Compliance is a Virtue

By Steve Quillian

The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or of abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So I have a question.  Are our first amendment rights being violated?  Violated might not be the best word to describe what is happening right before our eyes.  Violated?  Its hard to point the finger at any one thing that is happening and say, “That, my friend, is a classic violation.”  That’s because the word violate seeks to describe, imply a distinct crossing of a line at a place in history.  It’s a dot on the timeline where a thing is broken, something is infringed upon or transgressed against.  I parked the wrong way on a street and got a ticket.  That’s a clear violation.  I crossed a line and a punishment was meted.

Regarding first amendment rights, let us try a different word.  Let’s try squeezed.  To squeeze is to apply pressure, to put under stress, to test the resolve of a given object.  I squeeze an orange, juice comes out.  I glue two boards together and put them in the clamps.  Excess glue squeezes out.  Squeezing is useful in many applications.  With a squeeze we demonstrate affection, or choke someone out in a Jiu Jitsu match.   Interrogators were paired with political prisoners in Soviet Russia and were trained to squeeze a confession out of them, whether real or fabricated.  Squeezing properly reveals what’s inside.  So let’s squeeze and see if there’s any pushback.  Let’s squeeze and see what comes out.  We know what the first amendment says.  Let’s investigate and see if people are living as though they actually believe they have freedom to worship, speak, assemble and petition.  Who cares what’s written on that piece of paper, Let’s see what the people do! 

That’s the test.  That’s the squeeze.  Does freedom of speech really hold up?  Let it be tested.  See what the people do.  Don’t listen to what people say.  They’ll tell you what they think they ought to say, what they think you want to hear.  Rather watch them.  Make them uncomfortable.  Squeeze them.  See if they capitulate.  See if they cave.  Study their response.  I squeeze this way, they do that.  I squeeze that way, they do this.  People will demonstrate what they actually believe.  That’s what you go with.  That’s what you write down in your legal pad.

“Interesting,” says the Squeezer. (Imagine a thought bubble appearing)  I happen to like squeezing.  What happens if I squeeze really hard this way, and then give them a treat for making it through? Ah yes!  Obedience is rewarded! That’s the way!  Let us squeeze and treat.  Soon we will have obedient pets!  First Amendment rights?  HA!  That’s just a piece of paper.  Nobody believes that!  Just look what happens when I squeeze!

So how are First Amendment rights being violated?  It’s hard to say they are. Can the rights be said to be violated if nobody speaks up?  Silence is complicity.  Silence means you agree to, accept what’s being done.  People are being treated as though the First Amendment doesn’t exist, and if in the minds of the people being squeezed, it doesn’t exist, then it doesn’t exist!  The real violation is in the people accepting the pressured being applied.  The real violation is the refusal to speak up.

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with the paper it is written on.  It is an idea that must be realized within, internalized.  That it’s actually written down somewhere merely demonstrates, indicates that the idea has been captured, written down and relied upon in the past, that it’s an important idea.  But lots of ideas are written down.  Written down doesn’t mean the ideas are being implemented.  The squeezing illustrates that.  The writing, the words that at one time been captured, internalized and acted upon are being tested to see if indeed the same idea is still intact in the people.

So actually it’s not the words of the First Amendment that are being squeezed, it’s not even the idea.  It’s the people.  The people are being squeezed to see what bleeds out, to see if that idea is lodged in there or not.  Lodged in there means one thing.  Not lodged in there means something else.

Will the people object to being dominated?  Squeeze and see!  Will they object when their resources are made scarce?  Squeeze and see!  Will they object when we make them walk this way?  When we limit how they can assemble?  When we limit who they can talk to and about what they can talk about? What they can protest and what they can’t?  Squeeze and see.  We’ll see what’s really true about the people.  Perhaps they are ripe for the picking.  They’re looking pretty soft.  Squeeze a little bit and give them a treat.  You’ll see.  Those first amendment rights are just an outdated proverb to them, a plaque on the wall.  A nice saying they give lip service to.  They aren’t speaking up.  Rights?  Those are what people actually do.  These people don’t have any rights.  If they did, they’d speak up.  Look at their response to the pressure.  We are Pharoahs in the land of Egypt building pyramids, building a new society.  Let me demonstrate how I can make them sit.  Watch them beg.  Isn’t that cute? We can do whatever we want.

Blow a trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm on my holy mountain!  Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.  As the dawn is spread over the mountains, so there is a great and might people; there has never been anything like it, nor will there be again after it to the years of many generations.  A fire consumes before them and behind them a flame burns.  The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, but a desolate wilderness behind them, and nothing at all escapes them.  Joel 2:1-3

Views: 5

Citizens Being Squeezed At Alarming Rate

By Steve Quillian

The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or of abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So I have a question.  Are our first amendment rights being violated?  Violated might not be the best word to describe what is happening right before our eyes.  Violated?  Its hard to point the finger at any one thing that is happening and say, “That, my friend, is a classic violation.”  That’s because the word violate seeks to describe, imply a distinct crossing of a line at a place in history.  It’s a dot on the timeline where a thing is broken, something is infringed upon or transgressed against.  I parked the wrong way on a street and got a ticket.  That’s a clear violation.  I crossed a line and a punishment was meted.

Regarding first amendment rights, let us try a different word.  Let’s try squeezed.  To squeeze is to apply pressure, to put under stress, to test the resolve of a given object.  I squeeze an orange, juice comes out.  I glue two boards together and put them in the clamps.  Excess glue squeezes out.  Squeezing is useful in many applications.  With a squeeze we demonstrate affection, or choke someone out in a Jiu Jitsu match.   Interrogators were paired with political prisoners in Soviet Russia and were trained to squeeze a confession out of them, whether real or fabricated.  Squeezing properly reveals what’s inside.  So let’s squeeze and see if there’s any pushback.  Let’s squeeze and see what comes out.  We know what the first amendment says.  Let’s investigate and see if people are living as though they actually believe they have freedom to worship, speak, assemble and petition.  Who cares what’s written on that piece of paper, Let’s see what the people do! 

That’s the test.  That’s the squeeze.  Does freedom of speech really hold up?  Let it be tested.  See what the people do.  Don’t listen to what people say.  They’ll tell you what they think they ought to say, what they think you want to hear.  Rather watch them.  Make them uncomfortable.  Squeeze them.  See if they capitulate.  See if they cave.  Study their response.  I squeeze this way, they do that.  I squeeze that way, they do this.  People will demonstrate what they actually believe.  That’s what you go with.  That’s what you write down in your legal pad.

“Interesting,” says the Squeezer. (Imagine a thought bubble appearing)  I happen to like squeezing.  What happens if I squeeze really hard this way, and then give them a treat for making it through? Ah yes!  Obedience is rewarded! That’s the way!  Let us squeeze and treat.  Soon we will have obedient pets!  First Amendment rights?  HA!  That’s just a piece of paper.  Nobody believes that!  Just look what happens when I squeeze!

So how are First Amendment rights being violated?  It’s hard to say they are. Can the rights be said to be violated if nobody speaks up?  Silence is complicity.  Silence means you agree to, accept what’s being done.  People are being treated as though the First Amendment doesn’t exist, and if in the minds of the people being squeezed, it doesn’t exist, then it doesn’t exist!  The real violation is in the people accepting the pressured being applied.  The real violation is the refusal to speak up.

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with the paper it is written on.  It is an idea that must be realized within, internalized.  That it’s actually written down somewhere merely demonstrates, indicates that the idea has been captured, written down and relied upon in the past, that it’s an important idea.  But lots of ideas are written down.  Written down doesn’t mean the ideas are being implemented.  The squeezing illustrates that.  The writing, the words that at one time been captured, internalized and acted upon are being tested to see if indeed the same idea is still intact in the people.

So actually it’s not the words of the First Amendment that are being squeezed, it’s not even the idea.  It’s the people.  The people are being squeezed to see what bleeds out, to see if that idea is lodged in there or not.  Lodged in there means one thing.  Not lodged in there means something else.

Will the people object to being dominated?  Squeeze and see!  Will they object when their resources are made scarce?  Squeeze and see!  Will they object when we make them walk this way?  When we limit how they can assemble?  When we limit who they can talk to and about what they can talk about? What they can protest and what they can’t?  Squeeze and see.  We’ll see what’s really true about the people.  Perhaps they are ripe for the picking.  They’re looking pretty soft.  Squeeze a little bit and give them a treat.  You’ll see.  Those first amendment rights are just an outdated proverb to them, a plaque on the wall.  A nice saying they give lip service to.  They aren’t speaking up.  Rights?  Those are what people actually do.  These people don’t have any rights.  If they did, they’d speak up.  Look at their response to the pressure.  We are Pharoahs in the land of Egypt building pyramids, building a new society.  Let me demonstrate how I can make them sit.  Watch them beg.  Isn’t that cute? We can do whatever we want.

Blow a trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm on my holy mountain!  Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.  As the dawn is spread over the mountains, so there is a great and might people; there has never been anything like it, nor will there be again after it to the years of many generations.  A fire consumes before them and behind them a flame burns.  The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, but a desolate wilderness behind them, and nothing at all escapes them.  Joel 2:1-3

Views: 8

We The People With American Bald Eagle And Flag.

Americans are increasingly being asked to surrender their First Amendment rights.

Not everyone is aware of the issue.  Clicking on either image below will lead to a completed sign that can be bought for under $35.00 The same images work on t-shirts as well.

We the people with American bald eagle and flag.

Loss of First Amendment Rights is the biggest issue Americans face in the current time frame. Neither we, nor those who oppose us will have a chance once freedom of speech is gone. Can anything be done? Yes, but that requires that we draw attention to the issue independently of all media, social and otherwise.

Anyone can place a First Amendment sign in their yard  or wear a t-shirt with the same or similar message. To do so is an act of patriotism. Without, our basic rights which are written in the Bill of Rights, the essence of our existence as a country will be lost. Without First Amendment rights the military and all else in government will work against us.

A yard sign costs from $24 to $30. I am putting one in my yard. The price is as significant to me as it is to anyone. However,given the gravity and seriousness of efforts to limit and control speech, the price of a sign is cheap.

The link below is to a company called Build a sign. Clicking the link will bring up the design of the First Amendment image at the top of the page. It is not necessary to use my exact design. Make a new design of your own if you wish.

Link To Sign Design

Regardless, it will take the action of ordinary people to bring awareness to the issue of threats to First Amendment rights. Wait for politicians or the media to address the problem and there will be no progress at all. Please participate if you can.

I am a customer of BuildASign. I have no business agreement with them and get no commission on business I send them. They do good work and are inexpensive.

When Times Got Really Weird MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

Fantasy Free Economics YouTube Channel

Woodpiler Report Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts Straight Line Logic


Views: 9

First Amendment Rights

Loss of First Amendment Rights is the biggest issue Americans face in the current time frame. Neither we, nor those who oppose us will have a chance once freedom of speech is gone. Can anything be done? Yes, but that requires that we draw attention to the issue independently of all media, social and otherwise.

Anyone can place a First Amendment sign in their yard  or wear a t-shirt with the same or similar message. To do so is an act of patriotism. Without, our basic rights which are written in the Bill of Rights, the essence of our existence as a country will be lost. Without First Amendment rights the military and all else in government will work against us.

A yard sign costs from $24 to $30. I am putting one in my yard. The price is as significant to me as it is to anyone. However,given the gravity and seriousness of efforts to limit and control speech, the price of a sign is cheap.

The link below is to a company called Build a sign. Clicking the link will bring up the design of the First Amendment image at the top of the page. It is not necessary to use my exact design. Make a new design of your own if you wish.

Link To Sign Design

Regardless, it will take the action of ordinary people to bring awareness to the issue of threats to First Amendment rights. Wait for politicians or the media to address the problem and there will be no progress at all. Please participate if you can.

I am a customer of BuildASign. I have no business agreement with them and get no commission on business I send them. They do good work and are inexpensive.

When Times Got Really Weird MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

Fantasy Free Economics YouTube Channel

Woodpiler Report Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts Straight Line Logic


Views: 7

Stock Market End Game 2021

Stock Market End Game 2021 PDF Version 

This is the stock market end game. Yes, it is happening right now. How do I know? It is obvious. The difference is that I am able to look and notice what is right in front of my eyes.

In forty years or so information will become unclassified. Reasons for what is happening will have become completely obvious just like it always does.

In the sixties, Lyndon Johnson faked the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution and incident as a means of accelerating the Vietnam war. The result was that many countless North Vietnamese died as a result. Does anyone care today? Does it bother anyone today. Should it? If it does, I haven’t noticed.

Will the truth ever come out about what is being done to the United States today? That depends on whether or not the country will survive in a recognizable form. I don’t think it will. The entire country is consumed in mal-adaptive behavior. A free society would have to develop and the one we have had has deteriorated.  Americans simply do not identify as free people and are volunteering by slavery by the multitudes. Americans are getting their wish.

Would it not be nice if it was possible for folks to have all of their life’s decisions made by government in ways that made their lives better and created a wonderful path for living? Our original approach was just the opposite. Being free sounds appealing but it creates stress. Americans can’t cope with that stress so they are turning over their freedom to their betters. That guarantees complete misery for us all. That is what people want. The process is in place. Outside of divine intervention, I can’t think of a thing that can be done to save the country.

On September 12, made the following post. I explained what was coming during the weak fall seasonal pattern.

Stock Market September Thru October Fall Seasonal Pattern

My forecast was that an attempt to leap frog over the seasonal weakness would be made. It happened but the leap was much less pronounced than I had anticipated. This has happened in every year since 2006 when manipulation began to be accelerated beyond depending on benefits from the Federal Reserve alone. Exceptions have been a few occasions  when the sell side volume  suddenly became unmanageable. According to popular thought, that was then and this is now.  So, is it rational to assume that corruption was present in the sixties but all is fine now. You decide.

Make no mistake, the averages are being held up artificially. Efforts to launch a new leg to the uptrend are ongoing. The slightest pin prick will cause it all to implode. That doesn’t mean there is not a plan in place for if that happens. I am certain there is.

Taking over the world and enslaving as much of the world’s population by use of military. is old school. Financial engineering is the new tool. So, everyone hunker down.  Congratulation Americans. You have been successfully enslaved and no one fired a shot at you. Is that not the epitome of efficiency. Congratulations to the Deep State.

I wrote the following article back in August 2020. Take a look at it if you have time

How to seasonal-pattern/Take Over the World in the Modern Era

Views: 10

Stock Market End Game 2021

Stock Market End Game 2021 PDF Version 

This is the stock market end game. Yes, it is happening right now. How do I know? It is obvious. The difference is that I am able to look and notice what is right in front of my eyes.

In forty years or so information will become unclassified. Reasons for what is happening will have become completely obvious just like it always does.

In the sixties, Lyndon Johnson faked the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution and incident as a means of accelerating the Vietnam war. The result was that many countless North Vietnamese died as a result. Does anyone care today? Does it bother anyone today. Should it? If it does, I haven’t noticed.

Will the truth ever come out about what is being done to the United States today? That depends on whether or not the country will survive in a recognizable form. I don’t think it will. The entire country is consumed in mal-adaptive behavior. A free society would have to develop and the one we have had has deteriorated.  Americans simply do not identify as free people and are volunteering by slavery by the multitudes. Americans are getting their wish.

Would it not be nice if it was possible for folks to have all of their life’s decisions made by government in ways that made their lives better and created a wonderful path for living? Our original approach was just the opposite. Being free sounds appealing but it creates stress. Americans can’t cope with that stress so they are turning over their freedom to their betters. That guarantees complete misery for us all. That is what people want. The process is in place. Outside of divine intervention, I can’t think of a thing that can be done to save the country.

On September 12, made the following post. I explained what was coming during the weak fall seasonal pattern.

Stock Market September Thru October Fall Seasonal Pattern

My forecast was that an attempt to leap frog over the seasonal weakness would be made. It happened but the leap was much less pronounced than I had anticipated. This has happened in every year since 2006 when manipulation began to be accelerated beyond depending on benefits from the Federal Reserve alone. Exceptions have been a few occasions  when the sell side volume  suddenly became unmanageable. According to popular thought, that was then and this is now.  So, is it rational to assume that corruption was present in the sixties but all is fine now. You decide.

Make no mistake, the averages are being held up artificially. Efforts to launch a new leg to the uptrend are ongoing. The slightest pin prick will cause it all to implode. That doesn’t mean there is not a plan in place for if that happens. I am certain there is.

Taking over the world and enslaving as much of the world’s population by use of military. is old school. Financial engineering is the new tool. So, everyone hunker down.  Congratulation Americans. You have been successfully enslaved and no one fired a shot at you. Is that not the epitome of efficiency. Congratulations to the Deep State.

I wrote the following article back in August 2020. Take a look at it if you have time

How to seasonal-pattern/Take Over the World in the Modern Era

Views: 13

Stock Market End Game 2021

Stock Market End Game 2021 PDF Version 

This is the stock market end game. Yes, it is happening right now. How do I know? It is obvious. The difference is that I am able to look and notice what is right in front of my eyes.

In forty years or so information will become unclassified. Reasons for what is happening will have become completely obvious just like it always does.

In the sixties, Lyndon Johnson faked the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution and incident as a means of accelerating the Vietnam war. The result was that many countless North Vietnamese died as a result. Does anyone care today? Does it bother anyone today. Should it? If it does, I haven’t noticed.

Will the truth ever come out about what is being done to the United States today? That depends on whether or not the country will survive in a recognizable form. I don’t think it will. The entire country is consumed in mal-adaptive behavior. A free society would have to develop and the one we have had has deteriorated.  Americans simply do not identify as free people and are volunteering by slavery by the multitudes. Americans are getting their wish.

Would it not be nice if it was possible for folks to have all of their life’s decisions made by government in ways that made their lives better and created a wonderful path for living? Our original approach was just the opposite. Being free sounds appealing but it creates stress. Americans can’t cope with that stress so they are turning over their freedom to their betters. That guarantees complete misery for us all. That is what people want. The process is in place. Outside of divine intervention, I can’t think of a thing that can be done to save the country.

On September 12, made the following post. I explained what was coming during the weak fall seasonal pattern.

Stock Market September Thru October Fall Seasonal Pattern

My forecast was that an attempt to leap frog over the seasonal weakness would be made. It happened but the leap was much less pronounced than I had anticipated. This has happened in every year since 2006 when manipulation began to be accelerated beyond depending on benefits from the Federal Reserve alone. Exceptions have been a few occasions  when the sell side volume  suddenly became unmanageable. According to popular thought, that was then and this is now.  So, is it rational to assume that corruption was present in the sixties but all is fine now. You decide.

Make no mistake, the averages are being held up artificially. Efforts to launch a new leg to the uptrend are ongoing. The slightest pin prick will cause it all to implode. That doesn’t mean there is not a plan in place for if that happens. I am certain there is.

Taking over the world and enslaving as much of the world’s population by use of military. is old school. Financial engineering is the new tool. So, everyone hunker down.  Congratulation Americans. You have been successfully enslaved and no one fired a shot at you. Is that not the epitome of efficiency. Congratulations to the Deep State.

I wrote the following article back in August 2020. Take a look at it if you have time

How to seasonal-pattern/Take Over the World in the Modern Era

Views: 8

Truth About Fiat Money

Common Sense Economics as of October 7 as recognizing the most recent record highs as marking the end of the bull market that started in 2009. Unlike all other bull markets in history this one was politically created and maintained with organized support.
The bear market we are about to experience will be far more destructive than most are currently able to fathom. The coinciding depression may be worse than the one during the 1930s.
Guaranteed, all will hear about the evils of fiat money. Don’t believe it isn’t true. There will be calls to return to the gold standard. Few realized that gold certificates were fiat money also. How is that? They were redeemable in only one commodity and government controlled the price. Regular fiat money is also convertible into gold but government doesn’t control the price. It can also be converted into anything else. It is more accurate to call it deregulated money.
So, what is the problem? Governments cannot maintain stable currencies. Why? Governments can’t make economic decisions. They make political decisions so the amount of money in circulation always reflects the needs of the politically elite. The gold standard was constantly tampered with politically. The asset bubbles of the 1920s were directly caused tampering with the gold backed pound following WWI.
Money creation gets out of hand because citizens are unwilling to control government. Chances are good that within the next 50 years a new currency will emerge in the private sector. There is no chance a government will sponsor a trouble free currency. In all of history it has never been done.

Views: 6

Robert Reich, Good Article

Part 2 Affirmative Stock Market Engineering War Room PDF Version

It is really hard to convince folks that there is something going on in a system when  they already see and know  everything  and are convinced they have noticed all that matters. The truth is none of us have critical information at important moments.

Conventional wisdom is that the Federal Reserve creates massive unearned money and that money ends up in the stock market. Corporations use that money to buy back their own stock. Therefore the stock market always goes up. The stock market will go up until this particular episode comes to the end. 

That line of reason happens to be true but there is more to it. There are other mechanisms in operations that are in place which are of even greater influence. Continue reading

Views: 4

W. C. Fields Moments

On one hand we have a population absorbed in
following top down national narratives as if to do
otherwise would be unpatriotic. Meanwhile and
never mind that democracy cannot survive without
division. Some may be familiar with the judus goat
concept. Sheep have a natural fear of the smell of
blood. It is hard to march them forward into the
slaughter house. A special type of goad was trained
to gain the confidence of the sheep so that they
would follow him. The judus goat would then lead
the trusting sheep to slaughter. The goat would not
be slaughtered but would return and lead another
group of sheep to their deaths.

Today, at least four industries with symbiotic
relationships along with politicians and others serve
as judus goats with respect to the overall
population. Profit opportunities abound. Any
line of reasoning that puts any of this system in
question is censored. Even Firefox engages in
censorship. That is probably to protect the
money it receives from Google.

On the other hand, there is the rest of the
population believing every word that comes out
of the mouth of authority. Their fears are
assuaged while they wait, but not resolved. All
of their critical decisions are made by
government. Citizens look to government to
solve their problems. People will pay enormous
sums for these services even though the benefits are imaginary. What we have is a nation of
chumps supporting a network of wealthy others who have become highly adept at exploiting the
inborn insecurities of the overall population. While the public is looking for solutions to
problems, the elite are looking for problems to exploit. They are doing that.

Here is the reality we face today as explained by WC Fields.

Just like my Uncle Charlie used to say, just before he sprung the trap: He said, “You can’t cheat
and honest man! Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.

“You can fool some of the people some of the time — and that’s enough to make a decent

The world’s largest industries are basically making sure no one is even able to smarten up
chumps by censoring all dialog that might cause that to happen.

Views: 8