Ted Cruz is announcing a bid for the presidency. From day one, the Republican National Committee will be trying to take him down. How hard that will be to do depends upon how popular he is in the beginning. If his popularity is much higher than that of Jeb Bush, the Republican National Committee might not be able to get rid of him.
Here is what Fantasy Free Economics knows about Ted Cruz.
1.) He is a sociopath.
2.) He is an accomplished liar.
3.) He is completely ruthless.
4.) He has little understanding of the financial markets.
5.) He is a military hawk.
Were he not a sociopath, an accomplished liar and completely ruthless, he could never have been elected to the Senate. Texans won’t vote for a candidate that tells the truth and politics is so competitive that only a sociopath can get elected to high office.
We know from his speeches that he is clueless about economic issues. So far he has been pretty much a military hawk.
This doesn’t sound so good but in terms of potential, but he is way out ahead of the pack. For a Republican candidate, Cruz is the choice of Fantasy Free Economics. Cruz does not seem to be offended at all with the fascist approach that is currently crippling the country.
However, most of the other candidates have helped create the fascist system we are currently suffering under, Jeb Bush especially. Cruz could possibly change and favor a free market system. Probably Cruz’s strongest characteristic is that the rest of the Republican Party hates him.
Just remember, there is no such thing as a good president. Any president will spend as much as is possible, and all since Calvin Coolidge have. Presidents run for office for their own benefit and it is wrong to expect one to work on behalf of voters unless there is constant pressure from citizens.
The plan Cruz has of abolishing the IRS is not as good as it sounds. The fair tax has a fine name but there is more to a good tax code than fairness. One thing is for certain. As long as the current lawmakers are in place, there is no way for the vast majority of Americans to benefit from a change in the tax code. That will help only the 1% who are responsible for pushing Congress to pass laws. No elitist in his right mind is going to lobby for something to help the poor and middle class.