The Imaginary Incentive to Serve

How to Save the United States   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .How is Fantasy Free Economics different than mainstream economics and standard economics dogma?

Mainstream economists just like laymen believe in the imaginary incentive to serve. Nature only provides one universal incentive, self interest. Like the naive public, PhD Smith, PhD Jones and all of the others believe in the imaginary incentive to serve. The imaginary incentive to serve is not written into text books. It is just assumed to exist. In the minds of PhD Smith, PhD Jones, everyone in government is acting on their strong imaginary incentive to serve. If something goes wrong, it is because of a failure of the reasoning process and certainly not because the imaginary incentive to serve is missing. What motivates members of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee? Why certainly, they are motivated by the imaginary incentive to serve. Except that they are in reality guided by self interest. Continue reading

Views: 47

What Sin Actually Is

Adaptive behavior is that which contributes to the survival and well being of a species. Mal-adaptive behavior is just the opposite, Mal-adaptive behavior is what causes a species to go extinct. According to Jesus , anger and other negative emotions constitute sin. A person experiencing anger is harming himself. Is that not true? It is also written that the wages of sin are death. The wages of mal-adaptive behavior are also death. Sin and mal-adaptive behavior are one and the same. Sin is the descriptive term in used in religious circles. Mal-adaptive is the term used in secular discussions.

Is it a sin to believe lies? Of course it is. Believing lies constitutes mal-adaptive behavior. The
greatest disasters in history have been the result of the massive belief in lies.

What is typical of sin/mal-adaptive behavior?

Is smoking a cigarette a sin? Is smoking a cigarette mal-adaptive? Those questions are easy to
answer. Does mal-adaptive behavior offend God? That is a different question. Mal-adaptive
behavior is the same with people who don’t believe in God as it is with people who do.

Are there any benefits to sin? Yes, there are. Where there no benefits no one would want to sin.

The most clear characteristic of sin is that benefits are generally up front. The costs go on for as
long as eternity. Let’s suppose some sin leads to happiness. Happiness really doesn’t last forever.
The cost of temporary happiness, can easily exceed the benefits …. over time. It constitutes
mal-adaptive behavior when that happens. Is happiness worth the price? Very often, it is not.

Mal-adaptive behavior and sin are one and the same. Terms used in old scriptures have parallels in
the secular world. Only the language and  connotations are different.

Views: 28

In the Eyes of Your Betters

In the Eyes of Your Betters PDF Version

Observe the world without the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy and euphemisms and genuine insight becomes commonplace. Who are your betters and why are they called betters? Your betters are the sociopaths who make decisions for you. Why are they better? They are your betters because you empower and trust them. Rid your mind of fantasy and euphemisms and you see them not as they are defined but as they function.
But all people are the same you declare? With a casual glance it would appear that way but an in depth look produces a clearer picture.

A small percentage of the population is born with an elevated ability to herd their peers. You can spot them in kindergarten. They are the ones all of the other children follow around. They tell others what to do and they do it. To the teachers, they are cute as a button. These little children maintain these behaviors for the rest of their lives. They grow up to be presidents, mayors, senators, congressmen and billionaires. They are sociopaths. But the people you mention have consciences you say. They actually have something else that is hard to distinguish from a conscience. They have a high need to keep their self-esteem elevated. They do not like to be in a position where others might think less of them.

These are your betters. It is part of nature. In their minds, they are automatically entitled to part of what you have. For them, controlling others is not a choice. They are hard wired to herd and control. If one of your betters is not controlling the lives of others, his own life seems incomplete.

Who are you in the eyes of your betters? You are a human being and you are always a resource to start. As your betters gain more and more power, to them you become more and more like a statue or a chess piece. As power becomes more and more centralized, leaders come to see your behavior and incentives as entirely manageable and predictable. At some point, their expectations of others become unrealistic. What they feel they are entitled to starts going way past society’s boundaries.

As docile as people are in front of their betters, if treated too badly, they will turn on those they have previously worshiped. In the United States today, this is what the situation is. It is the same in Europe and Asia.

Again, why are these people your betters? They are betters with respect to you because you treat them as they if they are.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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