Confessions Of A Happy Conspiracy Theorist.pdf
Conspiracy theory is a term that is used to protect a lie.
Where do we find the most conspiracies? Very little happens in Washington D.C. that is not a conspiracy. What is a lobbyist other than one who represents others who are conspiring to have congress pass a bill that bolsters their income and well being. Every election is filled with conspiracies to allow one candidate to gain an advantage over the other or to discredit the opposition. Every advertisement is a conspiracy to get new customers.However, only when a lie is being protected does conspiracy theory get mentioned and it is in a negative way. If one is going to study group behavior, assuming no conspiracies removes anything and everybody which might be studied.
So, when some of the first words from the media after Epstein dies, start making reference to what conspiracy theorists are going to come up with, that is a an attempt to protect a lie. Actually, doubting the veracity of what we are told is different than conspiracy theory. Even parents wisely question the words that come out of their children’s mouths.
Truth is not used in politics. Truth can be used in government but it is just one tool in the communication toolbox. The fact is that all that happens in aggregate behavior is conspiracy based, even if it is only partial.
Over the years, conspiracy theories that get no respect, turn out to be true. Regardless, in order to protect lies, all conspiracy theories get pigeon holed in the category of the fake moon landing kind.
After the beginning of the Spanish American War, the conspiracy theory was that the Spanish actually did not blow up the Battle Ship Main. We now know that that conspiracy theory turned out to be true.
There was the theory that the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was actually based on an incident that didn’t occur. That one turned out to be true.
There was no way Oswald acted alone in the Kennedy assignation. Evidence has emerged to the effect that the assignation was carried out by our own CIA.However, only when a lie is being protected does conspiracy theory get mentioned and it is in a negative way.
If someone wants to call me a conspiracy theorist, I am happy to have it that way. There is just no way to question what goes on in Washington without being labeled a conspiracy theorist with hopes that you will be dismissed. The term conspiracy theorist is in deed used for the purpose of protecting a lie. I have never known it to be used any other way.
The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.