New Dynamics Corporate America

New Dynamics Corporate America.PDF Version

Early in life, most Americans remember the phrase, “the consumer is king.”. This concept began to change in the 1950s. John Kenneth Galbraith, in his book The Affluent Society. coined the term “conventional wisdom”. He explained how what is perceived to be true continues to be deemed to be true long after it is no longer true. Conventional wisdom is that the consumer is king. The consumer is no longer king in the U.S. economy.

In the fifties, Galbraith noticed a change. Sophisticated advertising techniques developed. Demand for goods and services, which had previously sprung up in the hearts of buyers was taking a back seat. Corporations were then creating demand for their products and services by virtue of increasingly sophisticated advertising. The 1950s were only the beginning of the practice of manipulating the public mindset Continue reading

Obedience To Authority


Obedience To Authority PDF Version

Every now and then, some brave soul ventures forth and blows the whistle on official corruption. Of course, whatever constitutes official corruption, does not appreciate the whistle having been blown on them. The cost to the whistleblower is devastating. Society is prone to automatically believe those on whom the whistle has been blown

Much of what is true, is old. Such as human nature is, when truth is discovered, it is talked about for a short period of time. Then, life goes on as it did before, with the new insight delegated to the back burner, as if it was never discovered. When the truth is something other than what society deems acceptable, it is ignored or replaced with something more agreeable. The Milgram experiment proves just how prone human beings are to obey authority. Continue reading

How The War Can Be Won

How The War Can Be Won  PDF Version

U.S citizens don’t understand that there is a war waging against them minute by minute. Citizens in all other countries are fighting the same war. All are fighting the same enemy. The enemy is organized and and focused. Citizens around the world are not. When compromised, they behave much like ants in a bed that somebody hacks into with a pick ax. They get disturbed and run around mindless, not knowing who struck them.

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Another Silly Recession Headline

I clipped this headline off of Zerohedge this morning.

So, why is it suggested that the U.S. might be in a recession, when it obviously is to anyone with at least one eye, who is looking?  We have a growing homeless population. Banks are failing. Small banks are losing deposits. Retail stores are closing. Home prices have started falling and so on. 


So, why is GDP still o.k. but just might head into a downturn? Continue reading