What Sin Actually Is

What Sin Actually  PDF Version

Adaptive behavior is that which contributes to the survival and well being of a species. Mal-adaptive behavior is just the opposite, Mal-adaptive behavior is what causes a species to go extinct. According to Jesus , anger and other negative emotions constitute sin. A person experiencing anger is harming himself. Is that not true? It is also written that the wages of sin are death. The wages of mal-adaptive behavior are also death. Sin and mal-adaptive behavior are one and the same. Sin is the descriptive term in used in religious circles. Mal-adaptive is the term used in secular discussions.

Is it a sin to believe lies? Of course it is. Believing lies constitutes mal-adaptive behavior. The
greatest disasters in history have been the result of the massive belief in lies.

What is typical of sin/mal-adaptive behavior?

Is smoking a cigarette a sin? Is smoking a cigarette mal-adaptive? Those questions are easy to
answer. Does mal-adaptive behavior offend God? That is a different question. Mal-adaptive
behavior is the same with people who don’t believe in God as it is with people who do.

Are there any benefits to sin? Yes, there are. Where there no benefits no one would want to sin.

The most clear characteristic of sin is that benefits are generally up front. The costs go on for as
long as eternity. Let’s suppose some sin leads to happiness. Happiness really doesn’t last forever.
The cost of temporary happiness, can easily exceed the benefits …. over time. It constitutes
mal-adaptive behavior when that happens. Is happiness worth the price? Very often, it is not.

Mal-adaptive behavior and sin are one and the same. Terms used in old scriptures have parallels in
the secular world. Only the language and  connotations are different.

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Morality In The Economic Equation

Fantasy Free Economics  disagrees with conventional economists in a number of areas. For the most part conventional economics does not recognize the morality of an action as a factor in determining the outcome of an activity. Common Sense Economics knows otherwise. According to natural law an action with an immoral beginning will eventually create a negative outcome, despite who benefits initially. This is why society does not benefit from initiatives to redistribute income. It is hard to find a moral basis for taking part of what one person earns and giving it to someone else.
In the south, before the Civil War, from a purely economic standpoint slavery seemed to benefit all who were not slaves. In the end, no one benefited and the South was destroyed. Wealth disappeared.

Historical Statistics

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