Big Changes Coming Social Media

PDF Version – Big Changes Coming Social Media
The upside to possessing and using the fantasy free advantage is in noticing what is obvious. View life through the prism of fantasy and the light of reality becomes shrouded if not oblique. Looking at situations as a motion picture as opposed to a still picture provides an additional benefit.

Let’s look at the situation in social media on a timeline…. notice the changes, and see where the current trend might lead.

Modern social media had its beginning with AOL back in the 1990’s Myspace followed. When these early venues were vibrant, all users were of equal status. Social media functioned as a great equalizer, Folks could showcase themselves, their lives, and discuss just about anything. New ideas emerged. Social media was a resource to its users.

About half way through the first decade of the 21st century, Facebook came along. Facebook changed users into resources, which could be managed and manipulated for profit. Each year since, Facebook has waned in terms of utility for users. Facebook provided an easy setup on a track users could easily run on. Facebook was not Myspace. It was organized, limited and structured.  People felt comfortable and safe. The public, even those who did not go online much flocked in. Facebook buried Myspace. Facebook’s users were where they served as a resource for Facebook after they had been users on Myspace.

All was good for a while. New attempts at social media  were made along the way. Without exception , Facebook was emulated. Self – promotion on all outlets had become almost impossible. Fact checking and censorship became a standard on all venues.

The essence of the social media explosion was self – promotion. Sure, businesses and activists made heavy use of it. Self – promotion among ordinary people was what stimulated most others to post frequently. It motivated multitudes to comment on posts made by others. All of this inspired vigorous activity.

The Facebook model was one which made self – promotion impossible for anyone who didn’t pay to play. Household names with established reputations were promoted in an attempt to continue the vibrance which was present in older forms of social media.

Conservative icons have pages on all social media platforms. Expectations were that the public could be guided into hovering around selected icons of conservative and other belief systems.  This would satisfy concerns over loss of First Amendment rights by the outspoken few who make noise over the issue. Every social media platform…. conservative, unconventional, outspoken and all others uses the same approach.

Newer social media venues like Rumble and Odyssey constitute First Amendment Ghettos. Their audiences are quarantined. Folks who frequent these spots hear and see what they already believe. Some do witness astonishing purported facts not reported by mainstream media. However, little to nothing ever leaves the echo chambers of these “insightful” venues. All of the First Amendment – friendly sites earn money the same as Facebook and Youtube do…. advertising.  The only way a private individual can launch a new idea or video is to pay to play. This contrasts to the pre-Facebook model where all users were on equal footing.

Companies like Facebook appear to still be growing. There are new fangled ways to generate mouse clicks and sign-ins. Just scroll down a page with the mouse and an ad pops up, especially if the mouse hovers over a link too long. Go to a page and there will be a way to sign in through a social media account. That generates an engagement that gets counted as an official number.

These kinds of approaches create mouse clicks. What else do they accomplish? Log in to your Facebook page if you still have one. Click onto some friends pages. Anything going on? Interactions on Facebook have fallen off by perhaps two thirds. Facebook activity is in the same shape Myspace activity was in around 2010 when Facebook was running them out of business.

Anyone who has owned a business and has paid for advertising knows very well that placing an ad that generates profits is a difficult task. Ads being placed on social media cannot possibly be profitable for those who place the ads. The companies profit from mouse clicks and displays regardless of how they are generated. Clicks and displays are created by any means possible. Clicks and displays are a cost to advertisers, especially if they are generated dishonestly.

Social media has played a huge role in recent elections. Talk is that it will be a determining factor in the outcomes of all future elections like it has in the past.

Is It Really Social Media?

The viewing public is treated like a virtual entity. For a number of decades, they have behaved as if they are. That doesn’t mean  they never adapt to what they experience every day. The public has seen every possible online marketing technique under heaven.

To viewers,all of this is coming down to the same ol’ same ol’. They have already responded to whatever it is that is being tried. They have adapted. They have become immune to whatever it is that is demanding their attention. Although ads come before their eyes – they no longer see them. “Been there and done that” is the modern posture of the public.

The fish aren’t biting. They are not taking the bait. Thus, social media is in trouble, although that is not yet widely acknowledged. There is monumental wealth and power in the social media elite. It will be used to continue trying to mold and manicure society in ways that guarantee a high level of profitability.

There may be efforts to nationalize social media. Given the power of the companies, this could entail the government buying out the interests of the elite for whatever their market values are at the time. The industry may be regulated to the point where it is all about as interesting as an old phone book. Whatever happens, these behemoths will be consumed with preserving the wealth they have generated up to this point. In doing this, time is not on their side.

In time, the truth becomes apparent even to all who avoid seeing it. They, along with a few others, control government.  They will use government to fund their salvation if at all possible. That is unless their profitability falls apart. If that happens, they will no longer have utility to members of Congress. In such a case, they will be thrown under the bus by lawmakers.

In coming political campaigns, social media will disappoint as a determining factor. So far in history, big tech has only dealt with a public that has been prosperous. The economy is failing. People are starting to be poor and feel poor. The stress of suffering causes the thinking brain to activate. People start looking and asking, “What’s wrong with this picture?”

A point I like to make is that how long a corporation lives is determined by its utility to society. Find the oldest publicly traded corporations and take note that every one of them has a lasting utility to society. Many others had prospered for many years. They are all gone now. It was fun while it lasted. Anyone want to buy a typewriter?

There was a time when social media provided a venue where no user automatically had predominance over another. Folks could showcase their lives and converse without being monitored, fact checked, mollified and homogenized. No such entity exists in the world today.

The glory days of social media are over. Tastes and preferences have changed. Corporations – especially big tech, have no way to respond to the changes.


Visits: 28

Why Does Government Grow?

Why Does Government Grow.   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .Government grows every time a bill is passed. Bills get passed as a way of rewarding Americans with political power. Only a few have enough political power to get what they want out of government. Bills are passed as a way to extract wealth and income out of the general population

People without political power are important to the political process only in their imaginations.Conservative echo chambers serve the elite because all of the time and energy of conservatives is absorbed with philosophical discourse. Being of extreme importance in their own minds , they are lulled into believing they are making a huge contribution – by teaching others how to think.

In a democracy – based system, it is the citizens’ responsibility to govern themselves. Governing involves work and since work is a second choice for the human species, messiahs are sought instead of delegates.

Politicians are assumed to run for office because they are good people who want to serve. In terms of goodness, politicians are neutral at best. Politicians run for office as a way of making personal use of rank and file citizens – as they bargain for power, influence and money.

Curbside Jimmy’s Prophetic Song



Visits: 32

Treacherous Dangerous Times


Treacherous Dangerous Times PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored. American citizens along with the rest of the world’s population are in serious danger. Danger from outright violence is present of course. Economic danger is present, growing and certain to increase. In the face of this there is a genuine lack of awareness of the gravity
of the situation. There is a black out of any relevant non superficial news. There is little concern and little meaningful information available that might make folks concerned. Continue reading

Visits: 34

More On Big Tech

More On Big Tech PDF Version
More On Big Tech PDF Version
I am on record as predicting a tech train wreck. The Coming Tech Train Wreck. With respect to that…. so far – so good. I am also predicting a depression without a recovery and a bear market that lasts at least two years. Permanent Depression. The combination of a devastating depression and the crumbling of tech – the most dynamic sector of the bull market, will guarantee unfathomable losses in all other sectors.

When I make these kinds of predictions, certainly it appears that I am simply grabbing some attention – getting notion out of the air, and claiming it is going to happen without presenting any numerical evidence. I can do that because I view the world without the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. I start with natural law by checking first the most basic influences. Continue reading

Visits: 56

 UFO Dialogue In Government

Times are very interesting. We have an economy where all the unearned money in the world is devoted to preventing the stock market from falling. When that can no longer be done, the entire economy will crash.

Economies around the world are shut down or disabled due to the emergence of the Corona Virus. The overall death rate in the U.S. is about the same as it is every year. Even in states where masks are no longer required, ordinary people are scared to take them off.

The tech, insurance and banking corporations authored the worldwide response to the Corona Virus. They are prospering like nothing before.

A handful of corporate insiders and other elites have literally conquered the world and are no dictating policy to virtually every government in the world. Countries around the world are baiting one another into war.

Ordinary citizens are complying with government edicts, waiting for all of these issues to disappear just like the have in the past.

And, now your government is about to release information to the effect of, UFO’s may very well be monitoring our military bases and that this all needs to be recognized and dealt with.

Personally, I have never given much thought to UFO dialog and alleged sightings. There are very good reasons why we have never been visited bu aliens and most likely every be. That is because if all life, including alien, is subject to the same laws of dominance and subservience they will destroy themselves long before they ever make it out of their solar systems.

History shows that the life’s power struggle does not lose its intensity no matter how much power is consolidated. Human beings never stop seeking power. The world is like a big game of king of the mountain. Technology makes it possible to kill more and more people with fewer
resources and less effort.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Peasants in the field, on average are hardly corrupt at all. Corruption at the top, like with world leaders is so pronounced it is unfathomable. It is so unfathomable that folks insist on deeming it otherwise. In the end, given our system of dominance and subservience, certainty any intelligent life on earth will kill itself off long before any serious space travel is possible.

But, there is no certainty that the same system of regulating life on earth is present on any other planets where there is life. Chances are though that life is life and it works the same way no matter where it is.

Scared people are a wonderful market. They will pay almost unlimited sums for even the illusion of safety and security. So, if there is even a hint that aliens are scoping out our world, the cost of living will skyrocket astronomically. Who wouldn’t surrender most rights to a central authority
in order to be protected from invading aliens from outer space?

Realistically, if an alien civilization is advanced enough to make it here, we  might as well just throw in the towel and wait and see what they do to us, if anything all. We all know that you can’t get something for nothing. Perhaps aliens can show us that there really is a way to get something for nothing. That would sure make a lot of human beings happy.

Visits: 17