In society, psychopathy is largely deemed to be a personality disorder, a mental illness. Is it? That is for mental health professionals to decides. Below is a mighty fine Wikipedia article that explains the conventional wisdom of what psychopathy is,

Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality,[1] is a personality construct[2][3] characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, in combination with traits of boldness, disinhibition, and egocentrism. These traits are often masked by superficial charm and immunity to stress,[4] which create an outward appearance of apparent normalcy.[5][6][7][8][9 Wikipedia

I feel completely comfortable treating psychopathy as a survival tool that perhaps one in one hundred inherit in their DNA. In order for the human species to thrive a certain number of persons must be capable of persons must be capable of sending our youth off to die in wars without flinching.


A high level of empathy and feelings of remorse, prevents an average person from doing such things. Feeling no empathy at all, greatly facilitates dong that. .

We all know psychopaths. some of who are greatly appreciated.. The top ten occupations that draw in psychopaths  are these.

The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths, Forbes

1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media (Television/Radio) 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police. officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil servant


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Living in the Presence of Evil

Living in the Presence of Evil.PDF Version

Before reading, it might be good to examine the definition of evil – as the word is used in common language , as well as some more sophisticated thoughts on the subject by Scott Beck who is the well – known author of “The Road Less Traveled.”

Merriam Webster- Definition of Evil.

Dr. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist On Causes of Evil

Mostly in this blog, I discuss economics, politics and natural law – in terms of how it applies to these subject areas. I am not a prophet or an avatar. However, I am a mystic. My method is not to rely only on things that can be seen , touched, felt and watched. I heavily consider influences we can’t see.  One time I heard a man give an answer when asked what made him certain that there was a spiritual world. His reply was, “I can feel the presence of guidance and influence that is outside the physical realm.” Most people can accept that they don’t know they can. Replacing what is real in life with fantasy diminishes one’s ability to interact with the cosmos, so to speak. This is not the same as clairvoyance, for which I have no solid insight. Continue reading

The Sex Lives of Politicians

The Sex Lives of Politicians  PDF Version

What does it mean when a president engages in extra-marital sex? If a person disavowed everyone who cheated in a marriage, he might as well drop out of society and become a hermit. What about morality ? That is a significant topic but it is not relevant to the point of this article. Let  me explain why sexual infidelity is highly relevant in politics. It is a sign of something more significant. . Continue reading