Obedience To Authority


Obedience To Authority PDF Version

Every now and then, some brave soul ventures forth and blows the whistle on official corruption. Of course, whatever constitutes official corruption, does not appreciate the whistle having been blown on them. The cost to the whistleblower is devastating. Society is prone to automatically believe those on whom the whistle has been blown

Much of what is true, is old. Such as human nature is, when truth is discovered, it is talked about for a short period of time. Then, life goes on as it did before, with the new insight delegated to the back burner, as if it was never discovered. When the truth is something other than what society deems acceptable, it is ignored or replaced with something more agreeable. The Milgram experiment proves just how prone human beings are to obey authority. Continue reading

The Future of Gregg Abbott

Prior to his new prowess as a border crisis hero, Abbott had earned a reputation as an admirer of the WEF and other collectivist initiatives. Does one case of being a state’s rights hero change his stripes? Previously, I posted an article explaining the impossibility of a politician being elected to a high office without being a psychopath. As hard as this is to swallow, take the time to read the article (link below). Make a counter argument to each point made and explain to me how else it can be that way? Continue reading