In society, psychopathy is largely deemed to be a personality disorder, a mental illness. Is it? That is for mental health professionals to decides. Below is a mighty fine Wikipedia article that explains the conventional wisdom of what psychopathy is,

Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality,[1] is a personality construct[2][3] characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, in combination with traits of boldness, disinhibition, and egocentrism. These traits are often masked by superficial charm and immunity to stress,[4] which create an outward appearance of apparent normalcy.[5][6][7][8][9 Wikipedia

I feel completely comfortable treating psychopathy as a survival tool that perhaps one in one hundred inherit in their DNA. In order for the human species to thrive a certain number of persons must be capable of persons must be capable of sending our youth off to die in wars without flinching.


A high level of empathy and feelings of remorse, prevents an average person from doing such things. Feeling no empathy at all, greatly facilitates dong that. .

We all know psychopaths. some of who are greatly appreciated.. The top ten occupations that draw in psychopaths  are these.

The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths, Forbes

1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media (Television/Radio) 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police. officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil servant


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Patriotism Completely Explained

Patriotism Completely Explained  PDF Version

Here is the first definition of patriotism that turns up on a DuckDuckGo search. With this definition in mind, countless U.S. citizens plus even more from other lands, enemies and foes have died in wars,….had bombs dropped on them…. and many are buried in graveyards where only patriots are allowed to be buried. Internments in a special graveyard is a patriot’s reward. Being honored as a veteran is another reward. Proclaiming oneself as Patriot Joe or Patriot Bill gains the eyes and ears of other citizens and exalts the professed patriot in the eyes of others.

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What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis

What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis PDF Version

Evil does not recognize itself because, to it, lies are the truth.
We have to remember that ,what is evil, is becoming exposed, each and every day..
People can either believe the lie or be fooled into complacency. .

By election day, fewer will believe the lie, and as hardships accumulate, complacency will wane. Unpleasant things will happen but they won’t be in line with popular  predictions. The fact is that we don’t know what those unpleasant things will be, but, chaos and confusion for sure.

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Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances    PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now, uncensored.

I don’t like the fact that she is a billionaire.
Never trust a politician broadcaster or billionaire.

She is two out of three.

As for Kennedy, I think he has a good chance of being elected.
Based on today, he has no chance at all. Live life as if it is a still picture and that is good enough.

Recognize life as a moving picture and his chances improve significantly
Odds are truly great  that one or more events will occur between now and November. The country could very well enter a crisis period between now and then. All of the ingredients are in place. Continue reading

How The War Can Be Won

How The War Can Be Won  PDF Version

U.S citizens don’t understand that there is a war waging against them minute by minute. Citizens in all other countries are fighting the same war. All are fighting the same enemy. The enemy is organized and and focused. Citizens around the world are not. When compromised, they behave much like ants in a bed that somebody hacks into with a pick ax. They get disturbed and run around mindless, not knowing who struck them.

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Like Dogs Without A Master

An American without his government is like a dog without a master. We have a nation of people who identify as Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives. Ostensibly, these self designations represent a person’s actual posture in the world. They don’t Continue reading

Media Bias Solved

All it would take is a simple federal law stating that a media corporation could not be a subsidiary of another corporation. That would prevent media outlets from having too much collective power. Too much power, of course means configuring public sentiment to their liking, determine the outcomes of elections and helping others rig their markets…. in keeping with various symbiotic relationships they have with others. Continue reading

Big Tech and Market Forces

It is no secret that I am predicting the implosion of the big tech industry, not the tech industry overall. For Background, here are two previous articles.

The Coming Tech Train Wreck

More On Big Tech

It is amazing that a student can complete a PHD program in economics from a prestigious university and graduate without a clue as to how markets function. Continue reading

Another Silly Recession Headline

I clipped this headline off of Zerohedge this morning.

So, why is it suggested that the U.S. might be in a recession, when it obviously is to anyone with at least one eye, who is looking?  We have a growing homeless population. Banks are failing. Small banks are losing deposits. Retail stores are closing. Home prices have started falling and so on. 


So, why is GDP still o.k. but just might head into a downturn? Continue reading

Your Punishment For Believing Lies

Your Punishment For Believing PDF Version

I have a saying. When a lie is told, there are two guilty parties. There is the liar of course. Then there is the party for whom the truth is

not good enough.

Without that arrangement few lies would be told. The punishment for believing lies is suffering. Suffering always follows the believing of lies but the suffering is not distributed evenly among believers. It is possible for a person go a full lifetime
believing a slew of lies and never experience any meaningful suffering. Continue reading