The Five Branches Of Government

The U.S. government consists of 3 formal
branches of government as noted in the U.S.
constitution but two others that are never

By definition we do indeed have three branches
of government. Legislative, Executive and
Judicial. The Fantasy Free Approach
considers institutions in terms of how they
function and not according to how each is

In terms of how government institutions
function, there are two additional branches, one of which is more powerful than all of the others put together.

The most powerful, at the very top of the governmental power hierarchy is organized
crime. It is from a global crime syndicate that all important legislation originates. The lifeblood of ordinary crime families is the skimming operation. All bills passed today are skimming operations. Federal Reserve Policies are skimming operation. Stimulus packages consist of countless skimming operations.
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Organized Crime Owns Your Government

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was terribly misguided when he made that quote. Democracy had never been thoroughly tried, so he can be forgiven for not foreseeing that there were more serious issues with the abuse of democracy than what originates with ordinary people. So, the United States is organized as a republic and that is supposed to keep the masses from voting everything in the treasury into their own pockets.

Over the years, new sophisticated systems of exploiting weaknesses in democracy have evolved and are now used. Experience shows that the poor do not have the wherewithal to petition government. The poor have not actually tried to take anything from the rich.

The unwashed masses actually have presented no threat to any moneyed interests in the United States. They have proven to be a constituency worth buying by providing a few benefits to them over the years. But, no money has ever been voted out of anyone else’s pockets based on any actions by the poor. Instead, democracy turns out to be an incubator for crime, especially of the organized variety.

Organized crime, by financing campaigns and running its own candidates has taken over government. Why would they not? Who is to stop them? Suppose an organized crime syndicate is worried about the FBI. Why not just buy the FBI? Why break a law? Just pass a new law legalizing a previously illegal activity.  What do they do to keep the keep the public on their side? They buy all of the media outlets and make sure citizens only hear what they want them to hear.

Americans get confused. They see a massive group of migrants marching towards the border. The march is reported on as if it was some kind of organic event that has just sprang up? The migrants are presented as if they are no different than any other people coming to the United States looking for a better life. But they are different. The march is orchestrated and masses of poor people entering the country have great economic benefit to the elite who finance and organize these events.

The founding fathers were right, that with democracy, some potential threats would have to be addressed. They did not anticipate that organized crime would take over the country. There is talk about “the shadow government.” There really is no such thing. It is organized crime that dictates policy to congress. It is organized crime that causes senators and congressmen to step down, when their re-election is a sure thing.

But, many Americans benefit from the things organized crime does. That is temporary but some Americans will always benefit and that makes it difficult to re-establish law and order.

The founding fathers, like all historical figures were not at all like they have always been popularly portrayed. They were motivated out of self interest like all living entities are. The founding fathers did not provide a method for testing the constitutionality of laws. They may very well have purposefully left openings for the exploitation of ordinary people. The Supreme Court, a political body, ended up with the role of deciding constitutionality of laws.


Views: 20

Deep State and Legal Pot

Why would the deep state be comfortable with legal marijuana? It is a universal error to believe government consists of people doing what is right by the people who elect them. Government consists of multitudes of opportunists working tirelessly to get what they want out of the process.

Do you believe otherwise? You are not alone if you do. You are part of the huge majority. What is the job of government? It is to administer justice in an unbiased manner. That has never happened in the history of the world. Citizens assume that government functions as it is designed to. The public believes corruption is the exception not the rule.

Citizens function on the basis that government is a benevolent parent and that when things go wrong it is a mishap. Government only serves as a way to get things and have others pay for it. Nothing else happens. Wishing does not cause things to be true.

The more comfortable, distracted, comfortable and complacent, the more useful the citizen is to those making use of government to get what the elite want.

What is needed out of the average American? An American best serves the deep state as a consumer of overpriced goods and services. An American is trained to promote his own poverty. Do things with the group in mind. Believe your leaders. Trust authority. Fight wars for profit. All of that is the role of the citizen.

A citizen who is stoned every day is not going to object to much of anything or join groups for the purpose of reining in government. What about medical users? Are there really that many? Probably there aren’t.

The costs of legal marijuana to the deep state has to do with putting big pharma at a disadvantage and taking away profits from organized crime. Those are powerful entities which constantly make use of government as a business tool. Legalizing cannabis would hurt them severely. But far more in the deep state will benefit from increasing the number of mush minded Americans.

Keep America comfortable. Poor is o.k. but give no one a reason to rebel. Rebels are not good resources. Go along to get along and you are just what the deep state needs to hold on to the economy. Mellowing out the population even more will outweigh any benefits insisted upon by big pharma and organized crime. Mellowed out docile citizens make the greatest resources. Big pharma and organized crime will get out maneuvered this time The big hustle these days is in the financial markets and new crypto currencies.

The deep state wants no American thinking. If it did ,they would wake up and stop promoting their own poverty. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions are in the business of selling favors while pretending to act in the public interest. Nothing will serve them better than a bunch of heads lying onthe couch stoned and enjoying the good life. Keep them warm, content and stupid. They will believe anything you tell them. That is the best deal for the deep state. And, who owns your government? Certainly not you.

Legal pot is just what the deep state needs to continue shaping public behavior.


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