Advice for Walmart

It will behoove Walmart to start a search engine.

I have written before about the fact that what we call a search engine is nothing of the kind..

A New Genuine Search Engine Is Coming

Searching For A Search Engine

As the search engine concept is increasingly compromised, some enterprising soul will offer a search engine that actually servers users, and will deliver the content folks are looking. for. A start up with a simple concept will seriously cut into big tech’s profitability.

In our world today, surfing the internet has become about as exciting as thumbing through the yellow pages of an old telephone book. Big tech is running off its audience.

How would operating a search engine benefit Walmart? An honest Walmart search engine that delivers honest genuine content, based on what users are seriously seeking, would profit Walmart greatly.

How about advertising?  It makes sense that Walmart would only advertise itself. The name Walmart displayed constantly is all that will be needed. For this to work, search results would have to be unadulterated. As it is, Google and all others are completely adulterated.

Human beings not only develop immunity to diseases. .They also develop immunity to advertisements. Consumers are already immune to most online advertising and marketing methods. Big tech is unable to adapt and modify its techniques. Their technique, as it is, is to bludgeon users by forcing more of the same  upon them. People have a way of avoiding being over herded and being bludgeoned.

It doesn’t have to be Walmart which exploits this opportunity. in doing so though, they have a distinct advantage over other entities. Currently Walmart is trying to employ the same methods as does big tech. This of course a mistake.

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