Immigration and Related Issues

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This is a classic case of folks acting on the basis things are one way when they are really another. The immigration issues boils down billionaires importing customers, politicians importing constituents contrasted with everyone else importing neighbors.

Billionaires  are getting customers so for them it is all good. The parties in power are gaining the constituents they expect to bolster their power base. The general population is the only group getting more problems than benefits. The problems are enormous.

There are a number of false notions about the current round of human travel. The migration is not of the classic kind the mind is likely to perceive. The migration is being orchestrated from the top down. The popular conception is that each individual is a freedom seeker acting independently of the influence of others. Immigrants are presented as victims of hate and disdain. Certainly there is an element of that. What is never mentioned is that the hate and disdain is mutual. How is that? This is normal human behavior when two or more groups of people with contrasting beliefs and customs are compressed together by a force greater than they are.  The last myth I will mention is the idea that people in general are prone to seek freedom. Perhaps a few are. They are hard to find. Normally mankind seeks comfort and bargains freedom away in exchange. At this point neither host country citizens nor migrants are seeking freedom.

Neither the migrants or citizens of host countries understand the underlying dynamics of the situation. Both make no distinction between what government is for and what it actually does. Both groups believe they are special in they eyes of their government representatives. The only importance members of either group have in the political scene is as chattel to important people, who find uses for them.

If and until citizens of the various host countries snap themselves into reality and take control of their governments from the bottom up, issues like this have no solution. Despite claims to the contrary, mankind has never followed that path.  Even with the American Revolution, it was the elite of the colonies who wanted to separate from England.

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