Like Dogs Without A Master

An American without his government is like a dog without a master. We have a nation of people who identify as Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives. Ostensibly, these self designations represent a person’s actual posture in the world. They don’t Continue reading

Views: 58

Biden Crime And Reality

I am not the least bit surprised at the newly disclosed activities of Hunter and Joe Biden.  At these levels, I expect massive corruption. Corruption at high levels is the norm. Folks act as it it is an exception. Here is the way it works. Continue reading

Views: 255

The Five Branches Of Government

The U.S. government consists of 3 formal
branches of government as noted in the U.S.
constitution but two others that are never

By definition we do indeed have three branches
of government. Legislative, Executive and
Judicial. The Fantasy Free Approach
considers institutions in terms of how they
function and not according to how each is

In terms of how government institutions
function, there are two additional branches, one of which is more powerful than all of the others put together.

The most powerful, at the very top of the governmental power hierarchy is organized
crime. It is from a global crime syndicate that all important legislation originates. The lifeblood of ordinary crime families is the skimming operation. All bills passed today are skimming operations. Federal Reserve Policies are skimming operation. Stimulus packages consist of countless skimming operations.
Continue reading

Views: 18