Who Gets To Suffer?

One thing that is helpful in figuring out why things turnout the way they do is ordinary thinking. There seems to be a moratorium
on that activity.

As far as I know, I am the only person in the world who has pondered such things as – who came up with the Corona Virus response? One hint is given just by making an observation as to who and what is profiting greatly as a result.

Another unasked question is: Where does the incentive to censor information that is deemed not good for the masses to hear, see or read come from? Do tech companies have a natural incentive to protect people from being exposed to what they alone deem harmful? In all of history, corporations have never taken this posture before. So, what is unique about today’s world that makes this necessary? Are ordinary citizens too stupid to process meaningful information? Well, we use the jury system. Ordinary citizens
seem to do just fine with deciding complex legal arguments.

All kinds of bad things are happening to ordinariy people in this economy while corporate profits are sound and GDP is acceptable. It is really hard to find out just how many citizens get paid by any and all government entities, including teachers, military, contractors, fire fighters and others.

Today, I made note of where the essence of just my neighbors on my street comes from. This is a very conservative neighborhood.

Here is what I found. EMS Technician and military nurse, plumbing contractor, retired air force, firefighter, USPS, retired general, retired colonel, civil service,
restores old cars. Each of these folks consider themselves to be staunch conservatives. This does not even include what public private partnerships suck out of the overall

Now notice who is suffering. Absolutely no one that I can see other than the self employed, unemployed or retired and eaten up by inflation.

Unless one believes in magic, collapse of the entire system, government, economy and way of life is the only possible outcome.


Views: 11

Trump Smells Blood Or A Carnival Barker Unleashed

I have no accurate idea of how many emails per day I get from Donald Trump. Five per hour seems about right. He smells blood and he is coming.

The tide is changing. First there is “Lets Go Brandon.”  It caught on and still has legs. The public is not accepting mandates. Lies are being exposed. The Rittenhouse trial has been won. Biden is looking worse everyday.

Trump is coming, This does not mean I support Trump. This is not entirely about the presidency. That election is in 2024.
Continue reading

Views: 6

Left Right Conservative Liberal And Genuine Influence

I constantly read and hear comments from respected
political analysts, bright blog writers and others ….that the left or liberals are imposing an agenda on well meaning right – minded conservatives. They say these things as if there is genuine effort going on to impose classic socialism on Americans. Wouldn’t it be nice if that was actually the case?

That is an easy fix. Here is how things actually break down. As I have mentioned countless times, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Banking and Insurance completely control the flow of legislation and all government policies – plus what the general public hears, thinks and base their opinions on. This is the truth, and it is scary. So what do people do with scary things? They replace them with more pleasant thoughts.

Those called left or liberal, believe in policies deemed to make life, economic, legal and
all other policies more fair and equitable. Great and as appealing as these thoughts are , human
nature must change in order for these approaches to be successful. None of their cited
appealing outcomes will ever occur. This is socialism just as it has always been

Those called right or conservatives , get such enormous benefits even while they pound
their chests and profess to be stellar conservatives. In as little as an hour, the wealthy
probably suck more income and benefits out of the country than the poor have received
through government throughout all of history. Quantitative easing (QE) alone keeps
profit margins of giant
corporations at high levels that would not be obtainable in a free market. QE is the source
of the heavily subsidized low mortgage rate folks are used to. High subsidies are present
in multiple products only the rich can afford. Corporations use government as a means
of forcing consumers to buy their goods and services. Government work pays better
than anything comparable in the private sector.

Those on the right are the most prolific socialists the world has ever seen. How do we
know this? What is socialism?

Socialism is the means by which something other than prices is used to
allocate resources in an economy. Political power is what rations economic
outcomes. So, the rich (along with other Americans with incomes in the upper half plus
all who work for the government) have learned how to draw their essence out of the
lower half by using principles of democracy. This is socialism because political power
has replaced price as the resource allocation in what was once and overwhelmingly free
market economy.

There are no conservatives or liberals. We have two sides claiming the other is the cause
of problems. This is while your true government which dictates policy  to your
perceived government picks the pockets of all citizens on both sides.

Who wants to think these things?

Views: 8

Left Right Conservative Liberal And Genuine Influences

I constantly read and hear comments from respected political analysts, bright blog writers and others that the left or liberals are imposing an agenda on well meaning right minded conservatives. They say these things as if there is a genuine effort going on to impose classic socialism on Americans. Wouldn’t it be nice if that was actually the case. That would be an easy fix.

Here is how things actually break down.
As I have mentioned countless times, Big Tech, Big Pharma,,Banking and Insurance completely control the flow of legislation, all government policies plus what the general public hears, thinks and bases their opinions on. This is the truth and it is scary. So what do people do with scary things? They replace them with more pleasant thoughts.

Those called left or liberal, believe in policies deemed to make life economic, legal and
all other more fair and equitable. Great and as appealing as these thoughts are human
nature must change in order for these approaches to be successful. None of their cited
appealing outcomes will ever occur. This is socialism just as it has always been

Those called right or conservatives get such enormous benefits even while they pound
their chests and profess to be stellar conservatives. In as little as an hour, the wealthy
probably suck more income and benefits out of the country than the poor have received
through government throughout all of history. QE alone keeps profit margins of giant
corporation a high levels that would not be obtainable in a free market. QE is the source
of the heavily subsidized low mortgage rate folks are used to. High subsidies are present
in multiple products only the rich can afford. Corporations use government as a means
of forcing consumers to buy their goods and services. Government work pays better
than anything comparable in the private sector.

Those on the right are the most prolific socialists the world has ever seen. How do we
know this? What is socialism?

Socialism is the means by which something other than prices is used to
allocate resources in an economy. Political power is what rations economic
outcomes. So, the rich along with other Americans with incomes in the upper half plus
all who work for the government have learned how to draw their essence out of the
lower half by using principles of democracy. This is socialism because political power
has replaced price as the resource allocation in what was once and overwhelmingly free
market economy.

There are no conservatives or liberals. We have two sides claiming the other is the cause
of problems. This is while your true government which dictates policy the to your
perceived government picks the pockets of all on both sides.
Who wants the think these things?


Views: 12

Stock Market Post Paris Attacks

<a href=”https://quillian.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/download.jpg”><img class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-2878″ src=”https://quillian.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/download.jpg” alt=”download” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a>Just for the record, I am expecting massive central bank support for all world markets. This has become the standard with respect to world events which might shake the financial markets. The markets would not be nearly as high as they are without central bank intervention. On Monday no effort will be spared. I am looking for a down market on Monday to start. As usual, the sequence will be a cushioned decline early followed by stabilization. As the day grinds on look for a slow steady climb from early lows followed by a burst of optimism going into the close. That is the pattern for sure down days. I don’t look for anything different tomorrow.

Views: 4

What Did Republicans Learn?

What did Republicans learn? People will pick bad over pretending to be something you are not. That doesn’t mean they will change. The country needs a conservative party but the Republicans are still offering constant rhetoric and doing just the opposite with every step. There is no free market tradition within the Republican Party. Republicanism is becoming a hard sell.

Expected Seasonal Pattern Compared To Actual Trading
Historical Statistics

Views: 7