We are seeing the emergence of Urban Savages in U.S. cities. This is a common phenomenon in third world countries, especially in those which are partially industrialized. Brazil has had urban savages for decades. Urban savagery is so bad in Brazil that police forces have been known to cull those populations periodically with bullets, just as is done with animal herds. This does not occur accidentally nor is it purposefully cultivated. Urban savagery occurs because governments are used to rig markets and transfer wealth to the politically powerful in countless ways.
Oddly, despite the fact that African Americans have been seriously oppressed in the United States, white folks routinely copy everything they do. Like any group of people, part of what they do is good and other stuff is not so good. Expect urban savagery to spread among white youth as well, and you won’t be disappointed. Make no mistake there are plenty of white savages. They are not yet as visible. White youth and black youth will both fight with one another but they also work together. There is no government program that will solve this issue. It is government programs that are responsible for the issue. More government programs will create more urban savages.
There are additional causes. One is the minimum wage and the fantasy that it increases incomes in low income groups. What it does is increase the income of a few and extinguish any possibility of employment for multitudes of others. Child labor laws are another. Children learn much more by working than they do by going to schools. Actually once a child gets past the 6th grade, for all but a few, there is no learning at all, other than what is incidental. At one time the youth in the United States were the most educated in the world. The last time I checked we are about 25th. Public schools, past elementary, are institutions of learning in name only. Mostly the public school system provides income to bureaucrats starting at the Department of Education and moving all the way down to the assistant principals. U.S. students are first in one category. They have the highest self esteems in the world.
With respect higher education, other than the hard sciences, college degrees are worthless in terms of utility to society. This is why so many college graduates are delivering pizzas. The fastest way for a young person to become permanently impoverished is to take out a huge student loan and get a college degree. The student loan business is a glorified version of the loan shark business. Even when learning takes place, when government promotes college educations, the number of smart people rockets far above the demand. The youth here who become savages have no more education that the youth in primitive societies and probably fewer moral values. What do we expect?
Still, the biggest cause is the practice of using government to rig market and nothing else. The name of this practice is fascism. Once the cancer of fascism gets a grip on a nation there is no recovery. There is no chance of recovery at all if citizens do not understand what is happening. As of now, they don’t.
Look for the Urban Savage phenomenon to continue. Currently there is no way to stop it.
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