Big Changes Coming Social Media

PDF Version – Big Changes Coming Social Media
The upside to possessing and using the fantasy free advantage is in noticing what is obvious. View life through the prism of fantasy and the light of reality becomes shrouded if not oblique. Looking at situations as a motion picture as opposed to a still picture provides an additional benefit.

Let’s look at the situation in social media on a timeline…. notice the changes, and see where the current trend might lead.

Modern social media had its beginning with AOL back in the 1990’s Myspace followed. When these early venues were vibrant, all users were of equal status. Social media functioned as a great equalizer, Folks could showcase themselves, their lives, and discuss just about anything. New ideas emerged. Social media was a resource to its users Continue reading

Is It Really Social Media?

Is It Really Social Media PDF Version

There is no venue where regular people can interact, showcase themselves and opinions, and spread ideas that are dear to them. In the beginning, social media constituted a great equalizer. A teenager could put a video on YouTube and it could go viral overnight. An adult was free to post political positions and know they were being read and reacted to. There was no central authority deciding what was or wasn’t fit for human intellect to wittiness. Continue reading

More Censorship Please

Americans seem to be good with censorship as it is. Here are some ideas for even more.

Countless ads are placed on social media as well as on cable and network TV. We need fact checkers to review the veracity of the content and claims made in their ads. If anything said or written in these ads is questionable they must be taken down immediately Continue reading

More On Big Tech

More On Big Tech PDF Version
More On Big Tech PDF Version
I am on record as predicting a tech train wreck. The Coming Tech Train Wreck. With respect to that…. so far – so good. I am also predicting a depression without a recovery and a bear market that lasts at least two years. Permanent Depression. The combination of a devastating depression and the crumbling of tech – the most dynamic sector of the bull market, will guarantee unfathomable losses in all other sectors.

When I make these kinds of predictions, certainly it appears that I am simply grabbing some attention – getting notion out of the air, and claiming it is going to happen without presenting any numerical evidence. I can do that because I view the world without the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. I start with natural law by checking first the most basic influences. Continue reading