Life’s basic questions have never been answered. With mainstream economists those questions don’t matter. For those of use who prefer being right to being popular, basic questions make a world of difference. All issues academia does not wish to deal with are routinely dismissed. They have no chance of being right about any of them.
What is life? What is consciousness? If we can’t answer these questions, there is no way we can call life a gift. The only evidence we have implies that life is an obligation. The sensations of pleasure and pain keep us from abandoning our mission, whatever it might be. It is too painful to leave and life can be so much fun we want to stay and participate.
Fortunately, nature gives living things what they need to optimize our chances of surviving while we are here. All animals have the ability to recognize dangers and opportunities in the present. This gift is not flawless, but it is amazingly accurate. Notice how a dog is alerted by sudden loud noises. In the life of a dog, a loud noise usually comes from a source that is not good for the dog. The same dog recognizes conditions where potential food is around.
Human beings have similar abilities. At first glance, a human can recognize things and circumstances for what they are in the present moment. There is a problem however. Through imagination, a human can and does create an alternative reality for himself and others. I mentioned earlier that we don’t know what life is. The process of being alive and staying alive is so hash and brutal, humans compulsively see it as more gentle than it really is.
The reason fantasy free economics works so well is that answers and responses to life’s issues are highly accurate without the confusing process of muddling through an alternate reality that is in place just as a source of comfort.
Nature gives us all the gift of highly accurate discernment in the present moment but only if we are fantasy free. We can accept the reality that is in place, as in the one nature gives us. When that is the practice right, wrong, good and indifferent become obvious. Commonly, functional reality is that which a person creates for himself or what is created for him by others.
Mainstream economics is based on numerous erroneous assumptions that have value in the sense that they make life seem more pleasant. They are a hindrance when there is a problem that needs to solved.