Rules of Censorship

Rules of Censorship PDF Version

I have written much about censorship. The latest censorship article, More Censorship Please is well worth reading. The following is a more in depth look at root causes.

Here is how to find the root cause of an issue. The United States is going through at least two decades of increasing levels of censorship. We start by asking questions. Why in this unique time period in history, has it become necessary to censor certain points of view? Is this something the public  has asked to be done?  No. Did it spring up out of nowhere kind of like spontaneous combustion? No.

With respect to any public phenomenon, unless it evolves out of some grass roots endeavor, it is a profit initiative on the part of some person or group. How could it be anything else? Is there any such thing as a person or government that is benevolent enough to seek and find ways to protect ordinary people from hearing words that may or may not be factual. Notice that when the public is ostensibly protected there is no objective criteria for determining what is true and what is not. Most of what we deem to be true in this world is not provable.

Most of what gets censored is theoretical as in, “This is my theory.” If it is so important to protect citizens from hearing certain things, why was everything said officially about Covid and Vaccines not fact checked?  During 2020, Facebook refused an article I had posted about Vitamin C.  Vaccines, kill. I could have posted as many articles praising the vaccines and that would have been fine. The fact is that what is true or not is debatable.

Censorship is highly profitable to anyone who has the power to use it as a tool for profit. Precisely who benefits is easy to determine. Look at who is doing the censorship. Look at who could possibly be negatively impacted by the words of the one being censored.  Under no circumstances is censorship imposed out of goodwill. There is a complete chance that it is being imposed out of fear of being exposed. Censorship is the only tool to combat changing thoughts and attitudes that threaten the power structure.

It never hurts to think about these things.




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