Fantasy Free A Way To Survive

Happiness is achieved mostly by viewing the world we live in through the prism of fantasy. Is that all that bad? It doesn’t seem to be. How else is a person to be happy in a universe where all living things must survive in a system of dominance and subservience? The easiest way is to replace harsh realities with euphemisms and more pleasant notions. Decades can go by where it seems not to matter whether a person lives in a dream world or stares cold realities directly in the face. Most of the time it may actually not matter. So, why take a fantasy free approach to live? Very simply, fantasy free is a way to survive in a crisis period.

During a world war, fantasy free is a better approach as it is in a depression or in any number of situations when looking reality coldly in the face puts a person at a distinct advantage. I have studied history for many years and I am not sure I can find a period where the citizens of in any country were as divorced from reality as they are in the United States today. Today, Americans for the most part believe our military is fighting for noble causes when they are in fact fighting for profits for people with enough political power to have troops deployed out of personal interest. Politicians are believed to be representing citizens when they are in fact fleecing their constituents. Government is seen as naturally honest when in fact truth is not used in politics at all unless by accident. Government is seen as a benevolent institution when it is and always has been a play ground for predators. These are what I call reality gaps. The country’s economy and political system are in the process of collapsing and the average person is not even aware there is a problem.

In a different time and place I would not even be writing this blog. At this particular time in history it is of extreme importance, at least for a little while, to shed euphemisms and expose fantasies. The well being of you and your family depends upon it. Your lives may also depend on it. It is time to sober up and face the crisis. You might ask, what crisis?

Your government is not functioning as a government. Your government runs about the same ways as does a crime family. Your economic system has been sabotaged. In a free market, government imposes free market discipline. Today your government creates feeding frenzies for the rich and politically powerful.

The economy in the United States is going to completely collapse. The entire system of government may fail. There is no way a government as corrupt as the one we have today can hold together. Laws no longer apply to everyone. Powerful people do not have to obey the law at all. In other cases laws are enforced according to what is politically profitable. Otherwise intelligent people are walking around repeating sound bites their brains have recorded and insisting they know what they are talking about. I would rather tell you that we are on the eve of a golden age where there will be nothing but peace and prosperity. But the collapse is coming.

In the coming days fantasy free thinking will be a way to survive.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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