A Choice for Every Society

A Choice for Every Society.PDF Version

Two choices. 1. Government serves the citizens. 2. Citizens serve their government. It is a choice.

This does not have to be a conscious choice. As a matter of fact it seldom is I am not sure it ever is. Folks can make a natural choice. That means the choice may be pre – programmed into the human mind by the forces of nature.

People give intellectual answers to questions like those above. When the two questions are entertained, the reply will be something like this. A typical answer might be, “Government serves the people in the United States. That is guaranteed in the U.S. constitution. We all learned that in school.”. Continue reading

Views: 59

Big Changes Coming Social Media

PDF Version – Big Changes Coming Social Media
The upside to possessing and using the fantasy free advantage is in noticing what is obvious. View life through the prism of fantasy and the light of reality becomes shrouded if not oblique. Looking at situations as a motion picture as opposed to a still picture provides an additional benefit.

Let’s look at the situation in social media on a timeline…. notice the changes, and see where the current trend might lead.

Modern social media had its beginning with AOL back in the 1990’s Myspace followed. When these early venues were vibrant, all users were of equal status. Social media functioned as a great equalizer, Folks could showcase themselves, their lives, and discuss just about anything. New ideas emerged. Social media was a resource to its users Continue reading

Views: 84

Fixing Economic Problems

Fixing Economic Problems.   PDF Version  

It is human nature to want to fix things.. There may be something in an economy that is deemed needing to be fixed. Is something going on in an economy that is apparently unfair? So, a fix is implemented. Sounds simple.

This is the way it works in reality. A proposed fix is applied. Some benefits can be seen. Are there any costs? Yes, but each cost is spread out so that one human cannot feel the impact. Add up all of the small costs and they easily add up to more than any visible benefits.

What happens when we interfere with market forces? Everything in an economy adjusts and changes in response. Understand this. Market forces never disappear, even though they are routinely dreamed not to be present. Command economies have market forces, same as free markets. Continue reading

Views: 65

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Vice President and his Chances    PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now, uncensored.

I don’t like the fact that she is a billionaire.
Never trust a politician broadcaster or billionaire.

She is two out of three.

As for Kennedy, I think he has a good chance of being elected.
Based on today, he has no chance at all. Live life as if it is a still picture and that is good enough.

Recognize life as a moving picture and his chances improve significantly
Odds are truly great  that one or more events will occur between now and November. The country could very well enter a crisis period between now and then. All of the ingredients are in place. Continue reading

Views: 561

Why Does Government Grow?

Why Does Government Grow.   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .Government grows every time a bill is passed. Bills get passed as a way of rewarding Americans with political power. Only a few have enough political power to get what they want out of government. Bills are passed as a way to extract wealth and income out of the general population

People without political power are important to the political process only in their imaginations.Conservative echo chambers serve the elite because all of the time and energy of conservatives is absorbed with philosophical discourse. Being of extreme importance in their own minds , they are lulled into believing they are making a huge contribution – by teaching others how to think.

In a democracy – based system, it is the citizens’ responsibility to govern themselves. Governing involves work and since work is a second choice for the human species, messiahs are sought instead of delegates.

Politicians are assumed to run for office because they are good people who want to serve. In terms of goodness, politicians are neutral at best. Politicians run for office as a way of making personal use of rank and file citizens – as they bargain for power, influence and money.

Curbside Jimmy’s Prophetic Song



Views: 59

World Domination And The Stock Market

World Domination And The Stock Market    PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored.

Throughout history, when power has become concentrated, the strongest people have always made attempts to take over the world and run it the way they see fit. There has never been an announcement such as “”Hi , I am leader X. Now I am going to take over the world and make you and everyone else a servant to me. Is everybody ready? On your mark – get set – go! Here I come . Resist me if you wish. There was Rome, the Ottoman Empire, Spain, Britain…. Germany – and now some say the United States. Does anyone doubt that there are ongoing aspirations to take over the world and make use of all of its citizens? Continue reading

Views: 221

The Logic Of Voting

The Logic Of Voting   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .What good does it do to vote when those we elect are not the ones in charge anyway?

Unwittingly, popular opinion is that if we vote for the right candidates, that will bring about the changes we are looking for. How often has that logic produced positive results? If thinking like that has never worked in the past, What are the chances it will work now? Surely there is a reason this rationality has not worked up until now. Continue reading

Views: 483

How to Save the United States

How to Save the United States   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .To save the United States citizens will have to give up personal happiness for a period of time. There are those who choose to believe and there are others whose beliefs are determined according to what they actually see and experience. Choosing to believe is the mode that is almost universally employed. Fantasy is the universal source of happiness. Happiness comes from choosing to believe what is pleasant and indulging in pleasure. Happiness is generated by seriously believing many things that are untrue. Why? Dealing with it that way makes life tolerable Continue reading

Views: 70

The Imaginary Incentive to Serve

How to Save the United States   PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .How is Fantasy Free Economics different than mainstream economics and standard economics dogma?

Mainstream economists just like laymen believe in the imaginary incentive to serve. Nature only provides one universal incentive, self interest. Like the naive public, PhD Smith, PhD Jones and all of the others believe in the imaginary incentive to serve. The imaginary incentive to serve is not written into text books. It is just assumed to exist. In the minds of PhD Smith, PhD Jones, everyone in government is acting on their strong imaginary incentive to serve. If something goes wrong, it is because of a failure of the reasoning process and certainly not because the imaginary incentive to serve is missing. What motivates members of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee? Why certainly, they are motivated by the imaginary incentive to serve. Except that they are in reality guided by self interest. Continue reading

Views: 47

Treacherous Dangerous Times


Treacherous Dangerous Times PDF Version

This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored .This is a question I answered on a public forum where I am apparently still welcome and for now uncensored. American citizens along with the rest of the world’s population are in serious danger. Danger from outright violence is present of course. Economic danger is present, growing and certain to increase. In the face of this there is a genuine lack of awareness of the gravity
of the situation. There is a black out of any relevant non superficial news. There is little concern and little meaningful information available that might make folks concerned. Continue reading

Views: 47