A Choice for Every Society

A Choice for Every Society.PDF Version

Two choices. 1. Government serves the citizens. 2. Citizens serve their government. It is a choice.

This does not have to be a conscious choice. As a matter of fact it seldom is I am not sure it ever is. Folks can make a natural choice. That means the choice may be pre – programmed into the human mind by the forces of nature.

People give intellectual answers to questions like those above. When the two questions are entertained, the reply will be something like this. A typical answer might be, “Government serves the people in the United States. That is guaranteed in the U.S. constitution. We all learned that in school.”. Continue reading

Views: 62

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances    PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now, uncensored.

I don’t like the fact that she is a billionaire.
Never trust a politician broadcaster or billionaire.

She is two out of three.

As for Kennedy, I think he has a good chance of being elected.
Based on today, he has no chance at all. Live life as if it is a still picture and that is good enough.

Recognize life as a moving picture and his chances improve significantly
Odds are truly great  that one or more events will occur between now and November. The country could very well enter a crisis period between now and then. All of the ingredients are in place. Continue reading

Views: 565

Why Does Government Grow?

Why Does Government Grow.   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .Government grows every time a bill is passed. Bills get passed as a way of rewarding Americans with political power. Only a few have enough political power to get what they want out of government. Bills are passed as a way to extract wealth and income out of the general population

People without political power are important to the political process only in their imaginations.Conservative echo chambers serve the elite because all of the time and energy of conservatives is absorbed with philosophical discourse. Being of extreme importance in their own minds , they are lulled into believing they are making a huge contribution – by teaching others how to think.

In a democracy – based system, it is the citizens’ responsibility to govern themselves. Governing involves work and since work is a second choice for the human species, messiahs are sought instead of delegates.

Politicians are assumed to run for office because they are good people who want to serve. In terms of goodness, politicians are neutral at best. Politicians run for office as a way of making personal use of rank and file citizens – as they bargain for power, influence and money.

Curbside Jimmy’s Prophetic Song



Views: 60

The Logic Of Voting

The Logic Of Voting   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .What good does it do to vote when those we elect are not the ones in charge anyway?

Unwittingly, popular opinion is that if we vote for the right candidates, that will bring about the changes we are looking for. How often has that logic produced positive results? If thinking like that has never worked in the past, What are the chances it will work now? Surely there is a reason this rationality has not worked up until now. Continue reading

Views: 483

Like Dogs Without A Master

An American without his government is like a dog without a master. We have a nation of people who identify as Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives. Ostensibly, these self designations represent a person’s actual posture in the world. They don’t Continue reading

Views: 58

Media Bias Solved

All it would take is a simple federal law stating that a media corporation could not be a subsidiary of another corporation. That would prevent media outlets from having too much collective power. Too much power, of course means configuring public sentiment to their liking, determine the outcomes of elections and helping others rig their markets…. in keeping with various symbiotic relationships they have with others. Continue reading

Views: 97

More On Big Tech

More On Big Tech PDF Version
More On Big Tech PDF Version
I am on record as predicting a tech train wreck. The Coming Tech Train Wreck. With respect to that…. so far – so good. I am also predicting a depression without a recovery and a bear market that lasts at least two years. Permanent Depression. The combination of a devastating depression and the crumbling of tech – the most dynamic sector of the bull market, will guarantee unfathomable losses in all other sectors.

When I make these kinds of predictions, certainly it appears that I am simply grabbing some attention – getting notion out of the air, and claiming it is going to happen without presenting any numerical evidence. I can do that because I view the world without the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. I start with natural law by checking first the most basic influences. Continue reading

Views: 71

 UFO Dialogue In Government

Times are very interesting. We have an economy where all the unearned money in the world is devoted to preventing the stock market from falling. When that can no longer be done, the entire economy will crash.

Economies around the world are shut down or disabled due to the emergence of the Corona Virus. The overall death rate in the U.S. is about the same as it is every year. Even in states where masks are no longer required, ordinary people are scared to take them off.

The tech, insurance and banking corporations authored the worldwide response to the Corona Virus. They are prospering like nothing before.

A handful of corporate insiders and other elites have literally conquered the world and are no dictating policy to virtually every government in the world. Countries around the world are baiting one another into war.

Ordinary citizens are complying with government edicts, waiting for all of these issues to disappear just like the have in the past.

And, now your government is about to release information to the effect of, UFO’s may very well be monitoring our military bases and that this all needs to be recognized and dealt with.

Personally, I have never given much thought to UFO dialog and alleged sightings. There are very good reasons why we have never been visited bu aliens and most likely every be. That is because if all life, including alien, is subject to the same laws of dominance and subservience they will destroy themselves long before they ever make it out of their solar systems.

History shows that the life’s power struggle does not lose its intensity no matter how much power is consolidated. Human beings never stop seeking power. The world is like a big game of king of the mountain. Technology makes it possible to kill more and more people with fewer
resources and less effort.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Peasants in the field, on average are hardly corrupt at all. Corruption at the top, like with world leaders is so pronounced it is unfathomable. It is so unfathomable that folks insist on deeming it otherwise. In the end, given our system of dominance and subservience, certainty any intelligent life on earth will kill itself off long before any serious space travel is possible.

But, there is no certainty that the same system of regulating life on earth is present on any other planets where there is life. Chances are though that life is life and it works the same way no matter where it is.

Scared people are a wonderful market. They will pay almost unlimited sums for even the illusion of safety and security. So, if there is even a hint that aliens are scoping out our world, the cost of living will skyrocket astronomically. Who wouldn’t surrender most rights to a central authority
in order to be protected from invading aliens from outer space?

Realistically, if an alien civilization is advanced enough to make it here, we  might as well just throw in the towel and wait and see what they do to us, if anything all. We all know that you can’t get something for nothing. Perhaps aliens can show us that there really is a way to get something for nothing. That would sure make a lot of human beings happy.

Views: 22

Trouble Shooting Democracy The Fix

Wherever you live, surely you have noticed that citizens are concerned that democracy based governments around the world are not functioning properly. There is a solution.

Since I am in the United States, what I am going to suggest here is based on observations of our system. In the United States there are two possible solutions. One is to change the method of choosing members of the House of Representatives to a jury system. If you think issues of passing laws are so complex that ordinary citizens would not be able to handle the job, you are wrong. I am not talking about a jury of 12 citizens. I am talking about a jury the size of the the membership of the House of Representatives. They would not have to be underpaid like jurors in court trials are paid.

The second method is slightly different and would entail the equivalent of a fourth branch of government. It would still be based on picking a jury. The role of the public jury would be to rule on the constitutionality of any law passed by the House and Senate and whether or not the law would be good for the citizens of the country. The decision would be made just like decisions are made in a jury trial. Notice that of our institutions, the jury system works very well, not perfect but very well. Our system of government, the way it is now is failing. The second system suggested is the better of the two.

When our leaders formed the country they anticipated issues with democracy. That is why the United States is organized as a Republic. The fear was that the masses would vote everyone else’s money into their pockets. That was a reasonable fear to have but they did not anticipate other ways the system could be corrupted.

As it has turned out, in a democratic system, it takes a very unlikely set of personality characteristics to get elected to a high office. Only folks with a political personality have the manipulative skills necessary to get elected to a high office. Political personality is like a euphemism for psychopath. The races are so competitive that the truth gets pushed out of the political dialog.

The founding fathers also expected that ordinary citizens would be more independent minded than it turns out they are. What determines how citizens vote. They vote for the candidate who tells them what they want to hear. That is not the truth. Voters serve only as a resource candidates use to win elections.

Today the United States government is used as a marketing tool for rigging markets and forcing citizens to buy goods and services they wouldn’t otherwise.  For sure, self government won’t survive if folks are not willing to make necessary changes required to make it work properly.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.


Views: 19

Organized Crime Owns Your Government

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was terribly misguided when he made that quote. Democracy had never been thoroughly tried, so he can be forgiven for not foreseeing that there were more serious issues with the abuse of democracy than what originates with ordinary people. So, the United States is organized as a republic and that is supposed to keep the masses from voting everything in the treasury into their own pockets.

Over the years, new sophisticated systems of exploiting weaknesses in democracy have evolved and are now used. Experience shows that the poor do not have the wherewithal to petition government. The poor have not actually tried to take anything from the rich.

The unwashed masses actually have presented no threat to any moneyed interests in the United States. They have proven to be a constituency worth buying by providing a few benefits to them over the years. But, no money has ever been voted out of anyone else’s pockets based on any actions by the poor. Instead, democracy turns out to be an incubator for crime, especially of the organized variety.

Organized crime, by financing campaigns and running its own candidates has taken over government. Why would they not? Who is to stop them? Suppose an organized crime syndicate is worried about the FBI. Why not just buy the FBI? Why break a law? Just pass a new law legalizing a previously illegal activity.  What do they do to keep the keep the public on their side? They buy all of the media outlets and make sure citizens only hear what they want them to hear.

Americans get confused. They see a massive group of migrants marching towards the border. The march is reported on as if it was some kind of organic event that has just sprang up? The migrants are presented as if they are no different than any other people coming to the United States looking for a better life. But they are different. The march is orchestrated and masses of poor people entering the country have great economic benefit to the elite who finance and organize these events.

The founding fathers were right, that with democracy, some potential threats would have to be addressed. They did not anticipate that organized crime would take over the country. There is talk about “the shadow government.” There really is no such thing. It is organized crime that dictates policy to congress. It is organized crime that causes senators and congressmen to step down, when their re-election is a sure thing.

But, many Americans benefit from the things organized crime does. That is temporary but some Americans will always benefit and that makes it difficult to re-establish law and order.

The founding fathers, like all historical figures were not at all like they have always been popularly portrayed. They were motivated out of self interest like all living entities are. The founding fathers did not provide a method for testing the constitutionality of laws. They may very well have purposefully left openings for the exploitation of ordinary people. The Supreme Court, a political body, ended up with the role of deciding constitutionality of laws.


Views: 20