing others to make their own decisions and take their
own risks independently of government. Those who value freedom highly are seriously
outnumbered just as they were in the ancient writing.


The American Mindset, The Election and The
Stock Market
The stock market has been elevated by any means possible. The method is sophisticated. I have explained in an earlier article how the ALGOs carry out management of the market level over all averages and individual stocks.

Their profit comes from skimming and the sabotaging of unwitting large and small traders as well as hedge funds. Basically, the Deep State is the stock market. A bear market will
destroy the power structure of the world.

Can a stock market crash be prevented? Yes, but for that to happen, the Deep State must be extremely lucky. and they are indeed prone to good luck. The Corona Virus is the only shock they have have experienced in all of the years this has been going on. Chances are that the market will crash. However, for a stock market to remain permanently in a bull trend when an entire economy collapses is close to impossible.

Chances are as good that  we will see martial law imposed and selling not allowed, than there is that all
markets will continue moving higher. For sure, the Deep Stated will find some way to save
themselves by changing public policy.

Politics is dominated by two groups, right and left. Both are consumed with maladaptive
behavior. Neither the left nor the right has ever gotten anything net from government. They
never will. Government does not do those things, although belief is that they eventually will.
Voters describe themselves with lofty terms. We have patriots on the right and progressives on
the left. Democrats embrace Marxist style socialism. Republicans embrace modern socialism and
they love Donald Trump for guiding them in that direction. They call it capitalism. There are no
free market voters. There are no free market candidates.

There are two basic ways to distribute resources in an economy. There is price and there is
political power. With Marxist style socialism, who gets the most depends upon who has the most
political power. The same is true of modern socialism With classic socialism no one comes out
ahead other than those at the very top. With modern socialism, the rich lobby for more
government spending, that transfers income from the bottom to the top. Everyone loses in the
end regardless. Voters are good with one system or the other. Modern socialism is already
entrenched and has killed the economy off at the bottom. The misery will climb the income
ladder until all are destroyed.

Who will voters vote for? It really doesn’t matter because each side only hears words. What do
voters want? While hollering slogans like “We The People” or “Make America great again
Trump supporters are gleefully promoting their own poverty while pointing fingers at the other
side. In every presidential race I have followed, no winner has ever done anything that has
helped his supporters. The 2020 election will not be any different.

What do folks want? Mostly they want a leader who will make life’s most important decisions
for them. No voter or politician has even suggested cutting spending or closing government

Politics is a a game where the larger thinking brain is mostly disengaged. That brain is for
interpreting poetry or doing math. Politics is an animal brain activity. When it starts, the thinking
brain goes on vacation. The animal or survival brain takes over because politics actually is a
survival based activity. In that mode, the animal brain pushes the thinking brain out of the way
and takes charge.

Listen to political discourse. Do you ever hear anything except superficial arguments? Is there
any discussion about what will be good for the country based on deferred gratification? Are there
any sentient arguments? No. If you ever hear, let me know because I haven’t heard any. One
counter example, although potentially interesting, doesn’t change anything. The higher brain is
never spoken to in politics. Truth is not part of politics at all.

Any political argument you hear will be focused on getting you to change your mind without
thinking. Much is said about the “Black Lives Matter” movement. The truth is that no lives
matter at the aggregate level. Out lawmakers have no trouble sending American youth to fight
and die promoting corporate interests. Don’t tell me that our national Corona virus initiative has
anything to do with saving lives of Americans.

What we have are two groups of American voters volunteering for slavery. They will get what
they are asking for.



The Total Dishonesty Of Macroeconomic Theory
Today, right before your eyes, I am going to completely debunk the entire discipline of macro
economics as it is practiced in the world today. From its beginnings with Keynes general theory all way to
the theft by stimulus programs ongoing today, the whole practice is so corrupt, dishonest and destructive
all involved belong in handcuffs.

Macro economic intervention as the discipline calls for is built on logic far more flawed than is that of a chain letter. On paper, a chain letter appears to be a perfect business model. It is low overhead and high projected profits. With a chain letter participants are expected to behave one way but the actually behave another.

Macro economics theories, indeed, make many erroneous assumptions all of which the theories depend on.
There is no way to make pleasant angle food cake when salt is used instead of sugar. Erroneous
assumptions are part of modern macroeconomic theory. Erroneous may not be the best word, because
with macroeconomics the actual factors are worse than erroneous. Human behavior is exactly opposite
of what it is assumed to be, just like with a chain letter.

I am only going to mention the most destructive and dishonest assumptions that go into macro
economic theories.

1.) Total objectivity on the part of those implementing the plan is assumed. This is born of Keynes’s
straw man concept. There is no such entity in nature. Totally objective bureaucrats don’t exist. Self
interest is the only known universal incentive. What human nature guarantees is a total lack of

2.) Government is assumed to be making economic decisions. Governments cannot make economic
decisions. Governments only make political decisions.

3.) Government is assumed to be a place where problems are solved and where there are constant
ongoing efforts to make life better for everyone. But, in real life government serves as a medium where
people go to get what they want. Self interest is assumed to disappear when some one leaves the private
sector and moves to the public sector but it doesn’t.

Yes, macro economic theory would have utility to society if human beings were statues and every one
of them were completely devoid of self interest and worked tirelessly for the benefit of the country.

There are many economic theories which work perfectly on paper. Communism works perfectly but it
doesn’t accommodate human nature. Macro economic theories, like communism does not
accommodate human nature. Sophisticated economic  fail for the same reasons chain letters fail. What does it mean, if a theory insists that people are going to act one way but in real life they are guaranteed to act another? It means the theory is useless and destructive.

I say useless but that only applies to society as a whole. Politically powerful people make huge profits
by persuading government to initiate stimulus programs. Keynes’s work and that of all of the others is
used to justify theft by stimulus legislation. The country as a whole winds up having its income
constantly routed from the bottom of the food chain where there is little political power to the top
where there is political power in abundance.

So, do the nation’s economist really believe in what they are doing? I say they have to say they do in
order to get paid. Do not think for a minute that economists who support stimulus plans on behalf of
government are honest? What I explained can be understood by someone with a third grade education,
and probably most who are completely illiterate. No one with all the PHDs and other credentials in the
world can possible rebuke the simple logic I used to expose these flawed theories.
The public will suffer for these things as long as they are willing to believe these things.


The Truth About Presidents 
How much difference does it make if the president of the United States has been a whoremonger for most of his life? In my opinion it would make a world of difference except that with presidents, a thing like whore mongering is perfectly normal. The president of the United States is the person who is the current winner of life’s ongoing dominance and subservience competition. Winning at the dominance and subservience game requires certain personality attributes ordinary people don’t have. One of those is a sense of entitlement as in
everything in the world is his. He just has to figure out how to get it.

The President of the United States is the most prolific predator alive at least until an even more prolific
predator takes his job. So, yes any president must have a super strong sense of entitlement. Odds of
electing a non-whore mongering president are really slim.

In my opinion, this kind of thing makes a lot of difference but there is nothing we can do about it. That
kind of behavior is part of the political personality and it takes a political personality to win a national

It is a bigger issue that the president’s constituents see him and the office through the prism of fantasy.
The fact that Americans trust presidents and have blind respect for the office of president is the serious
issue. The fantasy is that the president is filled with a burning desire to do good for the American
people. It is a fantasy that a person runs for president out of a deep desire to serve humanity.
Donald Trump was a difficult case. Things like infidelity in marriage and paying women off and even the
media trying to get rid of him have actually help him. That way no one even notices the really bad things he
is doing.

What were Donald Trumps most significant acts as president. The big three are:

The trade war which serves to create enough inflation to put the burden of the federal debt on to the
backs of an unaware population.

Ballooning the federal deficit so as to create new frenzy feedings on federal money, further widening
the income gap between the upper 1 percent and the rest of the country.
Funding more stock buybacks by reducing the corporate tax rate while knowing that is what it will be
used for.

These three items get no mention in the press. The public is not interested. Together these three things
may very well do more harm to the country than anything a preceding president has ever done.

Understanding Socialism
The United States has had a socialist candidate for congress. This is a good time to go over just what
socialism is.

What Americans fail to acknowledge is that the United States is a socialist country now. Those who want to
turn the United States into a socialist country, don’t need to. It already is. The definition from is “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” This one is good enough.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the congress person in the democratic party probably doesn’t know
what socialism is. She envisions the United States adopting an old style socialist system like the one
which just destroyed Venezuela. What she doesn’t understand is that, who gets what in a socialist
country is determined by who has the most political power. She doesn’t have to do a thing to usher in
socialism here. She is not alone in rejecting free market principles. Her brethren from teenagers to old
people breathing their last breath all have rejected free market principles. This is a mistake. There will
be suffering either way. It is a error to think that socialism distributes goods and services equally
throughout the population. The rewards go to whoever is most powerful politically.

The system we have in place could properly be called pro business socialism. This is because our
corporations and their officers have lots and lots of political power. The type of socialism she prefers
could be called bottom up socialism. That means the bottom end of the food chain gets most of the
benefit. Despite the intention that it turn out that way. It is impossible for that to happen. It does sound
good. A chain letter at first glance looks like the ideal business to buy into. The fallacy in each case is
that there are aspects of human nature which prevent people from acting in the ways the proponents of
these ideas insist they will. Systems of socialism rest on a belief in the imaginary human incentive to
serve. When in reality self interest is the only universal incentive nature provides.

All enterprises are based on self interest even when they are declared not to. Enterprises in a socialist
system are always for profit just as they are in a free market economy. Healthcare businesses under the
Affordable Care Act are for profit. If the country goes for a single payer healthcare system, it will be
for profit also even, if it is said not to be. The difference is in who gets the profit. In either case the
profit will go to the group with the most political power.

The country is currently being destroyed by top down or pro business socialism. That is the system that
destroys the most wealth in the shortest period of time because there is more wealth to start out with.
With our current type of socialism, the economy will implode at some point and everyone will grow
poor together. Donald Trump is a top down socialist. Hillary Clinton is a top down socialist also. Most
members of the house and senate are top down socialists. Germany under Hitler was a top down
socialist system. Of course that Germany was destroyed by 1945.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has aspirations of turning the United States towards ordinary socialism
which of course is the kind that destroyed Venezuela. In the United States it may not matter which of
these systems we use. Both are highly destructive so either one of them will destroy the country.


What Are Lobbyists For?
The main role of lobbyists is to convince congress to increase government spending. Certain groups like the
gun lobby and a few others are are concerned with other things but they make up a very small portion of
lobbyists activity. Economic intervention, is a favorite of the lobbyist persuasion. Q.E. for example, elevates
profit margins and maximizes what citizens pay for goods and services. Lofty explanations of the lobbying
function are easy to find. In the United States, most of what citizens believe about government is not true.

Whether rich or poor, government is approached for the purpose of personal gain. Any exceptions are so
tiny, they don’t need to be explained. Citizens fantasize otherwise. All institutions are what they are but they
are given lofty definitions. Citizens assume the lofty definitions are accurate. Toward the end of an
economic expansion, virtually all life is based on fantasy and lofty definitions of what they do.
Here is part of a lofty dictionary definition. The lobbying profession is a legitimate and integral part
of our democratic political process that is not very well understood by the general population.

I am not suggesting criminalizing lobbying activities. All that is necessary is for citizens to understand
what lobbyists actually do. After that, it would be quite productive if folks could grasp the the incentive
to serve is only imaginary. It would go a long way towards improving the country if ordinary people
would stop wearing kick me signs on their


What Government Is For? And, The Business Cycle
Folks, what is government for? You can give it all kinds of lofty definitions, then exalt all of the people who
work in it. Then you can declare that everyone who works in government has given up self interest and is
working tirelessly to make everyone’s lives better.

Those are all highly comforting notions. But, none of it is true. The way government is actually used varies
from decade to decade. It is never used the way you think it is even if the way you think it works. Today the
rich are using government to insulate themselves from the rigors of free market competition. They do so
easily because people do not recognize this as fascism.

I get called out for hating the rich. Does expecting the
rich to live under the same economic system as the rest of us constitute hating the rich? You may have
noticed that applying any law to people at the top is not particularly easy to do. That is kind of hard to
miss unless you are making sure you don’t notice.

The system is going to break down. It is going to break down because the system has been saved so
many time. The first economist to entertain the idea of a business cycle was Karl Marx, the father of
communism. Karl Marx offered communism as a way to end the business cycle. The only way Marx
could tame the business cycle was to do away with capitalism.

The solutions offered by economists, other than myself are not suggesting communism or socialism
outright. Instead they they remove the necessary attributes of free markets, like the scarcity of money.
Then they pass out subsidies to the affluent. Karl Marx wanted to send the free market system to the
execution chamber. American economists, other than myself, only break the knee caps of the free
market system. So, Americans would say no thanks to Marxism. But, breaking the knee caps of
capitalism and letting it die an agonizing death is something Americans are overwhelmingly embracing.
What cannot be proven with statistics can be proven easily with natural law. Free markets produce
optimums. Improvements are desired but they are impossible, no less than it is impossible to have a
round square. Free markets generate the best economic outcomes for all income classes, but the free
market system is not perfect. It turns out that there are business cycles and sometimes things get bad
before they get better. As it is, your country’s economists with me as an exception, believe ending the
business cycle is a good idea. Kill the business cycle and you kill the free market system. The efforts to
kill the business cycle, without officially having the intention do do so have already brought the
economy to the brink of destruction.

So, as it turns out, in order to destroy capitalism, it is not really necessary to have a revolution and
overthrow the country. Your country’s economists, with the exception James Quillian of course, are
working tirelessly to end the business cycle, which will in the end, end our prosperous way of life.
Kill the business cycle and you kill the free market system.

Who Will Unite The Country?

Who will unite the country? Certainly, it won’t be me. Will it be Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
God forbid that any president unites the country. Should a country be united? A united
country is fine as long as the population Unites itself independently of a leader urging folks to
unite behind him. If citizens are generally of a similar mind that is fine. When a politician
seeks to unite the population behind him, ordinary citizens are being ask to fall on a sword for their country.

Follow a national leader and you are following the equivalent of a Judas
Goat. Lets look at some examples of situati0ns where a leader has united a

The first that comes to mind is Venezuela. Hugo Chavez United Venezuela. How did that turn out? You decide.

When has the United States been united? There was World War II but it was the war itself that United the country. Hitler did in fact Unite Germany. Germany could not have risen had Hitler not United his country. The country was united behind John F. Kennedy. But, he was assassinated. Perhaps that is because he was uniting the country in ways powerful people did not appreciate. Kennedy’s agendas were not fully developed when he died.

The Country was united behind Lyndon Johnson following the Kennedy Assignation. Following,
we got the false flagged Gulf of Tonkin incident and a useless war that took the lives of

Richard Nixon united the country early on. He completely finished off the gold standard. The
country is now flooded with unearned fiat currency. He accepted a $2,000,000 donation from
Jimmy Hoffa and pardoned him in order to receive it. Then there was Watergate,

The country was united behind Ronald Reagan. Out of Reagan we got the birth of modern
socialism and perpetual tampering with the financial markets. Under this new system we have
stagnate wages from the middle class on down and enormous wealth and income at the top. The
growth of top down socialism is the root cause of the depression the country is in today.
Both Bushes United the country and the result is perpetual wars in the Mid East.
Bill Clinton did not manage to Unite the country and his administration did little if any
permanent harm to the country.A system designed around democratic principles is not meant to be united or expected to be.
Check the writings of our founding fathers. Democracy works only when different people and
sides vigorously disagree with each other. In that system, the side that wins turns out to have the
best approach.
\Should the country unite behind the next president? You decide.


Why The News Media Is So Dishonest
I can’t imagine the difficulty of trying to go fantasy free cold turkey. I was born this way. Nature provides
all animals with the ability to access the meaning of almost every situation or threat. Animals can immediately grasp and understand the exact circumstance they are in and understand what is going on around them. Indulging in fantasy greatly inhibits these abilities. When fantasy free we see the truth. When fantasies are indulged in we see a preferred alternative to the truth.

Honesty in the news media is a contradiction. The media is not honest, never has been and never will
be. Before I get specific, there is an important principle of natural law that is relevant. An action that
has an immoral beginning, will have a negative outcome. Almost all of the income news
organizations receive comes from advertising. What is advertising other than telling lies and
embellishing? There is no way a process which begins with an immoral activity will ever generate an
honest outcome through what it produces. Advertising itself is not immoral. It is the lying that is
immoral. Truthful ads are a waste of money so there are at most very few.

For politicians, to get the media on their side, all they need do is to pay them by making the outcome of
elections supportive of their bottom lines. The media supports whatever is most profitable for them to
support. The media is a prime beneficiary of the corporate welfare system that has replaced our free
market ideology. There is no way a news organization would support a candidate who would interrupt
the flow of government benefits global corporations receive. A return to a free market system would be
a great benefit to the U.S. economy but it would hurt news organizations and the huge corporations
that buy advertising.

Fantasy Free Economics Insights

How to Take Over the World in the Modern Era

I have made the case many times that there is a consortium using government and the media to
consolidate ownership of the world’s factors of production. That initiative is focused on land
labor and capital. Taking over and controlling the financial markets, mainly equities, is the
least obvious but the easiest to explain. Here is the explanation.

History is full of attempts to take over the world. At any given time, some person or group
has been or is making the attempt. This is the nature of the quest for power which obsesses a
few but determined individuals.

Below is a list of such attempts. Engaging in imperialism may not appear as as an attempt to take
over the world and its resources. Imperialism is basically the same as a massive attempt but
opportunities are lacking so peace meal opportunities are undertaken. Imperialist ventures are
included in this list. Efforts To Take Over The World. Appentex 1 The list is long. See . You may just want to scan through it enough to realize that attempts to take over the world have been present in every time period. Is there any reason why there would not be such an effort going on at this very moment? I cannot think of a reason personally but if there is a reason why it ain’t so, I would sincerely like to know what it is.

Historically, the military has been used but that has given way to a more effective technique.
Using financial markets to gain control of the capital markets is much more efficient. Whole
populations can be enslaved without a shot being fired. Virtually no one even realizes what is
happening. People have their minds on other things. There is almost no push back at all. Using
power and money to control all governments around the world gains everything acquiring whole
countries through war does. Land labor and capital are mostly non violent.

In the past, entire countries have sought to take over all others. In today’s world citizens of
various countries imagine that they control governments in the countries in which they live.
Actually, all governments today are controlled by a group I call the Richest 100. That is not
meant to be a precise number. It is simply that money and political power is what determines
political outcomes. These folks are the source of essence of virtually all politicians in all
countries. Those who don’t accept their money and go their own war are easy enough to replace.
The stock market is not insanely moving high because mom and pop are buying more stocks to
put in their IRAs. Stocks are not being bought so as to turn a trading profit. As it is 10 percent of
Americans own 85 percent of all stocks.

These are the tools being used.

Central Banks: Federal Reserve appointments go the best politicians among economists. No
Federal Reserve Chairman is appointed unless he is certain to carry out a president’s and his
party’s agenda. There is no way mountains of debt turned into unearned money is ever going to
cause economic growth. What it does and all it ever does is preserve and abet existing
institutions and funnel wealth and assets from the bottom of the economy to the top. They know
these things. Anyone smart enough to acquire the credentials these folks have knows what they
are accomplishing.

Stock Buybacks: Stock buybacks accomplish two things. They contribute greatly towards the
goal of concentrating ownership of equities at the top. Buybacks also provide the fastest way
those inside the corporation can make the most money in the shortest period of time.
High Frequency Trading Firms: High frequency trading firms are allowed to operate provided
they assist in elevating stock prices. They know of every trade placed with every broker. They
profit by sabotaging the trades of all sort term investors.

Retail Brokers: In any immediate time frame, retail brokers benefit from high frequency trading
firms exploiting their customers. So they are on board. Any retail broker could allow customers
to enter stop orders held within the firm and then immediately place the trades when a price level
is hit. They choose not to do that because the high frequency trading firms generate commissions
for them.

President of the United States: Any president benefits from a bull market, especially when the
economy is tanking, Any president will support affirmative stock market action.
Congress: Congress is owned by the 100 or so richest people on the planet. Often Democrats
and Republicans mysteriously get on the same page and pass a bill at least half of them would
normally oppose. Any lawmaker who votes against one of these bills will be targeted and helped
out of office. The 100 or so richest provide the essence for most politicians in Washington. Who
is going to betray those who provide their essence.

The Media: All of the major news outlets are owned by the 100 or so richest, or at least
controlled by them. All news is agenda driven. Very little news that could be deemed negative
for the stock market ever makes it to the eyes and ears of the public.

Big Tech and Social Media: Big tech firms, especially the FANGs as much as serve as
government agencies, corrupt ones. All have government contracts. They practice agenda driven
censorship. As far as I can see, so far only the truth is being censored.

I can add more to this list, but it is getting too long already.

Who has any facts? Well, I do. What is unique about the present moment is that no has a single
fact as to what people are doing exactly right now or even for a period covering a few days. Then
who hears the truth about anything? So, what facts are available to me that others don’t have?
The word is incentives. There is only one incentive in the aggregate. That one is self interest. The
incentive to serve is assumed but in public life, that incentive is only imaginary. The incentive to
serve is relevant on a personal level but in the aggregate it never applies. All one need to know to
discern what individual and institutions are doing is to focus on what is in their self interest to
do. Do they have and counter incentives that would prevent them from following their self
interest. In the absence of counter incentives it is safe to assume others are doing what is best for
them personally.

Attempting to take over the world is an ongoing constant effort. Look at the list. Try and find
long periods when such an effort has been present. Each effort has always used the most
advanced tools available at time. Ships, guns, bombs and missiles and such have in the past been
the best tools. Today, using the financial markets provides a more efficient, less expensive, less
risky approach. War is still used and that may come into play
Using the financial markets is also preferred because that way all infrastructure can stay in tact.

The goal is not to destroy people and things. The goal is to control and use others for their own
purpose. Romans did this for centuries. So, the consortium trying to take over the world prefers
non-violence but coercion for sure. No one wants you dead. The idea is to make you and your
kind more useful as consumers and maintain low wages for their benefit.
What I am writhing here will never be used for making economic or political policy. Regardless,

ordinary citizens must make decision with respect to what is going on in the world because it
effects their lives.

How U.S. Corona-Virus Agenda Came About

Do important people in governments, corporations and members of the upper one percent only speak with one another in formal venues? Most would say no to that but then live their lives and establish their beliefs as if none of these folks ever interact except in formal settings.

One forgotten characteristic of corporate insiders is that they are among the best salesmen in the world and they are constantly exploring and seeking out information as to how what is going on in the world will influence their bottom lines. Politicians are constantly reading tea leaves trying to determine what actions will or will not result in greater acquisition of power. The upper one percent are always looking for ways to increase their wealth and gain more. These kinds of folks are obsolutly brilliant and try to figure out what is coming next. They are good at these things. They don’t get their news from watching CNN. Instead they determine what news the media reports.

There is no chance that even just one of these kinds did not know the virus was going to break
out and spread before the problem was announced.

Is it really a surprise that the stocks of Big Tech, Big Pharma, Hospitals and Health Insurance
have skyrocketed while most other stocks have not even advanced above their 200 day moving
averages? It is only a big surprise if you like surprises and insist that it is so.

These corporations had advance knowledge that there was going to be a threatening virus
outbreak that would effect the whole world. They used their enormous political power to
guarantee themselves optimum outcomes. The national Corona Virus response was crafted by
corporate insiders and sold to formal governments as a means of gaining more power and control
over the population and to insure their continued high profitability. So, today we are executing a
plan that impoverishes all others but enriches a few businesses at the top of the corporate food

In the real world, this is the way collective action and central planning really work.

Global Warming New Amazing Insight 

The greatest threat to mankind where any global warming is concerned is that scared citizens will be
successful at putting government in control of correcting the issues. Give governments a problem to solve and what happens? Ideally, people in every government involved will work tirelessly in the problem solving
mode to do what is right by citizens. That is the way the system works in the human imagination

What happens in real life? Unlike what is popularly imagined, those in charge of solving a problem on a collective basis, seek their own goals and aspirations first. Global warming becomes a problem to be exploited. Public/private partnerships are formed. Feeding frenzies on government money begin and grow rapidly. Solving the problem becomes a disincentive. The worse the problem gets, the more money is committed to solving the problem. The feeding frenzy continues to grow and the problem gets progressively worse.

If the goal is to save the planet or even to greatly delay its destruction, the worse approach is to charge
governments with the responsibility of making sure that doesn’t happen. Government regulation only
guarantees a worse problem than the one people are afraid of.

Does it not seem odd that human beings ascribe magical powers to their governments. It is as if once a
problem is turned over to government, in their minds, it is deemed solved. They feel saved. This
approach is not even voluntary. It is instinctive. Fortunately we all have a larger brain that can override
instinctive behavior. But, for that, the more intellectual part of the brain is seldom activated.
It is safer for the planet to completely ignore any damage global warming may be causing and let
nature run its course.



Organized Crime Owns Your Government

 “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting
on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-
armed lamb contesting the vote!”
_ Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was terribly misguided when he made that quote. Democracy had never been
thoroughly tried, so he can be forgiven for not foreseeing that there were more serious issues
with the abuse of democracy than what originates with ordinary people. So, the United States is
organized as a republic and that is supposed to keep the masses from voting everything in the
treasury into their own pockets.

Over the years, new sophisticated systems of exploiting weaknesses in democracy have evolved
and are now used. Experience shows that the poor do not have the wherewithal to petition
government. The poor have not actually tried to take anything from the rich.

The unwashed masses actually have presented no threat to any moneyed interests in the United
States. They have proven to be a constituency worth buying by providing a few benefits to them
over the years. But, no money has ever been voted out of anyone else’s pockets based on any
actions by the poor. Instead, democracy turns out to be an incubator for crime, especially of the
organized variety.

Organized crime, by financing campaigns and running its own candidates has taken over
government. Why would they not? Who is to stop them? Suppose an organized crime syndicate
is worried about the FBI. Why not just buy the FBI? Why break a law? Just pass a new law
legalizing a previously illegal activity. What do they do to keep the keep the public on their
side? They buy all of the media outlets and make sure citizens only hear what they want them to

Americans get confused. They see a massive group of migrants marching towards the border.
The march is reported on as if it was some kind of organic event that has just sprang up? The
migrants are presented as if they are no different than any other people coming to the United
States looking for a better life. But they are different. The march is orchestrated and masses of
poor people entering the country have great economic benefit to the elite who finance and
organize these events.

The founding fathers were right, that with democracy, some potential threats would have to be
addressed. They did not anticipate that organized crime would take over the country. There is
talk about “the shadow government.” There really is no such thing. It is organized crime that
dictates policy to congress. It is organized crime that causes senators and congressmen to step
down, when their re-election is a sure thing.

But, many Americans benefit from the things organized crime does. That is temporary but some
Americans will always benefit and that makes it difficult to re-establish law and order.
The founding fathers, like all historical figures were not at all like they have always been
popularly portrayed. They were motivated out of self interest like all living entities are. The
founding fathers did not provide a method for testing the constitutionality of laws. They may
very well have purposefully left openings for the exploitation of ordinary people. The Supreme
Court, a political body, ended up with the role of deciding constitutionality of laws.

The Deep State Exposed

First understand that the Deep State is not a political or philosophical movement. The Deep State is history’s largest and most prolific crime syndicate. Is that clear enough?

The Deep State controls governments and elected officials for the purpose of generating profits for its members. The Deep State’s focus is on the

United States because that is still where most of the world’s money is. Today each bill which congress passes is filled with skimming arrangements. Bills like the Affordable Care Act is really nothing but a system of distributing skimming arrangements to those deemed worthy of participating.

Like with any organized crime syndicate, plenty of people benefit from its activities. Who benefits? Mostly the beneficiaries are those who actually come out ahead based on the Mob’s activities. In New York during the 70s one of the crime families stared a skimming operation in the baking industry. At the time baked bread sold for $0.35 per loaf. The mob strong armed every bakery in the city to charge $0.50 per loaf. The bakeries got half of the difference and paid tribute to the crime family with the difference. The bakers were making more money. Do you think the bakers were unhappy? Just like with the skimming operations which work through government, the public paid more. Of course the public had no idea why bread went up in price so much but they got used to it.

This is the way legislation works. The right people benefit from the legislation and end up taking the Deep State’s side. Anyone in the United States who has owned stock over the past twenty years has benefited
greatly by virtue of having the Deep State embedded in government.

It took the mob two decades to gain control of the financial sector of the United States. By 2003 with enough political power it was possible to cause broad movements in the stock averages through control of the
Federal Reserve and other agencies. By 2005 some high frequency trading firms were starting up and it became possible to orchestrate short squeezes and create artificial demand by messing with derivatives. By 2006 there was an ongoing asset enhancement initiative that lived off of public funds.

Regardless, by June of that year asset prices of all kinds were coming under pressure. Henry Paulson was brought in as Treasury Secretary. His job was to save the housing and equity markets and get prices moving
higher. His effort was enormous, but everything tanked regardless in 2008. All was not lost. There were losses but the TARP bill managed to pass a significant amount of those losses to the taxpayers. Today,
managing stock prices is a sophisticate science. Organized crime is not without its vulnerabilities. The greatest of those is that of killing the host.

The mob has just about killed the host and controlling the stock market is becoming difficult and perhaps impossible. The profits are so enormous, the effort will continue regardless.

Do you ever notice that when it is important for your favorite politicians to make a stand, they behave like deer in headlights? Remember when

Supreme Court John Roberts came out with his bizarre and unexpected reason why The Affordable Care Act should be deemed as constitutional?

Remember when James Comey of the FBI did such crazy and unpredictable things with respect to the Clinton investigation? Clearly people like this are subject to external pressure. Think of all of the
convenient deaths that have taken place in Washington DC.

The American people are neither aware of what is going on nor or they suspicious. Just remember that the

Deep State is the highest possible level of organized crime. You may ask, “Who does this guy think he is making all of these unfounded allegations?” How are these things decided when there are no hard facts on the table? It is always safe to assume folks are behaving in keeping with the incentives they have especially when there is no resistance to them doing so. I you leave a slice of moist bread out for a few days, does it make sense that it would accumulate mold? There is absolutely nothing to prevent organized crime from taking over our government and it has.

The Importance Of Covering Up The Epstein Affair
The terms conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorist are evoked as a means of protecting a lie. I have never
heard either term used in any other way.

Collective action as a matter of fact is conspiracy based. All who approach government for any reason
are part of a conspiracy. I don’t know of a case where one and only one person has taken a matter before
congress where any kind of change has occurred.

There is no way to address problems without observing conspiracies. Conspiracies may or not be
secret. If a conspiracy is secret, it is not necessarily illegal. A person acting alone can have nefarious
intentions just as can a group of people.

Immediately following the reporting of Epstein’s death, before the news had even been digested, from a
chorus of news outlets, warnings were going out about what conspiracy theorists were going to to do
with the issue. That alone indicates a plan is in effect. Translated into plain English this means. “If you
question what has gone on here, we are going to make a fool out of you.” or, “Don’t listen to anyone
who contradicts what you are going to be told over the coming days.” The coordinated use of terms
which are used to protect a lie is an indication that a lie is being told.

The art of not knowing is a skill good politicians cultivate. There are lots who know what is going on.
They are pretending they don’t know because it is in their personal best interest to assume that posture.
Why else would no politicians speak up?

The reasoning is that it is better to let a multitude of important people who are guilty of child sex
crimes get off scott free than it is to allow the the power structure of the world to collapse. Look at
some of the names known to be on the list.

I read a story one time about a group of parishioners who were concerned that a mob boss was a
member of the parish. They told the priest the mobster should be excommunicated. The priest agreed
but explained that under current circumstances that was not possible. The mobster tithed more than
anyone else and the parish would not survive financially without his money. This is the reasoning of
politicians who are not speaking up about what is going on with respect to Jeffrey Epstein. The fallacy
in this is based on the misguided approach that the “end justifies the means.” The nature of the fallacy
is that it is the means that produces the final outcome. The story was fiction but the principle holds true.
So, the number of of elites guilty of sex crimes in the Epstein affair is so great that the power structure
of the world would crumble if they were all exposed. Would Democrats, Republicans, Deep State,

 ,Did the media, Trump Administration and corporate leadership not have a huge incentive to work together to protect themselves? Is there any reason why they would not work together to make their common
problem disappear? There is certainly a greater chance they would than they wouldn’t.
But, those groups never agree on anything you might say. They would get passed that to accomplish
this. They can argue later.

U.S. Government, You And The Virus
What is the primary worry of the elite in and outside of formal government and government agencies? Their greatest fear is that it will be discovered that citizens  do not need them.

Did Americans and citizens of other countries benefit from all governments pulling out all
stops in efforts to “protect” everyone from the Corona Virus? Perhaps they do during the first
month or so of government actions.

Based on treating the current time frame as a still picture it appears that everything being done is completely proper and necessary. However, over time such aggressive collective action turn into high costs and will cause more deaths than would be the case, if governments did absolutely nothing. Both economics and politics are moving pictures.

When every economy in the world collapses and democratic principles are replaced with
authoritative action how many people will die from starvation around the globe? Will
medicine continue to be available? How many will resort to crime and violence when there
is no way to generate incomes?

Both economics and politics are in fact moving pictures. In time, the costs of government acti0n
will create insurmountable hardships for all populations. It will take some time but more people
will die as a result of collective action than if nothing was done at all.

So, why the overwhelming government activity? Government initiatives are driven by self
interest just as are those in the private sector. In order to justify their existence,
governments and all who prosper from controlling governments, must present themselves
as entirely necessary. The roles of protecting all citizens from all risks become imperative.
These roles must continue to expand. Otherwise it will be discovered that none of the multitudes
protective government actions are beneficial at all.

What would be a better plan? What would happen if various governments instead simply advised
local entities that a virus is coming and gave a heads heads to the population? Would there be as
many deaths from the virus? Personally, I doubt it. Certainly, deaths from governments making
these massive efforts will surpass any short term advantages. Personal freedoms will certainly be
reduced and probably not be regained.

Times in the United States will become more than just a little trying. Folks will be surprised at
the magnitude of their difficulties.

On a personal level, family both at home and on their own are taking mega doses of Vitamin C.
There are a handful of physician. As who use Vitamin C therapy. They are deemed to be kooks by
the established medical community. However, I have never known of a single person who has
followed the protocol of Vitamin C Doctors who recommend Vitamin C therapy, who has failed
to benefit.

A Nations Of Fools
What we have in the United Sates is a multitude of fools. What is a fool other than one who
bases his life on things that are not true because the truth is too daunting? What is meaningful to
a fool? Why that would be entertainment and engaging in mindless fantasy. Politics comes
down to seeking political messiahs and virtue signaling. The role of citizen in a democracy, is
to take authority over government and leaders.

American citizens do just the opposite. As unpleasant as they are, here are the facts.
While republican identify themselves as conservatives, they embrace political initiatives which
are even more socialist than those suggested by the unapologetic classic socialists in the
Democratic party.

What is socialism other than the replacement of price with political power for the purpose of
allocating resources in an economy. In other words, who gets what in a socialist economy is
determined by who does or does not have political power. Benefits all go to the top regardless of
stated intentions. This is true of classic socialism. This is true of the fascist style socialism
Americans are now embracing while calling it capitalism.

All the president has to do is say, “Make America Great Again” and supporters rally around the
man and think of themselves as good patriotic Americans. So which period in history would we
be better off returning to. Is it the 1940s and WWII? To do that we would have to have a third
world war. Should we return to the 60s and be hippies again? How about the Civil War? When
was this great period in history that we are going to return to? The president identifies scapegoats
like immigrants and the Chinese. The scapegoats become the issue.
What about the trade war? So far, in all of history, there has never been a positive outcome for
any country involved in a trade war. Does anyone want to place a bet that ordinary citizens will
come out ahead with this one? So, we have a trade war which will bolster the profits of

American corporations. American corporations are in fact headquartered in the United States.
The corporations are owned by stockholders who are scattered all over the globe. Foreign central
banks own significant amounts of stock in these “American Corporations” So, Americans
believe it is a good idea to put themselves in a financial hardship so that our corporations can win
one for the team? Americans are trained from birth to do just that. That is not a way in which an
economy works wells. It only works that way if the population is trained to promote its own
poverty. The greatest accomplishment of public education is to teach children to establish
arbitrary loyalties and promote their own poverty by embracing the collective agendas of others
and coming together for causes deemed in the public interest.

What about the stock market? Employment numbers look good but are they really? Even if the
numbers are not tampered with and embellished has anyone taken a close look? We now have
lower wages as a new normal for workers. Perhaps we do have more people working these days.
Assuming we do most of the new hires are working for less real income than when job numbers
were a lot less than stellar.

What about the stock market? Starting in spring of 2003, an asset value enhancement initiative
was initiated. With every day that has passed since then, the stock market has become more and
more managed. There is no official policy stating as much, so you might wonder how that could
be. Do you seriously think there is absolutely nothing in Washington that is done outside of a
formal congressional setting? A better question, is. Are there any significant issues entertained in
a formal congressional setting? I don’t know of any. Do you know any?

Here is why the stock market is overpriced and doesn’t fall. There is an astronomical level of
organized support keeping it moving in the right direction? Imagine vendors selling apples on a
sidewalk. All but one has just a bucket of apples while while one large vendor has a huge cart of
apples with far more fruit than all of the others put together. Who is going to decide what apples
sell for on that street?

The goal of the asset value initiative is to is to concentrate stock ownership in the hands of a few
who then decide what everyone else pays for shares of stock. Is there a theory behind this
process? Of course there is. The theory is that high stock prices become a new normal. Keep
security prices rising and the economy will follow and so on. Has GDP responded well? GDP is
officially very good but how good is it in reality. It is hard to find growing prosperity within the
masses who work very hard and come home tired everyday. We do have more working and
making less per hour. Government spending is counted. When GDP needs to look good,
government spending can be increased in whatever amount is needed for the purpose of
publishing good looking numbers.

What we have with respect to the stock market is the capture, consolidation and control of a huge
portion of one of the factors of production. The Federal Reserve is managed with political power
and all of government is uses as a tool for personal enrichment. Stock buybacks are coordinated
with Federal Reserve Policy. The public has its money parked in IRAs and puts little stock on the
market as supply. Non-IRA money is concentrated in ETFs so hardly a soul is concerned with
the value of one particular stock price. Where is supply going to come from?

For right now, there isn’t any to speak of but supply will emerge, although not in a way most
expect. For now, any reasonable stock selloff can be offset by the elite buying outright. Foreign
central banks already own a lot of American shares. They will buy more if prices start falling, if
for no better reason than to protect the value of what they already. The elite in general will do the
same thing. When if ever or at all will stock prices normalize?

Economics by Force
In any economy, the population over all is best served with a free market system. However, any given
individual in an economy is better off being personally exempt from the laws of the free market system while
everyone else is subject to them. Suppose in the NBA a certain team had a few players who were exempt to
the rules of the game. So these players were free to foul with impunity while everyone else got penalized.

Rather than the referees telling them what to do, they told the referees what to do. That team would win
every game it played in. The anointed basket players would be engaging in basketball by force. The
success of the NBA depends on the game being fair so cheating is not allowed.
A a free market economy, as far as rules are concerned, works in the same way as a basketball league.
Except that in a basketball league players are not allowed to break the rules. With respect to an
economy, it is possible to break the rules. Countless dollars are spent lobbying all of government, just
to get permission to break the rules and it works.

The most positive attribute of a free market system is the absence of force. Before the advent of free
markets, force was the main system used for rationing goods and services. Wars were fought for this
reason. Even after the free market concept evolved wars continued to be fought either for economic
gain or to avoid loss. Free markets actually are the only reason peace has been experienced anywhere in
the world.

So what is a trade war? A trade war is economics by force and one can escalate into a shooting war
almost in a heartbeat. What is a government fiscal stimulus package? It is economics by force. The
fiscal package rewards those who have successfully lobbied government to gain an advantage over all
others who still must abide by the riggers of a free market system. Stimulus is only a word that is used
to fool general population and it does with regularity. The gap between the rich and the poor has
widened constantly since the late 1970s. Why would that be? The Full Employment Act of 1978, also
known as the Humphrey-Hawkins act mandated central economic planning on the part of government.
Since that act was passed, there has been constant use of stimulus packages and other government
interventions. The result has been a lopsided income distribution and it is still getting worse.

On an international level all countries together would be better off with zero restrictions on legal goods
and services going in and out of every country. Trade restrictions such as the ones the United States is
now imposing serve the purpose of creating an advantage on the world market for U.S. goods and
services. Such restrictions will help a handful of U.S. corporations but will hurt every individual person
in the country. How can the United States raise tariffs without other countries retaliating? It can only
keep the responses of other countries subdued. That is because the United States has such a powerful
military and has demonstrated a willingness to use it. Don’t think other countries are statues. They are
working in frenzies to catch up to the U.S. militarily.

Any country in the world with no trade restrictions at all has a huge competitive advantage over all
countries with tariffs. Why doesn’t China announce zero tariffs on legal goods coming or going? China
suffers from the same malady as the United States. They have protected industries also. What would
happen if the United States dropped all trade restrictions? Living standards at the bottom of the food
chain would begin improving immediately. Corporations which had been allowed to cheat would not
do as well. Suppose the country as a whole re-adopted the free market system that has been replaced by
top down socialism? The living standards of the bottom 90% would skyrocket? The need for welfare
and other public assistance would almost disappear.

Happiness Power Fantasies and Euphemisms

Happiness is not possible if the universe is taken at face value. The struggle to survive is brutal. Fantasies create happiness and fantasies keep people happy.

Euphemisms are substitutes for truths because truths can be harsh. Fantasies come and go but in time certain fantasies become symbiotic. Once a symbiotic relationship takes root between two or more
fantasies more fantasies are added to the relationship over time. Belief systems of large aggregations of people arise out of the symbiotic relationships between the various fantasies that are prevalent in the group.

The more fantasies on which life is based the happier are the members of the group. Since fantasies are not based on anything real, truth can completely disappear. An entire country can become so filled with happiness created by fantasies that the society in question falls apart. Power is a standalone incentive. Power is always sought more by some but some by everyone. The one thing power and fantasies have in common is
that neither is ever relinquished. Both must be taken by force.

Fantasies can be harmless and in small quantities, perhaps beneficial. When whole countries become stable and prosperity increases more and more, fantasies are added to the national mindset. When fantasies become too unrealistic the country collapses.

Prior to and during WWII, the German people had a fantasy that Aryans were superior to all other human beings. That idea made a lot of Germans happy and fueled all kinds of activities and efforts for a number of years.

That fantasy was removed by force by the other countries in the world. Power is grabbed easily when a leader can create a popular fantasy, then validate that one as well as other already present. Both the fantasies and
power had to be removed by completely destroying destroying Germany. When citizens vote they give all kinds of reasons why they vote one way or another. People claim to vote their pocket book, the constitution, their conscience. None of that is true. People vote their fantasies.

How To Knock Off A Conspiracy
Who is looking for conspiracies? Who is participating a conspiracy? Why that would be you and I. Are conspiracies illegal? Are all conspiracies secret? I suppose a conspiracy can be illegal. Plotting to overthrow the government outside of the democratic process is illegal. Conspiring to change the nature of government by using the democratic process is perfectly legal. It is also legal to be in a secret conspiracy provided its goals are legal. I can’t think of many conspiracies, secret or otherwise which are illegal. A huddle in a football game is a conspiracy. So is a PAC committee. Children conspire against their parents. Students conspire against teachers. One government conspires against another.

People in government conspire against the citizens. The mob conspires against law enforcement and law enforcement conspires against crime. Well financed folks conspire as a way to bypass the law and override the legal system. That type of conspiracy is highly common and certainly is illegal. These kinds of conspiracies must be identified and addressed. As a prolific conspiracy theorist, knocking off those kinds of conspiracies, is my role.

Only a few conspiracies are born in the imagination. Most of those can be counted on one hand. The fake moon landing is clearly one of those. The truth is that behavior in the aggregate is conspiracy based. To accomplish anything at the aggregate level requires organizing into competitive conspiracies.

I identify those kinds of conspiracies. I have no interest in making conspiring illegal or even limiting or regulating conspiracy based based government action. Forbidding citizens from working together in conspiracies would be as hard as convincing lions and tigers not to hunt. Conspiracy based behavior isa normal part of human nature. That won’t change anytime soon. It takes thousands of years to change
human nature, so don’t expect it to be different anytime soon.

Given that, how do we knock off a conspiracy? Where is a conspiracy needed? Is there more than one that is seeking the same or similar outcome? Are there institutions seeking to save themselves? Who would benefit by conspiring with others who have the same or similar aspirations? Finding those situations is not hard at all. At higher levels, if two different entities are seeking a common outcome,there is close to a certainty they will find each other and begin working together.

Before Pluto was discovered in the twentieth century, scientists noticed changes in the orbits of planets that could only be explained by assuming the existence of another planet that had not yet been discovered. Bizarre changes in human behavior along with the occurrence of highly unlikely events as much as guarantees a conspiracy is in operation.

This is the case with respect to the Epstein arrest and following events. There is in fact a conspiracy to save persons with enough political power from consequences from having participated in fun an frolic with under aged girls at Pedo island. There is no chance there would not a conspiracy emerge involving various important people with the need to save themselves. When it comes to saving oneself even people who hate one another, will work with one another. You can expect it. The Epstein situation, is a poster child for the incentive for a conspiracy to form.

Who are the potential beneficiaries of an Epstein conspiracy? Well, who visited the island? Who visited the island on multiple occasions? Who has enough power, money, and stature to offer something ofvalue to the general conspiracy? Is it the case that someone’s life will be completely destroyed if identified as a pedophile? What choice do they have other than to engage in a coverup?

Here is my current assessment of the ongoing Epstein coverup.

Donald Trump: The president needed to win in 2020. He was being bashed in the media relentlessly. The Deep State has been constant in trying to discredit him and remove him from office without an election.

Who is in danger of being exposed as having done illegal things on Pedo Island? Who has something to offer in the spirit of cooperation? There is a long list of important people, not the least of which is a member of the Royal Family. Would Donald Trump and the Royal family find each other? Certainly they would.

How many important Democrats and Republicans werw in danger of exposure? Who is on the list.

How many in the Deep State network are vulnerable? Who is on the list?

How about the Republican and Democratic Parties? Who is on the list?

Donald Trump is the quintessential deal maker and he has a creative mind. Donald Trump initiates the deal. What does he get? He gets the media dog called off and the Deep State stops trying to sabotage his presidency. You may or may not have noticed that the media softened its approach with respect to

Trump beginning the day Epstein was arrested. As it is now, following Epstein’s death, media coverage of Trump is at a very low soft plateau. That has never been the case before.

What did the other parties to Trump’s deal get out of it? Trump launches a long drawn out
investigation to nowhere and guarantees, certain of the anointed safety from exposure.

Who is part of the deal? Who would be destroyed without it? Who has the power, and influence necessary resources to
offer value to the conspiracy by virtue of their participation? Limit the choices people have down to one option and they will take it, especially if not participating guarantees their destruction.

When there is only one way out, that is the path that will be taken. So far the situation is unfolding exactly as I would expect a conspiracy to unfold. Are the Epstein investigations anywhere in the news?

Natural Law Applied To Politics And Economics
Anytime I allude to natural it seems to invoke images of 60s hippies sitting under a shade tree dropping acid or smoking weed. Then I have to show where most natural law is found or modeled. That happens to be in ancient religious writings. Examples abound in all of them. These ideas did not spring up over night. The models of natural law apply completely to human behavior independently of any religious interpretation.

Find any story in the Old Testament or New Testament. Find any number of parallel circumstance throughout history and the issues will have outcomes which also parallel the outcomes in the ancient stories. Read these stories very carefully and it will also become clear that scribes often wrote in ways that would
expose corruption among leaders in the safest way they could. Many stories are written from the viewpoint of, “What is wrong with this picture?” This is especially true in the Old Testament Books of Samuel and Kings. Read the stories carefully and it is apparent that the scribes were being subversively critical of kings. The same flaws cited in the early kings of Israel are possessed by today’s world leaders. What is explained is the nature of leadership and it is all true today.

Have you noticed how today’s masses are as much as volunteering for slavery. There is a near madness of seeking comfort and security from authority and replacing freedom with obedience to central authority figures. This is an ancient phenomenon which is repeated over and over throughout history.

Today’s situation is clearly explained in Samuel 1 Chapter 8 of the Old Testament. Jews can read that without fearing some Christian guy is going to grab them and tell them about Jesus. The same principles can be found in other ancient writings.

Mainstream economists make a fatal error by making false assumptions about how people are likely to behave. People are assumed to be autonomous in thought and action. Close observations show that this is untrue. There is no way to make false assumptions in the beginning and be right in the end.

People are in fact born free but that doesn’t last long enough to have a huge impact over lives. In the system of dominance and subservience we all live in, every living thing including human beings joins the ongoing activity of dominating some and submitting to others. So the person mainstream economics treats as free and autonomous is only in that precise condition at a few sort periods during a life time. It should not be assumed that dominating others is always the first and best choice. When a person goes looking for a job, what is he or she doing? That person is looking to find the optimum and
most advantageous way to submit so as to optimize one’s level of comfort and security.

Look very closely at the political arena and you will notice something striking. Notice the complete absence of sentient or abstract arguments. Everything that is written or said, in or out of echo chambers
is meant to change someone’s positions without taking a big chance by asking them to think about it.

Government is defined in many lofty ways but in the end, it turns out to be a formal platform where countless pleaders go to get what they want. Truth is not used. What you are noticing is that politics is an animal world activity. The human animal nature takes over. Thinking is not engaged in. It is a survival activity.

Really, the only people who actually think during the political process are the few who wind up being elected officials or those who work directly for them. Certain unlikely personality characteristics give them the ability to herd, coral and exploit others while making most feel like they are working in their behalf. The voting public is managed and trained the same way dogs are managed and trained.

Members of the public are offered treats and kind words in order to encourage them to submit. Human beings submit to their elected representatives in the same way their dogs submit to them. Once a human being has submitted to an authority, don’t expect that person to object to anything at all unless his orher comfort and security levels are threatened.

If it surprises you that there is so much turmoil in the world and no one seems to care except a few in the echo chambers, I have just given you the explanation. The level of submission in the United States today is unprecedented. Until and if that changes, don’t look for a lot of progress in reining in government. I admit, that I can’t offer any suggesting a way to change this.

President as CEO of the Nation
What are the longer term consequences of a president acting as chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the United States of America? What presidents do introduces new roles for government, then normalizes various approaches to governing.

During the 1980s, the Reagan Administration was the first to tamper with the stock market with the creation of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. The Plunge Protection Team began finding new and improved ways to push the stock market up when natural forces otherwise would have caused
it to go down. The stock market crash of 1987 called for government intervention. Later in the ReaganAdministration massive intervention by way of supply side Keynesian stimulus was applied to the economy. All of this was done after the image of Reagan as a conservative was cemented in the minds of Americans. Of course he was nothing of the kind. The masses got their sensibilities validated and thepolitically powerful got their government for profit initiative carried out.

Ronald Reagan came and went. However, government intervention in the financial markets has grown and grown to where its now more of an influence than organic market forces. Keynesian economic stimulus was so profitable to all who benefited directly from the government spending that lobbying for more profit generating stimulus became the huge lobbying activity it is today.

Since the 1980s there has not been one year where no lobbyist inspired stimulus has not been used.

Every president since Ronald Reagan has acted as stimulator and chief.
What is the purpose of stimulus? Stimulus is a an ostensible wealth creating system that has the by product of concentrating the nations wealth and income among the few who are politically powerful enough to dictate policy to the president and congress. The end result of forever stimulus is similar to what steroids do to athletes. A track star on steroids wins races. A baseball player on steroids hits more home runs. A linebacker makes harder hits.

The price is damage to the body that remains long after the athletic career is over. Over time stimulus destroys an economy. Since politics is about getting and
getting more right now, future damage to the economy is never a consideration.

So what are the consequences of having a president act as CEO of the United States of America? So far so good you say? Have you ever heard of the free market concept? Where in the free market system is there a place for a president to act as salesman and negotiator of the country’s business interests? In a fascist style economy that is a proper role for a president to assume. Should we return to a mercantile system, president acting as CEO of the nation is more than called for.

Suppose, Donald Trump acting as CEO of the country had positive results for six months, a year or even for his entire tenure as president? The practice will have been initialized and normalized. How good of a CEO will the next president be?

If you occupy any position on the national food chain ladder below the top 20%, the odds of you benefiting from a president’s deal making skills are close to zero. You get your sensibilities validated while the very few at the top of the national food chain get solid financial gains from the business deals a president makes.

Presently you are being manipulated into “the inflation is good and necessary” mentality so that the burden of the federal debt created by 40+ years of central economic planning is placed directly on your back by way of the newly inspired tariffs.


The Hypocrisy Of The Right
Conservatives, right wingers, republicans, and whatever else they want to call themselves think of themselves as champions of freedom and small government. They come out in droves to set the classic socialists straight. Yet, there is not one demonstrative conservative or free market initiative in the world today. The notion seems to be that if enough Americans are of the right frame of mind the wind of God will blow the country onto the right track without anyone having to lift a finger. Of course that
is giving everyone too much credit. Conservative talk radio show hosts shamelessly exploit the situation by keeping endless dialog going. Never in 1000 years, on talk radio will you ever hear a direct appeal to close a government agency or repeal a law.

People do what makes their lives turn out best. Most small government conservatives get more in government benefits than are received by the poor and downtrodden. So, who is going to want laws repealed that support them financially. In the minds of the patriots as they like to call themselves, “Free markets are for my benefit but in my personal life I must be protected from free market competition.”

The essence of the groups which identify as conservative generally comes from government in such a big way, they are not about to shoot themselves in the foot by actually reining in government.

There are two basic choices in an economy. There is the free market concept and then there iseconomics by force. All groups with which folks identify opt for economics by force. Prior to about 600 years ago, economics by force was all there was. All of the enormous economic growth the world has experienced during that time came from the emergence of freedom for the individual.As it is, the proponents of freedom in the United States are opting for economics by force just as are the classic socialists the criticize.

Even if 100% of the population agrees that establishing a free market economy is the best path, it is never going to happen as long as the same folks derive their essence out of government programs.

Many conservatives work in government agencies that need to be closed. They see themselves as doing something critical and that reining in government needs to start somewhere else.

This is a genuine dilemma. What does a person believe? True belief turns into action. The way we spend our time and energy is a good picture of what we really believed.
It is not the left wing and the confessed socialists who are destroying the country. At least they can be managed. Who is destroying the country? It is the very folks who claim to be trying to save it. That is because they are currently doing more of what they are afraid the classic socialists will do already, than the classic socialists themselves could ever do.



The Role Of Conspiracy Theory
Adam Smith is routinely referred to as the father of free market economic thought. Was Adam Smith also
the father of conspiracy theory? If not, he certainly explained how natural the formation of conspiracies is
a constant influence in economic issues.

“People of the same trade seldom meet together,
even for merriment and diversion, but the
conversation ends in a conspiracy against the
public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

II the value of conspiracy theory was taught in school instead of portraying government as a like
benevolent parent, citizens might take their required role of reining in government more seriously.
When a doubt is raised as to the veracity of what is being told by official sources, the doubter is
deemed a conspiracy theorist. The purpose of that is to dismiss the observation as conspiracy theory.
The fact is that all of collective action is comprised of multitudes of layers of of conspiracies.
Independent initiatives by single actors are minuscule in number and never successful. If a person is to
understand the process of government or society in general, identifying conspiracies is absolutely
necessary. Not focusing on identifying ongoing conspiracies guarantees failure of all attempts to make
constructive changes.

The terms conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorist are used to protect a lie. I have never heard either
used in any other way.


Economics by Force

In any economy, the population over all is best served with a free market system. However, any given
individual in an economy is better off being personally exempt from the laws of the free market system while
everyone else is subject to them. Suppose in the NBA a certain team had a few players who were exempt to
the rules of the game. So these players were free to foul with impunity while everyone else got penalized.

Rather than the referees telling them what to do, they told the referees what to do. That team would win
every game it played in. The anointed basket players would be engaging in basketball by force. The
success of the NBA depends on the game being fair so cheating is not allowed.

A a free market economy, as far as rules are concerned, works in the same way as a basketball league.
Except that in a basketball league players are not allowed to break the rules. With respect to an
economy, it is possible to break the rules. Countless dollars are spent lobbying all of government, just
to get permission to break the rules and it works.

The most positive attribute of a free market system is the absence of force. Before the advent of free
markets, force was the main system used for rationing goods and services. Wars were fought for this
reason. Even after the free market concept evolved wars continued to be fought either for economic
gain or to avoid loss. Free markets actually are the only reason peace has been experienced anywhere in
the world.

So what is a trade war? A trade war is economics by force and one can escalate into a shooting war
almost in a heartbeat. What is a government fiscal stimulus package? It is economics by force. The
fiscal package rewards those who have successfully lobbied government to gain an advantage over all
others who still must abide by the riggers of a free market system. Stimulus is only a word that is used
to fool general population and it does with regularity. The gap between the rich and the poor has
widened constantly since the late 1970s. Why would that be? The Full Employment Act of 1978, also
known as the Humphrey-Hawkins act mandated central economic planning on the part of government.

Since that act was passed, there has been constant use of stimulus packages and other government
interventions. The result has been a lopsided income distribution and it is still getting worse.
On an international level all countries together would be better off with zero restrictions on legal goods
and services going in and out of every country. Trade restrictions such as the ones the United States is
now imposing serve the purpose of creating an advantage on the world market for U.S. goods and
services. Such restrictions will help a handful of U.S. corporations but will hurt every individual person
in the country. How can the United States raise tariffs without other countries retaliating? It can only
keep the responses of other countries subdued. That is because the United States has such a powerful
military and has demonstrated a willingness to use it. Don’t think other countries are statues. They are
working in frenzies to catch up to the U.S. militarily.
Any country in the world with no trade restrictions at all has a huge competitive advantage over all
countries with tariffs. Why doesn’t China announce zero tariffs on legal goods coming or going? China
suffers from the same malady as the United States. They have protected industries also. What would
happen if the United States dropped all trade restrictions? Living standards at the bottom of the food
chain would begin improving immediately. Corporations which had been allowed to cheat would not
do as well. Suppose the country as a whole re-adopted the free market system that has been replaced by
top down socialism? The living standards of the bottom 90% would skyrocket? The need for welfare
and other public assistance would almost disappear.

Happiness Power Fantasies and Euphemisms

Happiness is not possible if the universe is taken at face value. The struggle to survive is brutal. Fantasies create happiness and fantasies keep people happy. Euphemisms are substitutes for truths because truths can be harsh. Fantasies come and go but in time certain fantasies become symbiotic. Once a symbiotic relationship takes root between two or more fantasies more fantasies are added to the relationship over time. Belief systems of large aggregations of people arise out of the symbiotic relationships between the various fantasies that are prevalent in the group.

The more fantasies on which life is based the happier are the members of the group. Since fantasies are not based on anything real, truth can completely disappear. An entire country can become so filled with happiness created by fantasies that the society in question falls apart.

Power is a standalone incentive. Power is always sought more by some but some by everyone. The one thing power and fantasies have in common is that neither is ever relinquished. Both must be taken by force.
Fantasies can be harmless and in small quantities, perhaps beneficial. When whole countries become stable and prosperity increases more and more, fantasies are added to the national mindset. When fantasies become too unrealistic the country collapses.

Prior to and during WWII, the German people had a fantasy that Aryans were superior to all other human beings. That idea made a lot of Germans happy and fueled all kinds of activities and efforts for a number of years.

That fantasy was removed by force by the other countries in the world. Power is grabbed easily when a leader can create a popular fantasy, then validate that one as well as other already present. Both the fantasies and
power had to be removed by completely destroying destroying Germany. When citizens vote they give all kinds of reasons why they vote one way or another. People claim to vote their pocket book, the constitution, their conscience. None of that is true. People vote their fantasies.

 Natural Law Applied To Politics And Economics
Anytime I allude to natural it seems to invoke images of 60s hippies sitting under a shade tree dropping acid
or smoking weed. Then I have to show where most natural law is found or modeled. That happens to be in
ancient religious writings. Examples abound in all of them. These ideas did not spring up over night. The
models of natural law apply completely to human behavior independently of any religious interpretation.
Find any story in the Old Testament or New Testament.

Find any number of parallel circumstance throughout history and the issues will have outcomes which also parallel the outcomes in the ancient stories. Read these stories very carefully and it will also become clear that scribes often wrote in ways that would expose corruption among leaders in the safest way they could. Many stories are written from the viewpoint of, “What is wrong with this picture?” This is especially true in the Old Testament Books of

Samuel and Kings. Read the stories carefully and it is apparent that the scribes were being subversively
critical of kings. The same flaws cited in the early kings of Israel are possessed by today’s world
leaders. What is explained is the nature of leadership and it is all true today.

Have you noticed how today’s masses are as much as volunteering for slavery. There is a near madness
of seeking comfort and security from authority and replacing freedom with obedience to central
authority figures. This is an ancient phenomenon which is repeated over and over throughout history.
Today’s situation is clearly explained in Samuel 1 Chapter 8 of the Old Testament. Jews can read that
without fearing some Christian guy is going to grab them and tell them about Jesus. The same
principles can be found in other ancient writings.

Mainstream economists make a fatal error by making false assumptions about how people are likely to
behave. People are assumed to be autonomous in thought and action. Close observations show that this
is untrue. There is no way to make false assumptions in the beginning and be right in the end.
People are in fact born free but that doesn’t last long enough to have a huge impact over lives. In the
system of dominance and subservience we all live in, every living thing including human beings joins
the ongoing activity of dominating some and submitting to others. So the person mainstream
economics treats as free and autonomous is only in that precise condition at a few sort periods during a
life time. It should not be assumed that dominating others is always the first and best choice. When a
person goes looking for a job, what is he or she doing? That person is looking to find the optimum and
most advantageous way to submit so as to optimize one’s level of comfort and security.
Look very closely at the political arena and you will notice something striking. Notice the complete
absence of sentient or abstract arguments. Everything that is written or said, in or out of echo chambers
is meant to change someone’s positions without taking a big chance by asking them to think about it.
Government is defined in many lofty ways but in the end, it turns out to be a formal platform where
countless pleaders go to get what they want. Truth is not used. What you are noticing is that politics is
an animal world activity. The human animal nature takes over. Thinking is not engaged in. It is a
survival activity.

Really, the only people who actually think during the political process are the few who wind up being
elected officials or those who work directly for them. Certain unlikely personality characteristics give
them the ability to herd, coral and exploit others while making most feel like they are working in their
behalf. The voting public is managed and trained the same way dogs are managed and trained.
Members of the public are offered treats and kind words in order to encourage them to submit. Human
beings submit to their elected representatives in the same way their dogs submit to them. Once a human
being has submitted to an authority, don’t expect that person to object to anything at all unless his or
her comfort and security levels are threatened.
If it surprises you that there is so much turmoil in the world and no one seems to care except a few in
the echo chambers, I have just given you the explanation. The level of submission in the United States
today is unprecedented. Until and if that changes, don’t look for a lot of progress in reining in
government. I admit, that I can’t offer any suggesting a way to change this.



No One Blames Government

Americans are more than ever looking for guarantees of safety from government. They also look to government to provide them with solutions to all of life’s problems. Citizens opt for life and healthcare management as provided in the Affordable Care Act.

Government is seen as able to create jobs and enhance the economy. The Federal Reserve is deemed good and necessary for managing the economy. This is while the Fed has not had a good year since its beginning in 1914. Fiscal policy is seen as a reasonable method of stimulating the economy. Most folks gleefully put on masks and took vaccines at the government’s insistence…. as if that made them good citizens.

During the worst of Corona, hospitals became like death camps as they complied with top down mandated directives. Alternative treatments were not allowed. Doctors, who did not go along were exiled, quarantined and made to look small as if they were trouble makers.

The economy is falling apart as a result of forty plus years of economic planning.

Yet, government itself is never blamed. Government is absolutely never seen as inept or the cause, rather than solution, to the country’s problems. Does that not seem odd (?)…… because, it is.

As the bottom falls off a cliff, citizens still look at government as a means of solving all of the problems it created. The people still believe that government has the prowess to solve their problems.

With respect to safety, does anyone ever stop… think… and consider that historically, governments have killed multitudes of their citizens with wars and government programs? Who feels the need for safety and protection from their own government? If someone does fear the U.S. government, I haven’t heard anyone say so.

There are reasons why things work out this way.  I will explain in a future article.


Messiah Seeking And Voting


The biggest problem we have with democratic principles is that by voting, citizens are submitting to one candidate or another. In totalitarian societies,
people are born in a state of submission, so my comments should not be taken as a call to do away with democracy.

There are two styles of representation Trustee Model and the Delegate Model. In the United States, the Trustee Model is all that is used.

There are no delegates in congress. With the Trustee Model, citizens opt for a candidate who works independently of the will of the electorate but is trusted to act on behalf of those he represents. Because a trustee acts independently, he can and does represent actually represent anyone he chooses
to represent.

A delegate, on the other hand votes completely according to the will of those he represents.
When I ran for congress in 2010, I ran as a delegate. The voters completely rejected this
approach. As it turns out that each voter has aspirations of gaining the upper hand in the country.

The were not willing to give up the illusion of control and subject themselves to the will of the majority. I got my plow cleaned in the election. Voters want someone to decide issues for them.

They vote trustees into office, believing they have their best interest at heart.
Voters begin getting betrayed, as soon as their candidate gets elected. I often explain that self interest is the only incentive present where group behavior is concerned, I also point out that truth is not used in persuasive arguments in politics. To get elected, politicians must tell voters what they want to hear. If they don’t, they will lose. Voters don’t want to hear the truth,

Voters choose candidates they perceive as messiahs. Messiah seeking is the way voters pick trustees whose dialogue is compatible with their sensibilities.

Normally, when these two models of representation are compared, it is assumed that trustees will do exactly what their role calls for. That notion works great on paper. Those of us who use the fantasy free approach to economics and politics know that nature does not provide an incentive to serve, although it is universally assumed to be present. Human nature doesn’t allow the trustee model to work  



Dynamics Of Censorship

It has been 246 years since the American Revolution. For all but the last five or so years,
citizens saw and heard all that they were exposed to. Now there is a fear that folks in general might be exposed to wrong ideas and that would be harmful to the country and themselves. The common man now must be protected from being misguided, ostensibly for his own good. His protectors are deemed to know all that is worthy of his attention and knowledge base.

It must be noted that government is not censoring anyone, at least not the official government. The corporate structure has been around for a long time. Never before has industry been motivated to protect the country’s citizens from receiving wrong information. So what has changed that makes industry motivated to guide the thinking of the population?

Is the media just a bunch of well meaning people devoted to protecting the over all population? The incentive to do that has to have come from somewhere.

The media censors, but who benefits from the censorship? Stories about anti viral treatments, other than what comes out of the pharmaceutical industry, are just not allowed. There must be a relationship between big pharma and the media. Any individual or organization which suggests anything other than the collectivist approach to solving problems is not allowed to speak either.

Clearly all who benefit from a docile, homogenized and narrowly focused, overall population are good with censorship and want more of it.

The American population is managed in the same way aggregations of animals are molded and herded. My grandfather and uncle both raised cattle in South Texas. They had different ranching philosophies. My grand father was old school and believed that a cow was cow. He made no effort to upgrade his stock so that it had any cohesiveness in terms of breeds and such. My uncle studied agriculture in college and thought differently. He built a herd of black Angus Cattle. His cattle were all about the same size and color. Their behavior was certainly standardized. He got a consistent. stable and high price for all the cows he put on the market.

The elite of the world manage our population in the same way my uncle managed his herd of cattle. Today, what Americans do with their thoughts, time and energy is very well standardized. The profitability of this approach is unquestionably high. All who benefit from a homogenized population are fearful of that situation changing.

Today’s censorship boils down to being the most important tool, used to herd and profit off of the United States population.

Why are blinders placed on horses? All phenomenon that might distract the horse from
carrying out its intended purpose is censored. The horse’s purpose might be to win a race or pull a wagon. In all cases, the horse’s attention is forced focused only on what is needed to accomplish the goal of its master. Over time, horses have become accustomed to these things. The horses get fed and watered. They also get free health care, also in keeping with their masters aspirations.

Censorship of the American Public works the same way it does with horses. Folks are kept from noticing ideas that might work counter to the best interests of those who are privileged to manage the activities of the American population, which does for their purposes constitute a herd.

Those are the dynamics of censorship in a nutshell.


Student Loan Forgiveness Explained

So, where did the idea for the current student loan system come from? Do you remember the multitudes of American citizens, with signs demanding that government facilitate students getting loans for education?

Don’t feel bad if you can’t remember the multitudes demanding a student loan program. I
can’t remember either, because that never happened.
On the other hand, lobbyists working on behalf of lending institution, did what the citizens didn’t do? They lobbied for years to get congress to pass the law that created our system of financing student loans. They got the bill passed.

What lenders did was to have congress create for them a risk free investment. There was
virtually no way for a borrower to default on a student loan. Student loans cannot be written off in a bankruptcy. Student loans exploded. Colleges geared up got more and more expensive.

Education became a ruthless industry. The economic value of a degree to the student continues to go down. Now it turns out that there can be one last problems lenders face. What if the economy tanks and student loans can’t be paid off? Doesn’t it makes sense now that all loans be forgiven? Loans forgiven means all risk disappears completely

Did you see multitudes of Americans demanding that all student loans be forgiven? No, it didn’t happen. Somebody petitioned government? Who was it? It was the same group that lobbied to have the system initiated. Lots of Americans paid off their student loans. You have to wonder how these folks feel? Perhaps they reason that they would have been better off not paying either.


Permanent Depression

I want to make sure I am on record in forecasting a permanent depression. This is while others are calling for a recession or a simple depression. Few have not heard the news that we have had two quarters of negative GDP growth. That by most is deemed to be a recession. Government statistics are always as positive is they possibly can be. Surely the real situation is much worse.

Now, some are challenging this time honored definition of what constitutes a recession. Why call it a recession if we don’t have to? Certainly we shouldn’t want Americans to be discouraged.

I don’t follow government statistics. Economic downturns have much to do with the mindset of the population and nothing to do with government policy itself, in the present moment. I think instead.

Thinking is not allowed in economics. I break that rule and that is why I don’t have a job.I have written many times that any economic recovery requires free market influences be in tack. The more which are in tact, the greater the recovery is. The United States economy does not have enough free market attributes to right itself. Central economic planning cannot right anything. It never has and it never will. As it, what the government does, controls the essence of the vast majority of Americans. A right wing Republican likely lives in a home that is financed with a subsidized interest rate. A left wing democrat gets the same benefit. Both may have subsidized or free solar panels on their roofs. There are many stealth subsidies that few are willing to do without.

What is it in a person’s life that that is not controlled by a central authority? It is hard to think of much. Every time a decision is made to opt for government control in one’s life, an equal amount of freedom must be be surrendered in order to make it possible. As Americans have continued to opt for collective solutions, loss of freedom, voluntary as it might be, is lost. Folks are left with only the freedoms they deem meaningful to them.

All can still move about freely and do things like walk down any street and seek out entertainment. Healthcare is managed. Government decides what folks can and cannot buy. Who personally decided that their gas needs ethanol in it? Who decides to buy wind generated energy instead of fossil fuels? Major spending decisions are made by government.

First Amendment rights are certainly under assault. To most this doesn’t matter. Only those effected are concerned. There is a collectivist dark cloud of mentality that purveys society today. Given this, along with the disappearance of free market attributes, really does mean there will be no recovery.

No, the ingredients needed to launch an economic recovery are gone. The collectivist policies Americans opt for are present and growing. There is no movement to move back the free market approach. You cannot go swimming when there is no water in the pool. You can’t have prosperity in a country which has dismantled its free market system.


Messiah Seeking And Voting

The biggest problem we have with democratic principles is that by voting, citizens are submitting to one candidate or another. In totalitarian societies, people are born in a state of submission, so my comments should not be taken as a call to do away with democracy.

There are two styles of representation Trustee Model and the Delegate Model. In the United States, the Trustee Model is all that is used.

There are no delegates in congress. With the Trustee Model, citizens opt for a candidate who works independently of the will of the electorate but is trusted to act on behalf of those he represents. Because a trustee acts independently, he can and does represent actually represent anyone he chooses
to represent.

 A delegate, on the other hand votes completely according to the will of those he represents.

When I ran for congress in 2010, I ran as a delegate. The voters completely rejected this
approach. As it turns out that each voter has aspirations of gaining the upper hand in the country.The were not willing to give up the illusion of control and subject themselves to the will of the majority. I got my plow cleaned in the election. Voters want someone to decide issues for them.

They vote trustees into office, believing they have their best interest at heart.
Voters begin getting betrayed, as soon as their candidate gets elected. I often explain that self interest is the only incentive present where group behavior is concerned, I also point out that truth is not used in persuasive arguments in politics. To get elected, politicians must tell voters what they want to hear. If they don’t, they will lose. Voters don’t want to hear the truth,

Voters choose candidates they perceive as messiahs. Messiah seeking is the way voters pick trustees whose dialogue is compatible with their sensibilities.

Normally, when these two models of representation are compared, it is assumed that trustees will
do exactly what their role calls for. That notion works great on paper. Those of us who use the fantasy free approach to economics and politics know that nature does not provide an incentive to serve, although it is universally assumed to be present. Human nature doesn’t allow the trustee model to work  


No One Blames Government


Americans are more than ever looking for guarantees of safety from government. They also look to government to provide them with solutions to all of life’s problems. Citizens opt for life and healthcare management as provided in the Affordable Care Act. Government is seen as able to create jobs and enhance the economy. The Federal Reserve is deemed good and necessary for managing the economy. This is while the Fed has not had a good year since its beginning in 1914. Fiscal policy is seen as a reasonable method of stimulating the economy. Most folks gleefully put on masks and took vaccines at the government’s insistence…. as if that made them good citizens.

During the worst of Corona, hospitals became like death camps as they complied with top down mandated directives. Alternative treatments were not allowed. Doctors, who did not go along were exiled, quarantined and made to look small as if they were trouble makers.

The economy is falling apart as a result of forty plus years of economic planning.

Yet, government itself is never blamed. Government is absolutely never seen as inept or the cause, rather than solution, to the country’s problems. Does that not seem odd (?)…… because, it is.

As the bottom falls off a cliff, citizens still look at government as a means of solving all of the problems it created. The people still believe that government has the prowess to solve their problems.

With respect to safety, does anyone ever stop… think… and consider that historically, governments have killed multitudes of their citizens with wars and government programs? Who feels the need for safety and protection from their own government? If someone does fear the U.S. government, I haven’t heard anyone say so.

There are reasons why things work out this way.  I will explain in a future article.


The Case For Deflation

Inflation is the current problem and fear. That is fine for mainstream economics. But, thinking is not allowed in economics. First, deflation is not bad for an economy. Inflation favors the wealthy, government and others who have borrowed. Deflation favors the working class. In a free market, economic power naturally shifts back and forth from one sector to the other.

Deflation occurs naturally when the productivity of labor increases. Inflation is created politically.

When power starts to shift in the direction of the working class, the upper class can and does create inflation politically as a means of maintaining its advantage. During the period between 1873 and 1879, prices dropped by nearly 3% every year, yet real GDP growth was around 7% during the same time period. However, despite this economic growth and the rise of real wages, historians have called this period “The Long Depression” because of the presence of deflation.” Investopedia

Prices dropped profoundly during the 1870s during a long period of economic growth. Real wages increased significantly. At this time procedures for enhancing economic activity by way of “stimulus” had not yet evolved. A degree of economic power did shift to the working class for a while.

In our modern era, the Federal Reserve has been fighting deflation since the Reagan
administration. Increases in the productivity of labor have been monumental. Yet, real wages have stagnated. Profit margins of corporations have increased. Prices have been very stable until recently. This is no accident. The working class has been robbed of the productivity bonus it would have received had prices been allowed to fall. This has all been accomplished politically.

Now it is politically expedient to create inflation as a means of shrinking the debt size of heavy borrowers.

Deflation has been defeated for 40+ years but deflationary forces are still present and have
increased. Unlike other economies where runaway inflation has taken hold, the United States has massive production capabilities which can be used. An enormous amount of demand has been in non essential goods and services. There are also plenty of substitutes for all we buy and consume. Creating ever rising prices will be an enormous task.

One of the many negatives with respect to stimulus is that resources become more and more inefficiently allocated over time. Recessions occur because businesses are not getting the profits they expect from what they are currently producing. Recessions disappear and business finds more productive ways to use its resources. Inflation prevents this from happening.

In economics, if we prevent what will occur naturally, what would occur naturally occurs
anyway eventually. Notice, I am not citing numbers or pointing to lines on charts. I don’t need to. Instead, I think things through and as always am focused on what causes numbers to be what they are instead of thinking the statistics just happen to fall into place the way they do.

So, I am expecting things to reverse. Inflation will give away to deflationary forces and the
overall price level will fall. Lets see what happens.

We are facing a depression, not a recession. Deflation, honestly is more likely.

Four Ways We Communicate

Sometimes the simplest explanation of something can have a profound impact. Years
ago Milton Friedman came up with his four ways to spend money.

These are,

Spend your own money on yourself. This
the most efficient and productive way to spending money. The buyer gets exactly what
he wants. In a free market system, thisapproach is very common.

Spend your own money on someone
else.  This is a very efficient way to spend money, but less so than number one

Spend someone else’s money on yourself. This approach is quite a bit less efficient than numbers 1 and 2.

Spend someone else’s money on someone else’s money on yourself. This method has some efficiency but not as much a 1 or 2  .

Spend somebody else’s money on somebody else. This is how government spends money. This is quite reckless.

I am borrowing Friedman’s concept to show that there are also four ways to
communicate. The brain is complicated but some things it does are automatic and
other’s require in depth thought. I think it is safe to call the automatic brain the animal
brain and the bigger brain the thinking brain. The animal brain of a human functions in
about the same way it does in any other animal. This part of the brain is affectionately
often referred to as a person’s inner lizard. In the examples below, just for fun, I am
going to use the term inner lizard.

On a routine basis, most of what we do during the day results from what our inner lizard
insists we do. This is actually a good and necessary part of the brain. It makes sure we survive. Without it we would die.
If a person is doing something like work a math problem or analyzing the meaning of a poem, the thinking brain gets the not and the inner lizard takes a break. Humans are generally unaware of which brain is in charge. There is something unique about the inner lizard. It does not do anything at all to determine whether or not what it believes is true or not.

One time my wife and I rescued a dog. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it at all.
One day I was in the yard and picked up a big stick to throw away. The dog suddenly
high tailed it and got as far away from me as it could. Clearly someone at one time or another
whopped it with a stick. From then on, the dogs inner lizard deemed any human with a stick in his hand to be a serious threat.

A human’s inner lizard functions the same way. It does not do any analysis. It just comes
up with a conclusion. Hypnotism, is a technique whereby the thinking brain is sent on
vacation while the hypnotist addresses the inner lizard alone. Everything the hypnotist
tells it gets registered as an absolute indisputable fact. This is why advertisements target
a person’s inner lizard. Who wants a potential buyer to think real hard when they can be
convinced to buy without raising any questions. The inner lizard can keep you alive. It
can also get you into a lot of trouble when you genuinely need to thinks something

With this in mind here are the for ways humans communicate. Thinking Brain to Thinking brain. A professor gives a lecture to students trying
very hard to understand.

Thinking Brain to Inner Lizard. A good salesman is likely to speak from his
thinking brain directly with a prospects inner lizard. This is the way politicians
communicate with constituents. This method is employed when the goal is to convince
another of something in the shortest period of time. That is politics and sales.

Inner Lizard to Thinking Brain. This occurs when a constituent request something
from an elected representative.

Inner Lizard to Inner Lizard. This is what occurs when two constituents talk
politics. You can search day and night without finding any sentient or thoughtful
interaction between two people hashing out a political argument. What you find are
conclusions used as arguments and nothing that can that can be substantiated.

What you get are arguments of the following nature. Trump good…Biden Bad or visa versa. Today we constantly hear NATO good……Putin bad. Russia is our problem. China is our problem and so on. No one talking like this ever takes the time to try and understand
why Putin is really doing something or what NATO’s concerns about Russia are really
base upon. Who needs to do that when the inner lizard already knows what NATO is
about and ‘what Putin is about.

In a contest between the thinking brain and the inner lizard, the inner lizard always wins. Its job is to make sure you survive.The first image shows a communication between an elected official and a constituent. The second image illustrates how two citizens communicate during a political discussion.

As cute as this is, I am not trying to be funny. Communication really works this way. One thing to loos for in coming days is an increase in suffering within the United States. Suffering does cause the thinking brain to kick in and question what the inner lizard thinks it believes. I am no fan of suffering. But is can shock people out of the mal-adaptive behavior they are engaging in. So, in that sense suffering does serve a purpose.

Why The European Union Is So Miserable


Have ordinary citizens ever petitioned their government – wanting to consolidate their
governments into one unit? I remember no such initiative. So, does that simple observation mean anything? No, not unless you think about it.

Where do ideas for political initiatives come from? Do they just spring up from out of the
concrete and embed themselves in the minds of the people? Probably not , but they do have to come from somewhere. Some might argue that these kinds of initiatives are divinely inspired.

There are other possibilities. In today’s world , all political initiatives are for profit. So,
having all Europeans submit to a higher authority must be good for the various entities
which make these things happen.

Here is exactly where the misery ensues. Remember the old and underused adage of
natural law, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unfortunately
that bit of ancient wisdom and logic is only used as a platitude. Take it seriously and the
world looks a lot different,  and what happens makes sense.

The consolidation of power is much more conducive to absolute corruption than is the
corruption present in the governments of each individual country. So you folks in
Europe end up living in a hopelessly corrupt system.

One other point is that anonymity renders each individual as meaningless to a system’s
leaders. So, if it seems nobody at the top loves you and you are only a cog in the wheel,
that is because it is absolutely true.

Folks in Europe, don’t think I am picking on you alone. Here in the U.S., we are already
further down the road to destruction than you are. Organized crime owns our healthcare
industry. Our life expectancy is plummeting. Our citizens are compliant to the point of
self destruction. Join us if you wish but I seriously advise you not to.

The Righteous and Ridicule

Here is a good definition of ridicule.

“The act of using words, gestures,
images, or other products of expression
to evoke laughter or contemptuous
feelings regarding a person or thing.”
American Heritage Dictionary.

I ask you. is there ever an occasion where a good thinking, highly sentient, honest person
should use ridicule as a tool or for any reason?

At first glance it seems one would lower ones self considerably by engaging in such unsophisticated simple minded discourse.Even non – Christians seem to believe Jesus was honest and straight forward. 

Here is Jesus engaging in, lets say, righteous ridicule.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to” (Matthew 23:13

This is ridicule. Why would Jesus lower himself to engage in ridicule? Is there anything
honest and straight forward he could say or do to change their behavior? No, absolutely
nothing. Debating them would gain nothing. They were not truth seekers. They were the
kind who would say or do anything to get what they want.

Given our leadership today, would they do or would they say anything to get their way? If
you are not in an honest discussion then there is no point in presenting a gentlemanly
argument. Is it a fight or an academic argument?

The fact is that our leaders are sociopaths and really not really trying to do the right
thing. They just appear to be doing so.

Remember “Lets Go Brandon.” How effective was the use of “F… Joe Biden on that
particular occasion. “Lets Go Brandon.” probably accomplished more for opponents of
Joe Biden than all of the honest conversation about his liabilities since 2020.

So, when does it make sense to use ridicule? Ridicule is to a sociopath like kryptonite is
to Superman. It is said that a sociopath has no conscience. They do have something that
serves like a conscience. A sociopath is highly sensitive to how he comes across to
others. Being ill thought – of is definitely something for a sociopath to completely avoid.
What if a sociopath found himself to be ill thought – of? He would retool and present
himself in a different way.

So, in order to win against a sociopath ridicule turns out to be the best tool in the
arsenal. And…. winning is all that can be accomplished. There will not be any
understanding generated anyway. I suppose “Lets Go Brandon” came and went, but
that one thing accomplished more than polite conversation has in two years.

Left Right Conservative Liberal And Genuine Influences

I constantly read and hear comments from respected political analysts, bright blog writers and others that the left or liberals are imposing an agenda on well meaning right minded conservatives. They say these things as if there is a genuine effort going on to impose classic socialism on Americans. Wouldn’t it be nice if that was actually the case. That would be an easy fix.

Here is how things actually break down.
As I have mentioned countless times, Big Tech, Big Pharma,,Banking and Insurance completely control the flow of legislation, all government policies plus what the general public hears, thinks and bases their opinions on. This is the truth and it is scary. So what do people do with scary things? They replace them with more pleasant thoughts.

Those called left or liberal, believe in policies deemed to make life economic, legal and
all other more fair and equitable. Great and as appealing as these thoughts are human
nature must change in order for these approaches to be successful. None of their cited
appealing outcomes will ever occur. This is socialism just as it has always been

Those called right or conservatives get such enormous benefits even while they pound
their chests and profess to be stellar conservatives. In as little as an hour, the wealthy
probably suck more income and benefits out of the country than the poor have received
through government throughout all of history. QE alone keeps profit margins of giant
corporation a high levels that would not be obtainable in a free market. QE is the source
of the heavily subsidized low mortgage rate folks are used to. High subsidies are present
in multiple products only the rich can afford. Corporations use government as a means
of forcing consumers to buy their goods and services. Government work pays better
than anything comparable in the private sector.

Those on the right are the most prolific socialists the world has ever seen. How do we
know this? What is socialism?

Socialism is the means by which something other than prices is used to
allocate resources in an economy. Political power is what rations economic
outcomes. So, the rich along with other Americans with incomes in the upper half plus
all who work for the government have learned how to draw their essence out of the
lower half by using principles of democracy. This is socialism because political power
has replaced price as the resource allocation in what was once and overwhelmingly free
market economy.

There are no conservatives or liberals. We have two sides claiming the other is the cause
of problems. This is while your true government which dictates policy the to your
perceived government picks the pockets of all on both sides.
Who wants the think these things?

Medical Mafia

From 2800 BC – to present there have been 33784 years when there was an empire trying
to rule the world. Some of these initiatives lasted hundreds of years. Some just came and
went. All of these attempts are listed in appendix 1.

At any given time , the world has been under the influence of one empire – building initiative or another for an average of about 67 years. Given that…. is it really unusual to think there is an orchestrated attempt to capture the world’s factors of production going on right now? Is that not the ultimate goal of all attempts to rule the world?

Up until recently, world – capturing efforts were all military in nature. Who would launch
a military initiative to do such a thing when the same result can be achieved by
managing the worlds resources … taking over all of the major markets around the

Medical Mafia is the name of a book I haven’t read. It is hard to get. I don’t know what is
in it. I am making use of the term because it describes healthcare today exactly as it is.

Medical Mafia

The Affordable Care Act provides multiple skimming operations that are used in the
healthcare industry. The bill guarantees decades of highly profitable operations for all
higher level healthcare organizations and facilities.

The bill converts doctors into clerks who act as agents for the medical mafia. Doctors are
lulled into this because clerking for the medical mafia is about the only way it is possible
to practice medicine. Doctors don’t consciously decide to aid organized crime. Clerking
is the main and sometimes only path a doctor has to earn an income. A doctor’s income
is not the issue. In this system a typical doctor is nowhere near the top of the food chain.

The warning I have for doctors is that clerking on behalf of the medical mafia
diminishes your utility to society. That will cause your income to drop over time. Acting
as an agent of the medical mafia though , may be the only option a doctor has.

A patient goes into a medical office. First there are a series of questions that are
unrelated to any complaint the patient is making. Have you had your flu shot? Do you
feel safe at home? Have you fallen recently? Are you suicidal? These questions are
mining for problems to be exploited by virtue of various skimming operations that are
applicable. Surely the staff has been convinced that they doing a good thing by
managing people’s lives and decisions with respect to healthcare.

But, what about the patient’s complaint? The importance of that is greatly diminished.
Odds are that the reason for the visit will be ignored. The subject will be changed to
something that better exploits feeding frenzies on federal money. All of this takes place
in less than 15 minutes but usually even less than that.

The death rate actually started rising in 2014 when the bill was fully functional.
Genuine issues patients have are routinely disregarded. Diagnoses must me made in 15
minutes or less. By this time a patient’s medical history has been purged except for a few
things relevant to mining for the feeding frenzies. How good of a diagnosis could be
made here even by the Albert Einstein of physicians. Having a brain is one thing.
Having the time to use it …..something else. Naturally lifespans are falling and this is only
the beginning.

Why suspect organized crime? After all, no public notices have been posted announcing
the operation of a global crime syndicate.

Political Medicine and Life Expectancy

Do we have classic socialized medicine in the United States?

Do we have national healthcare inspired by European Democratic socialism? What we have is political medicine.

With socialism , goods and services are rationed by something other than price.
Who gets what or how much in terms of healthcare is determined by political power. Those with little or no political power have get very little to none in terms of healthcare.

How does Obama Care kill ? It turns doctors into clerks and patients into commodities.
Insurance plans are actually life management plans and have no characteristics of
genuine insurance. Under Obama Care , preventive healthcare comes down to starting
patients with anointed maladies on big pharma life extending prescriptions drugs.
Doctors no longer talk to patients about genuine preventive measures like losing weight.

A doctor’s role now , is  to mine for problems to exploit on behalf of the huge financially
powerful firms which lobbied for decades to get the bill passed. After those are found,
any other patient issues are explained away, postponed or ignored.

Doctors now act as agents of the state…. helping to carry out national healthcare agendas.
From your doctor, do you get his opinion or a political opinion? Truth is not used in
politics. So, is truth used in medicine?

This is why the death rate in the U.S. is increasing. It is going to get a lot worse. When
was the last time you can remember a bad law being repealed in the United States?

How To Watch Your Doctor Destroy His Life

Lets get something out of the way to start.

Doctors who practice medicine are not overpaid. Based on their education, they make
no more money than those in other professions that require the same number of years training.

There are doctors who make huge astronomical amounts of money. These kinds do not practice medicine. Doctors who work their way up the corporate ladder do make millions per year.

They are not practicing medicine. Patients contribute nothing to their incomes.
Physician’s pay makes up only a small portion of a patient’s healthcare bill. If all patients had to do is pay their doctors, they would all be doing back flips. Doctors get blamed by patients because doctors are the face of healthcare that patients see. So, they get blamed for what they have no control over. 

State run healthcare is what drives up healthcare costs. That being said, the suicide rate among physicians is 40% higher than that of the overall population. Depression runs rampant through the ranks of doctors. So, I guess they all need to take up meditation and listen to relaxing music, right? I have some different thoughts on this.

A doctor completes medical school and residency and starts working. What does he find? He can only practice medicine if he follows the path of least resistance created by way of state run medicine. This is the first step towards ruining his life. All of his autonomy is taken away as he morphs into a clerk charged with advancing whatever political agenda that has captured healthcare in the United States.

Vaccines are mandated so he has to try and vaccinate patients whether he believes it is a good idea or not. He finds he is permitted to only prescribe the medication deemed worthwhile by the state. He has to accommodate medicare patients and gets very little money for those efforts. So, he either has to cut short office visits that involve medicare or he goes broke.At the same time, he is expected to disregard his own interests and put patients first – regardless of how it effects his income. Nature gives us all the incentive to optimize our incomes, living standard and anything else that contributes to our essence.

The Affordable Care Act requires that doctors become homogenized. Patients are
reduced to commodities to be run through the system. A doctor’s income is secured only
if he carries out state mandated agendas that are all designed to funnel healthcare
dollars up to the healthcare food chain. In time, patients will start to make jokes about medical practices that require masks.

To watch your doctor destroy his life, all you have to do is be a patient. No need to help.
State run healthcare will do that all by itself. Personally, I take no joy in such things. I
frequently post this chart.


W. C. Fields Moments
On one hand we have a population absorbed in following top down national narratives as if to do otherwise would be unpatriotic. Meanwhile and never mind that democracy cannot survive without division. Some may be familiar with the judus goat
concept. Sheep have a natural fear of the smell of blood. It is hard to march them forward into the slaughter house. A special type of goad was trained to gain the confidence of the sheep so that they would follow him. The judus goat would then lead the trusting sheep to slaughter. The goat would not be slaughtered but would return and lead another
group of sheep to their deaths.

Today, at least four industries with symbiotic relationships along with politicians and others serve as judus goats with respect to the overall population. Profit opportunities abound. Any line of reasoning that puts any of this system in
 uestion is censored. Even Firefox engages in
censorship. That is probably to protect the
money it receives from Google.

On the other hand, there is the rest of the
population believing every word that comes out of the mouth of authority. Their fears are
assuaged while they wait, but not resolved. All of their critical decisions are made by
government. Citizens look to government to solve their problems. People will pay enormous sums for these services even though the benefits are imaginary. What we have is a nation of chumps supporting a network of wealthy others who have become highly adept at exploiting the inborn insecurities of the overall population. While the public is looking for solutions to problems, the elite are looking for problems to exploit. They are doing that.

Here is the reality we face today as explained by WC Fields.

Just like my Uncle Charlie used to say, just before he sprung the trap: He said, “You can’t cheat an honest man! Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.

“You can fool some of the people some of the time — and that’s enough to make a decent

The world’s largest industries are basically making sure no one is even able to smarten up
chumps by censoring all dialog that might cause that to happen.

Tower Of Babel Moment

Here is an excellent example showing how easy it is to forecast the future accurately by finding ancient writings which describes situations parallel to what we experience in
modern times.
(Bold letters are my comments.)
The Tower of Babel

11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.

In today’s world our elite or self appointed Masters of the universe are not trying to reach the heavens. They are making spaceships which carry them to the heavens. Are they trying to make a name for themselves? You bet. As did the Tower of Babel people. they try more and more self aggrandizing projects.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered them over of an face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.
Here reality imposes itself on the ancient elite.

What they are trying to do at this point is not possible given the laws of nature. In those times the lord represents the laws of nature.

6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

What occurs following the collapse of the tower is chaos in the world and collapse of society’s structure and all of its institution.

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.

9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth
Attempt to a take over the world have been ongoing for eons. Up until currently these attempts have been with military. The elite in our modern world actually have taken over the world but their weapon has been financial engineering and political power.

Taking over the world and maintaining power are two different things. I have stated many times that if a situation parallel to any biblical story is a model of natural law, the outcome will be the same as the one in the story.

I have complete confidence that given today’s situation, our political system along with the
economy are going to collapse. So, who doesn’t believe this works? Most everyone to start. Keep watching and you will see that. I have made a forecast based on my interpretation of natural. Keep watching and take not of the outcome.


The Five Branches Of Government

The U.S. government consists of 3 formal branches of government as noted in the U.S.
constitution but two others that are never recognized.

By definition we do indeed have three branches of government. Legislative, Executive and
Judicial. The Fantasy Free Approach considers institutions in terms of how they
function and not according to how each is defined.

In terms of how government institutions function, there are two additional branches, one of which is more powerful than all of the others put together.

The most powerful, at the very top of the governmental power hierarchy is organized
crime. It is from a global crime syndicate that all important legislation originates. The lifeblood of ordinary crime families is the skimming operation. All bills passed today are skimming operations. Federal Reserve Policies are skimming operation. Stimulus packages consist of countless skimming operations.

Skimming operations are the only source of new laws in today’s world. Today’s Affordable
Care Act is the most prolific skimming operation in history. Ethanol is certainly deserving of mention. The Full Employment Act of 1978 facilitates the passing of skimming operations although it is not directly a skimming operation itself.

“We The People” or the voting public constitute a second additional branch of government. “We The People” have enormous potential in terms of power and knowledge. As a branch of government, this group is almost
completely impotent. Over the years, the right to vote has almost been completely diffused as
a controlling political force. We the people do
indeed vote, but do so based on what little superficial information is given to them. They’re political activities consist of virtue signalling and tribal positioning.

Public opinion is easily managed. They respond to cute sound bites and terms that don’t mean anything. A few of these are, hate speech, conspiracy theory, Make America Great Again, racist, etc.

For any democratic system to survive, there must be constant tension and distrust between leaders and those who elect them. American citizens do nothing 0f the kind. For candidates to support, they go messiah seeking and produce absolutely no tension with respect to the leaders they elect. Any power “We the People” have is strictly potential.

The constitutional branches of government, Executive, Judicial and Legislative are controlled by the crime syndicate which is the source of laws and governmental policies.

Political parties serve functions similar to those of the old style crime families still operating in the Northeast. The three formal branches of government have the role of funneling profits to the global crime syndicate that controls them.

Folks expect their chosen messiahs to make their lives better and carry out their will. Everyone is always confounded by outcomes. Judges make decisions that make no sense based on their normal judicial posture. Despite who they vote for as president or anything else, they discover nothing ever changes for the better.

I have just explained why political outcomes always work against the general population. That is possible because I use the Fantasy Free approach to decipher what goes on in economics and politics.


Your Punishment For Believing Lies

I have a saying. When a lie is told, there are two guilty parties. There is the liar of course. Then there isthe party for whom the truth is not good enough. Without that arrangement few lies would be told.

The punishment for believing lies is suffering. Suffering always follows the believing of lies but the
suffering is not distributed evenly among believers. It is possible for a person go a full lifetime
believing a slew of lies and never experience any meaningful suffering. This is especially true where
collective issues are present. Generation one may believe the lie but it may be the next generation
which does the suffering.

There is a cost to believing lies. The day the bill comes due is highly variable. For many, the bill for
believing lies comes due only once are twice in a lifetime. This is the nature of the bill citizens around
the world are being served at this very moment.

The lie of stimulus was introduced in the 1930s. John Maynard Keynes came up with his general theory
honestly. He was not trying to hurt anyone. In just a little time, flaws in the theory were noticed.
Keynes noticed them himself but then died. Monetary stimulus evolved by a different route but had
been debunked or at least observed to work very poorly long before the modern era. Stimulus was
reborn in the Reagan administration as a way to get self serving legislation passed and to transfer

The ostensible purpose of stimulus was and always is to benefit the economy. Following the passage of
the Full Employment Act of 1978 stimulus became an every year phenomenon. There has never been a
chance that government stimulus of an economy would be of benefit. Yet, Americans of every
socioeconomic class have chosen to believe stimulus was good and necessary.
The two major ways stimulus destroys an economy are through preventing markets from clearing and
by replacing price as the means of rationing goods and services. Economic intervention did not begin in
2008 with the financial crisis. Intervention has been ongoing since the Reagan administration. We have
had right at 40 years of economic intervention. That means something other than price has been used to
ration resources for 40 years. It also means the process of out with the old and in with the new has been
displaced. A mis-allocation of resources is not visible to the eye but it is there. 40 years of making less
than optimum use of the country’s resources guarantees an economic crisis.
For 40 years Americans have believed the lie that stimulus benefited them and the overall economy.
The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains
readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political
agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth
will at least trickle into the public consciousness.
Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.
Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts

Stock Market Engineering War Room

Part 2 Affirmative Stock Market Engineering War Room

It is really hard to convince folks that there is something going on in a system given when
they already see and know everything and are convinced they have noticed all that matters.
The truth is none of us have critical information at important moments.

Conventional wisdom is that the Federal Reserve creates massive unearned money
and that money ends up in the stock market.

Corporations use that money to buy back their own stock. Therefore the stock market
always goes up. The stock market will go up until this particular episode comes to the end.

That line of reason happens to be true but there is more to it. There are other mechanisms in
operations that are in place which are of even greater influence.


There is the legislation. During the 1970 the IRA was born. What a great thing for taxpayers the
government has given us was the the response of citizens. All with money loved IRAs

All were impressed that a bunch of politicians would develop a concept that would actually
benefit their constituents. Does anyone know who actually thought of and worded the
legislation? Does anyone care? Is there a way to find out? I am not sure it is actually possible to
find answers any of those questions? This was five decades ago but the nature of legislation is
the same now as it was then. All legislation is for profit. So, who profits from the legislation
related to IRAs? That would be the financial sector.

Even though equities may not have been allowed in the original legislation, the are allowed now
and have been for a long time. What do IRAs contribute to stock market manipulation? Money
routinely flows into IRAs on a long term basis. Equities in IRAs are not going to be sold on a
whim. Politicians are motivated to support all initiatives which support stock prices. Doing
otherwise would subject them to the ire of their constituents when their retirement accounts
declined in value. If private accounts in social security are ever allowed, driving up asset prices
will be even more of political endeavor than it is now.

In 1978 the Full Employment Act of 1978 was passed. This bill mandates that the legislature,
president and Federal Reserve engage in central economic planning. Ronald Reagan embraced
the provisions of this bill and the era of perpetual stimulus began. Reagan also initiated the
practice of government tampering with the financial markets. Our system of modern top down
socialism was born.

New Normals and Paths of Least Resistance

As interest rates have been reduced alternatives to yields other than those of equities have
disappeared. Higher interest on Granny’s CDs has been stolen and given to Goldman Sachs.
Grannie has been encouraged to chase higher yields in equities. Laws that previously protected
Granny from being enticed into risky inappropriate investments are not being enforced or have
been repealed. This process started years ago and has been adopted as a new normal by Grannie.
Even though she has been positioned to fall on a sword for her country, she is unaware of it. A
whole generation knows only high stock prices and has never been in any other kind of market.
Increasingly, investors have become comfortable with stock prices which are elevated far above
what would occur in a free market.

Nongap Earnings

Accounting can now be done routinely on a non-gap basis. This allows corporations to report just
about any figures that suit them for any given quarter.

Networking At High Levels

It is interesting that the same folks who socialize and network constantly in their own lives view
those in high places as being sequestered, never coming out of their own office. Seriously, is
there any reason to believe that absolutely no one in the world has access to the thoughts and
actions of the Federal Reserve early and independently of the public? We hear about constant
leaks from inside the FBI, CIA and Whitehouse. So are we to believe no one gets leaks from the

Federal Reserve. Have corporate buybacks just sprung up organically or, are buybacks
coordinated purposefully with with Federal Reserve policy. The result regardless is an ever rising
stock market, at least until the whole economy is destroyed.

Media The media is independent of a lot but it is not independent of who owns it. Those who
own it have agendas and the media supports those agendas. The media reports only superficial
mews and reports news that is positive for the stock market. News announcers do not know
much of anything themselves even though each presenter appears to know exactly what he is
talking about. Everything that is positive with respect to stocks is reported with excitement. From
time to time the media has no choice but to report what it would rather not. In those cases the
news is reported just as a fact with few if any details. The media never reports any controversy
as to what the Federal Reserve is doing. The media clearly supports the goals and aspirations of
the cartel type team that keeps asset prices moving higher.

Trading the News

Roots of Stock Market Manipulation Part 3

Anointed Stocks (There are more. These are
easiest to see.)

Here are examples of anointed stocks. Big Tech: AMZN, GOOG, AAPL, FB, ADBE

Healthcare Related, UNH, HUM,
Banking & Finance, GS, JPM

It is not hard to notice that the anointed stocks
all have stellar, highly profitable relationships with government. It is symbiotic. The corporations
help government and in return government helps them.

Each anointed stock benefits from the assistance of all other anointed stocks. Over time they
learn to work together for their common good.

Controlling the stock market is only part of the effort to control the opinions and behaviors of the
unaware general public. All activities of the anointed stocks are much more profitable if the
population is homogenized and behaviors are standardized. So, out of the social media we have
agenda driven censorship. It is intensively for the good of the country. It is good for their bottom
lines. Censorship only became a practice when events threatened the well being of the anointed
corporations. The media overall is tightly owned and only reports what will insure the public
remains homogenized and pliable.

Goldman Sachs (GS) and other banks like JP Morgan (JPM) pretty much determine what Federal
Reserve Policy is. Is it the Fed or big banks which figure out when more QE is needed?

Healthcare is the prime beneficiary of the Affordable Care Act. What this law does is similar to a
system my late uncle, a cattle rancher devised to provide healthcare to his cattle. He had a big
coral for the cattle and a long shoot they would have to walk through to get some hay. As each
cow passed by, it would get vaccinated and doctored.

What the Affordable Care Act does is provide healthcare related corporations with skimming
operations. The more patients that can be seen in the shortest period of time provides an
optimum for skimming operations profitability. Notice the emphasis on censoring information
about inexpensive cures that could interfere with big pharmaceutical profits.

It is easy to notice that anointed stocks are the favorites of the central banks which buy equities.
Certainly they don’t want to see their equity purchases decline in value. They do have the
option of helping support the stock.

We do not know the composition of the consortium that controls the stock market. By simply
knowing people are doing in the present moment, what they are prone to do, it is not hard to
determine who is most likely to involved.

This is an important question. If It could be done, would insiders within the world’s anointed
corporations work together to permanently enhance the value of all of their assets and control the
world’s factors of production? Then turn the question around and ask, is their any reason why
they wouldn’t?


Roots of Stock Market Manipulation

Prior to the mid 1980s, the financial markets
were mostly pristine free market entities.
Technology had not yet developed to the point
where simultaneous bids could be placed for
every stock in an index. Wealth was not so
severely concentrated that a small number of
equity owners could cooperate with one another
for the purpose of moving their assets values
higher independently of economics and

Following the passage of the Full Employment Act of 1978, the Reagan Administration
immediately implemented supply side Keynesian stimulus initiatives. In 1987, after the crash,
government began tampering with financial markets. This was the birth of a new paradigm that
has been increasingly employed by every administration that has followed.

Keynesian theory was flawed even before the Keynes general theory was published. The key
ingredient is the presence of a completely unbiased, non political person to implement stimulus
policy. While Modern Monetary Theory has nothing in common with fiscal based Keynesian
Theory, it is often discussed as if it is Keynesian based. Any successful use of Modern Monetary
also requires the presence of a straw man. Without 100% objectivity neither theory has even a
remote chance of accomplishing its stated goals.

Since there is no such thing as a straw man anywhere in the universe, there is no chance any type
of central planning can produce a positive outcome that is a net benefit to society as a whole.

What it does does do is make it possible for economically powerful people and institutions to
make money without working. What stimulus works out to be is enormous lobbying efforts
focused on convincing government to increase spending in ways that support the most powerful
financial interests in the world.

Rigging stock market started with opportunities created with the Full Employment Act of 1978,
also called the Humphrey Hawkins Act. With stimulus, there is no net benefit to society. Those
who benefit do so because they have the power to determine where and how government spends.

Chances are, that in the 1980s, no one had plans to control the stock market independently of
profits and economics. Based on the advantages contained in the Full Employment Act of 1978,
the process of using political power to gain economic advantages began growing as years passed.
As time moved forward, new and improved ways to influence stock prices evolved. There is

more to this than just easy money from the Federal Reserve. In the articles that follow, I will
explain how the market is managed but it all starts with the opportunity. Stock market
manipulation began in the Reagan Administration with the initial implementation of the Full
Employment Act of 1978. The practice has grown to the point where it is now all pervasive.

The fact is that governments don’t make economic decisions. Governments make political
decisions only.

Roots of Stock Market Manipulation Part 2

It was once believed that if the Stock Market could be controlled and manipulated at all it
would only be for a short time. The stock market was simply too big and even the largest
financial powers did not have the clout to have a permanent effect on prices.

That is not true today. Split second trading accounts for most of the volume. The public
which is cited as now moving into the market in a frenzy, has been leaving the market for
decades. Stock ownership is concentrated in the top 1% of earners. That group does have the
money, power to determine the level of stock prices over long periods of time. They are doing
that right now and have been for a long time.

Am I making a guess? It could sound like one. What evidence do I have? I don’t have a
confession or a witness. Do I have any facts? Yes, quite a few, but mostly, all I or anyone else
need do is watch. What we have is mountains of circumstantial evidence that most prefer not to
look at.

It is not at all hard to find folks who agree that the intentions of the Federal Reserve are to
elevate asset prices. What I will show you is how the stock averages are orchestrated and
micro managed with the help of the Fed but independently also.

Lets start by coming to grips with who your government actually is and what it is that actually
determines political outcomes. A person or institution can be either described as how it is
defined or how each functions. If a class of citizens has the power to determine who does or does
not get elected, and makes it impossible to remain in office for someone who does not adopt
various agendas, that class of citizens is your government, not the ones you elect. With Fantasy
Free Economics I treat institutions and people according to how they function and not how
they are automatically assumed to function. The richest people in the world do have enough
money and power to control government and stock prices. Is there any reason why they wouldn’t
given the opportunity? Do we know their names. No, and we may never.

Back in the early 20th century, when only 8 planets had been discovered, scientists noticed an
odd motion in Neptune’s orbit. That meant that there was an additional planet in the solar system
that had not yet been discovered. That planet is Pluto. They knew there was a planet. It had just
not been seen. Control of the stock market can be observed by focusing on phenomenon that would never occur in a free market.

The Federal Reserve does its part but that is just part of it. Contribution of ALGOs and High Frequency Trading

High frequency trading firms survive and prosper by sabotaging the trades of honest traders, both
amateur and professional. In any other time period outside of the past twenty years, no such
firms would be allowed to exists. Why are they allowed to operate now? There are natural forces
that make it possible. How could firms which cheat the public be allowed to operate? High
frequency trading firms are fine politically as long as their efforts cause markets to rise and do
not cause them to fall. Who is going to complain about that other than bears who are selling

It takes a genius to write and manage the algorithms that are used. Anyone can observe their
practice and figure out what the algorithms are designed to do. Years ago when I was sitting in a
calculus class, the professor drew a picture of a cow walking up a hill and down again. He wrote
an equation that would perfectly track the cow’s path up and down the hill. We could then
calculate the position of the cow on the hill based on time. This was only an example but anyone
could watch a cow walk up and down a hill and guess real close where the cow would be at what
time. We could also see at what point the cow had reached the very top of the hill. Anyone can
watch the trading action and see what ALGOs are accomplishing.

Just by watching minute by minute charts during the day it is easy to see how these firms control
trading and raise the averages higher. ALGOs are masters at managing order flow. They see it all
and they use it all to make profits. They can find and run any stop and they do run most of them.
When volume increases, they are much less successful.

Look at the market and you will see a mechanical system that works about the same everyday. In
a real market, the same thing never happens for countless days in a row.

AlGOS can manage the trend if volume is low. It is not hard to notice that modern times are the
only era where stocks have routinely risen on low volume.

This is a one minute chart of the Dow. It doesn’t look that weird in isolation but this pattern is
present with a few variations every day.

Wall Street and the Mob

For years Wall Street and international banks have been steeling form the public. That public
has not minded because they can’t actually see the money coming out of their pockets, so they
don’t know who to blame. This may all be for the best because they would have killed to get
your money if they had to. There is no high ground in the banking industry. Banking these
days is mostly organized crime. This makes sense because crime is risk sensitive just like
everyone else. What would suit organized more than a situation where government is a partner?

For decades the banking and brokerage industries have operated above the law. Typically when laws are broken fines are assessed. Fines amount to a business expense and the crimes continue. Did I say crimes? Yes but the bankers are safe. Government goes out of its way to treat any banking activity as legal.

Ordinary people would get prison time for the things Wall Street does with impunity.
All of the power and money in the world cannot keep them from destroying the economy. For
years, Wall Street has operate like a corrupt dealer at a casino. They have run off all of the
honest money and now must square off and trade against each other. The world’s capital markets
are destroyed and stocks are ready to fall despite the efforts of the Federal Reserve and the rest of
Wall Street’s allies in government.

The public will lose pensions, savings and most of what they own. The parties responsible for
rigging and corrupting the financial markets for years will keep their profits.
It could be worse. The profit the mob has been able to make amounts to far more than what they
normally kill for.

The Folly Of Collective Action And National Corona Virus Efforts

The Corona Virus made its appearance in the United States at a time when governments,
corporations and the public are all so highly leveraged that there is no way to save the entire
country from economic fall out. The burden of the depression can only be shifted from one
socioeconomic class to another.

Does anyone hold the opposite view? Whoever does, please comment and I will respond and
explain further and I will explain why you are wrong and promoting your own poverty.
So, why is the public convinced the best path is the one given from us from central government?

This is to be expected. Mankind is instinctively childlike in front of government. Does
government have magical powers? No, it does not, but instinctively, the instinctive brain
assumes there is magical power at the center of the herd,

Canine society works the same way. All in a pack have submitted to the leader of the pack.

Lessor dogs are content with all others below and above them in the hierarchy. In automatically
embracing the central protocol for fighting the virus, human beings are relying on their animal
brain to guide them.

The animal brain does not reason. All that it relies of are deemed facts. None of those instinctive
“facts” are questioned. In this case, opting for a central government solution is as normal and
natural as automatically putting on a coat when it is suddenly too cold. Changes in the hierarchy
of dogs in a pack is accomplished with coercion or violence. It works the same way in human
society. Those with the most power determine what goes on in the pack. Democracy has a
mitigating effect in human society, but that influence is minimized when the overall population
is content and submitted to higher authority.

A national Corona Virus effort is constructed to benefit first, those who have the most power
over government. That purpose is never stated or even noticed. It is such normal behavior that it
goes unquestioned. Are Dr. Fauci and his crew the best doctors in the United States? I seriously
doubt it. They are political appointees. They are picked to serve political agendas. Are they the
best politicians among the nation’s physicians? Certainly they are.

In relying on government doctors only, the knowledge and expertise of all doctors across the
country is shelved. Citizens are denied any means for fending for themselves. I personally live in

Locally, in Bexar County, Texas  we have the University Healthcare System. Do we have the best doctors in the world here? I don’t know but some of their names would be mentioned. I am sure of that. Other communities have their own unique medical experts.

Suppose local communities were simply advised of the Virus threat and told to find their own
resources and then to put them to their best uses? In that case. Local doctors would respond and
interact with other doctors all across the land. Nationally, resources would be utilized with
optimum efficiency. More and smarter doctors would be involved. I am not questioning or
criticizing Dr. Fauci’s or any other doctors credentials. But, they are not all there is..

Given that collective efforts are undertaken to serve those with the most political power first, the
primary focus is coming up with a system that preserves the existing hierarchy first and protects
the citizens second.

Lives of citizens are a consideration but second to ongoing political agendas. Efforts to protect
profits of the pharmaceutical industry are enormous. Big tech firms such as Facebook and
YouTube are banning any information that implies that something other than big pharma
prescription drugs may be effective in fighting the Corona Virus. Both Facebook and YouTube
are banning positive information about Vitamin C and calling those stories threats to the lives of
Americans. This practice has the potential of, alone, leading to more deaths than deaths from the

The American economy was already bound to collapse before the Virus was ever identified. It
will. How will the average person fair as the economy collapses? Given the approach that is
being used now, the answer is not very well. If over leveraged corporations are allowed to fail,
citizens will do surprisingly well. The emphasis at the national level is structured in such a way
as to bail out the politically powerful before suffering in the overall population reaches a critical
level. Then citizens may not go along with it.

Unlike lower animals humans do have a thinking brain that can be activated. When suffering is
experienced, the thinking brain kicks in almost automatically. If the stock market does not crash
and loans are actually not yet in default, the existing economic hierarchy can be kept in place.
For that reason bailouts and other saving mechanisms are being implemented as fast as possible.
Checks to citizens will keep the public focused on those and not the major elite serving
initiatives that are rapidly being carried out.

Why Things Are The Way They Are Today

The wheel evolved around 5000 years ago. Notice how life has changed since then. Then
there was the advent of the sail. Life completely changed again. There was the development of
the steam engine followed by the internal combustion engine followed by flight. Life
hasn’t been the same since. All of these developments greatly enhanced the lifestyles
and well being of mankind.

At a nonspecific time the concept of free markets emerged. During the same time period,
the institution of democracy was refined.

Democratic principles and free markets have enhanced the well being of mankind many times
more and in a shorter period of time than all of the other previously mentioned developments put
together. The invention of engines and other engineering marvels would have never have
occurred without free markets being in place.

So, why are we experiencing such huge difficulties today with respect to economics, democracy,
and freedom in general? These institutions are opposed by human nature which comes down to
inborn instinct. So, free markets, democratic principles and the quest for freedom are now in
retrograde. Freedom is nothing the great masses of humanity have ever insisted upon. At the
time of the American Revolution the elite of the colonies were the driving force behind the
separation from England. Mostly, freedom was imposed on everyone else. At that time freedom,
democracy and free markets served the best interest of the elite colonists. Where freedom was
concerned keeping Africans as slaves served enough of the elite that, where freedom was
concerned, it was not allowed to apply to Africans.

Lets, compare the progress of freedom as it evolved in the country we separated from. At what
point did the concept of freedom for the masses grow at a faster pace, in the United States than it
did in England? I don’t have a clear answer to that question. I am not sure there is much if any
difference. It is an important question. The British did outlaw slavery in around 1820, before that
institution was abolished in the United States.

Do not think that, democracy, free markets and freedom will disappear from the United States
permanently but these concepts are going to be in retrograde for a such long time that the process
will be not likely be reversed during the lifetimes of any who are alive today.

In today’s world, the elites do not occupy just one country. Today, it is in the best interest of the
elite to use economics by force, while all others are bound by the rigors of free market
competition. This requires a diminished level of freedom on the part of the overall populations.

Things were different in 1776. Now there is no elite group which will benefit from individual
citizens making their own choices with respect to how they use their time and energy. The new
paradigm is to treat the world population as a huge herd of cattle would be treated. The
population is best kept comfortable and focused on mush. Some dairy farmers play soothing
music for their cows and claim to get more milk that way. The media is used to control opinions.
Any idea that will in any way disturb a controlled market is censored .

These are the root dynamics guiding economics and politics today.

The Affordable Care as a Cause of Death

The Affordable Care was passed in 2010. It took the law a few years to become fully
implemented. Lifespans of Americans began declining in 2014 and continue declining today.
Count on this trend to continue into the future.

Declining lifespans are explained away as being due to things like suicides and drug overdoses. These are what might be described as up line causes and are in no way root causes. The cause of decreasing lifespans is the structure of the healthcare market in the United States. With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, personalized medicine has disappeared. What we have instead is mass market medicine. Mass market
medicine is the child of lobbyist inspired legislation designed to increase the portion of GDP that
is devoted to healthcare. It is also filled with skimming operations that enrich the insurance
industry, pharmaceutical industry and to a lesser degree providers.

The level of genuine healthcare in the United States is severely diminished and as a result
lifespans are declining. It will get much worse. It is impossible that the trend will reverse as long
as this bill is law of the land. Citizens are not concerned enough to complain, so the bill is not
likely to be repealed.

What about Medicare for all? That will not be any better and will probably be worse. There is no
way to provide quality healthcare and feed the insurance and pharmaceutical industries at the
same time. In today’s world, all legislation is for profit. The Affordable Care Act is on the books
for the purpose of enriching the parties which hired the lobbyists to make sure the bill was
passed. The same parties with massive political power will also write the provisions of any

Medicare for al bill. Citizens will end up serving a government run healthcare system, just as
they are doing now under the Affordable Care Act.

Does it have to be this way? No it doesn’t. However as long as American’s believe that this type
of bill is passed for their benefit, nothing will change. American’s believe that having health
insurance constitutes having healthcare. No one is getting genuine health insurance. What they
are getting is life management and herding. Does anyone mind? Is anyone aware? It is easy to
exploit folks who are unreasonably trusting and who wish for others to think for them.

What would constitute real government healthcare for American citizens? There are many
services provided by government that are not skimming operations disguised as benefits. How
often do you hear complaints about the costs of fire departments or road construction? There are
no automatic skimming operations packed into the legislation that provides these types of things.
Any decent health care bill would have to eliminate all skimming operations in order to be of
value. In any country the majority has a clear right to insist that government guaranty access to
quality healthcare for everyone. Free market healthcare would provide the optimum net level
healthcare, but that idea has already been rejected. Free markets, despite their overwhelming
benefits, are not trusted. With these thing people are prone to opt for collective solutions. A
society can only do what the majority agree to do.

I am citing a system that provides an outcome very close to the optimum a free market system
would provide while providing full benefits to all who have no means to pay.

1.) Give everyone in the country a plastic healthcare card that can be used to pay for all
healthcare, healthcare products and related services.

2.) Providers are never advised as to the financial well being of patients.

3.) Doctors don’t know who pays and who doesn’t so price competition would be present.

4.) Low income payers could be subsidized. A maximum healthcare expense would be possible.

5.) Those who can’t pay get a statement showing services provided but no balance due.

6.) All who pay, would pay far less than the insurance premiums they are now paying now.

7.) Those who are in the class that now pays lobbyists to write legislation for profit would pay
their entire healthcare expense.

There is no such thing as free healthcare. Enslaving doctors is not a reasonable solution. Having
all doctors work for the government is not a solution. There is no one in the United States who is
getting free healthcare. They never will. Even citizens in countries deemed as democratic
socialist, pay for healthcare. There are many ways for a service to be provided but free is not

What I just described is a very efficient way for a government to guarantee quality healthcare for
everyone. The key is to eliminate the skimming operations packed into these types of bills.
Also, a decent healthcare bill needs to be inspired and written by ordinary citizens.

Why Is Our Health Care System So Bad?

That is very simple to answer. Any healthcare law that is based on a 1000+ page bill is filled with elaborate
skimming operation placed there by the parties who lobby to get the bill passed. The Affordable Care Act is
a huge collection of skimming operations that do nothing but impoverish American citizens.

When a bill like this hits congress, it is important to understand why the bill is there and who lobbied to get
it passed. It wasn’t ordinary citizens. Finding out who actually wrote the bill is almost impossible. What it is
is a feeding frenzy on federal money and all the benefits go to the top. Lifespans of Americans started
declining as soon as the law was fully in effect. That is no surprise.

Where did Americans get the idea that owning health insurance constitutes having healthcare? Is it
reasonable that government provide health care? It is reasonable if the majority of citizens deem it to be
a good thing. It is a good thing to have a safety net for sure. Doing that does not mean the end of the
free market system any more than having a fire department does.

Who complains about ever rising costs of fire departments? Surely someone does, but I haven’t found
one. The difference is that government just pays for a fire department without requiring everyone to
buy fire prevention insurance.

Government can pay for healthcare the same way. But, who is interested in that? Opinion is that we
must allow the insurance industry and everyone else with massive political power to participate in the
enormous economic feeding frenzy that ensues.

Our healthcare system is bad because citizens are willing to have it the way it is. I have personally cited
an unbelievably efficient system that eliminates that eliminates the mush and corporate feeding frenzy.
However, it is not lobbyist friendly. There is no such thing as free healthcare. There are good ways to
provide healthcare on a collective basis. None of those are even up for consideration. Nothing will get
better as long as lobbyists write bills. Your representatives can actually write bills. They just don’t.
Citizens can also write bills and have there representatives take them to the floor. The fact is that, they
don’t and do not seem interested.

What Government Is For? And, The Business Cycle

Folks, what is government for? You can give it all kinds of lofty definitions, exalt all of the people who
work in it. Then you can declare that everyone who works in government has given up self interest and is
working tirelessly to make everyone’s lives better.

Those are all highly comforting notions. But, none of it is true. The way government is actually used varies
from decade to decade. It is never used the way you think it is even if the way you think it works. Today the
rich are using government to insulate themselves from the rigors of free market competition. They do so
easily because people do not recognize this as fascism.I get called out for hating the rich. Does expecting the
rich to live under the same economic system as the rest of us constitute hating the rich? You may have
noticed that applying any law to people at the top is not particularly easy to do. That is kind of hard to
miss unless you are making sure you don’t notice.

The system is going to break down. It is going to break down because the system has been saved so
many time. The first economist to entertain the idea of a business cycle was Karl Marx, the father of
communism. Karl Marx offered communism as a way to end the business cycle. The only way Marx
could tame the business cycle was to do away with capitalism.
The solutions offered by economists, other than myself are not suggesting communism or socialism
outright. Instead they they remove the necessary attributes of free markets, like the scarcity of money.
Then they pass out subsidies to the affluent. Karl Marx wanted to send the free market system to the
execution chamber. American economists, other than myself, only break the knee caps of the free
market system. So, Americans would say no thanks to Marxism. But, breaking the knee caps of
capitalism and letting it die an agonizing death is something Americans are overwhelmingly embracing.
What cannot be proven with statistics can be proven easily with natural law. Free markets produce
optimums. Improvements are desired but they are impossible, no less than it is impossible to have a
round square. Free markets generate the best economic outcomes for all income classes, but the free
market system is not perfect. It turns out that there are business cycles and sometimes things get bad
before they get better. As it is, your country’s economists with me as an exception, believe ending the
business cycle is a good idea. Kill the business cycle and you kill the free market system. The efforts tokill the business cycle, without officially having the intention do do so have already brought theeconomy to the brink of destruction.

So, as it turns out, in order to destroy capitalism, it is not really necessary to have a revolution and
overthrow the country. Your country’s economists, with the exception James Quillian of course, are
working tirelessly to end the business cycle, which will in the end, end our prosperous way of life.
Kill the business cycle and you kill the free market system.

The Deep State And The Aids Virus
The AIDS virus attacks body’s defense system. With respect to society’s defense system, the Deep State
operates the same way the AIDS does in the body.

Both are parasites and both, in time, destroy their respective hosts. In both cases, the host can be unaware
of the presence of the parasite until it is too late.

What are some of society’s natural defenses to being exploited by a sinister force?
There is the media which can advise as to what is really going on so that the public gains awareness. But, the Deep State has bought the media and uses it for propaganda purposes.

There are elected leaders and representatives. Representation is transferable. You elect representatives
and then the Deep State outbids you. Those who you put in office to help you then work against you.
Public education has the capacity to teach students the way the world actually works. Life on earth is
regulated by laws of dominance and subservience. Schools could be used to teach the truth. Instead
schools turn children into docile humble dumplings who leave schools believing the world they are
moving into as adults is a paragon of kindness and cooperation. In school kids learn that group
decisions are always the best decisions. Children leave school and college being defused of
individuality and super easy to manage.

These are three of society’s mechanisms for insuring that the overall population is not exploited while
folks are out making a living and trying to survive. All protections are currently disabled.
The AIDS virus kills its host body. The Deep State will kill the system it lives off of.

It Is Much Worse Than It Looks copyright©

 The mention of the Plunge Protection Team is a trial balloon. How much in the name of bailouts is the public willing to swallow? Suppose the public turns out to be less than enthusiastic to the idea
of of serving a giant crime syndicate for a few more decades?

Does that mean no bailouts? That would only mean more force would have to be used to convince the public to be more patriotic. Who knows? The public might swallow the whole thing. Americans are trained from infants to promote their own poverty. They have been doing just that – enthusiastically…. since the middle of
the Reagan administration.

My point here today is that we are entering an actual depression –
not a recession. This is one of those once or twice in a lifetime events where entire populations in all
countries will be offered a look at reality.

It turns out that at this very moment fantasy worlds are unraveling all around the globe. The economic
abyss we are falling into is much worse than can be easily fathomed. Decades can go by where entire
populations are completely out of touch with reality and happy just because of it. Today’s issues are so
serious, our political system as well as our economy may not survive. Why get in touch with reality?
At this point, it may turn out to be necessary in order to survive and keep from losing everything you

Of course I adopt the version of reality nature provides. That version is not very popular but it could
very well be the only one left a little further down the road. When reality catches up with mankind
suffering goes parabolic.

The Means Determines The End, Facebook copyright©

Most of life’s activities are based on the Marxist notion that the end justifies the means. That is not the way it works. In natural law the wrong means guarantees a negative outcome. So, the end that Marxists have taught is worth any means necessary…. is not really achievable unless there is a moral means of getting there.

The world is discovering that in building its business, Facebook has lied and
cheated more than they have done anything else. So are Facebook’s glory days
over? Natural law says they are.

No one knows why natural law works. But, it works flawlessly.
A nation which uses the “end justifies the means” philosophy is guaranteed to lose ground. Our wars
for profit all over the globe will eventually impact the entire United States population very negatively.

Can the United States Survive a Bear Market?

If the stock market falls, it will take the rest of the economy with it.
Without rising asset prices, there would be no economic recovery. The model used for causing economic activity is the “If we build it they will
come.” model. The idea is that if the wealthiest of the world’s citizens are enriched when the
value of all they own rises independently of earnings and everything else, the recovery will extend all the way to the bottom of the food chain. Does the logic of this sound solid? If it does, I will remind you that the logic behind a chain letter sounds appealing. If you only give the idea a superficial look a chain letter sounds great. Lets not be too hard on chain letters. Profits have been made, by those who initiate chain letters. Profits are being made by the originators of the “build it and they will come,” economic model.

Economic models are interesting animals. An economist can develop one based on any kind of logic. The model is never tested empirically. The whole population jumps on it as if it was manna sent from heaven. If engineers built a plane that has never been on a test flight, would the airlines buy it and put passengers on it? Probably, they would pass on the opportunity. The pretense of knowledge pays more than does actual

Where does government economic policy come from? It is mandated in the Full Employment Act of 1978. O.K., but how is the plan of intervention decided upon? Any economic intervention is going to be
based on the needs of the world’s most politically powerful citizens. Who might that be in today’s world? Those are the folks who already have most of the world’s wealth and resources. Does it not make sense, that our plan for economic prosperity would be the one which would enrich them the

Build it and they will come? Did they come? No they have not. So, all of the world’s resources are now focused on preventing any type of bear market in stocks. A bear market will take the economy with it because
their is no genuine economic growth that has been caused by anything other than high asset prices.

What a Real Bear Market Looks Like Cut and paste charts

I will be clear. The economy in the United States is much worse now than it was in 1929 or in 1973. This will be the first economic collapse to occur following forty years of government intervention in the economy. Government has been supporting asset prices since 1987, off and on at first and finally on a daily basis. Given the gravity of the current circumstances, the coming trouble will likely exceed what was experienced following 1929 and of course 1973.

To gain perspective I am posting charts of stocks 1929- 1933 and 1973-1975. Both of these bear markets occurred because given the respective resource distributions the economy could no longer grow.

That is the situation today. When looking at an economy, remember that the present cannot be explained with numbers. It is all folks acting on incentives. Understand incentives and what to expect next becomes very clear. The next bear market will likely take several years to completely hit bottom. After that there will likely be stops and starts for about ten years. This is what happens when an economy resets. The US. economy is way over financed. This means there is more money chasing investments than there are legitimate opportunities. On the bright side, if the country survives, this will be the stock buying opportunity of the century.

Markets Need To Clear

The world is not coming to an end. It is only changing. Markets always clear but
government interference makes the process difficult.

Currently there is a huge supply of houses hanging over the real estate market. Without government interference the housing market would clear in a month or two. Even on local levels every effort is made to make sure foreclosures trickle onto the market. Information relevant to buyers is withheld. Every asset will sell at the right price. Houses are no exception.

An economic recession will end only when markets are cleared of excesses. Real estate prices still have a long way to fall.

Over the past several decades the financial sector has gained enormous political power. As a result, government policy has promoted the growth of large banks, hedge funds, brokerage houses and anything else related to assets and money. The financial sector has became so powerful that government is now a tool to be used for enhancing the value of financial assets beyond any levels that would occur in a free market setting.

Like any sector that has had government assistance, the bloated financial sector has become is an inefficient use of resources. In a free market setting such a situation would never occur. Wall Street is so bloated that it
is self destructive. The financial sector must be cleared of excesses before
an economic recovery can begin.

Economic recessions occur naturally as resources are shifted out of poor performing areas into more productive uses. Economic depressions occur because government intervenes and tries to prolong the status quo. Every effort is made to keep markets from clearing. Nothing good happens until the old is allowed to disappear and the new takes over.

In a free market, the good outweighs the bad but only the bad is easily visible. Hence there is a natural tendency to see failing industries without seeing emerging growth opportunities. In the 70s and 80s, it was easy enough to see the declines in the rust belt and labor intensive industries.

The emerging opportunities in the computer industry were not all that visible. There is a natural tendency to try to save what is failing but the efforts always prolong economic hardships.

To experience an economic turnaround markets must clear. Government is
prolonging the process.

Rigging the Stock Market Long Term Consequences

Most Americans are unaware the financial markets are rigged. That doesn’t mean prices will never fall. It does mean that the nature of the coming decline will be different than what has occurred in prior bear markets. That is because elevating asset prices especially stocks as a national goal has priority over national defense, law enforcement and all other activities government is involved in.

Political power can do amazing things. When all of the country’s resources are focused on enriching those who are already rich, the country’s future is destroyed. A corporation can invest in plant and equipment and innovate. In a free market doing that is how profits are made but there is a faster way.

With enough political power government can be used as a means of driving up stock prices. That is the
fastest possible way to make the most money. If making profits is that easy, who needs to invest in
capital and innovate? The incentive to do so is lost.

Welfare for the rich has the same effect on productivity of the rich as regular welfare has on the
productivity of the poor. Welfare for the rich is more damaging to the economy because investing and
innovating are what creates profits. Give the rich a free ride and the whole country suffers. Do it long
enough and the entire economy will be destroyed.

How long have we been artificially elevating asset prices? Someone needs to count the years but it has
easily been long enough to destroy the economy and perhaps the political system also.

Appendix !

        Empires Listed Over Time from Wikipedia

Empire Origin Capital From To Duration Note
Xin dynasty China Chang’an 9 23 14 The Xin dynasty had only one ruling emperor.
Kushan Empire Afghanistan Various, including Mathura, Peshawar, Begram, Taxila 30 345 315
Funan Cambodia Vyadhapura 50 550 500 Succeeded by the Chenla.
Aksumite Empire Ethiopia Axum 150 940 790 Succeeded by the Ethiopian Empire.
Cao Wei China Luoyang 220 265 45 See also Three Kingdoms.
Shu Han China Chengdu 221 263 42 See also Three Kingdoms.
Sassanid dynasty Persia Ctesiphon 224 651 427 Fourth Iranian Empire.
Eastern Wu China Wuchang, Jianye 229 280 51 See also Three Kingdoms.
Frankish Empire Western Europe Various, including Soissons, Paris, Reims, Orléans, Metz & Aachen 250 950 700
Gallic Empire Rhineland-Palatinate Colonia Agrippina 260 274 14 Broke off from the Roman Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century.
Palmyrene Empire Syria Palmyra 260 273 13 Broke off from the Roman Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century.
Jin dynasty (265–420) China Luoyang (265–311), Chang’an (312–316), Jiankang (317–420) 265 420 155 Subdivided into two dynasties. Western Jìn dynasty (265–316), Eastern Jìn dynasty (317–420).
Byzantine Empire Eastern Roman Empire (Greece, Anatolia, Africa, Palestine, Syria, Italy) Constantinople 284 1460 1176 The eastern half of the Roman Empire. Term conventionally used since the 19th century to describe the Greek-speaking Roman Empire during the Middle Ages.
Britannic Empire Britain Londinium 286 296 10 Was a break-away state of the Roman Empire. See also the Carausian Revolt.
Ghana Empire Mauritania, and Western Mali Koumbi Saleh 300 1240 940 The empire became known in Europe and Arabia as the “Ghana Empire” by the title of its ruler (meaning “Warrior King”). Also known as Wagadou.
Gupta Empire India Pataliputra 320 550 230 Founded by Sri Gupta.
Rouran Khaganate Inner China Not specified 330 555 225
Hunnic Empire Eurasia Not specified 370 469 99
Western Roman Empire Italy Mediolanum, Ravenna 395 476 81 The western half of the Roman Empire.
Hephthalite Empire Afghanistan Kabul 420 567 147
Toltec Empire Mesoamerica Tollan-Xicocotitlan 496 1122 626
Wari Empire Peru, Bolivia Huari/Tiwanaku 500 1100 600 It is a matter of conflict as to whether it was a real organized state that could be called an empire. If so, it would be considered the first empire in the Americas.
Chalukya dynasty India Badami 543 753 210
Chenla Cambodia Isanapura 550 802 252 Succeeded by the Khmer Empire.
Göktürk Khaganate Inner Asia Ötüken 552 747 195 552–603 First empire, 603–658 Double empire, 658–681 Dark age, 681–747 Second empire.
Sui dynasty China Chang’an 581 618 37
Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty India Kannauj 600 1136 660 Founded by great king of Gujjars.
Empire of Harsha Northern India Kannauj 606 647 41 Founded by Harshavardhana; collapsed after his death.
Tang dynasty China Chang’an (618–904), Luoyang (904–907) 618 907 289 Founded By Li Yuan (aka. Emperor Gaozu of Tang).
Rashidun Caliphate Saudi Arabia Medina, Kufa 632 661 29 Predecessor of the Umayyad Caliphate, See also Islamic Empire.
Umayyad Caliphate Syria Damascus, Córdoba (capital-in-exile) 661 750 89 Successor of the Rashidun Caliphate, See also Islamic Empire.
First Bulgarian Empire Balkans Pliska (680–893), Preslav (893–972), Skopie (972–992), Ohrid (992–1018) 680 1018 338 Founded by Khan Asparukh. Under Tsar Simeon I became the first powerful Slavic Empire. Falls to the Byzantine Empire under Emperor Basil II.
Srivijaya Empire Indonesian Archipelago Palembang, Mataram 683 1293 610 It was a powerful ancient thalassocratic Malay empire based on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, then based on Mataram (Medang Kingdom) under Sailendra’s dynasty.
Republic of Venice Mediterranean Sea Venice 697 1797 1100 Mediterranean great power during Middle Ages.
Balhae North Korea, Manchuria Sanggyeong 698 926 228 Successor of Goguryeo.
Turgesh Khaganate Turkistan Balasagun 699 766 67 Founded as a successor of West Turkish empire.
Kanem Empire Chad Njimi 700 1387 687
Khazar Khaganate Pontic steppe, North Caucasus Balanjar, later Atil 700 1000 300 Founded by Western Turks, the members of the royal family embraced Judaism.
Uyghur Khaganate Central Asia Ordubaliq 742 848 106 742–848 Founded as a successor of Göktürk Khaganate, 848–1036 Gansu state, 856–1209 Turfan state.
Abbasid Caliphate Iraq Baghdad, Raqqa, Kufa, Samarra, Anbar 750 1258 508 Successor of the Umayyad Caliphate.
Pala Empire India Pataliputra 750 1174 424
Rashtrakuta dynasty India Manyakheta 753 982 229
Tibetan Empire Tibet Lhasa 755 870 115
Caliphate of Córdoba Iberian Peninsula Córdoba 756 1031 275 See also Islamic Empire.
Idrisid dynasty Morocco Fes 788 974 186 Founders of the first Moroccan state.
Chauhan dynasty Northern India Delhi 800 1200 400
Khmer Empire Cambodia Hariharalaya (802–889), Angkor (889–1431) 802 1431 629 Succeeded from the kingdom of Chenla.
Samanid Empire Persia Balkh, Bukhara 819 999 180
Tahirid dynasty Persia Nishapur 821 873 52
Great Moravian Empire Central Europe Mikulčice-Valy 833 900 67 The word “Moravia” did not refer only to present-day Moravia.
Kara-Khanid Khanate Turkistan Kashgar 840 1212 372 First Turkic dynasty to embrace Islam.
Pagan Empire Myanmar Bagan 849 1297 448
Saffarid dynasty Persia Zaranj 867 1002 135
Tondo dynasty Philippines Tondo 900 1587 687
Fatimid Caliphate Egypt Mahdia (909–969), Cairo (969–1171) 909 1171 262 See also Islamic Empire.
Liao dynasty China Shangjing 915 1125 210
Goryeo Korea Gaegyeong, Ganghwa 918 1392 474 Successor of Goguryeo. Unification of the Korean Peninsula. State maintained as an empire between 918 and 1274.
Buyid dynasty Persia Shiraz 934 1055 121
Tu’i Tonga Empire Tonga, Pacific Ocean Mu’a 950 1865 915 See History of Tonga.
Song dynasty China Bianjing (960–1127), Lin’an (1127–1279) 960 1279 319 Founded by Zhao Kuangyi the Great Ancestor.
Holy Roman Empire Central Europe Not specified 962 1806 844 Referred to simply as the Roman Empire (not to be confused with the actual Roman Empire) before 1157, when it became the Holy Empire. The Holy Roman Empire is attested from 1254. Was officially known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, although this designation had fallen out of use again by the 18th century. See Holy Roman Empire § Name.
Ghaznavid dynasty Afghanistan Ghazni later Lahore 963 1187 224
Western Chalukya Empire South India Manyakheta, Basavakalyan 973 1189 216
Georgian Empire Georgia Kutaisi, Tbilisi 1008 1490 482 Established in 1008 as an unified kingdom. Georgian kings took title “King of Kings” and ruled over large territory consisting of Georgian, Armenian and Muslim areas, as well as numerous client states. Officially dissolved at 1490.
North Sea Empire Denmark Ribe 1016 1035 19 As one historian put it: “When the 11th century began its fourth decade, Canute was, with the single exception of the Emperor, the most imposing ruler in Latin Christendom. … [H]e was lord of four important realms and the overlord of other kingdoms. Though technically Canute was counted among the kings, his position among his fellow-monarchs was truly imperial. Apparently he held in his hands the destinies of two great regions: the British Isles and the Scandinavian peninsulas. His fleet all but controlled two important seas, the North and the Baltic. He had built an Empire.”[4]
Hoysala Empire India Belur, Halebidu 1026 1343 317
Great Seljuq Empire Aral Sea, Asia Minor, Persia Nishapur and later on Rey 1037 1194 157 Turkish empire, predecessor of the Sultanate of Rum.
Western Xia dynasty China Xingqing 1038 1227 189 Also called the Tangut dynasty.
Almoravid dynasty Morocco Aghmat (1040–1062), Marrakech (1062–1147) 1040 1147 107
Uyunid Emirate Arabian Al-Hasa, Qatif 1076 1253 163 The Uyunids were a Sunni Arab dynasty that ruled Bahrain for 163 years, from the 11th to the 13th centuries.
Khwarazmian dynasty Persia Urgench 1077 1221 144
Jin dynasty (1115–1234) Northern China, Manchuria Huining, Zhongdu, Kaifeng 1115 1234 119 Also known as the Jurchens, were the ancestors of the Manchus who established the Qing dynasty.
Almohad Caliphate Morocco Marrakech, Seville 1121 1269 148
Ethiopian Empire Ethiopia Addis Ababa 1137 1974 837
Ghurid dynasty Afghanistan Firuzkuh 1148 1215 67
Angevin Empire England, France No official capital. Court was generally held at Angers and Chinon 1154 1242 88
Ayyubid dynasty Middle East Cairo, Damascus, Hama 1171 1341 170 Founded by Saladin, See also List of Muslim states and dynasties.
Second Bulgarian Empire Balkans Tarnovo 1185 1422 237 Successor of the First Bulgarian Empire. Under the Tsars Kaloyan and Ivan Asen II became the most powerful state in the Balkans.
Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lithuania Vilnius 1200 1569 369 It was the largest state in Europe in the 15th century.
Latin Empire Thrace, Asia Minor Constantinople 1204 1261 57 See also Latinokratia.
Empire of Nicaea Bithynia Nicaea 1204 1261 57 Successor state of the Byzantine Empire.
Empire of Trebizond Pontus Trebizond 1204 1461 257 Successor state of the Byzantine Empire and a client state of the Kingdom of Georgia.
Delhi Sultanate India Delhi 1206 1527 321
Mongol Empire Mongolia Karakorum 1206 1368 162 Split into four empires (Yuan dynasty, Ilkhanate, Chagatai Khanate and Golden Horde). Largest contiguous land empire.
Empire of Thessalonica Epirus, Kingdom of Thessalonica Thessaloniki 1224 1246 42 Evolved from the Despotate of Epirus.
Chagatai Khanate Transoxania Almaliq, Qarshi 1225 1687 462 Division of the Mongol Empire.
Ahom Dynasty North East India Charaideo, Garhgaon, Rangpur (Ahom capital), Jorhat 1228 1838 610 It is well known for maintaining its sovereignty for nearly 600 years and successfully resisting Mughal expansion in Northeast India.
Mali Empire West Africa Niani, later Ka-ba 1235 1610 375 A Mandinka empire founded by Sundiata Keita.
Tlemcen Algeria Tlemcen 1235 1556 321 Zayyanid dynasty
Golden Horde Central Asia Sarai Batu 1240 1502 260 Break-away state of the Mongol Empire.
Marinid dynasty Morocco Fes 1244 1465 221
Mamluk Sultanate Egypt, Syria Cairo 1250 1517 267 See also Islamic Empire.
Ilkhanate Persia Maragheh, Tabriz, Soltaniyeh 1256 1335 79 Division of the Mongol Empire.
Yuan dynasty China, Mongolia Dadu 1271 1368 97 Division of the Mongol Empire. The Yuan emperors had nominal supremacy over western khanates.
Cebu Rajahnate Philippines Cebu City 1279 1565 286 An Indianized state founded by a minor Chola prince.
Khilji dynasty Afghanistan Kabul, Delhi 1290 1320 30
Majapahit Empire Indonesian Archipelago Majapahit, Wilwatikta 1293 1527 234 Founded by Raden Wijaya.
Ottoman Empire Anatolia Söğüt, Bursa, Edirne, İstanbul 1299 1922 623 Predecessor of the Republic of Turkey.
Vijayanagara Empire South India Vijayanagara 1336 1646 310 The founding of the original kingdom was based on the principality of Anegondi.
Songhai Empire West Africa Gao 1340 1591 251 Former vassal of the Mali Empire which became one of the largest African empires in history.
Serbian Empire Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Albania) Skopje, Prizren 1346 1371 25 Founded by Stephen Uroš IV (Dušan the Mighty), fell into feudal disarray after his death.
Jolof Empire West Africa Linguère 1350 1549 199 Also known as the Wollof Empire. Succeeded by the Kingdom of Jolof (1549–1875).
Hanseatic League North and Baltic Sea Lübeck 1356 1648 292 Alliance of German and Baltic merchant city-states.
Duchy of Burgundy Western Europe Dijon 1364 1477 113 Theorically vassal of France. Ruled a very large territory from Alps to North Sea.
Bruneian Empire Borneo Not specified, possibly Kota Batu 1368 1888 520 Lasted until it became a British protectorate in 1888.
Ming dynasty China Nanjing (1368–1421), Beijing (1421–1644) 1368 1644 276 Founded by Zhu Yuanzhang the Great Marshal.
Northern Yuan dynasty Mongolia, North China Shangdu, Yingchang, Karakorum 1368 1635 267 Created after the expulsion of the Yuan dynasty from China proper in 1368.
Timurid Empire Uzbekistan, Persia and Central Asia Samarkand, Herat 1370 1526 156 Persianized form of the Mongolian word kürügän, Turko-Mongol Empire.
Bornu Empire Nigeria Ngazargamu 1387 1893 506 The continuation of the Kanem Empire.
Kalmar Union Scandinavia Roskilde then Copenhagen 1397 1523 126 Personal union of Denmark, Pomerania, Norway and Sweden.
Oyo Empire Southwestern Nigeria Oyo-Ile 1400 1905 505
Spanish Empire Iberian Peninsula Madrid 1402 1975 573 Was founded with the conquest of the Canary Islands. It was the first global empire.
Portuguese Empire Portugal Lisbon, Rio de Janeiro (1815–1821) 1415 1999 584 Was one of the first global empires and the longest lived of the colonial Western European empires. See also United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.
Duchy of Savoy Savoy Chambéry then Turin 1416 1713 297 Theorically member state of Holy Roman Empire then vassal of France. Ruled a territory from Romandy to Nice.
Aztec Empire Mesoamerica Tenochtitlan 1428 1521 93 The capital of Mexico, Mexico City, is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.
Later Lê dynasty Vietnam Đông Kinh 1428 1789 361
Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyo) Andes (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, parts of Chile, Argentina and Colombia) Cusco 1438 1533 95 The largest empire in pre-Columbian America.
Benin Empire Nigeria Benin City 1440 1897 457
Crimean Khanate Black Sea Bakhchysarai 1441 1783 342 One of the last Turkic kingdoms, annexed by Russia.
Lodi Sultanate Afghanistan Delhi 1451 1526 75
Safavid dynasty Persia Tabriz, Qazvin, Esfahan 1501 1736 235
Akwamu West Africa Akwamufie, Nyanoase 1505 1867 362
Toungoo dynasty Toungoo Myanmar 1510 1752 242
Empire of Great Fulo Senegal Tekrur 1514 1776 262
Mughal Empire India Agra, Delhi 1526 1758 232 Founded by Babur. “Mughal” is a Persian word for the Mongols.
Madurai Nayak dynasty South India Madurai, 1529 1736 207 Branched out from the Vijayanagara Empire by Viswanatha Nayak.
Thanjavur Nayak dynasty South India Thanjavur 1532 1673 141 Founded by Sevappa Nayak.
French colonial empire France Paris 1534 Present 486 as of 2020 Some consider the Empire ending with the end of French presence in Vanuatu (see New Hebrides) Empire continues in the form of Overseas France.
Danish colonial empire Denmark (as Denmark–Norway 1536 – 1814) Copenhagen 1536 1953 417 See also Danish overseas colonies.
Kaabu Empire West Africa Kansala 1537 1867 330 Also written Gabu, Ngabou, and N’Gabu’.
Saadi dynasty Morocco Marrakech 1554 1659 105 Destroyed the Songhai Empire.
Dutch Empire Netherlands Amsterdam 1568 1975 407 See also Dutch East India Company and Dutch West India Company.
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Poland, Lithuania Kraków 1569 1795 226 It was formed by the Union of Lublin in 1569, between the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was one of the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th and 17th-century Europe, with some 390,000 square miles (1,000,000 km2) and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century.[6][7][8][9][10][11]
Ramnad Sethupathis India Ramanathapuram 1590 1979 389
Gorkha Empire Greater Nepal 1600 1850 250 Unification of Greater Nepal. State maintained as an empire between 1600 and 1840.
British Empire United Kingdom London 1603 Either surviving to Present or ended in 1997 417 as of 2020 or 394 as of 1997 The largest empire in world history. Precursor to the modern Commonwealth of Nations. Empire (though the word empire has fallen into disuse when describing British overseas possessions) still continues in the form of British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II remains as sovereign. Some consider the handover of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China on 1 July 1997 as the end of the British Empire.[1]
Swedish Empire Sweden Stockholm 1611 1721 110 See also Swedish overseas colonies.
Qing dynasty China Shenyang, Beijing 1644 1912 268 Last dynasty of the imperial period.
Commonwealth of England British Isles London 1649 1660 11 Short puritan and republican period in Britain. The Cromwell’s army conquered Ireland and Jamaica.
Rozwi Empire Southern Africa Danangombe 1660 1866 206
Ashanti Empire West Africa Kumasi 1670 1902 232
Maratha Empire India Raigad, later Satara 1674 1818 144 Founded by Shivaji Maharaj, also known as the Maratha Confederacy.
Omani Empire Oman Muscat 1698 1856 260 See Oman.
Lakota people Great Plains Great winter camps 1700 1877 circa 177 Main Native power in North America until Black Hills annexation by United States.
Kingdom of Prussia Germany Berlin 1701 1871 170 Was a great power during the 18th century. Unificated Germany after the War of 1870 against France.
Hotak dynasty Persia Isfahan 1709 1738 29
Kong Empire West Africa Kong 1710 1898 298 Also known as the Wattara Empire or Ouattara Empire.
Bamana Empire West Africa Ségou 1712 1861 149 Also known as the Bambara Empire or Ségou Empire
Russian Empire (Romanov) Russia Saint Petersburg 1721 1917 196 Successor state of the Tsardom of Russia.
Sikh Empire Punjab region, India Amritsar 1733 1849 116 Preceded the British Empire in the Indian subcontinent.
Afsharid Dynasty Persia Mashhad 1736 1796 60 Founded by Nader Shah, at its peak expanded Persia as far west as Baghdad, and as far east as Delhi.
Durrani Empire Afghanistan Kandahar, Kabul 1747 1823 75
Zand dynasty Persia Shiraz 1750 1794 44
Konbaung dynasty Myanmar Mandalay 1752 1885 133
American Empire United States Washington, D.C. 1776 Present 243 The concept of an American Empire was first popularized during the presidency of James K. Polk who led the United States into the Mexican–American War of 1846. In recent times the concept has been revived to refer to the sphere of influence of the United States by its critics.
Tây Sơn dynasty Vietnam Phú Xuân 1778 1802 24
Siam Empire Thailand Bangkok 1782 1932 150
Qajar dynasty[citation needed] Persia Tehran 1794 1925 131
Nguyễn dynasty Vietnam Phú Xuân 1802 1945 143 Was the last ruling Vietnamese dynasty.
Austrian Empire Austria Vienna 1804 1867 63 Preceded by the Holy Roman Empire.
First French Empire France Paris 1804 1814/1815 10
Sokoto Caliphate West Africa Sokoto (1804–1850), (1851–1902), Gudu (1804), Birnin Konni (1850, 1903) 1804 1903 99
First Empire of Haiti Haiti Port-au-Prince 1804 1806 2 First Haitian Empire, Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared himself Emperor Jacques I.
Zulu Empire South Africa KwaBulawayo, Ulundi 1818 1897 79
Massina Empire West Africa Hamdullahi 1820 1862 42
First Mexican Empire Mexico Mexico City 1821 1823 2 Preceded the Second Mexican Empire which was short lived (1864–1867). See also Mexican Imperial Orders.
Empire of Brazil Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1822 1889 67 Established after Pedro I of Brazil declared the independence of Brazil from Portugal.
Gaza Empire Southern Africa Not specified 1824 1895 71
Toucouleur Empire West Africa Ségou 1848 1893 45
Second Empire of Haiti Haiti Port-au-Prince 1849 1859 10 Second Haitian Empire, Faustin Soulouque is proclaimed Emperor Faustin I.
Second French Empire France Paris 1852 1870 18
British Raj Indian Subcontinent Calcutta (1858–1912), New Delhi (1912–1947) 1858 1947 89 Governed by the Crown and part of the British Empire. Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in 1876.
Second Mexican Empire Mexico Mexico City 1864 1867 3 Succeeded the First Mexican Empire which was short lived (1821–1823). See also Mexican Imperial Orders.
Austria-Hungary Austria, Hungary Vienna, Budapest 1867 1918 51 Often referred to as the “Austro-Hungarian Empire”. Formed out of the Austrian Empire as a result of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. Officially a real union of the rump Austrian Empire (Cisleithania) and the Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen/Transleithania. Ruler was therefore referred to as Kaiser und König (“Emperor-King”, literally “Emperor and King”).
Empire of Japan Japan Tokyo 1868 1947 79 Emperor’s government took control of the country in 1868. Regional hegemony in East Asia ended in 1945. The new constitution of 1947 formally abolished the empire.[3]
German Empire Germany Berlin 1871 1918 47 See also German colonial empire.
Wassoulou Empire West Africa Bissandugu 1878 1895 45 Also known as the Mandinka Empire.
Congo Free State actual Congo-Kinshasa Vivi then Boma 1885 1908 23 Private kingdom of Leopold II. Annexed by Belgium after the revelation of committed atrocities in rubber plantations.
Italian Empire Italy Rome 1885 1943 58 See also Italian imperialism under Fascism.
Korean Empire Korean Peninsula Hanseong 1897 1910 13 Was the last ruling Korean dynasties.
Belgian colonial empire Belgium Brussels 1901 1962 61 Overseas possessions were referred to as “the colonies” rather than an empire.
Empire of China China Beijing 1915 1916 1 Was a short-lived attempt by Yuan Shikai to reinstate the Imperial Monarchy.
Kingdom of Romania Romania Bucharest 1920 1944 24 Following the post–World War I treaties that ratified its borders (the last one being the 1920 Treaty of Trianon), the newly-enlarged Romanian monarchy was rated by the Comintern as a multi-national imperial state that subjugated ethnic minorities.[12][13] Indeed, according to the 1930 Romanian census, just over 28% of Romania’s inhabitants were not ethnic Romanians. Non-Romanians formed the majority in 14 out of Romania’s 71 counties. In 11 Romanian counties, Romanians formed less than 40% of the population: Caliacra (22.6% Romanians), Cernăuți (21.8% Romanians), Cetatea Albă (18.5% Romanians), Ciuc (14.4% Romanians), Durostor (19% Romanians), Hotin (35% Romanians), Ismail (31.9% Romanians), Odorhei (4.9% Romanians), Storojineț (33.9% Romanians), Timiș-Torontal (37.6% Romanians) and Trei Scaune (16% Romanians).
Soviet Empire Soviet Union Moscow 1922 1991 69 A political term for the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union used by its critics.
Pahlavi dynasty Persia Tehran 1925 1979 53 The last Imperial dynasty of the Persian Empire.
Manchukuo Manchuria Hsinking 1932 1945 13 Created as a puppet state of the Japanese Empire, with Emperor Puyi (the last emperor of the Qing dynasty) installed as nominal regent and emperor.
Third Reich Germany Berlin, Hamburg (1933–1945), Flensburg (1945) 1933 1945 12 Nazi Germany signed a treaty (Tripartite Pact) with the Japanese and Italian Empire.
Central African Empire Central African Republic Bangui 1976 1979 3 President Jean-Bédel Bokassa declared himself Emperor Bokassa I in 1976. Along he proclaiming the empire as a constitutional monarchy.
Zhou dynasty China Fenghao, Wangcheng, Chengzhou 1046 BC 256 BC 794 Zenith of bronze age in China.
Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) Israel Jerusalem 1050 BC 586 BC 486 Considers the Start of Saul’s reign, through the dual kingdoms of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and the Kingdom of Judah, until the Babylonian conquest of Judah.
Pontic Empire Pontus Amaseia, Sinope 120 BC 47 BC 73 Mithridates VI had the title: King of Kings.
Hittite Empire Anatolia Hattusa 1460 BC 1180 BC 280 See also Syro-Hittite states.
Mitanni Empire Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey Washukanni 1500 BC 1300 BC 200
Egyptian Empire Egypt Various, including Thebes, Akhetaten, Pi-Ramesses, Memphis 1550 BC 1077 BC 473 See also 18th Dynasty, 19th Dynasty & 20th Dynasty.
Dacian Empire Romania Sarmizegetusa Regia 168 BC 106 274 Reached its territorial expansion under King Burebista (82 BC – 44 BC).
Shunga Empire India Pataliputra, Vidisa 185 BC 73 BC 112 Magadha dynasty that controlled North-central and Eastern India.
Armenian Empire Armenia Tigranakert 190 BC 428 618 Tigranes the Great took the title King of Kings.
Babylonian Empire Mesopotamia Babylon 1900 BC 1600 BC 300 See also Neo-Babylonian Empire.
Assyria Mesopotamia Assur, later Nineveh 2025 BC 609 BC 1119
Han dynasty China Chang’an, Luoyang, Xuchang 206 BC 220 426 Founded by Liu Bang the High Ancestor.
Qin dynasty China Xianyang 221 BC 206 BC 15 First dynasty of the imperial period.
Satavahana dynasty India Amaravathi village, Guntur district Dharanikota 230 BC 220 450 An Andhra dynasty which preceded the Vengi dynasty of Andhra.
Akkadian Empire Sumer Akkad 2300 BC 2200 BC 100 The Second Empire On The Earth.
Parthian Empire Persia Various, including Asaak, Hecatompylos, Ecbatana, Ctesiphon, Nisa 247 BC 224 471 Third Iranian empire, Founded by Arsaces I.
Roman Empire Italy Rome, Constantinople 27 BC 1453 1480 Together with The Roman Kingdom, The Roman Republic and the Byzantine Empire, direct Roman states lasted from 753 BC until 1453 AD, 2206 years.
Elamite Empire South West Iran Susa 2800 BC 300 BC 2500 The First Known Empire On The Earth In History.
Ptolemaic Empire Egypt Alexandria 305 BC 30 BC 275 See also Diadochi.
Seleucid Empire Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria Seleucia, Antioch 312 BC 63 BC 249 See also Diadochi.
Mauryan Empire Ancient India Pataliputra 321 BC 185 BC 136 Founded by Chandragupta Maurya. The Mauryan Empire became the largest ever Indian empire under Ashoka.
Macedonian Empire Macedonian Kingdom Pella 334 BC 323 BC 11 Founded by Alexander the Great.
Goguryeo Korea[2] Jolbon, Gungnae City, Pyongyang 37 BC 668 705 Predecessor of Balhae and Goryeo.
Second Athenian League Ancient Greece Athens 378 BC 355 BC 23 Second Athenian League, headed by Athens primarily for self-defense against the growth of Sparta and the Persian Empire.
Chera dynasty South India Vanchi Muthur, Karur, Kodungallur, Kollam. 400 BC 1729 2129 A Tamil (Later, Malayalam) dynasty which includes Early Cheras, Medieval Cheras, Kodungallur Cheras and Venadu Cheras.
Chola dynasty South India Uraiyur, Pazhaiyaarai, Thanjavur, Gangaikonda Cholapuram 400 BC 1540 1940 A Tamil dynasty which includes Early Cholas, Medieval Cholas and Later Cholas till the reign of Virasekhara Chola (opponent of Nagama Nayak).
Pandya dynasty South India Madurai, Korkai, Tenkasi, Tirunelveli 400 BC 1759[5] 2159 A Tamil dynasty which includes Early Pandyas, First Empire, Second Empire and Later Pandyas of Tenkasi and Tirunelveli.
Nanda Empire India Pataliputra 450 BC 350 BC 100
Athenian Empire (Delian League) Ancient Greece Delos island 478 BC 404 BC 74 Also known as the Delian League. It was an association of Greek city-states.
Roman Republic Italy Rome 509 BC 27 BC 482 Predecessor of the Roman Empire. Technically a Republic, had imperial holdings throughout its existence.
Achaemenid Empire Persia Various, including Pasargadae, Ecbatana, Persepolis, Susa, Babylon 550 BC 330 BC 220 The first Persian empire, and the largest one in classical antiquity, founded by Cyrus the Great.
Median Empire Persia Ecbatana 625 BC 549 BC 76 First Iranian empire, Founded by Deioces.
Neo-Babylonian Empire Mesopotamia Babylon 626 BC 539 BC 87 See also Babylonia.
Kanva dynasty India Pataliputra, Vidisha 75 BC 30 BC 45 Replaced the Shunga Empire.
Kushite Empire Egypt, Nubia Not specified 760 BC 656 BC 104
Carthaginian Empire North Africa Carthage 814 BC 146 BC 504
“Empire” Origin Capital From To Duration Note
































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