Patriotism Completely Explained

Patriotism Completely Explained  PDF Version

Here is the first definition of patriotism that turns up on a DuckDuckGo search. With this definition in mind, countless U.S. citizens plus even more from other lands, enemies and foes have died in wars,….had bombs dropped on them…. and many are buried in graveyards where only patriots are allowed to be buried. Internments in a special graveyard is a patriot’s reward. Being honored as a veteran is another reward. Proclaiming oneself as Patriot Joe or Patriot Bill gains the eyes and ears of other citizens and exalts the professed patriot in the eyes of others.

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Gifts to Billionaires Begin 250th Birthday USA

Gifts to Billionaires Begin 250th Birthday USA. PDF Version

I am telling you. We live within the realm of an eternal power struggle. Human beings are used to it, so much so that they don’t notice. Whoever wins a U.S. presidential election is global king of the mountain. However, the competition continues.

When Trump was elected in 2016, his first order of business was the passage of the Gifts to Billionaires Infrastructure Act. Who noticed that? Americans were to busy patting themselves on the back while shouting Make America Great Again. Secondly, he took serious measures towards preventing the Chinese from subsidizing American consumers. In return for unwittingly giving up precious freedoms, “patriots” got the wall and lots of patriotic rhetoric.

Trumps first initiative this time around in 2024 is a two hundred fiftieth  birthday party for the nation. While Americans are doing happy dances shouting MAGA and hanging on every word their leader speaks, Gifts to billionaires and income transfers the bottom to the top will go on unchallenged.

Folks, this is politics. It is brutal. Once again, ordinary citizens will be joyfully promoting their own poverty by following their chosen Judas goat to slaughter.

Progress as a nation comes from programs that require principles of differed gratification. Let me know if anyone notices Donald Trump suggesting anything of that nature.

Views: 2

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances    PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now, uncensored.

I don’t like the fact that she is a billionaire.
Never trust a politician broadcaster or billionaire.

She is two out of three.

As for Kennedy, I think he has a good chance of being elected.
Based on today, he has no chance at all. Live life as if it is a still picture and that is good enough.

Recognize life as a moving picture and his chances improve significantly
Odds are truly great  that one or more events will occur between now and November. The country could very well enter a crisis period between now and then. All of the ingredients are in place. Continue reading

Views: 565

The Logic Of Voting

The Logic Of Voting   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .What good does it do to vote when those we elect are not the ones in charge anyway?

Unwittingly, popular opinion is that if we vote for the right candidates, that will bring about the changes we are looking for. How often has that logic produced positive results? If thinking like that has never worked in the past, What are the chances it will work now? Surely there is a reason this rationality has not worked up until now. Continue reading

Views: 483

The Sex Lives of Politicians

The Sex Lives of Politicians  PDF Version

What does it mean when a president engages in extra-marital sex? If a person disavowed everyone who cheated in a marriage, he might as well drop out of society and become a hermit. What about morality ? That is a significant topic but it is not relevant to the point of this article. Let  me explain why sexual infidelity is highly relevant in politics. It is a sign of something more significant. . Continue reading

Views: 41

Like Dogs Without A Master

An American without his government is like a dog without a master. We have a nation of people who identify as Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives. Ostensibly, these self designations represent a person’s actual posture in the world. They don’t Continue reading

Views: 58

Who Will Unite The Country?

Who will unite the country? Certainly, it won’t
be me. Will it be Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
God forbid that any president unites the
country. Should a country be united?
A united country is fine as long as the population unites
itself independently of a leader urging folks to
unite behind him. If citizens are generally of a
similar mind that is fine. When a politician
seeks to unite the population behind him,
ordinary citizens are being ask to fall on a
sword for their country. Follow a national leader and you are following the equivalent of a Judas

Lets look at some examples of situati0ns where a leader has united a

The first that comes to mind is Venezuela. Hugo Chavez United
Venezuela. How did that turn out? You decide.

When has the United States been united? There was World War II but it was the war itself that United the country. Hitler did in fact Unite Germany. Germany could not have risen had Hitler not United his country.

The United States  was united behind John F.
Kennedy. But, he was assassinated. Perhaps that is because he was uniting the country in ways
powerful people did not appreciate. Kennedy’s agendas were not fully developed when he died.

The Country was united behind Lyndon Johnson following the Kennedy Assignation. Following,
we got the false flagged
Gulf of Tonkin incident and a useless war that took the lives of

Richard Nixon united the country early on. He completely finished off the gold standard. The
country is now flooded with unearned fiat currency. He accepted a $2,000,000 donation from
Jimmy Hoffa and pardoned him in order to receive it. Then there was Watergate,

The country was united behind Ronald Reagan. Out of Reagan we got the birth of modern
socialism and perpetual tampering with the financial markets. Under this new system we have
stagnate wages from the middle class on down and enormous wealth and income at the top. The
growth of top down socialism is the root cause of the depression the country is in today.

Both Bushes United the country and the result is perpetual wars in the Mid East.

Bill Clinton did not manage to Unite the country and his administration did little if any
permanent harm to the country.

A system designed around democratic principles is not meant to be united or expected to be.
Check the writings of our founding fathers. Democracy works only when different people and
sides vigorously disagree with each other. In that system, the side that wins turns out to have the
best approach.
So, should the country unite behind the next president? You decide.

Views: 25

Instinctively Predisposed Decisions

Through tradition we are conditioned to accept certain erroneous ideas as facts.

Example from the Declaration of independence: People’s are “Endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights,” In the first system our creator gave the world, ordinary people had no rights at all. Kings and some other leaders were assumed to possess divine rights but that was it. Individual rights are a concept that was evolved into. For many thousands of years, common people served a master like a king or chief.

At the time of the American Revolution, the colonists were in a unique set of circumstances. In Europe intellectuals had been entertaining the idea of individual rights for a number of years. The colonists were separated from England by a great distance, adventurous by nature and detached to a certain degree from the king’s authority. A confluence of unlikely events and circumstances gave them the mentality to try a new form of government based on individual rights.

As great as individual right are, people are still instinctively predisposed to live under and serve a master. Further, they are instinctively predisposed to look to a master to provide security and solve problems collectively. Over years, people have empowered government not because of some kind of intellectual wisdom but because of instinctive impulses they cannot resist.

When commentators go on television and talk about government creating jobs and making the economy better, this is not an exercise in intellect. It is instinctive to assume government can do these things. Any serious investigation of the facts shows that collective actions such as these work against the best interests of society and individuals. Instinctive actions are so natural, that people do not realize they are not thinking.

The discipline of economics assumes that individuals make decisions by free will. On occasion they do when acting as individuals in the market place. When participating in collective decision making people act mostly out instinct and usually without thinking at all. The phenomenon of individuals having economic freedom is an evolutionary advancement. Unfortunately individuals are instinctively driven to give government roles that are destructive to their interests.

A certain segment of the population sees the wisdom of having and maintaining a free market economic system. The free market characteristics of our economic system are solely responsible for our high standard of living. The fact that the market system is still operating is a miracle given that people are driven by instinct to destroy it and return to the old system where everyone serves the government.

Mainstream economists assume that decisions are made through intellect when in fact a great number are instinctively driven. When an economic model fails or a forecast is inaccurate, chances are one or more basic assumptions are erroneous.

Views: 17