Who has the guts to stand up to authority? It is certainly not middle class whites and other prosperous ethnic groups. Our founding fathers founded this country on the basis of lack of trust for government. So blacks in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York and other places take to the streets because they don’t trust the police. Distrust of authority is the most important factor in maintaining freedom and is the exact principle on which the United States was founded.
Isn’t it interesting that the only group of American who had no rights in the beginning are now carrying the water for the rest of the country in standing up to authority. Perhaps they have become distressed enough to notice that all important things that happen in government are caused by pressure from outside the system. Without money to buy results in congress, perhaps they reason that demonstrating in public is their best option.
Why would a black American try to accomplish anything through the formal system? We all have short memories when it comes to things we would rather not remember. Is the United States a terrorist nation? I would say, not now but we used to be. I don’t know for sure, but I think there were lynchings as late as the 1950s and 1960s. Is lynching not terrorism? Things like this are not that easy to forget for the people who were abused. When a lynching occurred, law enforcement looked the other way. The lynchings were not once in a while. There were lots of them. Sure these things were a while back but I think blacks would be stupid to forget and go on as if nothing happened. I don’t think it is reasonable to expect to expect black people to have the same trust of law enforcement as other Americans.
This is not the same as carrying on a vicious vendetta against the rest of the country. Blacks have experienced the brutality a government can inflict and probably understand a lot better why the founding fathers didn’t trust government. Distrust of government is prudent.