Most Americans either don’t know the difference between healthcare and health insurance or they are too mentally lazy to make the distinction. A population this ignorant is not going to get a good deal because they are so easy to exploit the temptation smart people have to take advantage of their ignorance is just too great.
Merriam Webster provides this definition for healthcare.
“efforts made to maintain or restore health especially by trained and licensed professionals”
Merriam Webester defines health insurance this way, “insurance against loss through illness of the insured; especially : insurance providing compensation for medical expenses”
A bill like the Affordable Care Act does not expand healthcare. It expands health insurance coverage. It does that by forcing consumers to buy what they might not buy otherwise.
Ask a room full of doctors why they practice medicine and you will get some of the most selfless, noble reasons the brain can some up with. But, what do we know about doctors? They are human beings and like everyone else, nature provides them with one basic incentive, self interest. Whatever reasons are given, just know that doctors will try to make as much money as they can in the shortest period of time.
In a system of free market medicine, goodwill is optimized. Don’t count on that because as soon as another system, replaces the free market, goodwill starts to disappear rapidly. Healthcare was far from perfect before Obamacare became law. Costs are now skyrocketing and good care, for the most part is unavailable now that the law is in effect.
To the degree that government is involved in healthcare, there will always be less that costs more. Repealing Obamacare is a great move, but replacing it is worse than leaving it the way it is. Republicans cannot replace Obamacare with anything better. Repealing Obamacare and then walking away is a better choice.
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