What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis

What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis PDF Version

Evil does not recognize itself because, to it, lies are the truth.
We have to remember that ,what is evil, is becoming exposed, each and every day..
People can either believe the lie or be fooled into complacency. .

By election day, fewer will believe the lie, and as hardships accumulate, complacency will wane. Unpleasant things will happen but they won’t be in line with popular  predictions. The fact is that we don’t know what those unpleasant things will be, but, chaos and confusion for sure.

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New Dynamics Corporate America

New Dynamics Corporate America.PDF Version

Early in life, most Americans remember the phrase, “the consumer is king.”. This concept began to change in the 1950s. John Kenneth Galbraith, in his book The Affluent Society. coined the term “conventional wisdom”. He explained how what is perceived to be true continues to be deemed to be true long after it is no longer true. Conventional wisdom is that the consumer is king. The consumer is no longer king in the U.S. economy.

In the fifties, Galbraith noticed a change. Sophisticated advertising techniques developed. Demand for goods and services, which had previously sprung up in the hearts of buyers was taking a back seat. Corporations were then creating demand for their products and services by virtue of increasingly sophisticated advertising. The 1950s were only the beginning of the practice of manipulating the public mindset Continue reading

Searching For A Search Engine


As you might have learned, in fantasy free analysis, I treat institutions and people according to how they function and pay no mind to how they are defined.  While in the global mindset, Google is deemed to be a search engine. Countless other deemed “search engines”, populate the internet as well. Each copies the Google model as best as possible while providing a bit of uniqueness to make it seem different. Yes, Google defined itself as a search engine, but then over time morphed itself into something else. Continue reading

More On Big Tech

More On Big Tech PDF Version
More On Big Tech PDF Version
I am on record as predicting a tech train wreck. The Coming Tech Train Wreck. With respect to that…. so far – so good. I am also predicting a depression without a recovery and a bear market that lasts at least two years. Permanent Depression. The combination of a devastating depression and the crumbling of tech – the most dynamic sector of the bull market, will guarantee unfathomable losses in all other sectors.

When I make these kinds of predictions, certainly it appears that I am simply grabbing some attention – getting notion out of the air, and claiming it is going to happen without presenting any numerical evidence. I can do that because I view the world without the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. I start with natural law by checking first the most basic influences. Continue reading

How U.S. Corona-Virus Agenda Came About


How U.S. Corona-Virus Agenda Came About PDF Version

Do important people in governments, corporations and members of the upper one percent only speak with one another in formal venues? Most would say no to that but then live their lives and establish their beliefs as if none of these folks ever interact except in formal settings

One forgotten characteristic of corporate insiders is that they are among the best
salesmen in the world and they are constantly exploring and seeking out information as to Continue reading