Suppose We Go To War

Suppose We Go To War.PDF Version

With our intelligence agencies burning so many resources monitoring ordinary people who might be being truthful in a way that might expose government, corporate and deep state agendas, perhaps they are not noticing meaningful possible strategies our alleged enemies might employ if a war breaks out..

Now, I am not schooled as a military strategist or even in anything close. Still there is always a place for common sense in anything.

Our alleged enemies know our military strengths. Does it not make sense that any adversaries would force engagements of the kind that render our advantages impotent but make a military response imperative? Surely, if we went to war with one, we would have to fight all of them. Continue reading

Views: 188

Further Into No Man’s Land

The basic disconnect is the notion that government is administering justice or even attempting to. The only process of government being used is that of serving as ,a medium for all who can, to get what they want.  Those who have political power get what they want. All others pay, expect something but get nothing.

The general public is always disconnected. That is no call for alarm. It is extremely bothersome that virtually all who write conservative blogs or conservative political commentary write on the basis, that government’s role of administering justice is ongoing. Who wants to be labeled a kook for writing the truth?

And, what is the truth? The Deep State or New World Order is not an ideological movement, nor a political movement. It is a huge crime syndicate.  That is the truth. I am as afraid to look at it as everyone else but I do it anyway. I also would prefer that the truth be something else .

Raise taxes? Every bill that passes is a tax increase. The reason is that the bill is full of Deep State skimming set ups. The legislation forces the public to pay higher prices and the skimming portions of those prices are taxes. The same mainstream economists who agree that when the New York Mob strong armed the bakery industry in the 70s they collected a tax from the public. The Mafia tax provided no utility at all, Deep State taxes provide no utility to society either. Both are theft, off course,  But there is a difference. The Deep State owns the government so their theft is without consequences. The process is unopposed, with the exception of, by Fantasy Free Economics and others I have not yet met.

Trump supporters are right wing socialists. All are good with the president’s income transferring theft by stimulus package. All are focused on building the wall, when although it is needed, it makes more sense to confront the Deep State initiative that is devoted to enticing migrants into the U.S. so that they will bolster the low income consumer market and ork for low wages. The buying power of the domestic poor has been destroyed by Deep State laws that are already on the books. Trump supporters are also good with higher inflation by way of the tariffs. The president has his supporters focused on a bunch of minor issuse while smiling at them and stabbing them in the back with policies that make a whole lot more difference.

The Democrat base is focused on things like who is calling who an in appropriate name and who gets to use what restroom. It would be nice if they could but government has no way to make people be nice and kind to one another. They are getting fleeced by Trump’s economic policies just as are the president’s supporters.

There is something terrifying about confronting the powerful. On an honesty scale, I suppose I am about average. Perhaps if having all of the good things in life I enjoy was dependent upon an income derived from participating in a deep state initiative, I would pretend not to see anything either. Since I don’t have a job and make no income writing this blog, I have nothing to lose by laying it all out there.

The disconnect I refer to as in folks thinking things are one way when they are really another, is what I am referring to when I use the term reality gap. So what happens when a reality gap suddenly closes? It is similar in nature to what happens when a jet breaks the sound barrier. The speeding jet creates a vacuum between molecules. They slam back together and sound like a massive explosion. When a reality gap slams closed, people go  broke, die and suffer in countless ways. Wars start and and the wrong people get blamed.

Today’s reality gap is so severe that it is going to slam shut no matter what is done to try and stop it from happening. It will be every man for himself. Well? Actually it already is.

Curbside Jimmy’s Prophetic Song


Views: 21

Deep State and Legal Pot

Why would the deep state be comfortable with legal marijuana? It is a universal error to believe government consists of people doing what is right by the people who elect them. Government consists of multitudes of opportunists working tirelessly to get what they want out of the process.

Do you believe otherwise? You are not alone if you do. You are part of the huge majority. What is the job of government? It is to administer justice in an unbiased manner. That has never happened in the history of the world. Citizens assume that government functions as it is designed to. The public believes corruption is the exception not the rule.

Citizens function on the basis that government is a benevolent parent and that when things go wrong it is a mishap. Government only serves as a way to get things and have others pay for it. Nothing else happens. Wishing does not cause things to be true.

The more comfortable, distracted, comfortable and complacent, the more useful the citizen is to those making use of government to get what the elite want.

What is needed out of the average American? An American best serves the deep state as a consumer of overpriced goods and services. An American is trained to promote his own poverty. Do things with the group in mind. Believe your leaders. Trust authority. Fight wars for profit. All of that is the role of the citizen.

A citizen who is stoned every day is not going to object to much of anything or join groups for the purpose of reining in government. What about medical users? Are there really that many? Probably there aren’t.

The costs of legal marijuana to the deep state has to do with putting big pharma at a disadvantage and taking away profits from organized crime. Those are powerful entities which constantly make use of government as a business tool. Legalizing cannabis would hurt them severely. But far more in the deep state will benefit from increasing the number of mush minded Americans.

Keep America comfortable. Poor is o.k. but give no one a reason to rebel. Rebels are not good resources. Go along to get along and you are just what the deep state needs to hold on to the economy. Mellowing out the population even more will outweigh any benefits insisted upon by big pharma and organized crime. Mellowed out docile citizens make the greatest resources. Big pharma and organized crime will get out maneuvered this time The big hustle these days is in the financial markets and new crypto currencies.

The deep state wants no American thinking. If it did ,they would wake up and stop promoting their own poverty. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions are in the business of selling favors while pretending to act in the public interest. Nothing will serve them better than a bunch of heads lying onthe couch stoned and enjoying the good life. Keep them warm, content and stupid. They will believe anything you tell them. That is the best deal for the deep state. And, who owns your government? Certainly not you.

Legal pot is just what the deep state needs to continue shaping public behavior.


Views: 12