Economics of the Rich

Download PDF Version                                                                       October 30, 2015

please don't feed the richEarn enough money and living above the law is easily accomplished. Given enough money the congress, president and all of the nation’s people work for you. All you have to do is get laws passed that force ordinary citizens to pay you. With enough money that is not only feasible it happens constantly. Every law congress passes serves this purpose. Bills do not make it to the floor for any reason other than to increase and guarantee wealth and income for the upper one percent of the population.

Quantitative easing is not a law, but it is a policy initiated by political appointees none of whom would be members of the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee unless lawmakers were certain such policies would be implemented.  For the rich donor class, quantitative easing has been the most lucrative government program in history.

Quantitative easing does only one thing well. It prevents markets from clearing. I don’t mean just the stock market. I mean every market where goods and services are bought and sold. To the economy as a whole this is devastating. Ordinary citizens are beginning to notice the packages they buy contain less and less product. It is beginning to occur to some who are working for less than they used to

<a href=”″><img class=”alignleft wp-image-5236 size-medium” src=”×200.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a><em><strong>The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.</strong></em>

be worth, that new and better jobs are not going to appear.  Preventing markets from clearing has an effect on an economy similar what an animal experiences if it can’t eliminate waste. It gets weaker and weaker and finally dies.

The poor and middle class don’t trust the free market concept and are often lulled into believing it is what is causing the problems. The wealthy understand free markets perfectly but also know they are better off if the constraints don’t apply to them personally.

I am often accused of being anti government. Government actually plays a critical role in a free market system. Only government can create and maintain a fair playing field. Government is not doing that. It is doing just the opposite.

Government has degenerated into a corporate tool that puts all but a few at a serious disadvantage.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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