Overall Scheme Of Things Quiz June 25, .2020

The following is a true and false test covering the overall scheme of things with respect to today’s political, economic and social situations. There are no automatically right answers. Don’t try and guess what my answers are although I may post them as a comment when I get around to it.

Sometimes we are not sure we what we think. A test like this can be utilized by a person to examine his own thoughts in the light of reality.

Notice that I do not use but occasional facts in these articles. I know about as many facts as the next guy. But, my work focuses on understanding the realities of situations when there are only a few to no facts available.

At this very moment, do we know what the president is doing? How about folks in congress? What are they thinking and planning?

All of the statistics in the world, give no clues about what leaders and all others are doing at this very moment. The principle facts we have are simply knowing what various humans are prone to be doing. Typically, when decisions are made, relevant information is not in hand but predictions can be made simply by understanding human nature and knowing that human nature is what determines outcomes.  These kinds of forecasts are much more reliable than those based on statistics and quantitative analysis.

1.) In the case of a national emergency such as the Corona Virus, a policy managed by authorities in federal government that requires cooperation of the overall will produce an optimum outcome with respect to overall deaths and other occurances.

True       False

2.) Central planning has always produced positive outcomes in an economy.

True       False

3.) Central planning has always worked out to the detriment of every economy where it has been tried.

True       False

4.) Even if central planning has always failed in terms of enhancing any economy, it is still the best approach for handling the Corona Virus situation.

True       False

5.) A doctor working for a government agency is the smartest and best expert on the Corona Virus.

True       False

6.) A doctor working for a government agency may actually be less qualified than countless doctors working for universities as professors and other local physicians.

True       False

7.)  A doctor working for a state agency is likely to be the best politician among the country’s physicians since it takes political skills to acquire a high level political appointment.

True       False

8.) A doctor working for a state agency has no personal agenda and acts totally in the public interest.

True       False

9.) When a national emergency occurs, the agenda of solving the crisis as it is explained in the beginning is the only relevant agenda since human nature is good and no additional agendas will ever emerge.

True       False

10.) On the aggregate level it is understood that self interest is always an incentive, but mankind is also filled with a powerful incentive to serve others. So we can assume the leaders we elect are always trying to do what is right by their constituents.

True       False

10.) One path to success in life is that of learning how to network with others.

True       False

11.) Insiders of the world’s largest corporations and politicians, however never engage in networking activities

True       False

20.) Officers in U.S. corporations are actually among the world’s most prolific networkers.

True       False

21.) Those who are high up in big tech, health insurance. pharmaceutical, biotech and big banks never talk to anyone in China so they had no way to know a virus was coming before anyone in government knew.

True       False

22.) American corporations are headquartered in the United States, so they are indeed American in all respects and always have the best interests of the nation at heart.

True       False

23.) The national response to the Corona Virus has been very favorable to the stocks of big tech, insurance, social media  and big banks.

True       False

24.) The national Corona Virus response was actually developed by the largest and most powerful corporations in the world.

True       False

25.) Saving lives in the national response is given more importance than saving the stock market.

True       False

26.) Big tech firms are like a giant shining light over the horizon and will guide everyone towards well being for all for all of the 21st century.

True       False

27.) Big tech firms are actually in the human herding business.

True       False

28.) When a man wants get a dog to do something, he gives the animal a treat. It is a treat only the master has access to.

True       False

29.) Social media offers human beings a treat such as a free Facebook page. Only through Facebook and a few others can a human being get such a treat. That treat is then deemed necessary for their well being.

True       False

30.) Human beings have strong herding instincts and herd one another in the same way they herd animals

True       False

30.) The combined revenue of big tech, big pharma, big banks and health insurance amounts to more revenue then the GDPs of most countries.

True       False

31.) The Federal Reserve is capable of lowering and raising interest rates which are part of a market that is larger than the stock market.

True       False

32.)  Do these industries (big tech, big pharma, big banks and health insurance) have enough economic power to create and manage uptrends in their stocks and the overall market?

True       False

33.)  The stock market is pristine, never has been manipulated and never will be.

True       False

34.) It has been shown that in every time frame in history there has always been an ongoing effort to take over the world, normally militarily.

True       False

35.) Military undertakings are engaged in to satisfy the taste of leaders who simply enjoy killing.

True       False

36.) Military adventures are normally entered into as a means of making servants out of citizens who occupy other countries.

True       False

37.) The military has always been used as a means to imperialist ends because it was the best means at the time.

True       False

38.) If the world could be taken over and controlled by other means such as buying up and controlling the world’s factors of production destroying others military would still be the method of choice.

True       False

39.) Aspiring overlords would actually rather gain control by non violence because war diminishes the value of the spoils that are the incentive for war in the first place.

True       False

40.) If the largest corporations had the ability to control the incomes of all, their well being as well as their own profitability, they would not do so because that would be dishonorable. Honor and doing what is right guides corporate America.

True       False

In 2012 Curbside Jimmy wrote, “When Times Got Really Weird.” That song is turning out to be quite prophetic.

When Times Got Really Weird MP3

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

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Woodpiler Report Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts Straight Line Logic





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