How Americans Will Vote On Election Day

Americans will vote for the candidates who
make the best sounding promises designed to
take the burden of making life’s most important
decisions off of their backs. How do I know this
to be true? That is how people always vote. This
is true of conservatives as well as liberals.

You might ask, what in the world are people
thinking that causes them to engage in such
mal-adaptive voting behavior?

Humans have one brain but it can easily be
explained as a number of separate brains that
come into play to address different situations. Read poetry or do a math problem and the big
thinking brain takes over. Hear gun shots and take cover and that is your animal brain taking
over. There is no time or need to reason things out. The animal brain does no complex analysis.
It just has you do what you are instinctively prone to do given the priority of survival.

Voting and taking part in politics is a survival based activity so, the animal brain takes over and
abstract thinking disappears. Abstract thought disappears and the animal brain takes charge. It is
normal animal behavior that decisions that address survival are made by the herd leadership.
Individual members of any herd, instinctively try and draw as much of their essence out of the
group as a whole as is possible. Politics is an animal brain activity.

We know this is true just by looking at political outcomes that consistently occur and realizing
that no such typical political outcomes could occur if constituents used their thinking brains in
making political decisions.

The Affordable Care act relieves citizens of the burden deciding for themselves how to address
their health care needs individually. It homogenizes both physicians and patients so that a central
authority makes health care decisions for all. Medicine is practiced in such a way that a central
authority manages the time and energy of doctors. The central healthcare, not doctors or patients
determines what healthcare is provided, who gets paid how much and what the total cost is.

Make no mistake that, although no one knows exactly who actually wrote the provisions of the
bill, the originators of the Affordable Care Act used their thinking brain in ways that enrich
themselves while putting the animal brained public at a serious disadvantage. Those who are
effected by its provisions are using their animal brains when determining whether or not the bill
is good or bad. The animal brain deems government as having magical knowledge and power.

Notice the nature of political discourse. When was the last tune you noticed a well thought out
sentient argument as part of a public political discussion? Try and find one. All you will find are
superficial arguments designed to get you on board with an agenda as fast, directly and quickly
as is possible. It is all, Biden is good. Trump is good. Biden is bad. Conclusions are used as

When the voting is over, the winner will be the one who convinces voters that their basic
decisions in life are determined most effectively by the central authority of government. If the
choice is Trump, voters are opting to replace the free market with something like the mercantile
system that was popular prior to the American Revolution. Although this is complete folly, it
addresses the instinctive sensibilities of his supporters. If it is Biden, his supporters believe
government can give them personal credibility by forcing others to see them in a new positive
light. Both sides will lose because Trump, Biden lobbyists and all others involved engage in
larger brained thinking.
The problems in the country today are due to the mal-adaptive mindset of the American Public.

Views: 14

How to Take Over the World in the Modern Era

I have made the case many times that there is a consortium using government and the media to consolidate ownership of the world’s factors of production. That initiative is focused on land labor and capital. Taking over and controlling the financial markets, mainly equities, is the least obvious but the easiest to explain. Here is the explanation.
History is full of attempts to take over the world. At any given time, some person or group has been or is making the attempt. This is the nature of the quest for power which obsesses a few but determined individuals.

Below is a list of such attempts. Engaging in imperialism may not appear as as an attempt to take over the world and its resources. Imperialism is basically the same as a massive attempt but opportunities are lacking so peace meal opportunities are undertaken. Imperialist ventures are included in the list. The list is long. You may just want to scan through it enough to realize that attempts to take over the world have been present in every time period. Is there any reason why there would not be such an effort going on at this very moment? I cannot think of a reason personally but if there is a reason why it ain’t so, I would sincerely like to know what it is.

List of empires

Historically, the military has been used but that has given way to a more effective technique.Using financial markets to gain control of the capital markets is much more efficient. Whole populations can be enslaved without a shot being fired. Virtually no one even realizes what is happening. People have their minds on other things. There is almost no push back at all. Using power and money to control all governments around the world gains everything acquiring whole countries through war does. Land labor and capital are mostly non violent.

In the past, entire countries have sought to take over all others. In today’s world citizens of
various countries imagine that they control governments in the countries in which they live. Actually, all governments today are controlled by a group I call the Richest 100. That is not meant to be a precise number. It is simply that money and political power is what determines political outcomes. These folks are the source of essence of virtually all politicians in all countries. Those who don’t accept their money and go their own war are easy enough to replace.

The stock market is not insanely moving high because mom and pop are buying more stocks to
put in their IRAs. Stocks are not being bought so as to turn a trading profit. As it is 10 percent of
Americans own 85 percent of all stocks.

These are the tools being used.

Central Banks: Federal Reserve appointments go the best politicians among economists. No
Federal Reserve Chairman is appointed unless he is certain to carry out a president’s and his
party’s agenda. There is no way mountains of debt turned into unearned money is ever going to
cause economic growth. What it does and all it ever does is preserve and abet existing
institutions and funnel wealth and assets from the bottom of the economy to the top. They know
these things. Anyone smart enough to acquire the credentials these folks have knows what they
are accomplishing.

Stock Buybacks: Stock buybacks accomplish two things. They contribute greatly towards the
goal of concentrating ownership of equities at the top. Buybacks also provide the fastest way
those inside the corporation can make the most money in the shortest period of time.

High Frequency Trading Firms: High frequency trading firms are allowed to operate provided
they assist in elevating stock prices. They know of every trade placed with every broker. They
profit by sabotaging the trades of all sort term investors.

Retail Brokers: In any immediate time frame, retail brokers benefit from high frequency trading
firms exploiting their customers. So they are on board. Any retail broker could allow customers
to enter stop orders held within the firm and then immediately place the trades when a price level
is hit. They choose not to do that because the high frequency trading firms generate commissions
for them.

President of the United States: Any president benefits from a bull market, especially when the
economy is tanking, Any president will support affirmative stock market action.

Congress: Congress is owned by the 100 or so richest people on the planet. Often Democrats
and Republicans mysteriously get on the same page and pass a bill at least half of them would
normally oppose. Any lawmaker who votes against one of these bills will be targeted and helped
out of office. The 100 or so richest provide the essence for most politicians in Washington. Who
is going to betray those who provide their essence.

The Media: All of the major news outlets are owned by the 100 or so richest, or at least
controlled by them. All news is agenda driven. Very little news that could be deemed negative
for the stock market ever makes it to the eyes and ears of the public.

Big Tech and Social Media: Big tech firms, especially the FANGs as much as serve as
government agencies, corrupt ones. All have government contracts. They practice agenda driven
censorship. As far as I can see, so far only the truth is being censored.

I can add more to this list, but it is getting too long already.

Views: 52