How The War Can Be Won

How The War Can Be Won  PDF Version

U.S citizens don’t understand that there is a war waging against them minute by minute. Citizens in all other countries are fighting the same war. All are fighting the same enemy. The enemy is organized and and focused. Citizens around the world are not. When compromised, they behave much like ants in a bed that somebody hacks into with a pick ax. They get disturbed and run around mindless, not knowing who struck them.

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Times Are Getting Weird

In 2009 I  wrote this song. At that time, I never thought that it would become as prophetic as it is turning out to be,  The system didn’t collapse in 2009. The country switched to what functions about the same as a wartime economy. Demand increases, GDP increases but demand is generated by edict, instead of being born of actual bill paying people. That has bought time for the economy. Now we must face what we avoided facing in 2009, but at a much higher price.

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