Waiting for the Stock Market to Crash

Most are aware of the multitude of crash being made. these days.  So why is he market not crashing? This has been going on since before the beginning of the year, and started accelerating around April. A lot had changed since I posted the following article observation back in February,

Stock Market Scheme of Things 02/23/2024 Thru Spring

One thing that has not changed, is that the market still hasn’t crashed. It has been kept from crashing. The market will not crash until it can’t be managed by hook or crook, the way it has been manipulated for many years.  It is clear, however that it is not being manipulated as easily as it normally is.  Most crashes occur during the September through October time period.. In all recent years, multiple sell signals are generated throughout the summer for the purpose of drawing in shorts to be squeezed so as to leap frog passed the regularly bearish early fall period. My point in that previous article was that there would be no crash until a crash could no longer be prevented.

Here are some changes that have occurred that make a crash more likely.

The billionaires of the world have started bickering with one another.
First Amendment rights are now a hot political issue. The public now has limited but at least some meaningful information.
The healthcare industry is becoming exposed as being driven by organized crime,
Our security agencies are now accurately being cited as so corrupt that feelings are emerging that the country would be better off without them.
Heroic measures are being taken by all big tech firms to bolster their earnings and give the impression that they are till growing in influence.
YouTube is sacrificing its future for the purpose of holding earnings up each quarter, order to  show consistent and uninterrupted earnings growth.
Retail firms no longer know how to respond to consumer demand. For decades, consumers have been told what to buy without regard for what they really want. Now they have no money to buy anything with.

All of these negatives are accumulating at a time when failure for the elites is not an option. They are where they are today because of high asset prices. Take those away from them and they are all out of business.

None of what I write here is good for timing but neither is technical analysis in a managed market. All I can say at this point is that with respect to a crash, we are closer than we were back in February. It could happen on any day. For myself, I am still not trading, holding cash  and am waiting for someone to blank.


Views: 12

Truth and Slavery

Truth and Slavery PDF Version

The truth about slavery begins by understanding that human DNA provides mankind with the propensity to enslave others. Nature makes us all economists to the degree we are all prone to getting our resources with the least amount of effort possible. It makes no sense that pre-civilization humans would opt to force others to do work for nothing and that we would otherwise do ourselves.

Let’s travel back to prehistoric times to get to slavery’s very beginning. First, which tribe occupied what territory, was established by belligerence. The first slaves were the foreign survivors of the wars from which tribal boundaries were determined.   Somewhere along the line the Stockholm Syndrome evolved as a means of enhancing the survival prospects of slaves. Even in today’s world, the loyalties of human beings go to the most belligerent and dominate entities in society. Notice the high degree of patriotism in countries whose armies have killed the most in terms of populations of other countries.

Human to human slavery came before the enslavement of animals of other species. Animals were domesticated when they were needed as a means of doing things that humans were not all that good at. Dogs could sniff things out where humans could not. Dogs could find game more efficiently than humans. The result was, given the canine version of the Stockholm Syndrome, dogs began volunteering for slavery. In time, dogs took on an entertainment attribute. Human beings could not cover a lot of ground on foot in a short period of time. Horses were captured, enslaved and then domesticated. Horses are not vulnerable to extinction these days. Today, domesticated animals fare better with respect to survival than species which still exist in the wild.

Finally, early humans began enslaving one another and often doing the equivalent of domesticating them. Slavery became institutionalized rapidly. The morality of slavery was never questioned in any scriptures I have studied. Jesus did not start an abolitionist movement. Until laws prohibiting chattel slavery were enacted in countries experiencing an industrial revolution, slavery was always legal. In Southern states, free blacks could own slaves. Some did. In one case, a free black woman wanted to marry a man who was a slave. She bought him from his master. She was dissatisfied with him as a husband…. and sold him.

Chattel slavery was outlawed in Britain in 1820 and in the U.S, in 1865.  This happened as the need for labor and manufacturing reduced the utility of slave ownership overall. It was cheaper to hire labor at starvation wages than it was to house and maintain slaves. Slaves are not naturally productive. Their owners had to whip them often to insure they were working hard enough. It made no sense to whip factory workers.

After slavery ended, Britain doubled down on its imperialistic efforts. The United States began its imperialistic endeavors with the Spanish – American War in 1898. Countries where chattel slavery had recently been deemed illegal began enslaving entire foreign countries. albeit, not chattel slavery. It was a way of getting human capital at less than it would cost in a free market.  It did constitute forced labor. In the 1980s, the Reagan Administration invaded Nicaragua and returned that population to being slaves of the United Fruit Company.

With the advent of the first Gulf War, the United States began a round of invading countries under the pretense of righteousness, securing their resources and ensuring their availability and low cost to American global corporations.

Chattel slavery is gone from the rest of the world but the propensity to enslave is still with us.



Views: 28

Election Forecast November 2024

Election Forecast November 2024. PDF Version

I only have one hard cold forecast for 2024. The Democrats lose no matter what they do. The next problem the Democrats have is in finding a vice presidential candidate who is willing to destroy his political career by standing next to Kamala Harris  as her running mate. Lloyd Benson did this in 1988 as Mike Dukakis’s running mate. Benson planned on retiring anyway.

Anything else is on an if then basis. The elite – or Deep State, is desperate. All of the wars for profit being fought on their behalf are now exposed for what they are. Belligerence is the only tool they have ever had.  The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump blew up in their faces. Following the failed attempt on Trump’s, life they are in big trouble. There is no telling what they may try next. Are they finished trying to take Trump out?  It doesn’t appear that they are. Suppose that the media suddenly started engaging in more honest reporting. That would be a sign the Deep State has decided to take the loss and perhaps regroup over the following four years. If this happens, the election will go on mostly unaccepted. Continue reading

Views: 45

The Price of Your Safety

The Price of Your Safety PDF Version

Efforts to keep Americans safe
abound at a monumental level these days. Suppose the goal was to save as many lives as is humanly possible. Would it not make sense to use the approach that would save the most lives – and add other
methods later ?

Back in the late 1970s and 1980s – in response to an energy crisis, a new law was enacted making 55 mph the maximum speed on all highways. Much energy was saved but that was not all. Thousands of lives were saved because 55 mph was a much safer speed for drivers than 70 mph. If protecting folks from danger is the goal, doesn’t it make sense to return to the 55 mph national speed limit before protecting everyone from what might harm them – but to a lesser degree? Continue reading

Views: 43

Human Broadcasting And Receiving

Human Broadcasting And Receiving PDF Version

The concept of Fantasy Free Economics is based on recognizing the very few absolutely true observations we can, about the world we live in. Then we approach life. We never let others convince us that these basic things are untrue.

The most profound observation we make is that life is governed and regulated by a system of dominance and subservience. On top of that we make more simple observations, give up fantasies and euphemisms, then look out our windows and see what is going on.

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Views: 53

A Fantasy Based Economy

A Fantasy Based Economy PDF Version

Karl Marx gets little respect, but he was the first economist to describe the business cycle. Karl Marx never explained why the business cycle exists for only one reason. He didn’t know. I do know and I am going to give the explanation right here and now.  I am fantasy free. That does not mean fantasy is bad. It only means it is a handicap.

Broad economic movements can be based on a fantasy. Regardless, fantasies developed over time. As the fantasy is pursued, economic growth accelerates. The more exciting the fantasy , the more robust the growth. Since robust economic growth is based on fantasy, the system always unravels. That is the business cycle. Things are great until a society runs up against a wall of reality.

This is a pattern that repeats over and over again. One great fantasy in economics is the notion that one group of people is intrinsically superior to others. This was the reasoning of ancient Romans. During the thirties, NAZIs in Germany fantasized that they were of a super race. With that reasoning Germany became an amazing economic power in just a few years. During the forties they encountered a wall of reality that demonstrated how wrong they were.

All fantasies are not that sinister. During the seventies, the United States faced a serious bottleneck in productivity. The country was in a serious recession. As the information technology era ushered in, the productivity of labor began increasing. That was genuine and organic. All sorts of fantasies were born on top of genuine opportunities. The internet changed lives and cut costs of doing business.  It was wonderful but in time the fantasy of all that eventually would be far exceeded by what is reasonably possible.

This is the business cycle. The end of a fantasy – driven expansion is not the end of the world. Free markets handle fantasy and the business cycle just fine, except there are no free markets in the world today. There is not one major economy that is freer now than when the current expansion started. All genuine economic growth is private and organic. Based on today’s situation, the kinds of periods of robust economic growth we have always known will have trouble getting started.

Prosperity comes from chasing dreams. The dreams can be real and worthwhile. Even when dreams are reachable, it is human nature to pile new dreams on older ones until all dreams become unreachable. That is the nature of the business cycle.

Views: 32

The Elite in Retreat

he Elite in Retreat PDF Version

Thinking is discouraged in our society. Once conventional wisdom sinks in, it provides non-thinking, comfortable reasons for adopting one position or another. Thinking in moving pictures always renders more accurate insight.

It is routinely assumed that the elite of the world are united. It seems they are because they look out for one another. The fact is that each elite has his own agenda. Cooperation comes from symbiotic relationship – where they all benefit from supporting one another.

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Views: 53

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

So far, I haven’t heard any warnings with respect to conspiracy theorists making hay out of the Trump assassination attempts. That warning is the first indication that a coverup is in operation. Its absence does not mean there is no coverup going on. Realistically, the conspiracy theory warning has been overused. It makes sense that it would be avoided in this case.

I have heard Matthew Crooks described as a lone wolf already. I saw an image of the dead Crooks after he had been shot. It looked to me as if he was wearing a rented lone wolf costume, like from a costume shop.

When an assassination or the attempt has occurred there are important questions that need to be asked.
Are any political motivations present? In this case, there are multitudes of political motivations.

Would there be any reason to describe an assassin as a crazy lone wolf when in fact he was a participant in an organized plan? Of course there would be. Do that and the investigation is over. The truth won’t emerge for forty years.

Were there any odd malfunctions of people or devices that would have prevented the event had they been working as expected? Already, there is an interview with an ordinary guy who saw the shooter on the roof with a rifle. He advised law enforcement, and he was ignored, i.e. guards and cameras in the Epstein death.

Are there trite and superficial explanations used in order to complete a rapid conclusive investigation? For this, we will have to wait and see.

Is there any opposition to rapidly closing the case in congress? All on the same page is a warning sign. I teach that folks actually have no representation in congress. That doesn’t mean they don’t represent anyone. They just don’t represent those who elect them. With no incentive at all in play, lawmakers represent themselves alone. That is until a third party provides them with an incentive. When all of congress lines up on the same side, it is not hard to determine who they genuinely represent. Notice, that there were no calls from congress to do a thorough investigation of Epstein’s death.

How is mainstream media handling the story? If media and all of government are on the same page, it is a coverup. If the media buries the story after a few days, that is significant. If the newscasts are of the ho hum variety…. that counts also.

How do excuses coming from the mouths of authority sound? Are they similar to the old grade school excuse, “The dog ate my homework?”

There is no way to decide that an assassination or an attempt at one is part to an organized plan. My purpose here is not to find evidence so as to indict anyone. Natural law is of little value in the legal system. Natural law can put one soul in a position of knowing. Natural law does put a person on the right side of arguments.

For myself, I haven’t completely answered these questions, so I don’t yet have a complete assessment as of now. Historical precedent along with the enormous efforts already made to take Donald Trump off the ticket provide plenty of reasons for suspecting that there is more involved than one demented youth doing something crazy. U.S. citizens are crazy if they don’t insist on an in-depth investigation from an independent source.

Why not depend upon an investigation by an existing government agency? Any government agency might be part of any coverup. There is more than enough evidence available to suspect any government agency would be complicit in carrying out a coverup.

On a final note – as soon as I heard about the event, I started making thoughtful posts and comments on X. I keep tabs on my blog hits throughout the day. Within minutes Fantasy Free Economics was visited by perhaps ten Google databanks. Hits like this don’t occur very often. As of this morning, I am locked out of X.

The last time Fantasy Free Economics got these kinds of hits occurred just following my posting of an article making the case that organized crime owns the healthcare industry. Shortly afterwards, my blog under (quillian.net) was destroyed after being up for over eleven years. I had to republish the blog under its current URL.

To say the least, my own experiences have accentuated my awareness of the pervasiveness of censorship as it applies to ordinary people.

Views: 498

Rules of Censorship

Rules of Censorship PDF Version

I have written much about censorship. The latest censorship article, More Censorship Please is well worth reading. The following is a more in depth look at root causes.

Here is how to find the root cause of an issue. The United States is going through at least two decades of increasing levels of censorship. We start by asking questions. Why in this unique time period in history, has it become necessary to censor certain points of view? Is this something the public  has asked to be done?  No. Did it spring up out of nowhere kind of like spontaneous combustion? No.

With respect to any public phenomenon, unless it evolves out of some grass roots endeavor, it is a profit initiative on the part of some person or group. How could it be anything else? Is there any such thing as a person or government that is benevolent enough to seek and find ways to protect ordinary people from hearing words that may or may not be factual. Notice that when the public is ostensibly protected there is no objective criteria for determining what is true and what is not. Most of what we deem to be true in this world is not provable.

Most of what gets censored is theoretical as in, “This is my theory.” If it is so important to protect citizens from hearing certain things, why was everything said officially about Covid and Vaccines not fact checked?  During 2020, Facebook refused an article I had posted about Vitamin C.  Vaccines, kill. I could have posted as many articles praising the vaccines and that would have been fine. The fact is that what is true or not is debatable.

Censorship is highly profitable to anyone who has the power to use it as a tool for profit. Precisely who benefits is easy to determine. Look at who is doing the censorship. Look at who could possibly be negatively impacted by the words of the one being censored.  Under no circumstances is censorship imposed out of goodwill. There is a complete chance that it is being imposed out of fear of being exposed. Censorship is the only tool to combat changing thoughts and attitudes that threaten the power structure.

It never hurts to think about these things.




Views: 50

Every Man For Himself

Every Man for Himself PDF Version

The sentence “Every man for himself” conveys an emergency situation where all order has broken down, and group effort is useless.

“An expression of panic, that everyone should forget about comradeship and save themselves” – unknown source

“something that you say that means that everyone in a particular situation is trying to do what is best for themselves and no one is trying to help anyone else ” – Cambridge

How does “It’s every man for himself.” describe the economic and political situations in the world today? Even a casual glance indicates that we are moving in that direction. Who would argue that the primary function of government is to administer justice. Is there any evidence today of any government doing so? Continue reading

Views: 50