The campaign for the 2020 presidential election has be begun. Donald Trump has less than impressive polling numbers. Those numbers are extremely high in today’s political arena. Although he is well under 50%, there is not a politician in the western world who rates anywhere near that high. Donald Trump has his supporters focused on building the wall. He has them repeating meaningless mantras like “Make America great again.” Meaningful news is never reported. Congress never shares knowledge with constituents. If they did most lawmakers would lose their jobs. In a free society, citizens need information to accomplish the task of managing government. Since only a handful of constituents know what is really going on in the world or what genuine issues are in play, ordinary people have no effect on what government does or doesn’t do.
In the meantime, the Trump economy is transferring wealth and income from the bottom of the food chain to the top at an accelerated pace. Trump’s supporters get to hear kind words from him while they are being fleeced.
Democrats are throwing hats in the ring. The cast of Democratic candidates is going to be part of the biggest freak show the country has ever seen. Very simply every democrat is running with agendas that that no government in the universe has a chance of accomplishing. The success of their issues depends upon their representatives being selfless and filled with the imaginary incentive to serve. Turn global warming over to government and watch feeding frenzies on government money ensue as public private partnership grow. How about ending racism or bias against LGBTs? Is government going to make folks love and appreciate one another? The whole concept of democracy comes down to being a way for people who vehemently disagree to live in the same place at the same time and still participate in government.
We live in a fascist world. Fascist means top down socialism. Fascism is a form of socialism. The campaign will come down to right wing top down socialist vs. left wing classic socialists. Statistically speaking there are no free market enthusiasts in the population at all. When the race for president comes down to two candidates both will do all possible to avoid revealing who they really are.
With free market principles abandoned, peace disappears. Economics by force is the only other option. Principles of democracy are being abandoned also. Democracy serves as a source of peace also. Lack of peace manifests itself in more ways than can be fathomed.
Campaign 2020 begins against a backdrop that includes a highly comfortable population, even with the lost of economic viability. The American population is too comfortable to do a lot of critical thinking. Notice how that changes, in cases when discomfort shows itself. The only thing that makes the outcome of the presidential race not completely predictable is the possibility that unexpected events might make the citizens uncomfortable. As comfort decreases, thinking increases a little. Actual suffering can spur all kinds of problem solving cerebral activity.
So, unless something out of the blue wakes up voters its going to be a total freak show from now until November 2020.