The Future of Gregg Abbott

Prior to his new prowess as a border crisis hero, Abbott had earned a reputation as an admirer of the WEF and other collectivist initiatives. Does one case of being a state’s rights hero change his stripes? Previously, I posted an article explaining the impossibility of a politician being elected to a high office without being a psychopath. As hard as this is to swallow, take the time to read the article (link below). Make a counter argument to each point made and explain to me how else it can be that way?

There is no guarantee that this will work out the ways I suggest. It does seem reasonable that it will. National and world politics really are this brutal. So much so, that an ordinary mind can’t fathom it being that way. But that is the way it is. Never forget that the truth is not used in politics. That is reality.

Psychopaths , Presidents and You

Perhaps, Abbott , and not Trump will end up leading the Republican ticket, in the 2024 presidential election. My analysis of the overall scheme of things leads me to believe that Trump and the Deep State have made peace with respect to the upcoming election. As it appears, the Democrats are going to lose in the fall no matter what. The Deep State folks know this. What the Deep State needs, is a president they can control. Since the Democrats can’t win, they have sued the Trump camp for peace. They guarantee a Trump victory and Trump makes some important concessions to them. Trump then, not just wins, but wins in a landslide. The public won’t snap to being betrayed. Trump is a master at keeping his devotees focused on the superficial so that he can participate in his real agendas without losing support.

However, Abbot, being a died-in-the-wool Deep State guy, may still be a better choice for them than Trump. They will turn on Trump in a heartbeat if another candidate serves them better. There are all kinds of ways Trump can be taken out of the race while generating sympathy for any new Republican candidate; Abbot perhaps. When I watched the video below, it was obvious that Jamie Dimon has changed his tone. He is a frequent Deep State spokesman. There has to be a reason his demeanor is changing. If I am right, the media will no longer be as so one sidedly anti-Trump.



There is no guarantee that this will work out the ways I suggest. It does seem reasonable that it will. National and world politics really are this brutal. So much so, that an ordinary mind can’t fathom it being that way. But, that is the way it is. Never forget that the truth is not used in politics. That is reality.







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