Nothing has changed over history’s long timeline. Technically Americans have authority over their government. They choose not to use it. Instead they follow the historical norm of seeking messiahs to go to Washington and fix all of their problems. More than a few politicians are willing to make the offer. The result is always bigger and more expensive government.
Each citizen professes a belief in representative government but rejects the role of actually supervising elected officials. Conservatives have lost ground every year since the American Revolution. Still conservatives engage in messiah seeking as their preferred method of controlling government.
The alternative is to assume authority over the president and lawmakers, forcing them to represent citizens in the strictest sense. In all of record history, the ladder approach has never been tried. Citizens overwhelmingly reject this kind of true representation which is called the delegate model of representation.
Conservatives everywhere are ranting about the constitution and returning the country to its glory days. These conservatives have never studied history. There were no glory days and the constitution has been regularly disregard since the day the founding fathers all signed it. Our government has always been stable but congress has never represented constituents in anything other than a vague sense.
Over the years ordinary citizens have made gains but only when they have pressured government from outside the political system. The civil rights and anti-Vietnam war movement are good examples.
Conservatives can either work creatively outside the system or be resigned to continue losing the quality of life they appreciate.